Golem Quest

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Golem Quest by Bob

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Golem Quest is about a newly sapient Soul Grave that names itself Mordre, then goes about building an empire. By Bob.

Character List

In no particular Order as of yet (help?)


The primary character of Golemquest, Mordre is a Soul Grave, a metal golem designed by the now dead Mosmordren Empire to use the souls of the fallen as it's fuel source. Finding itself newly sapient and sentient upon awakening to the blasted landscape of its former homeland, Mordre has vowed to take revenge on its destroyers, while at the same time crafting an Empire of its own design. As a sapient non-Life Golem, Mordre suffers the stigma of being anathema to nearly every major civilization on Zakrath, an immortal and powerful creation of war given the ability to plan and think for itself without orders. In order to avoid discovery and the subsequent annihilation that would likely follow, Mordre has adopted the personality of a kindly old mage, with a love for cats and maids, who has discovered how to control a golem over long distances. His true nature is now his most closely guarded secret, known only to two individuals other than the Premen, the first allies other than Arkus to accept his nature without trying to outright destroy him for it.

A major supporting character, and the first person to know Mordre's secret, Arkus also happens to be the one who originally woke Mordre from his stasis-like slumber. A poor destitute, Arkus grew up around death and poverty (though the location of his homeland is still unclear), an upbringing that instilled in him a firm sense of apathy and inurement to death and horror. As such, Arkus finds himself easily adaptable to new occurences, however distasteful and outright horrible. It also fostered a desire to rise above such a position, and he now seeks to become a true mage, with his ultimate goal being to have the Mortal Coil directly request that he join them. As one of the few to know Mordre's secret, Arkus is functionally his second in command in all endeavours in the kingdoms, as he has a surprisingly vast wealth of knowledge of recent events in the core kingdoms. Under Mordre's sponsorship, he has also vastly improved in magical skill, reaching a level of power most aspiring mages work at for years in the space of months thanks to the wealth of study materials he has been provided in conjunction with own predisposition to learning.

He plays the role of "Mage Mordre's" only apprentice to those who do not know the secret.

Human, female, mage (deceased). Kyorto is a past mage of Mosmordre, now manifesting as a spirit. She is bound to a building in the ruins of Mosmordre, close to where Mordre was found. She is close to being resurrected by Mordre in return for promised service/assistance. I'd hit it.

Derkin the Machete
Human, male, rogue. Derkin is a former bandit who was captured in the forests near Duras. He now serves Mordre as a military CO.

Human, female, inventor. Jezebel came from the Western Islands. She is standoffish and specializes in non-magical weapons of varying forms, especially those designs involving water or electricity. I`d hit it.

Human, female, peasant turned warrior. She now commands troops for Mordre and serves under Derkin. I'd hit it. Arkus would too.

Human, male, peasant turned warrior. A stealthy fighter who specializes in bladed warfare of all forms. Has an affinity for stealthy operations. He serves under Derkin as a CO for Mordre's troops.

Human, male, crazy warrior. Ulzrick shows talents in the planning and strategy side of warfare. He has some magical skill in the area of will magic and can use very basic Magnetomancy. He is a rare user of SoulDreaming Magic and is Jojo's newest apprentice. He is Ozrick's younger brother.

Human, male, warrior. He is the apprentice to the late Ozmand 'the hammer' and now leads his troops. Ulzrick's older brother.

Premean, male, War Chieftain. First encountered in the frostback mountains, Logrk was the first organic being to block direct hits from Mordre and manage to damage him. As the Leader of the Drazken Clan, Logrk's motives were to attack the yeti and reclaim the bronze and ruby mine that had been wrenched from the Drazken's control for 70 years. After Mordre realized that he was being used by the yeti, he joined forces with Logrk and the Drazken to help take back the mine. Now, Logrk has renamed the mine Mordreden, to honor the metal warrior that had aided them and given them a second chance to rebuild and protect what was rightfully theirs. Logrk is a straight to business type, he doesn't screw around or mince words when he can help it. Logrk holds Mordre's words in high regard, and even gives him overwhelming control in political or diplomatic issues.

Premen, Peace Chieftain, Mordre has only met Delro a few times, and has not had a direct conversation of substantial length to reveal more about him. All Mordre is aware of is that Delro is Logrk's second in command and is more suited to diplomacy rather than straight combat.

Premen, male, Head Shaman.

Premen, male, Assistant Shaman of Mingsk.

Premen, male, Shaman.

Ugrokk the Tall
Premen, male, warrior. Specializes in tactical combat and axes. Lots and lots of axes.

Oggroth the Mountain
Premen, male, warrior. Oggroth respects power in a warrior and holds Mordre in the highest regard. He wields a large ball-on-chain and sports heavy armor made by Del Roga.

Premen, male, shaman. Jojo is a user of the rare Soul Dreaming magic. He has the ability to affect the reality of people who are asleep. Jojo is crippled but manages to move around using magical 'legs' that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Sir. Keddic Harksburton the 4th
Human, male warrior. Keddic is the inheritor of the WAY OF THE HARKSBURTON, a fighting style created by his family. He is charged with adding to it in some meaningful way before passing it on. All members of the Harksburton bear a blood oath against Aurockoth, the god of blades, a humanoid life golem who has slain several of the Harksburton successors. He is currently traveling with Mordre as a way to ease boredom and improve his technique.

Magnum Bang The Human Dynamo, Annihilator Of Armies, Smasher Of Sieges, Cracker Of Castles
Human, male, AWESOME WARRIOR, brawler. Magnum Bang is a unarmed fighter without comparison and is capable of incredible feats. He has various runes of power tattooed unto his very bones. They allow him to 'draw out his latent energy' and make full use of his bodies potential at any given moment. He uses a style of combat magic to supplement his technique. He has a strong battle lust and travels around the country to find conflicts to satisfy himself. He is currently traveling with Mordre because Mordre attracts conflict wherever he goes. It has been revealed that he would like to get to know Collete the Collosus more intimately.

Dr. Toledo 'Steel' Gialgorra
Human, male, inventor. Dr. Gialgorra loves SCIENCE!. He invented CANTI, a Golem operated by technology rather than magic. He is displeased with the fact that magic is used as a stopgap way to overcome problems when science is perfectly capable of doing the same, if not more. Due to this he blames magic for holding back scientific advances and has issued a challenge to the world to defeat CANTI using any other Golem. He has not lost as of yet and has faced over 800 opponents including Lord Donwick Dregas and his former golem, Silicanthos. He has 4 Daughters.

Human(?), Grand Elder mage. She is an enigma shrouded in mystery. She first appeared in the forests outside Duras to meet with Mordre and recover 'The Caged One', a being that was residing within him. She granted him the power nessecary to crate Immortal Genocide and the ability to do magnetomancy in exchange for surrendering 'The Caged one'. She has called on Mordre in the past to do favors for her in exchange for granting him a gift of his choice and has indicated that she will continue to do so.

Ozmand the Hammer
Human, male, Hero warrior(deceased). Ozmand was a capable warrior with his trademark hammer. He died while assisting Mordre defeat Verther. He was absorbed into Mordre willingly as a way to keep fighting after death. His soldiers are now commanded by Ozrick.

Collete the Collosus
Human(?), female warrior, mentioned by Bang.

Del Roga
Human, blacksmith, Stationed in Hletwa, Del Roga & sons craft amazing arms and armor using a blood absorbing axe that provides a complete image of the customer as well as a rundown of all their strengths and weaknesses.

