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=Ideas for RubyMUD=
=Ideas for RubyMUD=
Ideas for [[RubyMUD]], generated by me and other users alike.
Ideas for [[RubyMUD]], generated by me and other users alike.

==Player races==
==Player races==
For the moment when Archons consider adding more races to the MUD.
For the moment when Archons consider adding more than 3.
===Comparative table of suggested stats===
{| border="1"
! Race !! STR !! DEX !! CON !! INT !! WIS !! CHA !! Classes relevant to "+" stats
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
| All of 'em
| +
| –
| +
| –
| Fighter, Druid, Barbarian, Delver
| +
| –
| +
| –
| Fighter, Cleric, Paladin, Doomsayer, Templar
| –
| –
| +
| +
| All mages, Bard, Minstrel
| –
| +
| +
| –
| All mages, Cleric, Oracle
| +
| –
| –
| +
| Thief, Bard, Burglar, Jester
| –
| +
| +
| –
| Thief, Druid, Trapper, Beastmaster

This distribution probably isn't the ideal, of course.
Not many stat bonuses/drawbacks, or even none at all. Their major rac.bonus is the ability to see in the dark, which is pretty useful in the underground. Their major rac.penalty is vulnerability to sunlight. Dunno how the latter could be implemented in a dungeon-based MUD - maybe have some places where the sun shines through the cave ceiling? Or magically created sunlight? Or maybe make them vulnerable to all kinds of bright light (e.g., magical light, bright fire, etc.)?

You may have noticed that each stat on the table has exactly 2 +'s and 2 –'s; and each race also has 2 +'s and 2 –'s (except Gnolls, who have all 0's). This was made for the sake of balance, so that no stat would be more/less popular in the race distribution. Right now, I'm not too pleased with the Goblins' situation; but I don't seem to see a solution yet.
Based on the gnoll Muschio meets in the first DiveQuest chapter, their main stat should probably be DEX. They could be a race inclined towards DEX-based combat (not brutish force, but dodging and swift blows). As opposed to Cutebolds, who could become a more CHA-oriented race (that is, Bard-oriented), Gnolls could have more DEX rac.bonuses than 'bolds, but no CHA rac.bonuses. Rough try: Cutebolds -1 str -1 int +1 dex +1 cha Gnolls +2 dex -1 int -1 cha

All these racial stats and penalties could be explained in the race description fluff. Read a rough draft for possible race description fluff below:
They're dungeon-dwellers, they're minion-type, and they appeared in a few quests. The thing is, how to make them more distinct from Ogres? Sadly, I know too little about quest!Ogres and quest!Orcs alike. Judging by appearance, Ogres seem to be more strong, but less agile/smart than Orcs. Rough try: Ogres -1 dex -1 int -1 cha +2 str +1 con Orcs -1 int -1 cha +1 str +1 con. That looks suspiciously similar, but we can maybe distinguish them by giving them some distinct non-stat-based racial quirks?

===Fluff which can be reworked into smth useful===
Dunno if they're dungeon-dwellers? If no, they could be an NPC race then.

