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File 126239098129.jpg - (396.23KB , 2000x2000 , TestCanvas.jpg )
211 No. 211 ID: 9891a9

Because /draw/ should be used for SOMETHING dammit. Full canvases or close-up images or just anything you'd like to save. I ended up missing a lot of them, so I definitely would like to see some. I'll start with last night's one that Test did, we had a nice conversation during it, good times all around at sleepless o'clock.

-OC Information-
Download OC at http://wistinga.online.fr/opencanvas/
Connect to, using port 9001, 9020, or 9030.
Each port has its own canvas. 9001's canvas is 3000x3000, and 9020/30 has a canvas of 2000x2000.

When you connect, if there is a canvas being drawn on, it'll begin syncing. You can see how synced you are by clicking 'Network" at the top and selecting "Show NetworkWindow". Do not draw anything until it reaches 100%. Otherwise you risk breaking the canvas for everyone.

OC must be in focus to stay synced. If you alt tab, be sure to let it reach 100% again before drawing. The canvas resets about 1-2 minutes after everyone is disconnected, so be sure to save the OC, and ask everyone to leave (or move ports) to start a new session.

The oC server has a couple of helpful commands to make oCing easier on you. To find out what users are currently on the server, type /who. To lock (or unlock) a layer specifically to you, type /lock or /unlock on a selected layer.
752 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 21376 ID: 7fde7e

KAY SO I have had a private pchat for several years and I am now opening it up to everyone! I only ask a few things:

1) DO NOT CLEAR THE CANVAS unless you get permission from everyone and everyone who wants to take screenshots has
2) ask before you start to draw to make sure the place you are drawing is clear (sometimes the canvas splits and overlapping happens)
3) respect eachother and be civil
4) Do not erase other people's art without permission
5) you can draw whatever the fuck you want, SFW or NSFW is fine, just nothing NSFL

That's all! If the pchat canvas splits let me know via IRC or however and I'll get the site master to fix it. Usually just resetting the canvas will fix it but sometimes when you reset the canvas it'll break. If the canvas doesn't load for you, clear your cache. Have fun!

No. 21377 ID: 7fde7e

#) don't play with the layers. if you mess with "your" layer, it messes with everyone else's layers too. The most amount of layers we can have is 5, so don't go over 5
#) pressure sensitivity for tablets can be downloaded here and used by pressing the [P] in the upper right hand corner: http://jtablet.cellosoft.com/
No. 21396 ID: ba8629
File 138646692042.jpg - (1.19MB , 4096x4096 , dec 7 2013 oc.jpg )

Canvas by LP, Test Pattern, and Whaat.

May contain watermelon.
No. 21401 ID: 7fde7e

>comfort eagle
god dammit cake
No. 21462 ID: 4a20fa
File 138708282617.png - (823.86KB , 3162x4096 , dec 14 2013 nyan 256.png )

As a display of cultural diversity, this NC is best read from the bottom up.
(Test, Ñ, whaat, LP.)
No. 21962 ID: 44b350
File 139043490093.png - (1.40MB , 3000x3000 , 2014-1-22-0.png )

Weil, Drgons, and I
No. 22012 ID: 44b350
File 139103933238.png - (510.70KB , 3000x3000 , 2014-1-29-0.png )

No. 22032 ID: 44b350
File 139138347342.png - (879.92KB , 3000x3000 , 2014-2-2-0.png )

We sure are doing a lot of this lately
No. 22163 ID: 44b350
File 139242851968.png - (1.07MB , 3000x3000 , 2014-2-14-0.png )

No. 22228 ID: 34cbef

you two are always drawing cute little shits
No. 22291 ID: 8750b6
File 139372590231.png - (1.29MB , 3000x3000 , 2014-3-1-1.png )

We drew more cute shits.

Remember that one Platformasaur person who ran that Platformasaur quest? They were here too!
No. 22292 ID: f3b5de

I got better-
No. 22475 ID: 8750b6
File 139555280899.png - (1.16MB , 3000x3000 , 2014-3-22-0.png )

Man it's been like a month.
No. 22637 ID: 8750b6
File 139657580566.png - (559.44KB , 3000x3000 , 2014-4-3-0.png )

Abrupt ending :c
No. 22638 ID: ffa549

>grape dragon
Oh hey, someone else around here plays PaD.
No. 22696 ID: befc95

A fair amount of us do, it's fucking addicting
No. 22927 ID: 8750b6
File 139829056597.png - (1.25MB , 3000x3000 , 2014-4-23-1.png )

Man no one likes oC but us apparently.
No. 23153 ID: 8750b6
File 140003616958.png - (1.41MB , 3000x3000 , 2014-5-13-0.png )

Fabulous dragons.
No. 23158 ID: c170fd

Mega Lynd is the most fabulous.