Lord Donwick Dregas
Human, Noble, Golem operator, First encountered in the western islands, Lord Dregas was seen as a participant in the contest to defeat Gialgorra's steam golem. His golem Silicanthos performed valiantly against CANTI until it was demolished by Gialgorra's Supreme Voltaic Beam. With no golem, and hard times cast upon his family, Lord Dregas had resigned himself to return home empty handed. That is, until Mordre extended an invitation to the Kyogrock Arcanoworks. After finding a piece of Silicanthos that wasn't vaporized, and claiming a clay golem by the name of Giodiaz that was left behind in a failed assassination attempt, Lord Dregas accepted the offer. Now he works in Mordre's service by managing finances and other diplomatic measures.

Human, assassin/spy, First encountered in a raid on Diomand's warehouses, she has thus far been able to elude face to face contact by perching herself on rooftops. She has been keeping tabs on Mordre for quite some time now, but her intent has not been malicious. A deal was brokered for her services before departing the western islands, if she procured information on Weinsho or succeeded in killing and taking his skin, a very handsome sum of money would await her. Her most direct form of travel is through an enchanted item called the Spatial Grapnel, it allows her to attach a grappling hook to anything and swing about from point a to b and so on, this is only limited by what her mind can conceive the grappling hook attaching itself to.

Human, The Blue knight, Golem Armor operator/Warrior, Like Mordre, Carkiano leads a force to restore Order in the Azelhaedran State. Trade and talk of future alliances was discussed at length before a storm interrupted and forced the two to go their separate ways. Carkiano employs the use of a Golem Armor entirely composed of Blue Steel, also in his arsenal of resources are the Hounds, Life Golems under Carkiano's direct control that travel and assist where he cannot.

Dame Valiria
Human, Daughter of Carkiano and sister of Vonjeen, Warrior, Escorted Mordre to meet with her father, the Blue Knight. Dislikes the overprotective nature of her father and brother alike.

Knight Vonjeen
Human, Son of Carkiano and brother of Valiria, Warrior, Briefly interacted with on the way to the lodgings of the Blue Knight. Vonjeen is the overseer of a mining operation under the Blue Knight. Vonjeen was noted to have some manner of hidden strength, Oggroth observed that Vonjeen's sword did not furrow the ground despite it being much too large for a man of Vonjeen's stature. Whether this phenomenon is caused by pure wrist strength or some means of magical augmentation, is currently unknown.

Mage Wendelin
Human, mage of the Mortal Coil. She is skilled in rune craft and has inscribed her staff and stone golem with a multitude of runes. Met when she was attacked by the operator of the small tomb Diozagrath. The golem severed one of her arms, but through quick action she was saved by Mordre, Professor Gialgorra, and Sofiazza Gialgorra. In gratitude she gifted to Mordre several books the Mortal Coil uses to teach its students rune craft.

Known 'enemies'

Verther The Bandit King
(dead)Human, mage, magnetomancer, apprentice to Eisenhardt. Ran an army of bandits with the (assumed) purpose of attacking Del Roga for the information stored in his magical axe.

(dead)Human, hero, used mostly item based air magics, suspected to have worked for Weinsho, slaughtered every man woman and child in Berluut with the help of Dulu.

Dulu The Golemslayer, Golemslain and Golemforged
Human/Premen turned Small Tomb, warrior/golemslayer, bound to Weinsho's service by either threats or some form of magic, also DUUUUUUULUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!! Dulu is Mordre's most worthy foe, having been noted to be exceptionally powerful and perceptive for a mortal. Dulu prefers to approach problems and diplomacy honestly and head-on, finding tricks and deceit to be distasteful. Naturally, this puts him at odds with his current employer, who has put him into a Small Tomb as both punishment and insurance against his further defeat.

Human(?), presumed archmage

Goran The Magic Eater
Premen, warrior/mage(?), leader of the Gorkin Clan who in turn lead many Premen clans with an iron fist

The Metal Titan Eisenhardt
Human, Mage, Master Magnetomancer, allied with Weinsho

Life golem

Abaeloth The All Consuming
(dead)Human, warrior, one leader of The Disciples of Domintus

Cyfus Oteldt
Human, Pirate, Current owner of The Shell of Gavrock, former member of the port guard. Payed Gialgorra to repair the Shell's engine, disappeared shortly after. Resurfaced as a pirate, uses the Shell of Gavrock to terrorize and plunder merchant ships in the waters of the western islands. Gialgorra encourages us to search for him and end his criminal career, a venture we will no doubt be pursuing in the future.

Mordre's abilities

Languages Known: Common, Premen, Yeti, Mornostic, Land Of Dragons Low tongue, Land Of Dragons High tongue.

Can continue to run indefinitely, as long as 12 base souls are contained, with a -1 soul for every month of activity needed.

Soulfire: At the cost of three souls, creates a penultimate fire, able to burn stone, water, metal, anything but a Soul Grave can be reduced to ash by this conflagration. However, there is a limit to how long the flames will persist, and as the souls used to fuel them are used up, the flames will dissipate. Approx. lifespan of flames: 30 seconds


Note: Mordre, as a Soul Grave, is blessed with the combined magical stamina of every soul in his furnace (which discounts hero and mage souls). This means that Mordre is able to recover expended energy much faster than all but the most powerful of magic users. This is true for all Soul Graves, with the rate of their magical energy recover being proportionate to how many souls they possess.

-WILL: Magnetomancy (gift of Lenryt, Verther's soul):[The magic of creating attraction and repulsion between magnetic fields, able to move metal nearly anywhere at any speed with sufficient strength and a servicable anchoring magnetic field, the bigger the better. Mordre is universally capable at any form of Magnetomancy, and is limited only by the magical potency he possesses, which only increases with the consumption of further mages. Currently the equivalent of an experienced and competent Magnetomancer. Geomancy (Souls of Domintus Geomancer magi):Able to replicate the earth gliding technique that Silicanthos used. Pyromancy (Souls of Domintus Pyromancer magi):Allows us control over existing flames, giving us power over the direction, velocity, and intensity of the flames. With enough amplification, Inferno Golems can melt straight through metal prisons with relative ease.

-WORLD: (minor mages): Comprehension of how to tap Leylines for World magic, but otherwise no capability to draw ambient World magic.

-BLOOD: (Daobo The Bloody): Mordre has a heightened affinity with blood of all kinds. This provides a bonus to manipulating Blood Iron (that being the iron in blood cells), but otherwise does not yet have direct uses.

Heroic Souls

Merrack The Swift (Body): passively increases the speed at which Mordre can move. Mordre would not be as fast with or without Magnetomancy without this soul.

Conventional Armaments

-Siege Fist (Left hand): Of prodigious size it is designed to smash through walls and doors, three feet across at the knuckles. The Immortal Genocide is set in this fist.

-Sable Executioner (Right Hand) (HS: Luo of the Winding Path): Three Black Steel ribbons, each some twenty feet long, that take the place of Mordre's right forearm and hand. The ribbons are lined with fine saw teeth, and are subtly edged, with great cutting power. Each individual ribbon can be manipulated independently, and all three ribbons can be wrapped about to form a saw-toothed lance of coiled Black Steel ribbon some seven feet long (with upper arm included, total reach in this state is 13 feet, and uncoiled each ribbon has a range of 25 feet). When so wound, if the point of this coiled lance is placed against an object and forcefully unwound, it can act as a drill until such time it finishes uncoiling (3 seconds maximum, with shorter duration uncoiling having more intense drilling take place). Wounds caused by it have a high chance of infection, are prone to higher amounts of bleeding, and heal more slowly. The Black Steel ribbons are able to saw through hardened targets with sufficient force.

