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Quest for the Future Stability and Betterment of the Gorvian Nation by Coup

Five years after the sudden death of the former president, following a time of civil strife and internal struggle, a new government emanates from what formerly was the Gorvian Intelligence Agency. The quest follows the GIA director turned head of state, who tries to lead Gorvia to a future of yet unknown quality...


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Unsubsidized Research Projects

Early Cancer Research: 800.000 Croms per month

Flechette Ammunitions: 150.000 Croms per month

Synthetic Hydrocarbons: 1.200.000 Croms per month

High Efficiency Refinery Methods: 350.000 Croms per month

Multistage Rocket Prototypes: 800.000 Croms per month

Operational Nuclear Powerplant: 2.000.000 Croms per month

WMDs - Advanced Combat Principles: 400.000 Croms per month


Total Spending: 6.600.000 Croms

Home Surveillance Division: Searching for rebellious elements among the Gorvian population.

  • Monthly spending: 500.000 Croms

Counter-Intelligence Division: Protecting Gorvia from enemy infiltration attempts.

  • Monthly spending: 1.000.000 Croms

International Business Division: Trying to give Gorvia an edge on economic matters.

  • Monthly spending: 600.000 Croms

Foreign Division - Wellonturia: Just beginning to infiltrate Wellonturia.

  • Monthly spending: 2.500.000 Croms

Foreign Division - Jerlan Federation: Just beginning to infiltrate the Jerlan Federation.

  • Monthly spending: 1.200.000 Croms

Foreign Division - Lobol: Just beginning to infiltrate Lobol.

  • Monthly spending: 800.000 Croms

Isabel of Dransworde: A noblewoman working against the Jerlan Federation, accusing them to have taken control of her home country through dishonest means.

  • Monthly spending: 0 Croms



  • grants 250.000.000 Croms per month for 12 months as monetary aid
  • overall quite satisfied with Gorvia having a new government


  • leadership in a coalition, aiming to defend Ferundia against its rival, Estramy
  • coalition members: Thrudwen, Ferundia, Gorvia, Jerlan Federation, Arnsgatte, Nostromia
  • the coalition's goal is a diplomatic solution
  • promises to ship 600 units of oil per month to Gorvia in case of a war against Estramy


  • Non-aggression pact for 10 years
  • reduced tariffs
  • cultural and educational exchange
  • purchase option for technology licences


  • accuses the current Gorvian government of illegality
  • dismissed any attempts of diplomatic contact


Gorvia is currently at peace.


  • 20 Divisions
    • 18 Motorized Infantry Division
      • 10 Fuel and 10 MH per month and division
    • 2 Armoured Divisions
      • 100 Fuel and 50 MH per month and division
  • Upkeep: 380 Fuel and 280 MH

Air Force:

  • 1 Division
    • 1 Air Division (Multiple Purpose Jetfighters)
      • 250 Fuel and 250 MH per month and division
  • Upkeep: 250 Fuel and 250 MH


  • 2 Flotillas
    • 2 Ship Flotillas
      • 200 Fuel and 200 MH per month and division
  • Upkeep: 400 Fuel and 400 MH

Total Upkeep:

  • Monthly Defence Spending: Croms
  • Monthly Military Hardware: 1860 units
  • Monthly Fuel Usage: 1.030 units

Production: Currently, no new divisions are being produced, trained or deployed.

  • Motorized Infantry Division: 10.000 Men, 2000 MH
  • Armoured Division: 10.000 Men, 8000 MH
  • Air Division: 10.000 Men, 25000 MH
  • Ship Flotilla: 10.000 Men, 40000 MH
  • Submarine Flotilla: 10.000 Men, 15000 MH

Background Information


The Continental Council of the Couthern Hemisphere is a body with limited political powers, whose main purpose it is to secure peace and prosperity of all people, regardless of nationality or heritage. But since most member nations are quite concerned about their political independence, decisions of the CCSH are more often than not accompanied by lengthy debates and discussions. Sharp tongues even vilify the CCSH, claiming it's nothing more than an overblown humanitarian organisation.

Any member nation may call for the CCSH in case of emergency, but normally, represantatives of all member nations gather twice a year, once in September and once in March. Traditionally, the hosting city of the CCSH changes each year.

After the general assemblies, most diplomats stay for a few days, happily using the opportunity for intense diplomatic exchanges with other nations.


