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Shoujen by Larro
Shoujen dis.png
Chapter 1

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4(active)



A quest by Larro. It follows the adventures of Cecil and his rapidly growing party of adventurers.



Cecil Von Central III, Human

Cecil has been tasked with completing his family's mission of killing Dart. Unfortunately his attempt failed rather badly, with Dart placing a Shoujen curse on him and sending him out into the world as a final torment. Cecil entered a spiral of depression and drunkenness, which was eventually brought under control when he began hearing voices that coerced him into taking action. Cecil is the focal point of the group, acting as a sort of figurehead to keep the others together.

Alexis, Catkin/Human

Alex is a lifelong friend of Cecil. She caught up with Cecil soon after Cecil met Geist, and immediately decided to help Cecil through this troublesome time. She planted a listening device on Cecil so she could hear his thoughts, but instead discovered the 'Cell Stone' she created only allowed her to interact with the voices in his head. After Cecil returned from the Dark Elf village, she turned the Dark Elf gem into a magic orb that protects Cecil's mind from his curse.

Nari, Dark Elf

Nari is the daughter of Norar, a corrupt and sadistic leader of a Dark Elf settlement. She was badly scarred and wounded when Cecil first encountered her, and Cecil decided to rescue her. Upon returning Cecil discovered that Norar was about to have her executed via Soul Petrification so that he would have a soulless, mindless, living doll for his own amusement. Cecil confronted Norar, and with the help of Alex managed to bring Nari to safety. Nari immediately developed a crush on Cecil, and has pursued him since.

Rebecca Joslyn, Human

RJ is a street rat who stole Cecil's orb. After its loss was noticed, Cecil confronted RJ. In spite of all expectations, Cecil managed to convince her to hand the orb over peacefully. She joined the party when she and Cecil accepted the same job.


Dart, Human(?)

Dart is the Master of Dark Mana. He has engaged in many horrific acts; he steals man's souls and makes them his slaves, then uses them to power his magic. His current goal appears to be killing world leaders in order to take their place. Dart is above the law.

Norar, Dark Elf

Nari's abusive father. After Nari was rescued from him, he put a 100,000G bounty up for her return.

Wolfric Von Kaisen, Dark Elf

Wolfric attempted to stop Cecil from rescuing Nari. Cecil killed him with a thrown knife to the throat. The Dark Elf settlement chose not to revive him.

Neutral or Indeterminate

Sir Gawain, Human

Sir Gawain spoke to Nari while attempting to find Alex. He is a captain in the royal army. Sir Gawain is above the law.

Kathrin, Tigerkin:

Kathrin lured Cecil and RJ into her lair under the pretense of recruiting mediators for a dispute. In reality, her plan was to use their souls to power a dark mana spell to kill the Catkin leader. Along the way Cecil battled and captured a Soulless, which convinced Kathrin to hire Cecil and RJ as assassins instead. She is motivated by a battle with Dart where her people were slaughtered while waiting for Catkin reinforcements that never came. She has shown that while she's very determined, she's not very wise or competent.

Shera, Catkin

Shera is the catkin leader which Kathrin wanted killed. She lead her forces to join the Tigerkin in battle, but Dart interfered to direct them into the Forbidden Zone where they were slaughtered. She was one of the few survivors. She is prideful and resistant to compromise, but ultimately does what is best for her people.

Cerin, Dark/Light Elf

Cerin attempted to kill the protagonists, and came fairly close to succeeding. She was killed in the conflict, but was revived back to the brink of death thanks to the party's quick action. She was healed by the Catkin hospital, and it was soon revealed that Dart had cast Shoujen on her as well. The mental effects of the Shoujen curse have been removed, but she remains traumatized by the event.

Master L, Human

The most powerful alchemist known, Master L trained Alex in alchemy and has agreed to train Cecil as well. He possesses a Philosopher's stone. Master L is above the law.

King Rai

King of the humans. May be responsible in destroying the old School of Magic.



4 gold spells:
Balle Serithe Isivu Mal Zeeth-Powers up next spell used.
Cereen Malterra Brosem-Creates a healing potion.
Zaren Barusch Garu- Makes a ??? Potion which causes a different effect time drunk.
Mana Mal Serith Pache-Make a magical item/container.
Magistra Mana Matra-Gives your own MP to an ally.
10 gold spells:
The Spirit Spells. By summoning the spirits who rule over the elements the caster is granted a piece of their power. These spells make up for the lack of elemental spells alchemists have.
The list of spirits are as follows-
Fire-Fire weapons and armor.
Ice-Freezes the ground
Water-Douses you foe in water
Lightning-Shocks your foe
Land-Makes a wall for defense
Earth-Summons golem
Rock-Gain rock armor
Death-Kills instantly (Or would, if the spirit wasn't so lazy)
Diamond-Encase foe in gems.
Dark-Tortures foe
Light-Heals allies
Metal-Replaces lost body part

10,000 gold spells:
Philosophers Stone- Magister Manas Tarun Tu Seht Malhydra Deroon Al Alberia Tu Es Cremenius Purifico. Mori Etus Vivier. Infinite mana, the user will never age, and allows the transmutation of various metals to gold.