Also wow look at all those extra nips.
No. 23182 ID: 0eaf76

Just kinda chilling in the 9030 port. :o

Anyone wanna slip and slide in with me?
No. 23198 ID: 8750b6

Drgons and I oC irregularly. If you're on IRC next time we are, I'll let you know! Maybe I could even drag a few other people along, canvases get lonely with so few people.
No. 23237 ID: 4a20fa
File 140037189074.png - (1.05MB , 4096x4096 , 20140517.png )

Test, Cockle, N, whaat, and LionsPhil.
No. 23238 ID: 8750b6
File 140037610741.png - (2.00MB , 3000x3000 , 2014-5-17-0.png )

Drgons, Bluejay and I
No. 23266 ID: f4d57f

May I suggest a PaintChat too?

For those using Mac or Linux, they cannot really use OpenCanvas. I have no idea if it works in Wine, nor do I care. PaintChat is still superior.
No. 23267 ID: d17788

Or NyanChat. Or Flockdraw. Or anything other than oC. oC is garbage.

I'm sorry, any software that requires you to keep it in focus as your active window to not desync from the network is not good software.
No. 23269 ID: ba8629

The ones I've been part of over the last several months have been NyanChat. There's no tgchan server for that, though.
No. 23270 ID: 8750b6

To be fair, the only reason we don't use NyanChat is because Drgons' tablet doesn't want to work with it.
No. 23275 ID: 4a20fa

>Flockdraw less awful than oC

It's...really not. (Although it really helps when people don't write all over the damn tiny canvas.)

Multiple monitors? I hear it doesn't behave well with that.
No. 23348 ID: f3b5de

i will only use Nyanchat when a dedicated server is put into it
i looked all over the internet and found none.
No. 23576 ID: befc95
File 140332213863.png - (1.35MB , 3000x3000 , 2014-6-20-1.png )

No. 23593 ID: 723d9f
File 140341614749.jpg - (1.04MB , 3072x3072 , nyan-2014-06-21.jpg )

LionsPhil, N, Stabbity, Test Pattern, whaat
No. 23653 ID: befc95
File 140392423156.png - (607.70KB , 3000x3000 , 2014-6-27-0.png )

No. 23659 ID: df793f

this last one is sparse of activity
No. 23673 ID: 18da89

YOU'RE sparse of activity.
No. 23685 ID: 1f8505


[ ]Not told
[ ]Told
[x]Knights of the Told Republic
No. 23765 ID: 723d9f
File 140462542507.jpg - (860.70KB , 2549x2829 , nyan2014-07-05.jpg )

Cockhole, LionsPhil, Ñ, TestPattern.

Trimmed some empty space.
No. 24244 ID: 4a20fa
File 140762948360.png - (182.20KB , 1816x2008 , 20140810-crop.png )

Thwarted by ~technical issues~
No. 24722 ID: 18da89
File 141110920299.png - (737.38KB , 2000x2000 , n1.png )

Me, BritishHat, Lawyerdog, Slinko, Deadbeard. Late Night Nyanchat, yo.
No. 24735 ID: 4a20fa
File 141126154950.png - (412.83KB , 3072x3072 , 20140920-redacted.png )

LionsPhil, Cockhole, and TestPattern.
No. 24753 ID: 4a20fa
File 141142489279.png - (70.43KB , 664x657 , snakes-and-ladders-party.png )

Seeekrits bonus intermediate-state content.

Actual final redacted version is over on FA: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14599268/
No. 24788 ID: 18da89
File 141170471012.png - (1.24MB , 2000x2000 , nyan1.png )

More Nyans

Asp, lawyerdog, Slinko, me, Jay.
No. 24789 ID: 18da89
File 141170473943.png - (676.93KB , 2000x2000 , nyan2.png )

No. 25114 ID: 9b9ee7
File 141377611437.png - (42.32KB , 1000x1000 , lewdchat2.png )

Featured: Deadbeard and Trout
No. 25149 ID: 9b9ee7
File 141420747244.png - (172.31KB , 1600x1600 , dragons.png )

