Polo Quest Statistics

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Inventory and other statistics for Polo Quest


(Group inventory pending)


Sniper (5 kg)
9 A.P.
3 H.E.
12 Normal
Generic Pistol (1 kg)
29 shots
34 Small SMG Shots
Machine Gun(Hunter, currently dropped)
39 shots
1 Bazooka round (2 kg)
40% Bioarmor
Plate Armor
Right foot gone
Right bicep gone, all shoulder plates and above gone
Heavy damage everywhere else
Grappling Hook (3 kg)
LED Lantern (1 kg)
Combat Knife
Medical supplies (no dedicated medical container)
1 foot of bandages
Antibacterial Ointment
Alcohol Wipes

Rokoa Infestation

Available Memories

Rokoa's father leads a raiding party to take her away from her mother's hive.
Rokoa's first child is, she believes, too dependent on her.
Enemy hive annihilation: With food becoming sparse again, Rokoa's hive goes to completely annihilate the competition. Originally, Rokoa was part of the raid. This time, however, she has been told by the queen to stay at home due to Rokoa's proven difficulty in beating other neumono.

Completed Memories

First Kill - Instead of a first, difficult fight, Rokoa kills a passive neumono followed by his mother.
First Neumono Hunting Trip - Trying to prove she can fight fighters, she goes hunting. She finds two. Originally, their pride got them to only fight Rokoa one at a time in fist fights, to which Rokoa won. Polo overrode this, and they used both of their weapons to gang up on Rokoa, forcing her to be rescued.
Before she is allowed to attempt to go hunting more neumono, she must beat Maro, a strong member of Rokoa's hive. Rokoa loses again, but they become lovers.