-Anti-Vanguard Blade Launcher (Right Shoulder Mount) (HS: Balboa The Butcher): Carries up to six large, fanged circular blades that can be launched individually. Each blade is capable of cleaving through armor far more effectively than the standard Anti-Infantry rounds. Further, Magnetomancy can be used to control their flight path. Blades create a vacuum field around themselves, and suffer no loss of speed to air friction. Each blade takes 1 hour to regenerate, with multiple able to regenerate simultaneously (10 minutes to regenerate with Magnetomancy fully focused on the act). Range 600 ft (Control via Magnetomancy), 2500 ft (no control)

-Anti-Golem Cannon (Left Shoulder Mount) (HS: Ozmand The Hammer, Balboa The Butcher): An enlarged and elongated cannon with heavy rifling, that fires a massive, spiral etched spike, designed to punch through even large masses of metal. Each shot has incredible piercing power, and anything the shell punches through will be struck by a ghostly hammerblow, able to crush stone and break bones. Further, the shell creates a potent vacuum about itself, and is able to maintain maximum velocity until impact. The round is larger and more complex than normal, and takes three hours rather than one to regenerate (30 minutes with dedicated Magnetomancy use). Further, the cannon itself takes up extra room, the massive cylinder of the cannon protruding both to the front and rear of the golem’s shoulder. Range 30ft+ (The cannon's maximum range is now only limited by what Mordre can perceive and direct it to target.)

Magical Equipment

Immortal Genocide (w/ 2 Pristine Souls):

-Default Function: Upon activation, draws ambient heat, ambient magic and assorted other forms of energy. Requires no roll to activate or deactivate.

-Primary Function: When a charge has successfully been stored in the IG, any melee attack will, assuming the target survives the brunt kinetic trauma the blow conventionally brings, have part of it's own energy (soul, heat, life, etc) be converted by the stored energy into the magical equivalent of explosives. So the amount of charge affects the amount of energy converted into internal explosive force.

-Secondary Function: When energy has been successfully collected from the environment via the default function and the absorption process halted, the stored energy can be used to power a burst of magical annulment, rendering spell-casters caught in it's grasp unable to cast temporarily and ending any active magics it touches. The size of the burst is proportional to the amount of energy absorbed during use of the default function. No roll is needed.

-Tertiary Function: The default function can be re-purposed to absorb unbound souls, and start fusing them together into chimeric masses. Each mass usually requires ten ambient souls to be fully formed, and each mass will require a soul from Mordre's personal reserves to properly bind them. At this point, however many masses are created and bound can then manifest as Soul Soldiers, spectral warriors bound to Mordre's will. They require general orders on what to do, but otherwise can handle the specifics of general orders themselves (order them to attack enemies, they won't need to be told how to attack them.). No roll needed. Soul Soldiers vanish after approximately ten minutes.

COMBINED ABILITY: Immortal Genocide Tertiary Function + Soulfire: Inferno Golem: At the cost of 40 souls from Mordre's reserves, a short lived construct of Soulfire can be created. Capable of flight, blinding to the naked eye and able to incinerate or melt conventional materials with relative ease, the Inferno Golem is a modified Soul Soldier. Among the key differences besides power, Inferno Golem must consume themselves to provide themselves power, and constantly diminish in potency as they take actions (and even by existing). Depending on the amount of activity they endure, they can last anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. Inferno Golems must also be more intensively controlled to be effective, so the more simultaneously active, the less precise each will be under Mordre's handling.

COMBINED ABILITY: Immortal Genocide Default Function + Inverter: Soul Infusion: A significant number (63 were used to heal Oggroth) of souls are infused into the target, swiftly healing all injuries and granting them increased power. A side effect is that the souls remain in the target, causing the one healed to have strange dreams, involving the souls' lives and how they ended. This essentially turns them into a sapient Life Golem.

Soul Nexus, Left Hand:

-ACCELERATOR: When activated, anything that comes into contact with Mordre's hand will, upon losing contact, have it's velocity greatly amplified in whatever direction Mordre wishes. This can lead to thrown objects achieving incredible speeds, as well as other potential applications such as deflecting slow-moving attacks.

-FANG TAKER: When activated, a ghostly skull of gigantic proportions will manifest through Mordre's hand, and phases through inorganic matter while annihilating living tissue with spectral fangs. Can venture up to three feet from Mordre's hand. Can be stopped by certain large-scale runes, so is best used on smaller fleshy targets.

-INVERTER: When activated, any magic (not including the Soul Nexus itself of the souls comprising it) anchored in Mordre's Left hand or in direct contact with it can have its function inverted. The end result of this depends on what is inverted. Built largely as a combination based ability. (Needs examples of established combos)

-CHRONAL BANDITRY: When activated, anything Mordre's hand is touching can have it;s sense of time/anchoring in time be leached, to the extent that it slows down, both in action and, if capable of thought, it's speed of thought. The time stolen is 'added' to Mordre, giving a hastening effect. The ability is short-lived once contact with whatever time is being stolen from is lost.

Amaranthine Annihilator (w/ 2 Pristine Souls): Passively builds a charge by drawing power from Mordre's body movement. All collected charge is then stored, until such point the Amaranthine Annihilator is activated. At this juncture, all charge is expended, creating a beam with strength in proportion to the amount of charge gathered. After sufficient charge has built (the equivalent of three days nonstop marching), the resultant laser will slowly acquire a duration increase, becoming a sustained beam that follows Mordre's line of sight for as long as it last. The beam rapidly pushes massive amounts of heat out of whatever it impacts, with such force and speed that sufficient power can cause those nearby to be burned or even outright incinerated. Conversely, the target becomes frozen so swiftly it explodes, showering the nearby vicinity in razor sharp shards. A charge of four hours spent traveling or otherwise engaging in significant action will provide a sufficient charge to be lethal to all but the largest (or sufficiently magically warded) targets at up to 500 meters. Beyond that, the beam's intensity will slowly degrade with distance, and lethality cannot be assured.

-COMBINED ABILITY: Inverter + Edge of Oblivion: Cataclysmic Chaos Cleave: Transforms the sword into a swiftly growing, chaotically moving blade of unstoppable force, yet the protective enchantments are disabled and thus the sword is easily manipulated via Magnetomancy, and is damaged when being used in this way. Without repairs, this can be done two, maybe three times before the sword breaks. Repairs will be difficult.

-COMBINED ABILITY: Chronal Banditry + Edge of Oblivion: Temporal Lock Mordre: Steals the timelock from the Edge of Oblivion, resulting in complete stasis and thus invincibility for Mordre's body. However, Mordre is rendered unable to move its body during this. The sword becomes vulnerable to physical attack at this point, yet is still somewhat resilient due to the spacial lock still in place.

Still assembling information


Human: Basic humans. Highly common with many different Nations, Governments and the like.

Froggock: A frog-like race. (?)

Yeti: A tricky race that dwells in the north, known to have shamans and warriors of high caliber.

Premen: Strong Human-like race that dwells mainly in the north, operating in clans. Has warriors, makers, and shamans.