==NPC races==
*'''Gnolls'''. From DiveQuest, Knight Blades and probably somewhere else. In an IRC chat, Weaver suggested that Gnolls should be TheMario (aka TheHuman) of the RubyMUD races, so here we're sticking to that. Gnolls can be seen occupying different specialties, and excelling in various skills. They're known as Jacks-of-the-trades of the RubyMUD world, being able to learn nearly all professions, and excelling in none. They have no racial bonuses to speak of, but suffer no penalties either. Probably the best choice if you want to play something like "a thief who can stand for himself in a fight, and knows a bit of magic"; and also for Charlatans, and some other in-between classes.
Which can be made into Player races, but probably shouldn't.
*'''Ogres'''. From DiveQuest, EscapeQuest and Cutebold Slaughter Quest. Most every fantasy world has its race of big, slow and dumb brutes – that's the Ogres for you. They excel mainly in one thing - physical combat. Having been gifted with both strength and toughness, they can make great "tanks" for an adventuring party. However, Ogres also have their share of drawbacks: they're awfully slow, both in movement (low Dexterity) and in mind (low Wisdom). Despite being veru ugly, they have no Charisma penalties, due to many people taking pity on the poor mentally challenged creatures. Ogres are LARGE in size.
*'''Orcs'''. From DiveQuest, Knight Blades and EscapeQuest. Another primarily fighter class, but totally different in their abilities. Orcs aren't dumb brutes like Ogres, they're actually pretty knowledgeable and skilled warriors. Being a tribalistic society, they learn a lot from the Wisdom of their ancestors, which mostly consists of various combat skills and fighting techniques. This kind of upbringing made Orcs in general very religious, believing in the various cruel underworld gods with an unrivaled fervor. All of this makes them dangerous fighters, with both skill and religious devotion to aid them in there constant battles. Their drawbacks include low Intelligence (they're not too good with magic) and low Charisma (mostly due not to their ugly appearance, but to the constant raids their tribes wage against everyone else, which naturally leads to everyone else distrusting any Orc they meet).
*'''Goblins'''. From GobboQuest, DiveQuest, Knight Blades and some other quests. Some people (I'm looking at you, Prof. Tolkien!) tend to confuse this race with Orcs... nothing could be farther from truth! While Orcs are generally disliked religious fighters, Goblins are almost their opposites: they're a race of somewhat weak, but smart and attractive tinkers. Their forte being mechanics and other crazy science, they excel in Intelligence, which at the same time give them a better affinity for magicks. Being generally nice and charming (and sometimes even able to win over kobold armies using only their natural charms), they have a Charisma bonus, which is most useful when dealing with shopkeepers who they buy the needed ingredients and items from. However, like most nerdy types, Goblins are somewhat weak in Dexterity and Constitution, thus making them rely mostly on their magical skills. But at the same time, they have no Strength penalties, so they can stand for themselves, should the need arise.
*'''Illithid'''. From Cutebold Slaughter Fest and probably somewhere else. Another magic-based race, this one even more narrowly specialized in arcane arts. Illithid are a mysterious race of squid-like humanoids, who are well-known for their inborn psychic powers. Those powers aid them greatly in their study of whichever mystic or spiritual art they decide to choose. However, these same powers give Illithid one of their biggest drawbacks as well: most other dungeon denizens have learned to fear and distrust the dangerous mind-controller race, and probably with a good cause. Furthermore, Illithid anatomy being mostly squid-like, they get a penalty to Strength, thus making them rely mostly on their magic prowess in battle. Illithid's racial penalties made them learn to rely on nothing and no one, save for themselves and their own magic. However... that also means they don't have to share their spoils with anyone, as well.
*'''Kobolds'''. From half the quests in Tgchan's archive, a.k.a. Cutebolds. A numerous and wide-spread race of small vermin-like humanoids, which are rumoured to be able to live and survive almost everywhere. Not the greatest thinkers, or fighters, their main qualities are being small, swift, and tooth-achingly cute :3c Their fragile health (Constitution penalty) and simplicistic mind (Wisdom penalty) led them to seek their fortune elsewhere. Most Kobolds become either skilled thieves (making use of their diminutive frame and Dexterity bonus), or popular bards, singing the song of their people with all the Charisma bonus they got. Cutebolds are a pretty popular race in /quest/, so that probably means they'll be quite numerous in the MUD as well. Kobolds are SMALL in size.
*'''Ratfolk'''. From GobboQuest, AlienQuest and Bubble Bucket. You know the saying about a rat who becomes a dangerous opponent when cornered? That's the Ratfolk to you. In their normal life, they're a pretty unassuming race of anthropomorphic rats, excelling neither in magic nor in physical combat. Their true potential becomes apparent when they're attacked: their Dexterity bonus helping them dodge most of the attacks while their Constitution bonus helps them survive the rest. Furthermore, they are known as crafty Thieves, due to their heightened Dexterity, and can also become decent Druids, especially of the Beastmaster variety. Ratfolk are a rather weird race to play, but probably best suited for a defensive playing style.

