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:'''The Goldeon Knife'''
:'''The Goldeon Knife'''
:::A gold knife that can cut through anything except living creatures.
:::A gold knife that can cut through anything except living creatures.  It can open a path to the Dark World, land of the Soulless.

:'''The Alimentor'''
:'''The Alimentor'''

Revision as of 05:52, 10 May 2010

Shoujen by Larro
Shoujen dis.png

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
The Red Stone
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7



A quest by Larro. It follows the adventures of Cecil and his rapidly growing party on their quest to right wrongs, save the world, and murder anybody who gets in their way - several times, if needed.



Cecil Von Central III, Human

Cecil has been tasked with completing his family's mission of killing Dart. Unfortunately his attempt failed rather badly, with Dart placing a Shoujen curse on him and sending him out into the world as a final torment. Cecil entered a spiral of depression and drunkenness, which was eventually brought under control when he began hearing voices that coerced him into taking action. Cecil is the focal point of the group, acting as a sort of figurehead to keep the others together.


Detect Magic
Sense Mana
Sense Health
Enhance Pleasure
Extend Endurance
Black Hole
Cure All
Minor Binding
Minor Sealing
Rune Thought
Small Woodcraft
Small Stonecraft
Wind Walk
Will of the Kings
Move Earth
Soul Heal
Soul Slash
Soul Lock
Soul Bind
Soul Blade

Skills and Abilities

Create Small Magical Objects
Read Runes

Special Status

Host (Voices)
Curse: Shoujen (Completed, Mindslave removed)
Soul Bind: Nari
Secondary effect: Immortal
Soul Bind: Alex
Possesses a Cell Stone crafted with the dust of a Philosopher's Stone shard

Alexis, Catkin/Human

Alex was born and raised in Talimere, where she was subjected to derision and mockery due to her half-blooded status. A lifelong friend of Cecil, she caught up with Cecil soon after his voices coalesced into decent advice and immediately decided to help Cecil through this troublesome time. She planted a listening device on Cecil so she could hear his thoughts, but instead discovered the 'Cell Stone' she created only allowed her to interact with the voices in his head. After Cecil returned from the Dark Elf village, she turned the Dark Elf gem into a magic orb that protects Cecil's mind from his curse. She has recently come to terms with being a lesbian, and confessed her feelings to Cecil. Following that she accepted a marriage proposal from Cecil.


Balle Serithe Isivu Mal Zeeth
Create Golem
Create Small Mana Gem
Create Small Magic Object
Create Small Object
Create object
Create Big Object
Create Water
Disrupt Mana
Disrupt Thought
Mal Hydra
Move Earth

Skills and Abilities

Create Potions
Create Acids

Special Status

Implanted Object: Cell Stone (Cecil)
Soul Bind: Nari
Secondary effect: Immortal
Soul Bind: Cecil

Nari Sils, Dark Elf

Nari is the daughter of Norar, a corrupt and sadistic leader of a Dark Elf settlement. She was badly scarred and wounded when Cecil first encountered her, and Cecil decided to rescue her. Upon returning Cecil discovered that Norar was about to have her executed via Soul Petrification so that he would have a soulless, mindless, living doll for his own amusement. Cecil confronted Norar, and with the help of Alex managed to bring Nari to safety. Nari immediately developed a crush on Cecil, and has pursued him since. She has recently become soul-bound to Cecil and Alex, and has been united with her mother at last.


Cure Light Wounds
Soul Bind
Soul Block
Soul Heal
Soul Lock
Soul Slash

Skills and Abilities

Open Small Locks
See in the dark
Read and Speak Elvish

Special Status

Soul Bind: Cecil
Soul Bind: Alexis
Implanted Object: Cell Stone (Cecil)

Rebecca Joslyn, Human/Merfolk

RJ is a street rat who stole Cecil's orb. After its loss was noticed, Cecil confronted RJ. In spite of all expectations, Cecil managed to convince her to hand the orb over peacefully. She joined the party when she and Cecil accepted the same job, and has subsequently come into possession of the Goldeon watch. She has the unusual ability to see auras.