Morgren: Life Golems. They have formed a strange, perpetually warring set of Clans since the fall of the empire of their masters, and now fight both each other and everyone they find, pillaging and raiding as they go, only submitting to those they deem stronger.

Ragegluts: A specialized species of Life Golem, effectively the Land of Dragon's version of the Mosmordren Morgren. They are forged by binding the emotion of rage to the soul itself, while filling the body with a plethora of Blood magically divorced of ownership, along with several beasts. The end result is a powerful, hulking creature, whose strength fluctuates in correlation with how much rage they have. Highly resilient to Blood Magic.

Core Beings: Highly powerful magic beings comprised of the world's energy. Usually wreck major havock when released upon the surface world, until they run out of energy and dissipate.

World Information and History

This Quest takes place on a world called Zakrath. Throughout this planet there are Leylines of magical energy flowing which help shape the world. The Leylines lose strength the nearer they are to the sea, as they do not exist IN the sea (as far as i can tell for now). So any islands not close enough to main continents of land are without Leyline power.

Currency exchange:

Diamonds (by the carat) are worth 110 Marks.

Emeralds (by the carat) are worth 80 Marks.

Rubies (by the carat) are worth 50 Marks.

Sapphires (by the carat) are worth 30 Marks.

1 Mark (gold coin) is worth 100 Rounds (Silver coin)

1 Round is worth 100 Bits (Copper coin) (Smallest denomination)

Mosmordre Empire: Mordre's "birthplace", now destroyed. The lands once known as this empire are now known as The Cursed Lands, because a curse used to destroy it corrupted the land itself. The Mosmordren Empire was an oligarchy, with anyone able to elevate themselves into the ruling class by demonstrating sufficient magical skill to become mages, at the cost of having to serve the born nobles despite their gained prestige. Society was caste system, with aforementioned ability to get placed into 'mage' roll available to all caste levels. Yes to slaves and forced labor, as well as serf caste. Since it was a caste system, mindset roughly of: bottom caste: life is shit, but if I don't do as told, I die. mid castes: The empire provides, I must return the favor Mage: The empire is wonderful, but it needs my help to exist, and it is my duty to give it. ruling caste: The empire is shaped to serve my whims, but cannot persist if I do not bend my whims to the betterment of the Empire. There was nationalism as well as racism and speciesism, Mosmordren citizens viewed themselves as superior to others, this extended to the caste system. The Empire started the war, they wanted land and resources, and sought to take it from the 'lesser' nations. Prior to war, Mosmordren Empire was feared for past displays of strength, but had otherwise not pursued unified war, building the hostilities that led to Castiliathen being able to get so many allies. No one allied with the Empire, that's why it's said EVERYONE was against it during the final war before it's fall. The war lasted for three decades, but was not 'everyone against empire' until the last eight years.

Castiliathen Empire:

Drazken Clan: Premen clan in the northern mountains, operates a large ruby/bronze mine. Allied with Mordre due to his actions in reclaiming their mines.

Gorkin Clan: Lead by Goran, a powerful Premen leader. Goran controls eleven clans besides his own Gorkin Clan, all subservient to the Gorkin Clan. He controls them with the strength of the Gorkin Clan, which under his leadership has grown to hold more than five thousand warriors, all who follow Goran's will without question. However, fully half of his clan is devoted to policing and taxing the clans he has conquered, forcing them to labor for him and his clan so that they as warriors one and all need not.

The Mortal Coil: An international Wizard society that hoards knowledge like mad, and out of necessity grew to become a chain of exclusive magic colleges to continue funding the research of graduates. Ruling body are the seven Grand Elder Mages, a position with no term limit, with new members selected wither by political maneuvering, or by demonstrating enough skill to best an existing Grand Elder mage in combat.

Magicks and their properties

Magic is a relatively rare, costly and difficult to master line of talent within the setting.

Magic needs a feul source, and a type.

The Fuel Sources are, in order of relative average power:






The types of magic are:




The types are straightforward: Destructive is causing damage/decay to something or otherwise causing something to wear down more quickly than it would naturally, Regenerative is repairing or reinforcing existing things, and Augmentive is adding new traits to something that already exists.

The sources are a little more involved.

Soul, be it the caster's own or those of the dead, is the most powerful magic fuel type, and it alongside Blood Magic were the mainstays of the Mosmordren empire, and were the source of much of their power. After their fall, Soul magic became a capital crime under any circumstance to practice.

Blood is less potent than Soul, but still a far cry above what one can usually expect out of Will. Blood requires a much larger amount of fuel for the same purpose as Soul does, and as such there are no blood mages who use their own blood exclusively (or at least they have very brief careers). Blood magic requires a special permit to be practice without being arrested and potentially executed. The permits can be notoriously difficult to obtain.

Will is the act of forcing magic to occur through the order and strength of one's thoughts. Will mages tire much more quickly than any other mage, and are more prone to burn out than most thanks to how easy it is for them to exceed their safe limits. Mages that become adept at Will magic can expect to be held in high demand and esteem for their prowess.

World is drawing power from the world around the caster, be it from a forest, an ancient mountain, a desert oasis or one of the planet's leylines, there are few accomplished mages that practice World alone, as there are many dead zones around the world where there are no ready sources. Knowledge of World magic usually indicates a laymen learner of magic has started to gain some decent knowledge of the mechanics of magic itself, and may be hired as an adviser or their word given more weight than a simple amateur.

Word is the known tonal combinations that can cause minor magics to occur, such as sparking a fire, snuffing a candle or moving a couple pounds of material about. Most anyone can attempt to learn these, and learning these spells are the firsts steps any would-be mage takes in most cases.

Learning any new magic both requires some source of knowledge from which to learn the spell in question, and the requisite amount of time for the individual to grasp the spell or magical theory in question through practice and study, varying in length by learner. The more advanced magics are harder to learn, and very few have the dedication and the means to become Grand Mages, those recognized in all lands as having master of magic, and because of this, it is no wonder there are less than 100 Grand Mages or better (Such as the Grand Elder Mages, those who command the greatest of power, influence and knowledge)

The magic types (Word/World/Will/Blood/Soul) are just fuel sources for the most part, like different octane gasoline for a car, I suppose. The only thing making this analogy not fit perfectly is that some fuel types are more suited to certain pursuits than others (World magic is best for detecting/manipulating leylines, Blood magic blood, etc.)

Metal Information

Most metals retain Normal properties but Steel is referred to as Base Steel.

Blue Steel: forged with inbuilt Regenerative magicks infused into the metal as it is shaped. More durable than normal steel, keeps sharp longer than normal, and cannot rust. Makes excellent long term armor for any terrain.

Red Steel: forged with inbuilt Destructive magicks that let ever cut it makes be magically widened, such that even a small cut could end up a grievous injury. Causes sharp, vibrating tremors when forged into blunt weaponry. Can destroy Blue Steel with relative ease, but when faced against other Red Steel, will start to warp and wear so long as it is forced to clash against something of it's own nature. Can make armor that magically rusts Blue Steel or below quality metals upon contact. Starts to deteriorate if attacked with Red Steel (said weapons will suffer likewise). Prohibitively expensive, not seen in any mass production form.

Rune Steel: Blue Steel with Runes inscribed into them during a second forging: The effects vary from rune to rune, so while some examples of Rune Steel may be nearly indiscernible from Blue Steel, some examples will have powerful magical enhancements. Price of manufacture varies in proportion with the quality of the rune used. Red Steel cannot be inscribed with runes.