1-3 gold spells.
Wood Craft - 1G
Stone Craft - 2G
Gem Craft - 3G
Fire - 1G
Burn - 2G
Inferno - 3G
Ice - 1G
Blizzard - 2G
Sub 0 - 3G
Lightning - 1G
Shock - 2G
Bolt - 3G
Heal - 1G
Cure All - 2G
Major Heal - 3G
Gravity - 1G
Crush - 2G
Black Hole - 3G
Wind - 1G
Gale - 2G
Tornado - 3G
Light - 2G
4 gold spells
Aer-Weak wind spells that allows caster to move objects.
Wind Shield-What it says on the can.
Nill-Switch a item of yours with your opponents.
Zaken-High level lightning spell.
Electrical Storm-A field changing spell which makes a lightning storm break out.
Alpha-Gives mana boost. Unlocks Beta
Beta-Gives health boost. Unlocks Gamma
Gamma-Gives defense boost. Unlocks Omega
Omega-Fire out a concentrated mana blast. Leaves the user with no mana and little health.
Thead-Kills instantly. Illegal.
Zeroon- Heals any injury so long as the head is intact. Takes severe amounts of mana. Very hard to master.
Giga Don-Pummels foe with rocks
Giga Dondo-Higher form
Aqua-Water spell
Mereet-Heals self but takes time.
Will of the Kings-Summons a 'King' to fight with you.
Minor Sealing-Seals away a small object or curse
Confine-Seals away bigger objects.
Banish-Seals away sspells curses and magical objects/beings. Can be disposed of.
Minor Binding-WISOTC
Baraast- Temporarily increases the target's breast size by one cup.
Debaraast- Temporarily decreases the target's breast size by one cup.
10 gold spells
Electrical Storm Zaken-Channel the lightning in the sky into one attack
Giga Dondoa- Strongest earth spell.
Blazen-Make fire armor
Rune Thought-Force target to use low level spells.
Rune Speak-Translate any language.
Hope-Gives the caster some luck
Grace-Gives the caster more luck
Miracle-Gives the caster a lot of luck.
Bless-Minor light spell. Deals light damage.
Holy-High level light spell.
200 gold spells
Zerin-A powerful explosion from ones soul.Costs half max health

Dark Mana

Usually not for sale

Ol Rethono-High level purification
Flare-A blast of Dark Mana
Fiend-Summon demon
Meteor Storm-Stronger form of meteor. Has never been used.
Shoujen-Gradually transforms the target from male to female, and alters their mind so they are completely loyal to the caster.
Shenjou-Same as Shoujen, but from female to male. Still ends in mindslave.

Soul Magic

Cannot be bought.

Reth-Helps to purify a soul
Ol Reth-Can force one to repent
Soul Bind- Binds the targets soul to the user allowing them to share the same life span. Multiple Soul Binds are possible
Permanent Soul Bind-By making a physical sign of love two or more beings enter into a permanent soul bind.
Soul Lock-Places a small portion of ones soul near box or other such objects and prevents anyone from opening it. Soul piece can be retrieved.
Soul Slash-Allows the user to force their soul into a small focused point on their fingertip. It is very sharp and can cut through most things non magical.
Soul Block-Allows ones soul to form a thin shield around their body.
Soul Heal-Repairs damage done to souls over time.
Soul Grace-Allows you to let others share you emotions.
Soul Drain-Makes the target feel weaker. They are easier to manipulate in this state.
Soul Petrification- Forces the targets soul to turn to stone. The soul cannot be healed or replace. This turns the person into a living doll.
Soul Peer-Lets the caster feel what the target is feeling and read their thoughts.
Soul Blade-Makes a sword out of the soul which can cut through almost anything.
Soul Shot-Fires out soul blades.

Time Magic

200 gold spells
Rewind-Transports the user's soul back in time. No memories are carried over, yet the user gets premonitions of events that are about to happen.
Haste-Speeds up the caster
Slow-Slows down the target
Warp-Sends one object to a random time

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Quests by Larro

TGchan: The Game | Yon Quest | Sevi Quest | InSanity | Quests TCG | Wonder Land | My Life | 32 | Amorphia | Pirate Quest | Mallo Quest | Magical Adventure of Happiness | Doll | The Test | How to be an Overlord | Esper Quest | Balance | Love Quest | Tales of Serda | The Pathfinder | Hero Quest: Shining Star | Hoodie Quest | The World After The End

Shoujen Timeline: Shoujen | Item Quest | Guardian Quest (2)

Collaborations: R.A.M. vs G.A.C. | The TGchan Caravan | Dollmaker Quest

4chan: Magical Academy Quest | Audit Quest