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File 131673013574.png - (81.80KB , 357x367 , Helo there.png )
7232 No. 7232 ID: 0448b9

Another Soqdraw thread.
This time I promise to start a quest of my own before this thread dies.

Also I can paint a little now.
257 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 10183 ID: 0448b9
File 132668356292.png - (792.05KB , 1500x2428 , Livestreamscribblesss.png )

Livestream scribblessss.

And a little dicks. u.u
No. 10185 ID: 0448b9
File 132668565233.png - (323.20KB , 1444x1538 , cupcake~.png )

Oriole's character. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/oriole/
No. 10189 ID: becb83

totally called it
No. 10198 ID: 9a34be

I am okay with this.
No. 10234 ID: 0448b9
File 132685530039.png - (204.74KB , 629x708 , kenkubutt.png )

No. 10267 ID: 0448b9
File 132693674266.jpg - (55.37KB , 350x776 , hahahaha, last night was crazy.jpg )

<< Hahaha. Last night was crazy.
No. 10281 ID: 0448b9
File 132701369331.png - (779.11KB , 892x657 , img114.png )

< Porn. For the purpose of these doodles, she has 2 dicks.
No. 10282 ID: 0448b9
File 132701380994.png - (736.69KB , 851x675 , img115.png )

<Porn. For the purpose of these doodles, Dasaki turned him into a girl and she is now laying eggs for whatever reason.
No. 10287 ID: 2eac65

It's amazing what the magic of porn can do.
No. 10288 ID: 1854db

No. 10291 ID: 56f9e4

I agree, they should draw me instead
No. 10299 ID: 62c829

Because he asks for it nonstop.
No. 10310 ID: 0448b9
File 132711144851.png - (153.18KB , 732x755 , Oceandesigna.png )

I just like drawing the character, don't mind me~

< Trying to decide on this fag's colors....
No. 10312 ID: 0448b9
File 132711490282.png - (330.43KB , 1201x1051 , level 40 nurseshark.png )

No. 10314 ID: 9c7c3b

So, uh, not to be rude or anything, but is any character you draw a genetic female? Because there is a disproportionate amount of traps in this thread.
No. 10315 ID: 0448b9

My chubby cyclops girl that no one likes but me. I was straight when I started this thread too if you want my earlier stuff too.
No. 10322 ID: 4fa8ce

Not bad for someone who still has stupid 45 levels to go.
No. 10411 ID: 0448b9
File 132728216229.png - (446.16KB , 1063x731 , idunnoporna.png )

Did someone say something about drawing too many Dasakis?~
No. 10412 ID: 0448b9
File 132728301565.png - (221.71KB , 1075x622 , well is hot.png )

No. 10447 ID: 4f6150

No. 10463 ID: 87fa55

I'd read it.
No. 10464 ID: 0448b9
File 132737123031.png - (172.09KB , 663x959 , rozdolls.png )

I'm procrastinating again.. so maybe this summer, eh? We'll see..
No. 10466 ID: 0448b9
File 132737401556.png - (185.75KB , 639x996 , paintingiscoolguise.png )

<15 minute practice...

I have decided to try painting more often because
No. 10468 ID: 87fa55

Summer's a long ways off. Sucks if you're too busy until then, or if you're just not interested. But, if it is just procrastination...

There's an old saying. I can't remember the right wording, but it's something like "As long as you keep marching, you keep marching."

The basic metric of success for a quest comes from whether you keep posting updates. No matter how stupid you think it is. And while you may feel dumb making a quest about some kind of big-hipped trap shark boy, if it's something you enjoy drawing and writing about, then that's probably all that matters. Sometimes, the more self-indulgent a quest is, the better, because author interest is the main limiting factor.

There's a handful of exceptions to the rule: quests which die because nobody at all replies, but for the most part, as long as you keep updating, you keep updating.

I don't know if this is helpful. Nice shine on the painting.
No. 10474 ID: db0509

We're doing this man, we're making this happen.
"Soq's Self Indulgence Quest", sounds perfectly reasonable! Give a while to think and this'll probably be a thing sooon~ >>10468
No. 10486 ID: 87fa55

That's the spirit.
No. 10490 ID: 9c7c3b

I'm getting the feeling that there is going to be a lot of penises in our future.
No. 10491 ID: 0448b9
File 132745792225.png - (158.38KB , 538x620 , It\'sOcean.png )

It's funny because it's true.