Pictured: Trout and Drgons on the art, deadbeard colored his dumb fursona
No. 25505 ID: 9b9ee7
File 141681452195.png - (862.53KB , 1600x1600 , prons.png )

Pictured: Sombermann, Orion, Riotmode, Trout, Deadbeard, Radial, Medic

Sorry if I missed anyone!
No. 25506 ID: 9b9ee7
File 141681457593.png - (500.56KB , 1600x1600 , secret image.png )

Pictured: Sombermann, Orion, Riotmode, Trout, Deadbeard, Radial, Medic

Sorry if I missed anyone!
No. 25507 ID: 9b9ee7
File 141681477282.png - (405.89KB , 1600x1600 , orion.png )

Pictured: Orion only, i think
No. 25508 ID: 9b9ee7
File 141681480902.png - (344.62KB , 1000x1000 , sambermon.png )

Pictured: Sombermann only, I think?
No. 25510 ID: 9b9ee7
File 141681551256.png - (47.24KB , 1600x1600 , trout.png )

Pictured: Trout
No. 25533 ID: e678fe


oh my
No. 25542 ID: 9b9ee7
File 141707761845.png - (159.67KB , 1000x1000 , bark bark.png )

Pictured: Trout, Deadbeard, Rubric_marine
No. 25543 ID: 9b9ee7
File 141707764975.png - (64.97KB , 1000x1000 , pornos.png )

Pictured: Trout, Deadbeard, Rubric_marine

Wow we draw a lot of inappropriate things.
No. 25616 ID: ba8629
File 141799989134.jpg - (1.02MB , 3072x3072 , pouches squirrels VT tozl rena squad.jpg )

LionsPhil, Stabbity, Whaat, and me.
No. 25619 ID: aca445
File 141802872414.png - (125.80KB , 1000x1000 , orionnyan.png )

Orion, Weil, Hat, Trout. All of these images are those actually
No. 25620 ID: aca445
File 141802874040.png - (58.34KB , 1000x1000 , orionnyan2.png )

No. 25621 ID: aca445
File 141802876352.png - (281.71KB , 2000x2000 , orionnyan3.png )

No. 25622 ID: aca445
File 141802878929.png - (159.61KB , 2000x2000 , orionnyan4.png )

No. 25623 ID: aca445
File 141802881404.png - (125.51KB , 2000x2000 , orionnyan5.png )

No. 25624 ID: e34da4
File 141802898985.png - (20.21KB , 650x472 , 5zL26uY.png )

No. 25660 ID: 9b9ee7
File 141827802955.png - (123.76KB , 1600x1600 , birds.png )

Pictured: deadbeard sombermann orion trout britishhat shifter55
No. 25662 ID: 9b9ee7
File 141827807342.png - (124.07KB , 1600x1600 , pls draw more birds.png )

Pictured: sombermann orion trout shifter55
No. 25665 ID: 9b9ee7
File 141827811543.png - (127.28KB , 1600x1600 , kobolds.png )

Pictured: sombermann orion trout shifter55
No. 25666 ID: 9b9ee7
File 141827812903.png - (93.09KB , 1600x1600 , dragons2.png )

Pictured: sombermann orion trout shifter55
No. 25736 ID: ba8629

Aw yee. Mutha fucken tozzle. And a Radula.

And is that a Shadran I spy?
No. 25844 ID: 98ecbf
File 141905547725.png - (785.06KB , 2048x2048 , viv weil ruby bj lime.png )

Rubric, Bluejay, Drgons, Weil, n' Weil friends drew things in Nyanchat.
No. 25851 ID: fd8fad
File 141912775603.png - (2.03MB , 3000x3000 , uyfgyjg.png )

festive holiday canvas with JustN, lionsphil, testpattern, and whaat
No. 25868 ID: ea0ad9

"Do you have a boner?"
"Yes, and you're crushing it."
No. 25934 ID: dff0a8

when the heck do you guys do this, i would like to participate with you people sometime
No. 25971 ID: 363820

Usually someone puts up a call to join one in #tgchan, haven't had one there for a while so the rest are private ones or skypes.
No. 26052 ID: 9b9ee7
File 142042267265.png - (280.67KB , 1600x1600 , nyan 4.png )

I hosted a nyan!