==Random ideas for Remort-only races==
That is, races you can change to when you "remort" (max out your character and decide to start anew with a few bonuses added). Btw, I suggest Non-Stat Racial Quirks (racial bonuses and penalties not related to stats) should be present only in remort-only races; standard player races (see above) shouldn't have them.
*Lohrke: Lizard-like high-tech mushrooms from JourneyQuest. Stat bonuses: says +INT (they know SCIENCE!) +CON (tough). Racial quirk bonuses: Constant light source (they are bioluminescent – that is, glow in the dark), 100% Climb skill (they can walk on walls/ceilings; I think it can be reflected by giving them inborn 100% Climb skill). Stat and racial quirk penalties: Dunno. They have a severe vulnerability to sunlight – but we probably won't have any sunlight in the caves. Maybe that means they are extremely vulnerable to fire? Or any bright light? Dunno.
*Rabbitfolk: Anthropomorphic bunnies from RubyQuest and DiveQuest.
*Catfolk: Antropomorphic kitties from RubyQuest, MudyQuest, DiveQuest, JenQuest, RapeQuest... you get the drift.
*Lizardfolk/Salamanders: From DiveQuest
*Bugfolk: From DiveQuest and Knight Blades.
*Indahl: Lizard-fish-somethings from Deep. Quoting the Wiki: "can hold breath fo long time....happy in the water but not amphibous....have underdeveloped teeth makes eating consistis of soups and aquatic plants....face markings denote tribe....mostly dwell in their own villages but some live in cities....have long fingers and a tail....very dextrous and famed for their clockwork...low light vision....somewhat frail, not the best at physical activities". Which means: +DEX, -CON, probably +INT and -STR, low light vision, bonuses in water. Dunno what to do with "underdeveloped teeth".
*Mok: Small lizard-bug-somethings from Deep. They are SMALL in size, but besides that, dunno what bonuses or penalties they should have.
*Construct: From Cutebold Slaughter Quest, Designer Dong, probably somewhere else.

==Random ideas for Second Remort-only races==
That is, races you can change to when you "remort" for a second time. These are more obscure races, or those that aren't originally dungeon dwellers, and thus can be considered exceptions from their races (they can be RP'ed as having appeared in the caves by accident or specific choice, like Demesi or Malto).
*Volto: Extra-long nosed rare subrace of humans from DiveQuest. Stat bonuses: +INT (judging from Malto), dunno what else. Racial quirk bonuses and penalties, and stat penalties: Dunno yet.
*Nedynvor: Sword-legged bird-lizard-dragon creatures who live on a Great Sky Dragon. From JourneyQuest, DiveQuest, Knight Blades and CutegalQuest.
*Duran: Gray lizard-like surface-dwellers from AlienQuest. Have sensitive skin, so probably -CON. They are prone to diseases, so that may be a racial quirk penalty. Dunno much more.
*Talyxian: From AfterQuest and SanyaQuest.
*Doobie: Could be a comically nerfed Second Remort-only race, played by mature players only for teh lulz.
*Bubble Touched: From Bubble Bucket
*Lazuhrek (Jungle/River/Mountain): From JourneyQuest.
*Standard Engsami: From JourneyQuest
*Kenga: From AlienQuest
*Sheek: From AlienQuest

==Random ideas for NPC/mob races==
Races that are too rare, too obscure, have animal-level intelligence, or are impossible to recreate using the game system.
*Skraig/Kreeg: From Bubble Bucket and Cutebold Slaughter Quest. Would be cool to see him as a cameo, an NPC shopkeeper. Too rare (only one (or possibly, two) members were ever seen)
*Grue: Small vermin-like darkness-dwellers with a big appetite, from GrueQuest and DarknessQuest. Animal-level intelligence (just a monster who lives in darkness)
*Sentient Darkness: Grues' life partners and protectors from DarknessQuest. Impossible to replicate using the game system (an amorphous mass of darkness with an undefined limit of powers)
*Slime: Sentient amoeba-like slime from SlimeQuest. Impossible to replicate using the game system (can change shape at will, learns abilities by swallowing enemies, etc.)
*Shocker Crabs: Electricity-powered crabs from JourneyQuest. Animal-level intelligence.
*Kren: Lobstermen from JourneyQuest. Impossible to replicate using the game system (lobster pincers, lobster-like shell, no human-like hands, no human-like feet).
*Winged Engsami: From JourneyQuest. Impossible to replicate using the game system (flying)
*Leviathan Engsami: From JourneyQuest. Too obscure, and too big.
*Tomias: From JourneyQuest. Too obscure, and impossible to replicate using the game system (centaur-like feet)
*Troll: From Knight Blades. Too rare and obscure.
*Dogfolk: From Knight Blades. Too rare.
*Sheepfolk: From JenQuest. Too rare and obscure.
*Bearfolk: From RubyQuest. Too rare.
*Sado, Oldon, Bzzers: From Deep. Too obscure.
*Shigani: From AlienQuest. Too rare and obscure.
*Dragons: From many sources. Impossible to replicate using the game system.
*Those-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named: You know who. Those wolf-shark-raptor things. Despite the bad rap they get, would be interesting to see one or two as a rare boss mob.
*Sergons, for that matter: From SanyaQuest.



