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{{GfH Database
{{GfH Database
|Name= Gleb Romanov
|Name= Gleb Romanov
|Status= Alive
|Strengths= |Weaknesses=
|Notes= Gleb sits on a council of immortals.
{{GfH Database
|Position= Mortal Einher
|Status= Alive
|Status= Alive
|Appearance= A jolly looking fat man with shark-like teeth.
|Appearance= A jolly looking fat man with shark-like teeth.
|Position= Mortal Einher
|Rank= One of the strongest of the einherjar
|Background= 'Mortal' Einher, of the Imperial Romanov line. Can ignore death by virtue of the Romanov bloodline's resurrection power and his magic armor being made into a phylactery for his soul by Astrid (both she and Armin are friends of Gleb). He has in reality transcended his mortality entirely and become an Angel of Odin, but due to his Einher aspect still 'pings' as being a mortal. This secret means Odin is willing to put up with an extraordinary amount of rowdy and bad behavior by Gleb. Lately Gleb has been killing Valkyries (Odin's low-level angelic constructs) for fun.  
|Background= 'Mortal' Einher, of the Imperial Romanov line. Can ignore death by virtue of the Romanov bloodline's resurrection power and his magic armor being made into a phylactery for his soul by Astrid. He has in reality transcended his mortality entirely and become an Angel of Odin, but due to his Einher aspect still 'pings' as being a mortal. This secret means Odin is willing to put up with an extraordinary amount of rowdy and bad behavior by Gleb.  
|Strengths= Effectively immortal, brutally effective Einher, Secretly an Angel
|Strengths= Immortal thanks to the Romanov bloodline.  Brutally effective EinherSecretly an Angel
|Weaknesses= Close friendship with Armin the Craftsman and his sister Astrid.
|Equipment= Loki's Artifact (armor)
|Equipment= Loki's Artifact (armor)
|Notes= Gleb sits on a council of immortals.
|Notes= Lately Gleb has been killing Valkyries (Odin's low-level angelic constructs) for fun.

Revision as of 22:51, 30 December 2012


Individual's Name or Moniker

What he does., Alive, Dead, Banished, Spirit, or something else?

Appearance: What he looks likes.
Description: How you would describe his personality to someone else, including warnings about things which piss him off.
Rank: Position in clan, Military Rank, Place on the Corporate ladder, or other notable status held.
Background: Where he came from.
Strengths: What he's known to be good at.
Weaknesses: What he's known to be poor at.
Equipment: Notable special gear.
Notes: Anything else that's relevant.

Amazon Poacher's Guild

Old Granny Stomp

Amazon Rainforest Merchant, Alive

Appearance: Wrinkled old runty summer goblin
Rank: Founder
Background: Summer goblin
Strengths: Summer goblins as a whole understand the idea of supply and demand dictating prices, unlike many other sorts of fae.


Edward Riker

Drill Sergeant and A.O.R.B. recruiter, Alive

Description: An A.O.R.B. recruiter placed as a drill sergeant with the U.S. Army, Riker is a no-nonsense kind of guy. He serves as the primary liaison between A.O.R.B. and Laine Corporation, owing to his personal connection to Armas.
Rank: First Sergeant U.S. Army
Background: Armas's drill sergeant when he was in the Army.
Strengths: Still viewed as an authority figure by Armas. Has connections for acquiring next generation armor and other supplies (likely through A.O.R.B.).
Notes: In a relationship of some sort. Has embarrassing blackmail material on Armas (photos of some incident).

Arms Dealers

Garbage Pete

Low-end black market gun dealer, Alive

Appearance: What he looks likes.
Description: He sells low end stolen and used guns from a dumpster.
Rank: Independent
Notes: On occasion has magic weapons for sale, but does not seem to be capable of recognizing them as such himself. Apparently unaware of magic.


Black market arms dealer, Alive

Appearance: Korean features
Description: Practical and confident.
Rank: Criminal Entrepreneur
Notes: Hates Lo Fang. Has hired special help to make sure Lo Fang doesn't attack him again.

Laine Corporation

Camella Larosa

Mercenary Company Officer, Alive

Appearance: Camella has straw blond hair, blue eyes, and frame that can safely be described as athletic. The majority of her left leg is a magic construct with a much darker skin color than her own.
Description: A Slider from a lower magic world, Camella has spent the past four months adjusting to life in Istanbul.
Rank: Second in Command.
Background: Former member of the 9th Parachute Assault Regiment, Camella arrived in the bones of the earth below Istanbul on November 8th, 2010. She spent a week fighting her way out and arrived in the alley behind Armas's apartment exhausted and badly wounded. In an attack against Blackbeard she lost her leg, although she has received a new one from Wizard Khubiliai.
Strengths: Camella has no bloodline power, but is instead a once-in-a-generation example of a peak ability human, with near-perfect equilibrioception and proprioception. She has a soul quirk which grants her 108 eye-like sensors. Her excellent military training and natural ability allow her to excel in both the use of firearms and melee combat.
Equipment: Ritual blood charm which heals up to 12 non-fatal injuries on the wearer. A magic Walther WA 2000, once owned by Neonazis.
Notes: The ruling dragon of Turkey, Owner, has taken a personal interest in her. She works part-time as an instructor at Ito's Dojo.

Ivan Ivanovich

Property, Alive

Appearance: By default he appears to be a genderless surgery doll.
Description: A Meat Circus construct designed to be a combination surgery doll and fleshcrafter's emulation platform.
Rank: Property
Background: Commissioned by Feodor Morozov for
Strengths: Designed by Meat Circus to be a high-fidelity low level emulator of human and humanoid bodies, including magic inherent in the flesh up to the level of most bloodliners.
Weaknesses: Slow regeneration, slow fleshcrafting, slow reconfiguration to different emulations, no known combat ability.


Rocco Armani

Istanbul Mafia Boss, Alive

Appearance: Large guy
Description: Dour and professional, Rocco's all business.
Rank: Boss

Savoy House

Camella Savoy

Head of the Savoy Bloodline Clan, Alive

Rank: Clan Head
Strengths: Savoy teleportation bloodline.

Odin's Disciples

Gleb Romanov

, Alive

Rank: {{{Rank}}}
Notes: Gleb sits on a council of immortals.

Mortal Einher, Alive

Appearance: A jolly looking fat man with shark-like teeth.
Rank: One of the strongest of the einherjar
Background: 'Mortal' Einher, of the Imperial Romanov line. Can ignore death by virtue of the Romanov bloodline's resurrection power and his magic armor being made into a phylactery for his soul by Astrid. He has in reality transcended his mortality entirely and become an Angel of Odin, but due to his Einher aspect still 'pings' as being a mortal. This secret means Odin is willing to put up with an extraordinary amount of rowdy and bad behavior by Gleb.
Strengths: Immortal thanks to the Romanov bloodline. Brutally effective Einher. Secretly an Angel
Weaknesses: Close friendship with Armin the Craftsman and his sister Astrid.
Equipment: Loki's Artifact (armor)
Notes: Lately Gleb has been killing Valkyries (Odin's low-level angelic constructs) for fun.

Vampires of Istanbul

Cornelius Zosimus

, Active Vampire

Rank: {{{Rank}}}
Notes: {{{Notes}}}

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