Bruco and Strela are Married

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Bruco and Strela are Married by Brom

Bruco and Strela have gotten married.

There's issues.

A spiritual successor to The Tyrant Star.

Strela's Powers

Strela's Viper Aspect specializes in debilitation and deception.

SPITTING COBRA: A flurry of close-range jabs that carry with them a toxicity that slows her opponent down.

RISING TWIST: An ensorcelled spinning kick that hurls an enemy into the air.

STING: A solid, ebony dart that fires from her palm. Takes a second to conjure up, making it vulnerable up close.

RATTLESNAKE KICK: A solid kick to the face that briefly robs the opponent of their sight. Strela needs room to stretch her leg out to its full span to use it. Hitting them hard enough again will remove its affects.

TRICK DROP: Strela can bewitch the opponent's mind into thinking they've hit her when they haven't. It only lasts a moment, but it's a useful moment.

LIMBLOCK: An ultraclose range stab of Strela's thumb causes the opponent's arm or leg to fail to work. They need to take the time to will it back into action.

ROPE CHARMER: Strela can animate a rope to attack her opponent, entangling or choking them. She can keep control for 5 seconds or until she's distracted out of it.

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Quests by Bromeliad

TGchan: Solo quests: The Protagonist Dies | Saga | Oren | Eivr | Rebirth Quest | Vault Quest | Beat Apes | Revenant Quest | Legend of the Eternal Bladesword | Static on the Wire | Vodou! | Exemplar | The Tyrant Star | Mechanicus | Enemy Quest | Panzersöldner | Council of Wizards | Bruco and Strela are Married | My Commute | Goblin Week Quest Also | Crawl To Me

Collabs: MultiQuest | The TGchan Caravan | Bigger Penis Quest

Other notable creations: Vidder