Note that races like Mimigas, Tonberries and various Pokemon-based races aren't in the list, due to them being based on specific races from other intellectual property.
They're not dungeon-dwellers per se, but it would be cool to meet one, even as an NPC.

See Volto.


===Sentient Darkness===
More to come, when I reread quests like Deep.
From DarknessQuest.

As a cameo.

Latest revision as of 16:43, 28 January 2010


Ideas for RubyMUD

Ideas for RubyMUD, generated by me and other users alike.

Player races

For the moment when Archons consider adding more than 3.

Comparative table of suggested stats

Race STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Classes relevant to "+" stats
Gnoll 0 0 0 0 0 0 All of 'em
Ogre + + Fighter, Druid, Barbarian, Delver
Orc + + Fighter, Cleric, Paladin, Doomsayer, Templar
Goblin + + All mages, Bard, Minstrel
Illithid + + All mages, Cleric, Oracle
Kobold + + Thief, Bard, Burglar, Jester
Ratfolk + + Thief, Druid, Trapper, Beastmaster

This distribution probably isn't the ideal, of course.

You may have noticed that each stat on the table has exactly 2 +'s and 2 –'s; and each race also has 2 +'s and 2 –'s (except Gnolls, who have all 0's). This was made for the sake of balance, so that no stat would be more/less popular in the race distribution. Right now, I'm not too pleased with the Goblins' situation; but I don't seem to see a solution yet.

All these racial stats and penalties could be explained in the race description fluff. Read a rough draft for possible race description fluff below:

Fluff which can be reworked into smth useful

  • Gnolls. From DiveQuest, Knight Blades and probably somewhere else. In an IRC chat, Weaver suggested that Gnolls should be TheMario (aka TheHuman) of the RubyMUD races, so here we're sticking to that. Gnolls can be seen occupying different specialties, and excelling in various skills. They're known as Jacks-of-the-trades of the RubyMUD world, being able to learn nearly all professions, and excelling in none. They have no racial bonuses to speak of, but suffer no penalties either. Probably the best choice if you want to play something like "a thief who can stand for himself in a fight, and knows a bit of magic"; and also for Charlatans, and some other in-between classes.
  • Ogres. From DiveQuest, EscapeQuest and Cutebold Slaughter Quest. Most every fantasy world has its race of big, slow and dumb brutes – that's the Ogres for you. They excel mainly in one thing - physical combat. Having been gifted with both strength and toughness, they can make great "tanks" for an adventuring party. However, Ogres also have their share of drawbacks: they're awfully slow, both in movement (low Dexterity) and in mind (low Wisdom). Despite being veru ugly, they have no Charisma penalties, due to many people taking pity on the poor mentally challenged creatures. Ogres are LARGE in size.
  • Orcs. From DiveQuest, Knight Blades and EscapeQuest. Another primarily fighter class, but totally different in their abilities. Orcs aren't dumb brutes like Ogres, they're actually pretty knowledgeable and skilled warriors. Being a tribalistic society, they learn a lot from the Wisdom of their ancestors, which mostly consists of various combat skills and fighting techniques. This kind of upbringing made Orcs in general very religious, believing in the various cruel underworld gods with an unrivaled fervor. All of this makes them dangerous fighters, with both skill and religious devotion to aid them in there constant battles. Their drawbacks include low Intelligence (they're not too good with magic) and low Charisma (mostly due not to their ugly appearance, but to the constant raids their tribes wage against everyone else, which naturally leads to everyone else distrusting any Orc they meet).
  • Goblins. From GobboQuest, DiveQuest, Knight Blades and some other quests. Some people (I'm looking at you, Prof. Tolkien!) tend to confuse this race with Orcs... nothing could be farther from truth! While Orcs are generally disliked religious fighters, Goblins are almost their opposites: they're a race of somewhat weak, but smart and attractive tinkers. Their forte being mechanics and other crazy science, they excel in Intelligence, which at the same time give them a better affinity for magicks. Being generally nice and charming (and sometimes even able to win over kobold armies using only their natural charms), they have a Charisma bonus, which is most useful when dealing with shopkeepers who they buy the needed ingredients and items from. However, like most nerdy types, Goblins are somewhat weak in Dexterity and Constitution, thus making them rely mostly on their magical skills. But at the same time, they have no Strength penalties, so they can stand for themselves, should the need arise.
  • Illithid. From Cutebold Slaughter Fest and probably somewhere else. Another magic-based race, this one even more narrowly specialized in arcane arts. Illithid are a mysterious race of squid-like humanoids, who are well-known for their inborn psychic powers. Those powers aid them greatly in their study of whichever mystic or spiritual art they decide to choose. However, these same powers give Illithid one of their biggest drawbacks as well: most other dungeon denizens have learned to fear and distrust the dangerous mind-controller race, and probably with a good cause. Furthermore, Illithid anatomy being mostly squid-like, they get a penalty to Strength, thus making them rely mostly on their magic prowess in battle. Illithid's racial penalties made them learn to rely on nothing and no one, save for themselves and their own magic. However... that also means they don't have to share their spoils with anyone, as well.
  • Kobolds. From half the quests in Tgchan's archive, a.k.a. Cutebolds. A numerous and wide-spread race of small vermin-like humanoids, which are rumoured to be able to live and survive almost everywhere. Not the greatest thinkers, or fighters, their main qualities are being small, swift, and tooth-achingly cute :3c Their fragile health (Constitution penalty) and simplicistic mind (Wisdom penalty) led them to seek their fortune elsewhere. Most Kobolds become either skilled thieves (making use of their diminutive frame and Dexterity bonus), or popular bards, singing the song of their people with all the Charisma bonus they got. Cutebolds are a pretty popular race in /quest/, so that probably means they'll be quite numerous in the MUD as well. Kobolds are SMALL in size.
  • Ratfolk. From GobboQuest, AlienQuest and Bubble Bucket. You know the saying about a rat who becomes a dangerous opponent when cornered? That's the Ratfolk to you. In their normal life, they're a pretty unassuming race of anthropomorphic rats, excelling neither in magic nor in physical combat. Their true potential becomes apparent when they're attacked: their Dexterity bonus helping them dodge most of the attacks while their Constitution bonus helps them survive the rest. Furthermore, they are known as crafty Thieves, due to their heightened Dexterity, and can also become decent Druids, especially of the Beastmaster variety. Ratfolk are a rather weird race to play, but probably best suited for a defensive playing style.

Random ideas for Remort-only races

That is, races you can change to when you "remort" (max out your character and decide to start anew with a few bonuses added). Btw, I suggest Non-Stat Racial Quirks (racial bonuses and penalties not related to stats) should be present only in remort-only races; standard player races (see above) shouldn't have them.

  • Lohrke: Lizard-like high-tech mushrooms from JourneyQuest. Stat bonuses: says +INT (they know SCIENCE!) +CON (tough). Racial quirk bonuses: Constant light source (they are bioluminescent – that is, glow in the dark), 100% Climb skill (they can walk on walls/ceilings; I think it can be reflected by giving them inborn 100% Climb skill). Stat and racial quirk penalties: Dunno. They have a severe vulnerability to sunlight – but we probably won't have any sunlight in the caves. Maybe that means they are extremely vulnerable to fire? Or any bright light? Dunno.
  • Rabbitfolk: Anthropomorphic bunnies from RubyQuest and DiveQuest.
  • Catfolk: Antropomorphic kitties from RubyQuest, MudyQuest, DiveQuest, JenQuest, RapeQuest... you get the drift.
  • Lizardfolk/Salamanders: From DiveQuest
  • Bugfolk: From DiveQuest and Knight Blades.
  • Indahl: Lizard-fish-somethings from Deep. Quoting the Wiki: "can hold breath fo long time....happy in the water but not amphibous....have underdeveloped teeth makes eating consistis of soups and aquatic plants....face markings denote tribe....mostly dwell in their own villages but some live in cities....have long fingers and a tail....very dextrous and famed for their clockwork...low light vision....somewhat frail, not the best at physical activities". Which means: +DEX, -CON, probably +INT and -STR, low light vision, bonuses in water. Dunno what to do with "underdeveloped teeth".
  • Mok: Small lizard-bug-somethings from Deep. They are SMALL in size, but besides that, dunno what bonuses or penalties they should have.
  • Construct: From Cutebold Slaughter Quest, Designer Dong, probably somewhere else.