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Jerlan Federation

The Jerlan Federation has its roots in a defensive alliance of several minor nations against the aggressive expansionism of the Orgosian empire. Thirty years ago, a city state named Jerlia brought forth the suggestion of five mini nations uniting their strength, while still retaining a part of their political independance. Thus, the Jerlan Federation was born.

After the fall of the Orgosian Empire, the Jerlan Federation established diplomatic contact with the imperial provinces isolated by the war and slowly incorporated them into its complex government system.

The area around Jerlia was traditionally made up by numerous small nations and city states, and all of them joined the Federation over the course of time, the last one seven years ago. Ever since, the Jerlan Federation looked for other possibilities to expand its influence.

A Jerlan proverb goes as follows: "Take small bites, swallow as a whole."


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Lovko and Kormun

Lovko and Kormun have once been a single nation, called Lovkormuny, but a deviation of faith has split them apart. The people who followed the puritan faction of their polytheistic religion formed Lovko, while their enemies established Kormun.

In the past, Lovkormuny shared a border with the Orgosian Empire, but the only war fought between them made the Orgosians turn west forever for further expansion. Technologically on a par, the advancing imperial armies were crushed by the religous fanatics of Lovkormuny. It was during the war against Lovkormuny, and not during the later rebellion of Notromia and Tarrperia, that the Orgosian Empire experienced its most bloody defeat. Some historians even say, only the war against Lovkormuny made it possible for the Nostromian and Tarrperian rebellion to be successful.

Lovkormuny has always been isolated by choice and the strict religious ways of its population also deterred visitors from other nations. Thus, it took years until the split of the nation was noticed by the rest of the continent. The policy of both Lovko and Kormun to refer to their religious conflict as an "internal matter" is also responsible for this.

But the first wave of refugees finally bought the truth about the bloody civil war, which had been fought for years by then. Stories about war crimes and terrible atrocities, committed by both sides, made the international society recoil in horror.

A diplomatic approach was made by the young CCSH, to find a peaceful solution, but Lovko and Kormun refused to let any foreigners enter their territories. Only the most daring journalists were able to report about the conflict and told of bardwire, mine fields and trenches reaching from the coast to the inland between the two cities Nothkol and Southkol, which once have been formed the proud capital of Lovkormuny.

It was not until ten years ago that Lovko and Kormun finally were able to agree on a shaky truce. But distrust still reigns among them.


Besides Orgos, Manesh is the only remaining monarchy on the continent. however, the Maneshi king is not a despot, but rather a representative head of state, with his people enjoying democratic freedom and an elected government.

The nation of Manesh is one of the oldest nations of the continent and in the times when ships were made of wood and seamen of iron, Manesh had been a naval super power. But these days are so long past, no Maneshi remembers them.

What they know, though, is that Manesh failed to catch up with the other nations in terms of economy and technology. Their generally peaceful nature and the secluded position of the Manesh territory have so far ensured their survival.


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Once a powerful and oppressive empire spanning accross the Southern Continent, the Orgosians were overthrown in a bloody rebellion, which in the end gave birth to the nations of Nostromia and Tarrperia. The Orgosian emperor and his court sought refuge on a small peninsula, a bastion held by their few loyal divisions.

Neither the Nostromians nor the Tarrperians hold any grudges against the Orgosians, who refuse to acknowledge the independance, even the existance of either nation. Since they don't exist in Orgosian eyes, the imperial authorities have so far refused to sign a peace treaty, always insisting they "could not sign a treaty with a nation which doesn't exist".

Without treaty, the former expanse of the Orgosian Empire is formally still under the rule of the emperor.

The provinces of the empire not belonging to Nostromia or Tarrperia, which where cut off from imperial rule during the rebellion, either joined Heurlyndia or Kormun, or they became independent and were later integrated into the Jerlan Federation.

It has become an exhausting, almost comical ritual of the Orgosian diplomats to demand the usual taxes from their former provinces in front of the CCSH, only to be refused every single time.

Living under an oppressive regime and utterly conscious of the hopelessness to ever regain the glory and strength of old, the population of Orgos developed a grim sense of humour, wishing for every single one of their leaders to die in a fire while still somehow coming out on top of Nostromia and Tarrperia.


Prestony is the economic powerhouse of the Continent and one of the three "Peninsula Nations". Prestony shares close cultural and linguistic bonds with Gorvia and Lobol.


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