Skills and Abilities

Aura Sight-Allows the person to see the auras, providing them with information about a person's emotions and intent, as well as seeing magic
Extended Lung Capacity-Able to hold her breath for up to an hour.

Special Status

Possesses the Goldeon Watch

Felix Cathet, Dark/Light Elf

Felix first encounter with the party was as a member of Dart's Cerin Squad under orders to capture Cecil and kill the others, and came fairly close to succeeding. She was killed in the conflict, but was revived back to the brink of death thanks to the party's quick action. She was healed by the Catkin hospital, and it was soon revealed that Dart had cast Shoujen on her as well. The mental effects of the Shoujen curse have been removed, but she remained traumatized by the event until she lost her memories of her service to Dart. She elected to stay with the party as they present the best chance of killing Dart. Recently she entered a physical relationship with RJ, and has acquired a ring which allows her to return to his male form. As of now he seems to be in fairly good mental health.


Soul Blade
Soul Shot
Soul Slash
Warp (Not mastered)

Skills and Abilities

See in the dark
Read and speak Elvish

Special Status

Curse: Shoujen (Physical only)
Mitigation: Shoujen physical effect sealing ring

Chel Sils, Dark-Elf

Nari's mother. Nari was unable to remember her, but did remember that her father forbade her from entering his room. This led to suspecting that Norar had Soul Petrified her and locked her in his room. This was confirmed when she was found in a room underneath Norar's bedroom. Upon becoming the first known person to be recovered from a Soul Petrification she revealed that her memories of that time were very fuzzy, with the only solid ones being Nari's birth, Nari's name, and that she had dreams of Nari. Although initially shocked, she has chosen to make-up for lost time with her daughter.


Soul Lock
Soul Slash
Soul Block
Soul Heal
Soul Grace
Soul Drain
Soul Peer

Skills and Abilities

See in the dark
Read and speak Elvish
Acting rich
Certified Soul Magic Instructor

Special Status

Heir to the Dark Elf throne

Gene Nilremm, Human

An intense young man who is driven to learn everything he can about Sage magic


Unknown Sage spells

Skills and Abilities


Special Status



Kathrin, Tigerkin

Kathrin lured Cecil and RJ into her lair under the pretense of recruiting mediators for a dispute. In reality, her plan was to use their souls to power a dark mana spell to kill the Catkin leader. Along the way Cecil battled and captured a Soulless, which convinced Kathrin to hire Cecil and RJ as assassins instead. She is motivated by a battle with Dart where her people were slaughtered while waiting for Catkin reinforcements that never came. She ceased her attempts on the life of the Catkin leader following the revelation that the so-called betrayal was orchestrated by Dart, and has now sworn vengeance on Dart. She has shown that while she's very determined, she's not very wise or competent.



Skills and Abilities


Special Status


Shera, Catkin

Shera is the catkin leader which Kathrin wanted killed. She lead her forces to join the Tigerkin in battle, but Dart interfered to direct them into the Forbidden Zone where they were slaughtered. She was one of the few survivors. She is prideful and resistant to compromise, but ultimately does what is best for her people. She defeated Bella with a well placed backstab, quickly ending that battle.



Skills and Abilities


Special Status



Dart, Human(?)

Dart is the Master of Dark Mana. He has engaged in many horrific acts; he steals man's souls and makes them his slaves, then uses them to power his magic. His current goal appears to be killing world leaders in order to take their place. Dart is above the law.


All known Dark Mana spells

Skills and Abilities


Special Status

Master of Dark Mana
Above the law

Norar, Dark Elf

Nari's abusive father. Following Cecil's first visit to the Dark Elf settlement Norar decided to execute Nari via soul petrification. This prompted Cecil to brand him with a humiliating mark while rescuing Nari. He subsequently posted a 100,000G bounty for her return which only served to provide an impetus for the party returning to put an end to his shenanigans. Following the discovery of Nari's mother in his basement he confronted Nari, Alex, and RJ, and was crippled by guilt and sadness following an empathic attack. He has been arrested, and is awaiting the Dark Elf justice system. Nari is next in line for his position.