Black Steel: Invention of the now fallen Mosmordren Empire, Steel with augmentive magicks forcibly infused into it by spilling the blood of those actively harvested for Soul Grave fuel onto the Base Steel while it is forged atop enchanted anvils, the souls of thousands ground to dust during their forging to give them a strong connection with death. Now the metal is poison, causing wounds inflicted to rot, and being impossible to wield for long without starting to decay. Only Soul Graves, the golems the metal was forged for, are safe to possess it without harm, as the blood in the metal forms a symbiotic connection with the souls and dark magicks that animate a Soul Grave. The metal is conventionally unbreakable, and causes non-soul/blood fueled magicks cast in the immediate vicinity to be weakened, sometimes outright negated, depending on proximity, the strength of the mage, and the amount of Black Steel present.

Necronostrium: Called 'Death Metal' or 'The Reaper's Steel', Necronostrium was invented and crafted in small amounts by the Mosmordren empire during the height of it's power. A collection of powerful magics allowed the metal to make edge implements of unparalleled viciousness, even the smallest wound made with such a materiel magically being enhanced until even a shallow cut could be a dire injury. Further, wounds will fester, rot and reject the power of leylines flowing in the area, causing agony and some mutation to those struck. The wounds are unable to be treated, magically or otherwise, until the wounded has been exposed to the light of dawn. This metal can claim dominion over all earthly materials, able to cleave a path through any conventional defense. It's forging process was lost with the fall of Mosmordre.

Lortoxite: A.K.A. Starmetal, A.K.A. The Blessings of Lortox, the patron deity of the asteroid ring around the planet Zakrath. Lortoxite (conventionally, a predominantly Tungsten-Carbide alloy) falls from the asteroid ring as blazing meteors. If the fallen metal is sufficiently heated and infused with enough magic, it can be forged into unbreakable equipment, making particularly effective instruments of combat, as the power of the reforged meteors gives otherworldly impact to blows. Conversely, armor made out of Lortoxite has the capacity to absorb and nullify tremendous impacts delivered to the wearer, in correlation with the amount of Lortoxite-forged armor they were and what hit them. The drawback is that any piece of Lortoxite can only be forged ONCE, and once shaped into a knife, hammer or helmet, it will forever hold that form. Some astronomers make significant wealth, predicting the fall of new pieces of Lortoxite.

Golem information and Types

For normal golems, think of them like computers. Given a problem, they can solve it. But they need to be given direction on what to do.

So, once an owner dies, if there is no one else listed as next in line to be master (such as in a military setting), the golem goes inactive. It must then be awoken to bind it to a new owner. In theory anyone could do this, but the tools needed to activate golems are rare and expensive, especially for Soul Graves.

-CLAY: The first type of golem ever made, a basic form has been perfected in efficiency of craft that nearly every town has, a seven foot tall, seven hundred pound vague, rotund humanoid shape. Other designs are seen as well, but none are nearly as easy to make, and are thus rarer. Clay golems are made with clay from dead volcanoes and crystals from live volcanoes, upon which control runes are inscribed. The runes for the default clay golem are readily known, though access to the materials needed is not.

-STONE: Vary in size, shaping and purpose greatly, as they are crafted almost exclusively with World magic, by drawing on the power of mountains or rock quarries (preferably over leylines for best results) to imbue stone with life. Not frequently used in warfare, as the time and energy required to craft even relatively simple ones is not worth the relative ease most common stone golems can be shattered with.

-WOOD: crafted with World magic in ancient forests (also benefiting from from being over leylines), wood golems can be made relatively easily out of any tree and at great speed if necessary, but different trees make different golems, and the time spent shaping the golem impacts the quality. They cannot have runes inscribed on them, and can be burned fairly easily.

-LIFE: Life Golems are made with Blood Magic, and are the grafting of traits onto a base living form to create a new species that can be controlled as a sapient slave. Morgrens are examples of this. Approval from the local government is required to make life golems, and learning Blood Magic is rare on it's own, so very few Life Golems have been made since the fall of the Mosmordren Empire.

--MORGREN: A Life Golem species crafted by the Mosmordren Empire as shock troops, and they were bred and molded to be violent and powerful, vicious fighters. Made from a base Premen (The great, hairy and freakishly strong barbarians to the north. They have little civilization.) augmented with Gorilla, Tiger and Rhinoceros, they are eight to ten feet tall, have some seven hundred to twelve hundred pounds of slabs of ropey muscle, have patches of thick, pelt-like hair on their shoulders, forearms and pelvis, and have rough, pebbly skin, their hide tougher than good leather armor. Their jaws are massive and ludicrously overdeveloped, with viscous fangs and a horn protruding from their forehead, their necks and spines heavily reinforced.

-METAL: The only golems forged of metal, Soul Graves were the invention of the Mosmordren Empire, and their greatest military strength. Can only be forged with Soul and Blood Magic, and the souls of many fresh dead are needed to power the golems. Nonetheless, their power is considered vastly superior to most other mid-to-large production model golem.

Stat Blocks


--Blood Of The Long-Bones: Ugrokk's blood is thick with the blood of the Cromagg, an ancient rival of the Premen. This makes Ugrokk far taller than his contemporaries, and gives him a reach advantage when using any of his limbs.

--Adaptive Joints: Born more flexible than most, Ugrokk's joints allow a wider range of motion, allowing for more unconventional movements. Further, this flexibility means Ugrokk is exceedingly difficult to grapple, and is adept at escaping holds.

--Mobile: Ugrokk is faster and lighter on his feet than most of his size range could claim.

--The Axeman: Ugrokk is most familiar and competent with axes, which he combines with his reach and irregular movements for deceptive, whipping hacks and chops, preferring to distract and hinder foes with rapid attacks before finding a chance to land a deeply biting strike.

--The Open Hand: Ugrokk's unarmed combat style is oriented around redirection of force, rather than blunt trauma, to rely on the leverage his height provides. Ugrokk can flip, throw, or cause to stumble almost any foe he can get his hands on. As far as direct strikes go, he prefers to chop and stab with a stiffened hand, rather than with a closed fist.

--Metal Stealth: Thanks to the function of his enchanted armor, Ugrokk can become invisible when wearing his armor, at the cost of constantly lowering the tempurature of his armor while the ability is sustained. When deactivated, the armor releases all the light and heat it has been negating, and commensurately heats the armor. Currently, Ugrokk can maintain invisibility for an hour before the cold induces (and the heat that follows deactivation) becomes a health risk. The light, upon release, can be used to blind any near him, but will not impact Ugrokk’s vision.

--Gavrock’s Holdout: With one of the Chained Twins of Gavrock, complete with a morphic shell coupled to it’s chain, Ugrokk possesses a concealable, repeat use piece of artillery, capable of turning him into a mobile artillery platform.

Oggroth The Mountain:

--Heir To Parran Thropus Clan: Oggroth The Mountain's ancestry were long members of the Parran Thropus Clan, broken and scattered shortly after Oggroth's birth by Goran and the Gorkin Clan. The blood he carries comes from the Parran Thropus's Clan's distinct lineage, separate from most Premen, and makes him larger, hardier, and more primal. Oggroth's size, strength and durability all are greatly amplified by this Trait.

--Known No Pain: Oggroth The Mountain is titled such for his phenomenal ability to ignore pain. He is able to ignore his flesh being sliced or flayed, not flinch when he is set aflame, and laugh at an attempt to beat him to death. Oggroth will continue to act with full control of his body until it literally starts to fall apart.