Random ideas for Second Remort-only races

That is, races you can change to when you "remort" for a second time. These are more obscure races, or those that aren't originally dungeon dwellers, and thus can be considered exceptions from their races (they can be RP'ed as having appeared in the caves by accident or specific choice, like Demesi or Malto).

  • Volto: Extra-long nosed rare subrace of humans from DiveQuest. Stat bonuses: +INT (judging from Malto), dunno what else. Racial quirk bonuses and penalties, and stat penalties: Dunno yet.
  • Nedynvor: Sword-legged bird-lizard-dragon creatures who live on a Great Sky Dragon. From JourneyQuest, DiveQuest, Knight Blades and CutegalQuest.
  • Duran: Gray lizard-like surface-dwellers from AlienQuest. Have sensitive skin, so probably -CON. They are prone to diseases, so that may be a racial quirk penalty. Dunno much more.
  • Talyxian: From AfterQuest and SanyaQuest.
  • Nevrean
  • Doobie: Could be a comically nerfed Second Remort-only race, played by mature players only for teh lulz.
  • Bubble Touched: From Bubble Bucket
  • Lazuhrek (Jungle/River/Mountain): From JourneyQuest.
  • Standard Engsami: From JourneyQuest
  • Kenga: From AlienQuest
  • Sheek: From AlienQuest
  • Android/Robot/Clockwork

Random ideas for NPC/mob races

Races that are too rare, too obscure, have animal-level intelligence, or are impossible to recreate using the game system.

  • Skraig/Kreeg: From Bubble Bucket and Cutebold Slaughter Quest. Would be cool to see him as a cameo, an NPC shopkeeper. Too rare (only one (or possibly, two) members were ever seen)
  • Grue: Small vermin-like darkness-dwellers with a big appetite, from GrueQuest and DarknessQuest. Animal-level intelligence (just a monster who lives in darkness)
  • Sentient Darkness: Grues' life partners and protectors from DarknessQuest. Impossible to replicate using the game system (an amorphous mass of darkness with an undefined limit of powers)
  • Slime: Sentient amoeba-like slime from SlimeQuest. Impossible to replicate using the game system (can change shape at will, learns abilities by swallowing enemies, etc.)
  • Shocker Crabs: Electricity-powered crabs from JourneyQuest. Animal-level intelligence.
  • Kren: Lobstermen from JourneyQuest. Impossible to replicate using the game system (lobster pincers, lobster-like shell, no human-like hands, no human-like feet).
  • Winged Engsami: From JourneyQuest. Impossible to replicate using the game system (flying)
  • Leviathan Engsami: From JourneyQuest. Too obscure, and too big.
  • Tomias: From JourneyQuest. Too obscure, and impossible to replicate using the game system (centaur-like feet)
  • Troll: From Knight Blades. Too rare and obscure.
  • Dogfolk: From Knight Blades. Too rare.
  • Sheepfolk: From JenQuest. Too rare and obscure.
  • Bearfolk: From RubyQuest. Too rare.
  • Sado, Oldon, Bzzers: From Deep. Too obscure.
  • Shigani: From AlienQuest. Too rare and obscure.
  • Dragons: From many sources. Impossible to replicate using the game system.
  • Those-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named: You know who. Those wolf-shark-raptor things. Despite the bad rap they get, would be interesting to see one or two as a rare boss mob.
  • Sergons, for that matter: From SanyaQuest.

Note that races like Mimigas, Tonberries and various Pokemon-based races aren't in the list, due to them being based on specific races from other intellectual property.

More to come, when I reread quests like Deep.