Soul Petrification
Soul Flare

Skills and Abilities

Read and Speak Elvish
See in the dark'

Special Status

Humiliating mark

Wolfric Von Kaisen, Dark Elf

Wolfric attempted to stop Cecil from rescuing Nari. Cecil killed him with a thrown knife to the throat. The Dark Elf settlement chose not to revive him.



Skills and Abilities


Special Status


Bella, Human(?)

Bella was first encountered by Alex and RJ. At the time she had been presenting herself as a human girl being attacked by a soulless as a ruse to get close to the group. She immediately attempted and failed to subvert RJ with a magic puppet, giving away her intentions and spoiling the ploy. She confronted Cecil and triggered a failsafe spell on Felix before being run-through by Shera. She was inside the hospital when it vanished.



Skills and Abilities

Voodoo Dolls

Special Status


Unknown, Soulless(?)

An alleged hired thug, he menaced Bella as part of a trap and fought Alex for awhile before she managed to pin him with a rock spike. He escaped following the defeat of Bella. His identity is unknown.



Skills and Abilities


Special Status


Gaia, Unknown

One of the Cerin and one of Dart's lieutenants. Gaia's mind is fractured, and is comprised of multiple voices debating what to do. Gaia was tricked into thinking he/she/it was ordered to report to Master L for orders instead of assassinating him, which lasted until Master L blew up Gaia's head. Current status is unknown.



Skills and Abilities


Special Status


Neutral or Indeterminate

Sir Gawain, Human

Sir Gawain spoke to Nari while attempting to find Alex. He is a captain in the royal army. Sir Gawain is above the law.



Skills and Abilities


Special Status

Captain in the Royal army
Above the law

Master L, Human

The most powerful alchemist known, Master L trained Alex in alchemy and taught Cecil the basics of it as well. He is cocky and confident, and believes himself to be completely immune to harm. He possesses a Philosopher's stone. Dart marked Master L for death, and made an assassination attempt which failed after the assassin was confused into switching sides. After fighting the would-have-been assassin, Master L gave Cecil a shard of his Philosopher's stone. Master L is above the law.


All known Alchemy spells

Skills and Abilities


Special Status

Master of Alchemy
Possesses Philosopher's Stone.
Above the law

King Rai, Human

King Rai is the Master who taught Elemental magic to Cecil. He decides which spells are allowed to officially exist within his kingdom. He may have been responsible for the destruction of the old School of Magic. King Rai is above the law.


All Elemental Magic

Skills and Abilities


Special Status

Master of Elemental Magic
King of Humans
Above the law

Lord Z (Zerin Aussa), Human(?)

Lord Z is the master of Sage spells. He was present for the destruction of the old School of Magic, at which point he went missing. Lord Z is above the law.


All Sage Spells

Skills and Abilities


Special Status

Master of Sage Magic
Above the law

Selvia, Light Elf(?)

Selvia is the master of Time magic. Selvia is above the law.


All Time Spells

Skills and Abilities


Special Status

Master of Time Magic
Above the law

Sar the Elder, Dark Elf(?)

Sar is the master of Soul magic. Sar is above the law.


All Soul Spells

Skills and Abilities


Special Status

Master of Soul Magic
Above the law

King Calett Sils, Dark Elf

King Calett Sils is the father of Princess Chel Sils and grandfather of Princess Nari Sils. Calett Sils is above the law.



Skills and Abilities


Special Status

King of the Dark Elves
Above the law

Amy Sky, Human(?)

Amy Sky died prior to the school exploding. In fact, the explosion is currently believed to be the result of a foolhardy attempt to resurrect her.



Skills and Abilities


Special Status


Charles, Human(?)

Charles rampaged across the countryside turning everybody he encountered into Red Tincture and Soulless. He used that power to confront Dart and failed, barely escaping Dart's castle alive. He was last seen abusing gravity magic to fling himself towards Central in the hopes of landing on something soft.