--The Way Of The Doban: Oggroth's signature weapon when he does not just use his bare hands, a massive sphere of iron some four feet in diameter, is a fighting style he claims to have picked up from an old, leathery-skinned Premen with shockingly white hair, who nonetheless was able to resoundingly trounce a younger, more arrogant Oggroth who was incredulous at the old one's claims. Now, Oggroth can apply devastating force to opponents up to thirty feet away, either by hurling the sphere at them, swinging it about in a circle with a shortened chain before extending it, or outright bringing it down with both hands upon an opponent like a hammer from the sky. While the speed his fighting style holds isn't much, it's destructive force and potential range are both exceptional.

--The Clenched Fist: Oggroth fights by balling his fists and using his overwhelming strength and weight to literally beat his foes to a pulp, preferring to stand and trade blows with a foe rather than try to fight evasively. Oggroth fights to dish out as potent of a blow as he can, every time he strikes.

--Implacable Charge: While armored and riding his mount, Hairy Steaks, Oggroth can only be brought to a halt by bedrock or magical means against his will: Barred doors and gates, no matter how sturdy, will fall before him. Likewise, Oggroth’s mount is sufficiently large and durable that it can trample infantry and conventional cavalry alike.

--Doban Style Expanded: With the ownership of a new hammer, enchanted and chained to his massive wrecking ball, Oggroth can effectively function as the firing mechanism for a repeat cannon bombardment, but must be on foot and properly braced to do so. The kinetic force placed in his wrecking ball when struck by the hammer rather than thrown is sufficient to smash through walls and crumple metal.

--Durability Expanded: With heavy plate to go along with his already hardy hide and durable form, Oggroth can withstand gunfire, non-magical cannon-fire and conventional weapons directed his way with little to no harm.


--Adaptable Analytical Psyche: As a result of having grown up under rather dismal conditions, with poverty, famine, death, plague, and all manner of traumatizing events all bombarding him. Yet instead of retreating from the harshness of reality, or being warped by it, Arkus became obsessed with understanding the world around him. As he matured, this tendency likewise evolved, leading to Arkus being able to restore himself to a rational state of mind much more quickly than would normally be possible by all but the most grizzled veterans, all of whom would have far worse mental scars than Arkus.

--World Mage: Arkus has successfully learned at least one spell that taps world magic, and how to reliably correctly cast it. He now qualifies as an entry level mage by the Mortal Coil's standards.

--Well-Traveled: Arkus has traveled widely throughout the warring lands south of Castiliathen, and knows the area well. Whenever Arkus is asked a question concerning anything within the demesne of that knowledge, he will have current information as of his last visit to any major city, given at least three days to check known places to pick up gossip and news.

Derkin the Machete:

--Dead-Steady Hands: Derkin has very nimble and precise control of his hands and digits, and is deft at sleight of hand, pickpocketing, and knife throwing as a result.

--Subtle Sabers: Derkin is competent at using machetes as throwing knives, and beyond this, is practiced at secreting such blades about his personage in great number. Part of why he prefers plate, mail and scale coats is to have extra space to hang machetes on the extra material, though his current salvaged mail coat has seen better days.

--Back Alley Whispers: Derkin is a practiced thief, rogue, pickpocket and bandit, and can glean knowledge from local criminal populations very easily. Further, he knows of several fences and black market locations throughout the war-torn collection of nations and empires south of Castiliathen.

--Belligerent Bullrush: Derkin does not like to leave questions unanswered, and when assigned to a task, will continue to attempt to succeed even in face of normally daunting circumstances or frustrating lack of results, with the exception of anything that offers significant chances of personal death. He does like being alive, after all.

Jojo the Stand:

--Souldreamer: Jojo practices an obscure subdivision of magic called Souldreaming, which allows him to use his own soul to power magic within his own dreams, and possess significant power while in tranced states. This power comes at a price, as all those 'blessed' with this ability have bodies crippled from birth, and any considerable use of power requires a deep enough trance that Jojo is left defenseless. Limited in application outside of actual dreamscapes (Jojo is more adept at his craft when asleep).

--Truth to dreams: Jojo is capable of negating recent injuries or changes on any being capable of dreaming, but most go in to a trance to do so. He essentially converts the memories of the injury into memories of a dream, using his Souldreaming to tie the actual wounds to the now falsely imagined dream, forcing the body to revert to it's earlier, undamaged status. This process takes time and energy, and is ill-suited to the midst of battle.

--The Dream Path: Jojo, while asleep and dreaming, can 'ride' the dreams of anyone he has met to their location, and will awaken at their location. This process is near instantaneous, but Jojo is left prone after the jaunt while his soul and body reconnect.

--Nightmare of the Soul: Jojo, while asleep and in contact with the dreams of someone he has met, can use his own soul to trigger potentially fatal dreams, applying the reverse of his Truth to Dreams ability and making the dangers in the dream tangible to the victim, while spurring it on towards nightmares and personal fears of the individual. A draining task, and a warded mind could proved dangerous to assault.

--The Path Of Suffering: Jojo was cast out of his own village at a young age for his frailties, before his powers manifested. He survived on his own determination, resolve and wits, and has a deep abiding respect for those who walk alone, and any showing the determination to do what they must to live and thrive. Pity is anathema to him, as all he has gained has been through effort and pain, earned rather than received as a gift.

Sir Keddic Harksburton The 4th:

--Heir to the 'Way of Harksburton': Keddic is the fourth inheritor of the form of combat magic passed down from the founder of the Harksburton line, a magic that is a closely guarded family secret in terms of how it is achieved, fusing Will and Blood magic fuel sources to create a combat magic that has several Arcane traits. To date, no one outside the Harksburton line has learned the Way. Each heir to the style is expected to contribute some meaningful improvement to the style before they can continue the family line.

--Wanderlust Addict: Keddic is obsessed with exploring and adventure, and goes out of his way to see strange and exotic sights. Has spent several years in the Land of Dragons, far to the south, and gained a basic understanding of their own form of combat magic, one that focuses around the concepts of manipulating mass and the perceived connections between all things.

--Student of The Lined One: During his travels in the Land of Dragons, Keddic met a native combat magic practitioner who was willing to teach him the fundamentals of Mass Connection, the general name for the form of combat magic they practice. Keddic adapted several theories into the Way of Harksburton, but his training was incomplete: His instructor was a wanted man, and Keddic was forced to flee the Land of Dragons after being labeled an accomplice. He assures everyone it must be some misunderstanding.

--Fight-Addict With Gentlemanly Tendencies: Keddic is obsessed with the struggle of battle, and actively seeks out areas of conflict in the hopes of finding good opponents to further hone the Way of Harksburton against, as well as finding simple joy in the course of a hotly contested fight. Outside of conflict, he carries himself with the confidence of one born to wealth and respect, and endeavors to stay a cordial individual.

--Harksburton Vendetta: The Harksburton line has an oath of revenge that they are honor bound to pursue if given the chance, against a humanoid Life Golem by the name of Aurockoth, who not only has slain three scions of the Harksburton line, but more importantly has also stolen glory and accolades that rightfully belonged to the Harksburton line. The Life Golem's location is unknown, and descriptions vague, but the family nonetheless holds hope of one day paying back their grudge.

