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“ Come for the sexy aliens, stay for the compelling character drama.”
- -Anonymous
In the year 200X aliens invaded from another dimension. After a long and bloody war, a fragile peace was achieved. Now go, date cute alien immigrants, and get your Kirk on.
This quest contains material that is not safe for work. You were warned.
This article contains spoilers! You were warned.
Previously, on Enemy Quest
Chapter One
Zack gets hired to date aliens to understand them better. He has a date with GG the WARRIOR, and then with Poly the OCULOT, whom he sleeps with.
Chapter Two
Zack wakes from a horrid nightmare, has some pillow talk with Poly, and goes on a date with GG in which we learn about their proud warrior culture and "something else." Zack goes on a date with Bika the SKUT, then has his first date with Meg the FLOATER.
Chapter Three
Zack goes on a hike with Poly and learns more about Oculots' powers of the mind. Poly introduces him to the concept of the 'dulabira.' Zack has a date with GG and then with Bika, whom he spends the night with.
Chapter Four
Zack wakes up at Poly's after another nightmare. He goes for a date and a workout with GG, and then goes to Meg's opera performance, where Poly introduces him to her friend Hizz. After the concert, Zack and Meg go on a date. Next, Zack, Poly and GG go on a date together. Zack has a talk with Hizz, and spends the night again at Bika's.
Chapter Five
Zack spends some time in bed with Bika and discovers that he's trending in the news and on social media. He decides to gather the dulabira at Speed Luck Skut, Bika's restaurant, to discuss plans for the future. The dulabira members all meet together for the first time, and Bika offers GG a job, which GG eagerly accepts. Afterward, GG, Meg, Poly, and Zack all decide to retire to Poly's apartment for the evening. Bika is too busy and unable to join them. After a night of games, movies, and sex, Zack has another nightmare. Waking up, he takes a shower with GG where they discuss meeting GG's parents. The next day, Zack and GG spend the day hanging out with Bika and Zack is introduced to golborian television. Later that night, Zack and GG visit GG's parents: her mother, Zazkgkata, and her father, Fzektoghot. Over dinner, things become heated between GG and her father, and dinner ends with Zack tackling Fzektoghot to the floor. Fzektoghot laughs it off and comes to respect Zack's bravery. Leaving her parents' home, GG reveals to Zack that watching him tackle her father has left her "fucking horny." Quickly traveling to GG's apartment, GG demonstrates Warrior sex to Zack, which promptly fractures his pelvis. A quick trip to the hospital and much apologizing and reassuring later, GG and Zack spend the night snuggling and eating pie. The next morning, Zack awakens to GG having left for her new job, and Bika tending to him. After acquiring a cane and learning something about Meg and Bika, Zack receives some terrible news: Hizalian has been murdered.
Quick Notes on the Quest
Aliens are called "Visitors", and come in four varieties:
WARRIOR: Big, red, four-armed soldier creatures. The first rangers who went through the portals to scout ran into a horde of them and were torn limb from limb. During the war they put on brass armor and charged through hails of bullets. They killed with their bare hands.
FLOATER: Half-cybernetic flying things. They had rocket launchers strapped to their backs and strafed armored columns way back when. Nowadays they fill in jobs where their natural hovering would be useful. Sometimes you read in the news about one who went into a no-fly zone and got zapped or collided with a plane.
OCULOT: They have one eye and they can shoot fireballs from it. They were nightmares during the first few years of the war. A lot of the time they were squad leaders or whatever the Visitor equivalent of that is. Everyone's on edge around an Oculot, because if you piss them off they can fry your brains.
SKUT: Speedy rodent-lizard hybrid critters. In the war they strapped bombs to their backs and ambushed fireteams. Anyone who the blast didn't get was splashed with their acidic blood. Skuts keep to themselves even more than most Visitors do, and people crack a lot of jokes at their expense, but they have horns and they can spit acid so it's not usually to their face. Not that they'd do anything if they heard you; most of them are very skittish and shy. Skuts have orgies.
 | The objects of our affections, and ambiguous protagonist |  |
- Zack
- Our protagonist. Has disturbing dreams about the war with the Visitors. His job is to date aliens.
- GG
- A red, four-armed powerful woman from a proud warrior race. Takes two dates to sleep with.
- Polyphema
- A flamboyant (and wordy) Oculot. Has psychic powers and legs (and a tongue) that just don't quit.
- Bika
- A shy skut girl who uses a lot of emoticons. Skuts look vaguely gnollish, but with a bigger tail. May or may not be a hive-mind.
- Megumi
- A jet-black skinned cyborg with a panache for opera. Was literally built for the express purpose of dating Zack, the lucky bastard.
Other Appearances
Appearances by the cast Inside the Quest.
ITQ: [1] [2] [3] [4]
See also