Spirit of Metal
Spirit of Light
Black Hole
Sub 0
Electrical Storm
Giga Dondo

Skills and Abilities


Special Status

Possesses Philosopher's Stone.
Above the law

Laura Winselm, Human(?)

Laura Winselm tried to romance Cecil. Alex stuffed her in a coffin in a closet in retaliation, where she died when the school exploded.



Skills and Abilities


Special Status



Monsters that feed on the souls of whoever they find. While they can only be killed with Light magic, they can be hurt through any means.

1 - Shadow

Small and slow. Not much of a threat. Easily killed off. Can only bite.

2 - Creeper

Small and agile, these creatures are capable of stealing souls by touching their prey.

3 - The Child

Not as lethal as the creeper and has trouble eating, but what makes it a higher rank is it's perceived innocence.
It talks like a parrot, only repeating words and phrases it knows will affect people. Its eyes and mouth are sewn shut to foster sympathy, but if it really is suffering and truly means what it says no one knows.
Everything about it was made to make you think it is suffering and harmless. But again, it might very well be.

7 - Gravira

At first glance it looks like a simple creeper, however it has several orbs floting around its body. These orbs are controlled by the Gravira, which can move about freely though space.
When floating these orbs are as light as a feather, but when fighting they are as heavy as lead.
After it breaks the limbs of its prey it rips their soul from their body.

8 - Big Shield

It fights by smashing it's two shields into it's opponent. It can't steal souls but it usually has several creepers following behind it.
In return for easily defeating people and providing them with a food source, they also feed the Big Shield.

9 - Vidrio

Uses glass to cut up their prey. Goes after the tendons. Once their prey is helpless they extract its soul.

11 - The Gemini

One of the more lethal soulless this one prefers to slowly eat a soul rather then ripping it out. How it does it is not known, but this soulless slowly infects a person and eats their soul bit by bit. The victim's personality soon crumbles, often developing a split personality before their personality disappears altogether.



This is the largest city on the continent, and the capital of the human lands. It is the birthplace of Cecil and home to both King Rai and the Royal Army.

Dark Elf Settlement

Nari Sils's home, and the place where Chel Sils was held captive


Alexis' home town.


A large city, and the place where Cecil met RJ and Kathrin.

Tigerfolk City

The center of Tigerfolk society. This city is ruled by Kathrin.

Catfolk City

The center of Catfolk society. This city is ruled by Shera.

Forbidden Zone

An area where magic runs wild and uncontrolled. One of the most dangerous areas in the world.

The School of Magic (Ruins)

What was once the center of all magical learning and research was destroyed 12 years prior to the start of the story. It was the property of the Von Central family, until King Rai took ownership of it from Cecil Von Central III and declared it a historic landmark.

I Shop

A mysterious shop with an enigmatic owner, this store has every known spell for sale as well as plenty of books on magic and magical items. This is a one-stop shop for all your magic needs. There may or may not be only one of them.


Spells in Shoujen


Goldeon items

These artifacts appear to be normal gold items to a casual observer, but are quite potent in the hands of somebody who knows how to use them.
Goldeon watch
A gold pocket watch which grants the one who holds it the ability to find the location of any person they can name, and become undetectable for 10 seconds. It may have other powers, but they are not known.
The Goldeon Knife
A gold knife that can cut through anything except living creatures. It can open a path to the Dark World, land of the Soulless.
The Alimentor
Properties unknown.

Related Information

Quests by Larro

TGchan: The Game | Yon Quest | Sevi Quest | InSanity | Quests TCG | Wonder Land | My Life | 32 | Amorphia | Pirate Quest | Mallo Quest | Magical Adventure of Happiness | Doll | The Test | How to be an Overlord | Esper Quest | Balance | Love Quest | Tales of Serda | The Pathfinder | Hero Quest: Shining Star | Hoodie Quest | The World After The End

Shoujen Timeline: Shoujen | Item Quest | Guardian Quest (2)

Collaborations: R.A.M. vs G.A.C. | The TGchan Caravan | Dollmaker Quest

4chan: Magical Academy Quest | Audit Quest