Magnum Bang The Human Dynamo, Annihilator Of Armies, Smasher Of Sieges, Cracker Of Castles:

--KNOW NO FEAR: No matter what situation or circumstances Bang is placed in, he will never be made to hesitate due to facing a more potent foe, or be subject to fear-based illusory or otherwise magical attacks. This also has the byproduct of making him reckless to the point of insanity when faced with excessively more potent foes, as nothing will make him feel cautious.

--BLOOD THAT BURNS FURIOUSLY: Bang will, in general, flourish when pushed, as his personality is conducive to maintaining focus (and thus control of magic) even as situations grow more hectic/he becomes more enthused with a fight. This has the side effect of making it increasingly difficult to convince him to withdraw from a fight as it progresses.

--Rapidfire Combat Magic: Bang, rather than working to put more any more power into any given ability, has specialized into placing energy as quickly and precisely as possible. This is what allows him to rapidly heal from wounds, by constantly repairing them even as they happen to minimize how much energy it takes to sustain himself, or otherwise undo damages to his body, as well as to constantly employ muscle recruitment (boosted moderately beyond human limits) without his body breaking: He repairs it as it breaks faster than it can degrade.

--Body Runes: Magnum bang’s body is covered in tattoos and ritualistic scarring, as well as carved into his bones (all of them, from teeth to femurs to his skull) with one single function: Enhancing the rate at which he regenerates magical stamina. Without this, he could measure the time he could fight at his normal pace in the seconds, rather than in minutes.

--MAGNUM SCARF: Bang bears only one magic item: A scarf that he can store potential magic in, under certain restrictions: He cannot store general magical energy, only magic already designated towards a specific focus (I.E. magic devoted to repairing broken bones, or re-knitting split flesh, etc.) The scarf, coupled with his body running, pushes his operating time at full throttle (assuming the scarf is fully charged) into the range of twenty minutes. To fully charge the scarf take approximately one day.


--War-born mind: Jezebel specializes in implements of war as her preferred medium for creating new inventions, leaving more peace-oriented, utilitarian devices to be crafted by others.

--Tongue of the Viper: Jezebel refuses to curtail her behavior to be courteous to someone unless she genuinely believes the individual is deserving of it (People on this list currently: Gavrock, Gialgorra). Likewise, she does not take well to orders, but this also means that she is highly resistant to interrogation (even if it means it results in her torture and eventual death).

--Thundering Water specialist: Jezebel’s specialization towards implements in war has coalesced into an affinity for inventions involving electricity and/or water, and she will be more capable at crafting devices oriented around this focus.

--Poor origins: Jezebel came from a family with little in the way of funds, and clawed her way up to becoming an inventor. As such, she is highly independent, but evidences a soft spot for the poor, especially children.

Dame Valiria:

--Blue Knight’s Favored child: Valiria grew up wanting for nothing, her father (and eventually her little brother) all too happy to provide anything she wanted. She has grown averse to this treatment, but is not fully cognizant of how pervasively her own views on the world have been impacted by her pampered upbringing. She has difficulty relating to those who lacked similar resources growing up, but excels at navigating higher social circles.

--Wild Child: Valiria desires to prove herself capable of managing her own life, and eschews any further aid from her family. As this is a relatively recent decision, it is unclear how this will play out.

--Chained Sword: Valiria’s weapon has enchantments in it allowing anything she strikes with her sword to slowly become wreathed in chains with each blow, which she can anchor to anything she desires. This allows her to perform excellently in a support role, or to capture foes.

--Pampered life: Dame Valiria, while well-versed in tactics, leadership, and swordplay, has had little opportunity to push her limits, and currently reacts adversely to being forced to struggle.

Lord Donwick Dregas:

--Money Magnate: Having grown up in a noble family with depleted funds thanks to poor choices by predecessors, Donwick demonstrates a keen eye towards business dealings, and can hold his own against most merchants.

--Seeking Silicanthos: Donwick has a great affinity for his destroyed family golem, Silicanthos, and would have unending gratitude should it be restored to him.

--Veteran Golem Operator: Donwick has decades of experience commanding golems and acting as a golem operator in multiple battles, and is quite adept at assessing golem’s capabilities, both those he uses and those he observes.

--Non-leader: As part of a minor and impoverished noble house, Dregas has almost no experience leading beyond advising, and does not do well when forced into a leadership position for anything requiring quick, decisive choices.


--The voices, THE VOICES: As a functioning schizophrenic, Ulzrick hears voices that he does not perceive as originating from himself, but he maintains enough clarity of mind to not have the difficulty sorting external stimuli that frequently accompanies his condition. However, a byporduct is that he can, when under player control, directly hear the posts of players, and likewise perceives them as he does other ‘voices’ However, unlike voices he generates himself, posters CAN induce sensory overload with excessive divergent comments and suggestions.

--Souldreaming Apprentice: Ulzrick is learning Souldreaming from Jojo, and currently can jump into the dreams of those willing to let him in that he knows with some regularity, and can unmake wounds by making them figments of his imagination and drawing them out of reality. Thus far he has had no success at ‘riding’ dreams to move his body, and has not yet been shown how to do other acts with Souldreaming until he gains more competency in the two fields he has yet had success with.

--Will Magnet: As someone with an inherent disposition to Will magic, Ulzrick has begun to learn some rudimentary Magnetomancy from Mordre, and can move the pins in locks, turn doorknobs, or levitate a few pounds of metal with sufficient anchors. Anything more taxing than this drains him too quickly to currently be viable.

--Flexible in Body and Mind: As a result of his years wrestling and dealing with the voices he perceives, Ulzrick is both mentally and physically flexible, able to contort his body and dislocate joints with ease, and can adapt to changing situations more swiftly tha would normally be possible. A byproduct of his mental flexibility is difficulty maintaining long-term focus.

--To Find a True Home: Ulzrick has never felt at home anywhere since his brother Ozrick left some years ago to seek his fortune, and longs to find a place where he is accepted unconditionally, as all prior times he has admitted to hearing voices he has been ostracized by those he spoke to. Before Trepany, he lived in two separate villages to the East, and was forced to flee from the suspicious glares thrown his way.


--Edge Attuned: Vespinto has prodigal talents at employing any edged weapon he can heft, and at worst is considered competent, at best masterful, with any bladed weapon (or improvised bladed weapon) he employs. He eschews the use of non-bladed weapons, largely due to the fact his affinity for bladed weapons is innate, and when using any non-bladed weapon, he has to manually think of how to employ it, drastically reducing his combat effectiveness. This ability has, under Derkin’s tutelage, grown to include comprehension of the weighting and balance of bladed weapons for the purposes of employing them as throwing weapons.

--Bloody Dedication: While Vespinto is able to keep a calm head at most times, any time he is rendered wounded when in combat and using a bladed weapon, he will feel it a personal challenge to his ability to fight, and become embroiled in whatever contest resulted in him being wounded. Without someone else present to moderate this behavior, he will continue to fight until either he or the one that wounded him is dead. This trait will not activate if he is not armed with a bladed weapon.

--Piercing gaze: Vespinto has tremendously capable short-range vision, and can register nearly anything that is conventionally visible (even if in his peripherals) so long as it is within ten feet of his personage. Beyond this range his vision functions as normal.

--Lust for prestige: Vespinto seeks to become a noble through military exploits, so that he can start his own noble house through the strength of his own accomplishments, and will pursue any path that he feels could better lead him to this goal.