<< I have decided to make Ocean magical.
No. 10513 ID: 87fa55

Cool beans.

Careful where you put the mouth. Gotta look like a shark snout, even if it's highly stylized/abstracted. If you lay the mouth down without considering the shape of the face, the point of the snout just looks like a chin.
No. 10519 ID: 82a03b

Shut up, chins are better than snouts.
No. 10582 ID: 0448b9
File 132770575604.png - (1.92MB , 1637x1016 , img121.png )

Yes sir why thank you sir, I only realized how it looked a bit odd after the painting was done.
< Hopefully you can see that I've worked on that a little here.
No. 10584 ID: 0448b9
File 132771546943.png - (222.25KB , 666x810 , oceanisfat.png )

No. 10592 ID: 87fa55

Yeah, that face looks better

So do these, other than possibly the one at the top middle of the right page, in the scanned two-page spread to the bottom left.

no u
No. 10597 ID: 0448b9
File 132780857114.png - (224.04KB , 933x897 , Attempt1.png )

< Oh god. Soqwizard's uploading porn again.
No. 10598 ID: 0448b9
File 132780863498.png - (390.66KB , 905x890 , 1year difference thing.png )

<Oh god, Soqwizard did a quick little progress check.
No. 10605 ID: 0448b9
File 132785947676.png - (170.09KB , 800x485 , Lostincanadaagain.png )

I have a good idea for that quest and all, but I'm not in the mood to start it yet, sadly.

Not in the mood >>>> Procrastinating, right?
No. 10606 ID: 87fa55

>Not in the mood >>>> Procrastinating, right?
I think so. Doesn't make any sense to start a hobby if you don't want to.
No. 10612 ID: 42de26
File 132789497981.jpg - (36.68KB , 298x400 , 1262578161657.jpg )

No. 10719 ID: 0448b9
File 132840114364.png - (176.11KB , 626x931 , buttsbuttsbutts.png )

Oh look and I'm back in the mood to do some stuff again.
No. 10725 ID: 0448b9
File 132847880771.png - (275.32KB , 700x876 , trapclass2.png )

No. 10726 ID: 496845

I really like this guy, but...thinking about him realistically confuses me, so I dunno how I'd draw him.
No. 10791 ID: 0448b9
File 132864965189.png - (251.32KB , 714x861 , Untitled-3.png )

Soq's Mental Status: Good.
Have some scribbles I had with a fwend~
No. 10792 ID: 0448b9
File 132865455951.png - (41.34KB , 336x249 , adasdada.png )

No. 10797 ID: 2eac65

D'awwww, so huggable! <3

Ocean's magical now, right? Any thoughts on how, specifically, that works?
No. 10836 ID: 0448b9
File 132883572342.png - (217.67KB , 900x549 , HowSoqFeelsRightNow2.png )

Oooh haven't figured it out yet, I just said "she's magical" and was too busy doing everything else to actually finish writing the character.

Now if I could only stop dumping my emotions into this fag and get to drawing/writing stuff again..
No. 10867 ID: 0448b9
File 132893641569.png - (246.01KB , 744x733 , lunaaasticks.png )

Painted something for a fwend, they did the lineart. http://luna92323.deviantart.com/
No. 10868 ID: 0448b9
File 132893647244.png - (228.88KB , 713x710 , Bluh blugh Dicks.png )

Drew something with a dick for another friend~
http://www.furaffinity.net/user/rupertcole bluh
No. 10909 ID: 0448b9
File 132908859873.png - (338.83KB , 1085x1125 , sirsirsir.png )

Figured it out. She's just a cute little french sharktrap that was accidentally given the powers of the VOID. Has occasional bursts of maniacal evil once in a while, but quickly goes back to being cute before it goes too far~ Something like that.
No. 12036 ID: 1963d1

It's a she now? Wasn't it a trap before?
No. 12215 ID: 2eac65

If things get too bad, she could get someone to tie her up during her episodes.
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