Guns for Hire Database

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Individual's Name or Moniker

What he does., Alive, Dead, Banished, Spirit, or something else?

Appearance: What he looks likes.
Description: How you would describe his personality to someone else, including warnings about things which piss him off.
Rank: Position in clan, Military Rank, Place on the Corporate ladder, or other notable status held.
Background: Where he came from.
Strengths: What he's known to be good at.
Weaknesses: What he's known to be poor at.
Equipment: Notable special gear.
Notes: Anything else that's relevant.

Amazon Poacher's Guild

Old Granny Stomp

Amazon Rainforest Merchant, Alive

Appearance: Wrinkled old runty summer goblin
Rank: Founder
Background: Summer goblin
Strengths: Summer goblins as a whole understand the idea of supply and demand dictating prices, unlike many other sorts of fae.


Edward Riker

Drill Sergeant and A.O.R.B. recruiter, Alive

Description: An A.O.R.B. recruiter placed as a drill sergeant with the U.S. Army, Riker is a no-nonsense kind of guy. He serves as the primary liaison between A.O.R.B. and Laine Corporation, owing to his personal connection to Armas.
Rank: First Sergeant U.S. Army
Background: Armas's drill sergeant when he was in the Army.
Strengths: Still viewed as an authority figure by Armas. Has connections for acquiring next generation armor and other supplies (likely through A.O.R.B.).
Notes: In a relationship of some sort. Has embarrassing blackmail material on Armas (photos of some incident).

Arms Dealers

Garbage Pete

Low-end black market gun dealer, Alive

Appearance: What he looks likes.
Description: He sells low end stolen and used guns from a dumpster.
Rank: Independent
Notes: On occasion has magic weapons for sale, but does not seem to be capable of recognizing them as such himself. Apparently unaware of magic.


Black market arms dealer, Alive

Appearance: Korean features
Description: Practical and confident.
Rank: Criminal Entrepreneur
Notes: Hates Lo Fang. Has hired special help to make sure Lo Fang doesn't attack him again.

Laine Corporation

Camella Larosa

Mercenary Company Officer, Alive

Appearance: Camella has straw blond hair, blue eyes, and frame that can safely be described as athletic. The majority of her left leg is a magic construct with a much darker skin color than her own.
Description: A Slider from a lower magic world, Camella has spent the past four months adjusting to life in Istanbul.
Rank: Second in Command.
Background: Former member of the 9th Parachute Assault Regiment, Camella arrived in the bones of the earth below Istanbul on November 8th, 2010. She spent a week fighting her way out and arrived in the alley behind Armas's apartment exhausted and badly wounded. In an attack against Blackbeard she lost her leg, although she has received a new one from Wizard Khubiliai.
Strengths: Camella has no bloodline power, but is instead a once-in-a-generation example of a peak ability human, with near-perfect equilibrioception and proprioception. She has a soul quirk which grants her 108 eye-like sensors. Her excellent military training and natural ability allow her to excel in both the use of firearms and melee combat.
Equipment: Ritual blood charm which heals up to 12 non-fatal injuries on the wearer. A magic Walther WA 2000, once owned by Neonazis.
Notes: The ruling dragon of Turkey, Owner, has taken a personal interest in her. She works part-time as an instructor at Ito's Dojo.

Ivan Ivanovich

Property, Alive

Appearance: By default he appears to be a genderless surgery doll.
Description: A Meat Circus construct designed to be a combination surgery doll and fleshcrafter's emulation platform.
Rank: Property
Background: Commissioned by Feodor Morozov for
Strengths: Designed by Meat Circus to be a high-fidelity low level emulator of human and humanoid bodies, including magic inherent in the flesh up to the level of most bloodliners.
Weaknesses: Slow regeneration, slow fleshcrafting, slow reconfiguration to different emulations, no known combat ability.


Rocco Armani

Istanbul Mafia Boss, Alive

Appearance: Large guy
Description: Dour and professional, Rocco's all business.
Rank: Boss

Savoy House

Camella Savoy

Head of the Savoy Bloodline Clan, Alive

Rank: Clan Head
Strengths: Savoy teleportation bloodline.

Odin's Disciples

Gleb Romanov

Mortal Einher, Alive

Appearance: A jolly looking fat man with shark-like teeth.
Rank: One of the strongest of the einherjar
Background: 'Mortal' Einher, of the Imperial Romanov line. Can ignore death by virtue of the Romanov bloodline's resurrection power and his magic armor being made into a phylactery for his soul by Astrid. He has in reality transcended his mortality entirely and become an Angel of Odin, but due to his Einher aspect still 'pings' as being a mortal. This secret means Odin is willing to put up with an extraordinary amount of rowdy and bad behavior by Gleb.
Strengths: Immortal thanks to the Romanov bloodline. Brutally effective Einher. Secretly an Angel
Weaknesses: Close friendship with Armin the Craftsman and his sister Astrid.
Equipment: Loki's Artifact (armor)
Notes: Gleb is a member of a council of immortals. Lately he has been killing Valkyries (Odin's low-level angelic constructs) for fun.

Vampires of Istanbul

Cornelius Zosimus

, Active Vampire

Rank: {{{Rank}}}
Notes: {{{Notes}}}

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