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Ripple by Knit-i-Fine

Ripple is a quest that takes place on the continent of Midus. It follows the adventures of three playable characters and how their lives will develop, intersect and ultimately change the world of Gatinya forever.


The system the quest uses is considered a narrative guidline to resolve conflict rather than a firm set of rules. The base stats for the system are as follows.


Level represent a character's overall growth as an individual. A character's level is factored into nearly all rolls made to determine their success at various actions and tasks.


Abilities may range from -3 to +3 for a normal mortal, and represent a character's biological and psychological makeup as well as the maintenance that goes into keeping that make up effect. Each level a character may shift one point of their ability scores from one ability to another to represent changes in their lifestyle and routine. Abilities may be represented as a score by adding 10 to the ability. This is typically used when the ability has to serve as a defense against a hazard.

STR - Strength, used to indicate a character's physical strength. Strength determines what the character can lift and what type of weapons they can wield effectively in combat.
DEX - Dexterity, used to indicate a character's reflexes and hand-eye coordination. Dexterity determines the accuracy of melee attacks and the skill defaults for Acrobatics, Contortion, Stealth and Ride.
CON - Constitution, used to indicate a character's physical health. Constitution determines a characters Health and Health Regeneration, as well as certain stamina pools.
AWR - Awareness, used to indicate a character's vision and mental health. Awareness determines the accuracy of ranged attacks, and the skill defaults for Perception and Insight.
KNW - Knowledge, used to indicate a character's memory and recall. Knowledge determines the maximum number of spells a character can know, as spell as skill defaults for Appraise, Arcana, Craft, Engineering, Heal, History, Linguistics, Nature, Profession and Religion.
CHA - Charisma, used to indicate a character's charm and emotional health. Charisma determines skill defaults for Deception, Intimidation, Persuasion, and Perform, as well as certain stamina pools.


Skills have associated abilities that they default too, however, they can also be brought up to 6 by being selected as a trained skill. Skills represent specialized training and every characters gets between 4 to 10 trained skills depending on their class at level 1. Further levels can allow skills to be reallocated, but otherwise skills do not improve.

Acrobatics – Acrobatics is the skill used to determine if a character can make great jumps, or balance on precarious surfaces.
Appraise – Appraise is the skill used to determine if a character can identify the value and/or magical properties of an item.
Arcana – Arcana is the skill used to determine if the character knows about magic beyond the fundamentals anyone living in Gatinya might know.
Climb – Climb is the skill used to determine if the character can scale precarious surfaces such as walls, buildings or mountains.
Contortion – Contortion is the skill used to determine if a character can easily twist their body in unintuitive ways, such as to slip out of bonds.
Craft – Craft is a specialized skill used to determine if a character can create a physical object or work of stationary art (ex. a sculpture, play or song).
Deception – Deception is a skill used to determine if a character can lie to others effectively without giving away their motives.
Engineering – Engineering is a skill used to determine if a character can understand machines and magical constructs beyond the fundamentals anyone living in Gatinya might know.
Handle Animal – Handle Animal is a skill devoted to the maintenance, care and training of animals.
Heal – Heal is a skill devoted to medical diagnosis, treatment, first aid and surgery. Heal cannot be used to create medicine but can be used to administer it.
History – History is a skill devoted to knowledge of historical events, persons, noble houses and local news. It cannot assist in remembering local information from foreign nations or places.
Insight – Insight is a skill devoted to empathy and understanding another’s point of view and motivations, including the ability to detect lies.
Intimidation – Intimidation is a skill devoted to coercion and interrogation. It encompasses both forceful and manipulative ways to get coerce another to give information or favors.
Linguistics – Linguistics is a skill devoted to the understanding of a language. A character trained in linguistics can learn an extra language, this language is set, it is lost if linguistics becomes untrained and relearned if linguistics is retrained.
Nature – Nature is a skill devoted to the understanding of the natural world, including magical phenomena native to the world of Gatinya (but not its neighboring planes).
Perception – Perception is a skill devoted to acuity of a character’s natural senses. It serves to counter stealth and locate hidden objects.
Perform – Perform is a specialized skill devoted to the performance of various arts. (ex. Piano, Acting, Comedy, Law etc.)
Persuasion – Persuasion is a skill revolving around the ability to convince another of your point of view, in order to gain their favor or information. It is distinguished from intimidate by being nonaggressive and from deception by being honest.
Profession – Profession is a specialized skill devoted to the labors of a job dependent of wages. (ex. Miner, Barkeep, Researcher.)
Religion – Religion is a skill devoted to the knowledge of the Pantheons of Gatinya beyond the fundamentals that the average resident of the world would know.
Ride – Ride is a skill devoted to the art of riding a living creature, or driving it to carry a wagon or other land vehicle.
Stealth – Stealth is a skill devoted to hiding something from the sight of others.
Swim – Swim is a skill devoted to staying afloat in moving water.


The following classes have been seen in Ripple thus far.

Soldier - A type of combatant with a military background, usually associated with a militia, army or mercenary company. Soldier's stamina pools typically draw from constitution, though swashbucklers, vigilantes, and knights draw from charisma instead.
Warrior - A type of combatant with a less organized background that a soldier. Warriors are typically self-taught or tutored by a singular mentor. Warrior's stamina pools typically draw from constitution, though warmasters draw from charisma instead.
Rogue - A type of character with a specialized skill set involving a particular set of skills and specialized attacks. Rogues stamina pools typically draw from charisma, though the alchemist and engineer draw from intelligence instead.


Alba - Alba is a vigilante who's mother left her at a young age, shortly after a ferocious white wolf made her an orphan by killing her father and she joined the communist militia known as the People's United Union that is attempting to overthrow the government in Orotera.
Claire - ???
Boarkiller - ???


The nations of Midus have all been established relatively long ago save for Utopia, which formed only 50 years ago.

Orotera - Home of the Muervians (Humans). Rich in gold mines. Monarchy.
Utopia - Home to diverse group of people, human monarchy, seceded from Orotera.
Alfarheim - Home of the Alfar (Elves). Rich in magical institutions. Theocratic Republic.
Theonia - Home of the Theonians (Humans). Rich in philosophical institutions. Democratic Republic.
Bomochi - Home of the Sezonto (Humans). Rich in swords. Monarchy.
Dokkheim - Home of the Drow (Elves). Rich in swampland. Democratic Republic.
Frintir - Home of the Cwnwyn (Humans). Rich in leaves. Democratic Republic.
Memodasos - Home of the Fauns (Elves). Also rich in leaves. Democratic Republic.
Dragonridge - Home of the Gnomes (Elves). Rich in mithril. Theocratic Monarchy.
Paratama - Home of the Hodara (Humans). Rich in spices. Democratic Republic.
Blood Plains - Home of the Orcs (Elves). Rich in bloodshed. Meritocratic Oligarchy.