--Iron Lungs: Ellorika can bellow orders with the best of them, and can maintain a measured respiration rate up until the point of collapse from exhaustion, thanks to overdeveloped lungs. This has a byporduct of giving her peak natural stamina at all times she is conscious, and allows her to hold her breath for prolonged periods, up to ten minutes if not exerting herself, and a full minute if engaging in exertion.

--Lead From the Front: Ellorika is more than passing headstrong and brave, and when in command of any force, prefers to lead from the front, both to lead by example, and to stay as up to date as possible about changing conditions on the battlefield.

--Frank Interactions: Ellorika is brusque and to the point, even when blunt words can land her in hot water.

--A Worthy Companion: Ellorika, nearly thirty years old, has rejected all previously suggested matches in Trepany, refusing to couple with anyone she deems a lesser to herself: With her considerable physical abilities, penchant to lead and excessively direct interaction methods, this excluded everyone willing to court her. She seeks someone she could genuinely call her better as the only type of person worthy of being her match.

Dulu The Golemslayer, Golemslain and Golemforged:

--Premen Blooded: Dulu is half Premen, his father having been captured by a roving Premen raiding party, and claimed by one as a prize. After Dulu was born, he grew to hate his puny father, so weak and subservient, and strived to emulate his warrior mother. He eventually become regarded as the roaming band of plunderers' communal son, finding a replacement father in all the male warriors of the group. Eventually though, his mother fell in battle against another Premen war-party, one vastly their superior in size, and as the rest of his makeshift family was butchered he fled, down south into the human lands. Since then he made a name for himself as a capable mercenary, with a natural strength that no full-blooded human can match.

--Premen Priorities: As a half-Premen raised amongst a Premen warband, Dulu respects strength, those who eschew deceit, and forthright combat. Further, it is anathema to Dulu to break his word, and he can become enraged if someone breaks their word when it concerns him.

--Heroic Awareness: Dulu has focused most of his pursuit of magic into improving his perceptions, deducing that as a Golemslayer, avoiding an attack requires perceiving it. He has since pushed his talents in the realm of augmented perception into the pre-cognitive realm, achieving a form of 'danger-sense' that gives him limited forewarning about attacks before he even becomes conscious of having percieved the threat. This allows him to be highly evasive and exceptionally difficult to hit unless he is attack with sufficient speed or numbers that awareness cannot help him. Since his death and subsequent housing in a Small Tomb forged of Morphic Steel, he is able to take greater advantage of his pre-cognitive ability to detect threats to his person, and has expanded it to include reading future openings in a foe’s guard, allowing for both supernatural evasion and supernatural accuracy with blows, managing to slip into openings in one’s defenses the moment they appear. As his new form is much more flexible and durable alike, an exorbitant amount of powerful attacks would need to be directed his way at radical speeds to successfully deny him the ability to evade, and melee combat is advisable only for the most masterful of groups of fighters experienced at working in tandem to cover each others openings.

--Extensive Golem Experience: Dulu has been hunting golems of all sorts for a decade, and has destroyed or rendered inoperable more than four hundred golems of all sorts. As such, he is much less likely to lose his focus, become hesitant or be surprised by the capabilities of any relatively normal clay, wood or stone golem and his new existence as a Sapient Small Tomb has expanded that to include Small tombs as well.. Soul Graves are too rare for him to be overly familiar with them, and Life golems too varied for any universal rules, but his other experience bleeds through, making him dangerous even against golems he has not seen before but between his personal experiences and Weinsho’s observations, The Soul Grave Mordre is largely understood by him, and would have considerable difficulty surprising Dulu with any ability ever before used in the warring states (which includes Duras and the Azelhaedran State.

--Magically Armed: Dulu is able to absorb any magic short of Soul magic upon contact with his form (or his cleavers/staff, should they be gripped) and using the power absorbed to fuel the proliferation of Morphic Steel in his form, fueling the creation of up to six new arms beyond his default pair: Any energy absorbed beyond the amount required to form and sustain a full eight total arms is converted into thermal energy, and will slowly render his form more and more flexible, with the side effects of making his able to melt most or ignite conventional materials on contact, as well as making him much more visible due to the heat released. This ability does have limits worked into it, such that a sufficiently massive amount of non-Soul magic could, after forming the additional limbs, eventually heat his form past the melting point for Morphic Steel, but the amounts required to do this would likely take hundreds of mages directing a concerted effort to do so.

--Weinsho’s Cold Right Hand: As Mordre has grown in importance in the eyes of Weinsho, Dulu’s employer and the one who housed his soul in this new from, Dulu has risen in importance to Weinsho, now effectively his lieutenant. However, Dulu’s preference for face-to-face confrontations, preferably on even ground, does not mesh with Weinsho’s preference to stack the odds in his favor: Dulu tires of serving Weinsho, but is unsure how he could ever escape such service, as Weinsho promised him that he could unmake Dulu as easily as he forged his new form.

--Directed Grudge: As the only golem Dulu has failed to destroy after accepting a contract, as well as the one to slay him, Dulu holds both hatred and respect for Mordre, and strongly desires a chance to once more face the Soul Grave squarely in single combat: Under Weinsho’s service, this is unlikely to occur.


Template:Cg Template:Clear

Current Goals and Objectives

Build an empire

Acquire the aid of the Yeti Tribe or Premen Clan (Complete)

-Deafeat Goran and the Gorkin Clan and free the Premen Tribes under his control

-Solve the mystery of the Drazken's bronze mine

-Create a trade route to the Drakzen Clan's lands in order to facilitate further growth of the tribe

Ally with or gain control of the Azelhaedran State(X)

-Meet new units in the Azelhaedran state: Sam Vimes, State WarMage Alexander Armstrong

-Destroy the Core Being

-Run the Arcanoworks and free more research outposts from enemy control

-Ally with the Blue Knight

Acquire resources and allies from the Western Isles

-Acquire the relics of Gavrcok

-Purchase Pistols of Gavrock(Complete)

-Trade Diomand for the Chains of Gavrock(Complete)

-Liberate the Armor of Gavrok from the pirates around Golgan Island

-Defeat Professor Gialgorra's Steam Golem or find a way to ally with Gialgorra

-Find the true identity of the assassin

Defeat Archmage Weinsho and his cohorts (X)

-Find the location of the Archmage and more information about him

-Destroy Dulu once and for all or find a way to free his soul from Weinsho's control and turn him to our side

-Capture his bases within the Azelhaedran State

-Defeat Eisenhardt or make convince him to ally with us

Help our allies

Keddic Harksburton

-Destroy Aurockoth, The God Of Blades, The Reaper Made Flesh, The Living Sword, The Soul Grave Slayer(X)


-Restore her by acquiring five (5) unbroken world magic mage skins (4/5)


-Turn him into a great mage

-Find the roving magic library called the Caemlo Repository


-Defeat Goran The Magic Eater and the Gorkin Clan

Lord Dregas

-Restore Lord Dregas' golem Silicanthos


-Find out its origins

Magnum Bang

-Organize a reunion between him and Collete the Collosus for either a rematch or to help him "give her a bone of his own".

Prevent own destruction for being a sapient golem with free will

-Keep up the disguise of Mage Mordre

(X)'s Denote tasks that will also help us complete our goal of getting revenge on those who destroyed the Mosmordre empire

Quests by Bob

TGchan: Ant Quest | Dream Quest | Golem Quest | Spacer Quest | Volunteer Quest | Guns for Hire

Not by Bob, but inspired by him: Bob Quest