Artists: Bluejay, Trout, Pudd, Shifter55
No. 26053 ID: 9b9ee7
File 142042269462.png - (280.39KB , 1600x1600 , nyan 5.png )

Artists: Bluejay, Trout, Shifter55
No. 26054 ID: 9b35bd
File 142042283799.png - (74.94KB , 1600x1600 , not birds.png )

Artists: Bluejay, Trout
No. 26135 ID: fd8fad
File 142104995198.png - (1.63MB , 2000x2000 , 2015-1-11-7.png )

Me and Numbers
No. 26136 ID: fd8fad
File 142104996561.png - (694.90KB , 2000x2000 , 2015-1-11-9.png )

Numbers and me
No. 26190 ID: fd8fad
File 142163916384.png - (2.35MB , 3000x3000 , 2015-1-19-1.png )

same as above
No. 26239 ID: 795da4


O-oh my

Is that freya, Suule?

Have you ever done any burmecian yuri stuff? Or..yaoi?
No. 26241 ID: a08637

numbers is known as suule these days? didn't know that. not hard to guess who drew what.
No. 26246 ID: fc8e37


I'm somewhat surprised this is news to you since he linked his FA a couple hundred times.


Don't bother asking him here. He left long ago.
No. 26362 ID: fd8fad
File 142379018629.png - (4.10MB , 3000x3000 , Burmecians duo.png )

same people different day
No. 26442 ID: f4096e
File 142479165410.jpg - (339.83KB , 3000x3000 , stuff.jpg )

Me and Zokva
No. 26512 ID: fd8fad
File 142578053514.png - (4.33MB , 3000x3000 , Burmecians Bunnies and Eggs.png )

you can probably guess
No. 26899 ID: 0df2ab
File 143089534757.jpg - (974.89KB , 3072x3072 , Nyan May 5 2015.jpg )

LP and Test
No. 26923 ID: 4a20fa
File 143125212361.png - (513.77KB , 2847x2614 , drawpile-20150509.png )

LP and Test

Trying http://drawpile.net/
No. 26931 ID: 1f8505


Is Drawpile better than OC?
No. 26933 ID: 4a20fa
File 143129980563.png - (2.54MB , 3072x3072 , drawpile-20150510b.png )

The smoother needs work. Like seriously needs work. For some reason it's picking up a load of jitter at low levels, and it's omits the start of strokes and otherwise fucks around at higher levels.

Which is a pain since the rest of it is way better.

LP, Cockle, N, Whaat, Test.
No. 26934 ID: 0df2ab

>Is Drawpile better than OC?
It's better for scribbling, worse for inking.

There's no synchronization issues, you can join late in a session and be ready to draw in seconds, users can make and modify their own layers and cut/copy/paste... but holy crap, inking is frustrating.
No. 26940 ID: 1f8505


Interesting. I think I might give it a shot.
No. 27139 ID: ccf689


While the network stuff is better, I feel something is horribly off with the program. Can't put my finger on it though.
No. 27736 ID: 392186
File 143855725605.png - (2.04MB , 3072x3072 , 20150802.png )

Another drawpile.

Don't forget to tick the tablet bugfixes checkbox in the preferences menu.
No. 27885 ID: 04f2a3
File 143976712588.png - (876.53KB , 3072x3072 , drawpile-20150816b.png )

LP, Cockle, N, Whaat, Test.
No. 27929 ID: aca445
File 144039519691.png - (140.76KB , 1600x1600 , canvas.png )

I drew with that one person that used to be here.
No. 27930 ID: 6bf284

I have a name ;z;
No. 28090 ID: c97e98
File 144218989145.png - (1.45MB , 2432x2416 , 2015-09-14.png )

N, LionsPhil, TestPattern, and What.
No. 28101 ID: eaf326
File 144237549415.jpg - (619.45KB , 1985x2968 , Drawpile 7.jpg )

RML, Beakie, and TestPattern
No. 28104 ID: eaf326
File 144238387781.jpg - (578.17KB , 3000x3400 , drawpile 8.jpg )

RML, Beakie, and TestPattern
No. 28110 ID: eaf326
File 144256250748.jpg - (914.52KB , 3000x2400 , drawpile 9.jpg )

RML, Beakie, and TestPattern
No. 28224 ID: eaf326
File 144385765488.jpg - (622.13KB , 3621x2374 , drawpile sergals.jpg )

RML and TestPattern
No. 28225 ID: eaf326
File 144385766681.jpg - (603.53KB , 3777x2460 , drawpile kobolds.jpg )

RML and TestPattern
No. 28226 ID: 1f8505

Any chance of making a new thread? This one has been around forever, and takes just as long to load.
No. 28238 ID: eaf326

Sure thing.

New thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/draw/res/28236.html
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