Breaking Reality

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Breaking Reality by DreamerOfThings


A quest in which a woman named Linda McCallahan gets the ability to tell Reality to screw off. She quickly teams up with a side in the conflict over how to use these powers, and is generally hoping she'll get the chance to actually learn more about what's going on without dying.

The Cast

Linda McCallahan
The Protagonist of our story. She's a little inexperienced at the whole "breaking reality" thing, but she's seems to be picking up the tricks of the trade pretty quickly. She has a scar on her stomach from an incident involving a crazed gunman and exploding gas tanks, and the event left her steril due to an injury to her abdomen. Linda has a very high alcohol tolerance, but when she does get drunk, events of epic proportions take place, from crashing into a wedding and sleeping with the bride to taking on whole gangs in the name of justice.
Stats: Strength-3/Finesse-5/Will-3
BP Limit:14
Manifestation: Weapon Type
Barrett M82, w/ Modified X-Ray Scope- BP Cost: 2
Handgun ?- BP Cost: 1
Spirit Abilities:
Break Sight
Active Break
Death Avoidance


Cassandra "Chainsaw" Geld
The first ally gained by our protagonist. She seems to be fairly calm and collected, and a little stand-offish, at least until the killing starts. Then she goes a little murder crazy. She has professed to hating herself for the way she is, a berserker killing machine. She also seems to have some trouble with technology, although she can seemingly operate a phone perfectly fine, a DVD player proves more... difficult. She has an insanely low tolerance for alcohol, getting drunk off of literally 2 beers.
Stats: Strength-7/Finesse-4/Will-1
BP Limit: 26
Manifestation: Weapon Type
Chainsaw- BP Cost 4: Lightened, Strengthened, Longer
The Knife- BP Cost 1
Spirit Abilities:
Active Break
Death Avoidance

The second ally to join. He follows Linda out of a strange mix of interest and friendship. While he somewhat of a joker, he also tries very hard to make himself useful, mostly out of fear that others will hate or abandon him. Raphael is an albino, and while the only affect to his appearance is his white hair and red eyes, he is still very sensitive to sunlight. Still, he'll serve willingly no matter what, and is perhaps one of the few form type breakers serving in the group.
Stats: Strength-6/Finesse-3/Will-5
Spirit: 2
BP Limit: 20
Manifestation: Form Type
Nightmare- BP Cost: 5 Form Ability, allows Raphael wander the dreamtime, an artificial realm of dreams and nightmares. Considered ethereal. Can also induce waking nightmares and pure fear in victims that are awake.
Stone Guardian- BP Cost: 3 Takes the form of a 6 foot tall rock golem. Slow moving but difficult to damage.
Spirit Abilities:
Warped Minds
Death Avoidance

Elizabeth Baker
A 17 year old girl who joined mostly because her abilities have sort of guided her to Linda. She identifies Linda as the "Angel", and while she's distrustful of Cass and Raphael, she understands that Linda considers them friends, and treats them mostly with indifference. She has somewhat of a childlike personality, preferring to refer to people by nicknames, and when she isn't being her insanely serious oracle self, she can generally be found spacing out, staring at walls, or otherwise not really being completely lucid. She has absolutely zero combat abilities, as she hates combat, but she has an astounding level of support skills, even from her first focus.
Stats: Strength-1/Finesse-2/Will-4
Spirit: 2
BP Limit: 11
Manifestation: Weapon Type
Oracle Eye- BP Cost: 3 Support Weapon, Elizabeth can "see" small amounts into the future, granting her knowledge as to the MOST LIKELY outcome of an action. She can also "see" the properties and traits of a foci, although this doesn't always work. She also has the unique ability to "see" the true fabric of reality while her foci is manifested, Normality Cloak and other means of blocking detection are negated when conflicting with her eye. Unlike other manifestations, she can't keep her foci active for long, due to the hight amount of strain it places on herself as well as reality. She can either activate her eye to perform one of the two first abilities, or for up to 5 minutes for the third ability. The eye also passively grants her automatic access to Break Sight and Spirit sight, even when not manifested.
Spirit Abilities:
Warped Minds
Break Sight
Spirit Sight
Death Avoidance