User contributions for Qwsert12
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13 June 2010
- 23:5523:55, 13 June 2010 diff hist +21 N File:Kabaad Cropped.JPG kabaad of andellousia current
- 23:3223:32, 13 June 2010 diff hist +20 N File:Kafiq.gif Kafiq of Andellousia current
- 23:3023:30, 13 June 2010 diff hist +22 N File:Illeena.gif Illeena of Andellousia current
- 20:2820:28, 13 June 2010 diff hist −13 m NanQuest changed pablo's race
3 June 2010
- 22:3222:32, 3 June 2010 diff hist +11 Dwarf Fortress No edit summary
- 22:3122:31, 3 June 2010 diff hist +1,000 N Dwarf Fortress made a page here. pretty basic.
- 22:0422:04, 3 June 2010 diff hist +35 N File:Dwarffortress.PNG an example of a fortress of dwarves current
- 20:5920:59, 3 June 2010 diff hist +57 NanQuest added a picture and some text
- 20:5620:56, 3 June 2010 diff hist +10 N File:The Thirteenth Floor by GoblinalMagpie.png nan fanart current
- 00:2900:29, 3 June 2010 diff hist +1,564 NanQuest Added official art gallery, put a bunch of comments everywhere
2 June 2010
- 23:4823:48, 2 June 2010 diff hist +37 N File:Nanshorts.JPG The original that weaver pulled down. current
- 23:4423:44, 2 June 2010 diff hist +22 N File:Nanbutt.gif Nan's awesome rear-end current
- 23:4223:42, 2 June 2010 diff hist +36 N File:Nan takes it a step further.JPG Tom- ...Nan takes it a step further. current
- 23:4123:41, 2 June 2010 diff hist +16 N File:Opening scene.gif Nanquest begins. current
- 23:4023:40, 2 June 2010 diff hist +15 N File:HenryButt.gif Some henry butt current
- 23:3923:39, 2 June 2010 diff hist +33 N File:Hotel Lobby 2.gif Nan enters the hotel lobby again. current
- 23:3523:35, 2 June 2010 diff hist +15 N File:Nan Face.gif Nan peeks back. current
- 23:3523:35, 2 June 2010 diff hist +35 N File:Henry Peeks at Nan.gif Nan has a peeper. No it is not tom. current
- 23:3223:32, 2 June 2010 diff hist +31 N File:Two of a kind.JPG Nan has a meeting with herself. current
- 23:2623:26, 2 June 2010 diff hist +24 N File:Two of a kind2.gif Nan is on the other end. current
- 23:2023:20, 2 June 2010 diff hist +46 N File:Screw you clock.gif Nan has had enough of this alarm clock's shit. current
- 23:1623:16, 2 June 2010 diff hist +67 N File:Nan finally looses it.png Nan totally freaks the fuck out about the gravity of the situation. current
- 23:1523:15, 2 June 2010 diff hist +47 N File:Nan Freaks out.gif Nan freaks out at the gravity of the situation. current
- 23:1423:14, 2 June 2010 diff hist +46 N File:Nan Freaks out again.gif Nan freaks out at the gravity of the situation current
- 23:1023:10, 2 June 2010 diff hist +46 N File:Henry's Evil Reflection.gif Nan's ogling gets interrupted by a reflection. current
- 23:0623:06, 2 June 2010 diff hist +40 N File:The Arcade.gif The arcade, nan's first job for the day. current
- 23:0523:05, 2 June 2010 diff hist +61 N File:Flaming Padre.gif Padre is ON FIRE today. Literally. He doesn't seem to notice. current
- 23:0323:03, 2 June 2010 diff hist +27 N File:Hotel Lobby.gif Nan enters the hotel lobby. current
- 23:0223:02, 2 June 2010 diff hist +52 N File:Ratbell.gif Ratbells. one of the many features of freaky hotels. current
- 23:0123:01, 2 June 2010 diff hist +44 N File:The Result of breaking the alarm clock.gif Just can't win with that damned alarm clock. current
- 23:0123:01, 2 June 2010 diff hist +24 N File:Alarm Clock.gif That damned alarm clock. current
- 23:0023:00, 2 June 2010 diff hist +18 N File:The Glen.gif GLEN! dun dun dun. current
- 23:0023:00, 2 June 2010 diff hist +29 N File:Nan Beans.gif Nan Enjoys opening some beans current
- 22:5922:59, 2 June 2010 diff hist +37 N File:Padreshadow.JPG The Padre makes his first appearance. current
- 22:5822:58, 2 June 2010 diff hist +108 N File:CROSS PENDANT.gif The cross shaped pendant that Nan found on the coat rack or possibly her boyfriend got her for her birthday. current
- 22:5422:54, 2 June 2010 diff hist +455 NanQuest Added comments to the fanart gallery, added text under characters subheading
- 22:4122:41, 2 June 2010 diff hist +361 NanQuest tweaked the organization, added fanart gallery
- 22:2322:23, 2 June 2010 diff hist +34 N File:NanEngineer.png Nan don's her engineering uniform. current
- 22:2322:23, 2 June 2010 diff hist +20 N File:Nan Pablo Henry.png Hot threesome action current
- 22:2222:22, 2 June 2010 diff hist +30 N File:Nan Mario.png Nan's overalls have potential. current
- 22:2222:22, 2 June 2010 diff hist +6 N File:Nan Jeans.png Nan... current
- 22:2022:20, 2 June 2010 diff hist +28 N File:Nan art.jpg An artistic rendering of Nan current
- 22:2022:20, 2 June 2010 diff hist +12 N File:Nan and Ruby.png Nan and Ruby current
- 22:2022:20, 2 June 2010 diff hist +13 N File:Nan and Pablo.png Nan and Pablo current
- 22:2022:20, 2 June 2010 diff hist +15 N File:Naan.gif Nan eating naan current
- 22:1922:19, 2 June 2010 diff hist +10 N File:Cannot be unseen.JPG Nan's face current
- 22:1922:19, 2 June 2010 diff hist +13 N File:Can O' Beans.gif Pablo's beans current
- 21:4221:42, 2 June 2010 diff hist +262 NanQuest Added Padre as a character
- 21:3221:32, 2 June 2010 diff hist +379 NanQuest added minor characters list
- 21:2321:23, 2 June 2010 diff hist +21 N File:Therat.JPG The rat from room 117 current