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113150 No. 113150 ID: be0718 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Because I didn't want to keep posting my translations in the main thread.

Thread 1: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/812225.html
Wiki: https://tgchan.org/wiki/A_Fatal_Error_Has_Occurred
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105359 No. 105359 ID: 4423df hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Maybe it's not appropiate to make a disthread so soon, but I really wanna hear what you guys think of SamQuest so far.

If it sucks that's cool you can say it.
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97520 No. 97520 ID: 3009b4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


Your host is Moxy Luna. That's me!

Hi everyone! I'll be your host and handler for Chapter Three. OK, so this is TOTALLY a beta, so you'll need to forgive me if things go a little ka-ka, 'aight?

OK. So you guys have 203 Influence Points. What we're doing right now is adjusting some of the applications you bought, making them a bit smarter, and amalgamating some of the functions. So things like SCAN will fire more automatically unless it come piss somebody off.

Meantime, when you want to talk shop -- instead of bogging down your quest, you can just come back here and we can talk about things like scans and information and all that kinda stuff.

Also, I gotta be straight with you guys, I'm kinda on probation right now because I got a little too involved with my last job. Soooo if I can't tell you about something it's because I'll get in trouble. Also if the admins are gonna talk, it's probably gonna be here now instead. If you wanna talk with one of them I can call 'em up.

I'm still getting my stock set up but I'll let you know when there's new stuff to buy.

Oh yeah -- you're probably wondering if the upgrade went through. We kinda went with a half-way rollout, so just holla at me if you have questions.
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103424 No. 103424 ID: 3a6aeb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

So here you have a thread about a quest that just started and probably has nothing to discuss about yet...

So, why open it? The right question would be WHY NOT? Curiosities, criticism, general feedback as well as other sweet little treats and everything that regards Pink Quest goes straight in here!

Also, for those who were wondering, that in the picture is my "project tablet" right next to my work desk. All the papers hanging on it (or most of them) are concepts and ideas for the story. I thought it would make a perfect picture for this thread.

Thanks for all the support you've shown so far, I hope you're having as much fun as I am but, most importantly, I hope you'll keep having it with future updates.
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87374 No. 87374 ID: 0aa30d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

I'm going to open a discussion thread for two motives:

1) Considering the current state, i feel it could be helpful explaining or answer questions that might be meta-related, like the natural abilities that a Ranidae possesses or how the magic works in the world, etc, so to keep the quest fluid.

2) Since this is my first quest ever i wanted to know your opinions, critiques or advices on and for it! I'd really appreciate any input to make it better.
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111480 No. 111480 ID: c31aac hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This if the fifth time I had to remake this fucking paragraph! Thanks, tgchan, specifically thanks to your wonky-ass embed system!

It's mildly painful! New quest!
It's a spinoff to a dumb webcomic I like called It Hurts!! Read it here and get to comic 100 for relevant context.


ANYHOW, mechanics: Jerkins and Oliver are both your charges. They'll ignore if they think you're dumbasses.

Jerkins is the protagonist. He's also dead to the world, though isn't actively hostile or even a bad person. He's also got crazy farmer strength, a shotgun, and basic engineering talent.

Oliver is a ghost. He is incorporeal, kind of a lecherous dickbag, and has magical spooky ghost powers.
He's also one of a select few apocalypse monsters not trying to kill your ass dead.

Expect the quest to be kinda edgy like the source material!
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110900 No. 110900 ID: e12db1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

I'd like to dedicate this music video to all the NSFW quests, their artists, and the pioneers that have made TGChan what it is today.

This is the first video I've ever made, so excuse the bad composition and editing. I tried to include every NSFW quest, a few favorites of mine, plus some random/recent stuff. Apologies if I forgot anyone.

The song is My Chemical Romance - Welcome To The Black Parade

There's two versions of the video, first one is without subtitles, and second one is with subtitles. I'll also be following up in this thread with the lyrics, the credits, and post links.

Enjoy, and carry on!
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110800 No. 110800 ID: eda54c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

wherein tgchan partakes in an act of civil disobedience
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110081 No. 110081 ID: d9d492 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

It's thigh noon! Everyone post thighs.

Previous thighs:
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110557 No. 110557 ID: b7bb24 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Anything you want to discuss; feel free to add here.

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107622 No. 107622 ID: e6d65e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Current Thread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/769644.html

Discord Server: https://discord.gg/cQeD4kM

Past threads in current series:

I'll answer questions about me, the quest, the setting, etc. You play as a character who knows a lot about their setting, so I'll also be happy to answer just about any question that the player character knows the answer to, to help you metagame!
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104293 No. 104293 ID: da0f4f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Critiques,comments and tips are most welcome!
Also if you have nsfw art about the quest, you're more than allowed to post it *wink*
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110036 No. 110036 ID: d4c8ee hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I've gotten the impression people have been sort confused with some aspects of what's going on with this story, so here's something for discussion relating to it.
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96871 No. 96871 ID: 7ae8e1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Given the surge of interest in it, let's get started talking about all those quests that never made it past the drawing board for whatever reason or elements of quests that didn't make it into the final product.

Here's the crotches that never were that got it started:

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106091 No. 106091 ID: e136ae hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Nem thinks the Krampus costume is racist. That said, she secretly likes her horn extensions. She was trying them out and admiring herself in a mirror earlier on.

Official Launch: Dec 1st. Early posting are no problem.

What Goes Here:

- Updates depicting the characters you chose to participate in the Secret Santa shopping/crafting/searching for a gift for their assigned character. The understanding of the significance of the holiday is secondary at best; if your character's just in it for loot that's fine.

- Updates depicting the characters you chose reacting to the gifts they have received. This update obviously can't appear until after someone has posted their shopping/crafting/searching update. If you'd like to make more elaborate, including dimensional rifts, or face-to-face presentation, that's fine.

- Updates depicting characters shopping for people other than their assigned characters are ALSO FINE as long as YOU and the AUTHOR of the character have AGREED on things. Extra updates are extra work, after all.

- Reactions to the updates are fine within reason. Don't start arguments here.

What DOES NOT Go Here:

- Sign-ups for the Secret Santa. They go here: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/105706.html

- Additional questions about Secret Santa. They go here: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/105706.html

My Secret Santa didn't come through with my gift!

Give the person some time. We'll handle this come the 20th.
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3074 No. 3074 ID: 9fdac5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Many of you probably have an unbelievable amount of Quest ideas and no way to realize them. This thread is here for you to blow off some steam.

I'll start. Pic related.
That is all for now.
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89730 No. 89730 ID: f75cf9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I don't know what is the etiquette for discussion threads so I'm making a discussion thread I guess.

I dunno advise me and stuff I guess!

(I promise I will not blow up and stop questing forever due to negative feedbacks.)

Oh uh
That's probably important
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35133 No. 35133 ID: ecf7ae hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

It seemed prudent I should create a thread more relevant to my current quest, Before the Storm, as my old thread was at times a bit confusing and quite unfocused. Lacking much to connect it with my current endeavors aside from the gradual progression of my artistic attempts.

My old discussion thread for my first quest First Hand, and can still be found:

So, if anyone should feel the need to discuss, criticize or question the characters, setting and such outside of character's earshot, this would be the place I imagine.
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109470 No. 109470 ID: b68e42 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Finally decided to make a discussion/lore thread for Hiraeth. Will most likely just consist of me being a nerd over random historical tidbits.
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109405 No. 109405 ID: 2678a5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I haven't the faintest idea of what I'm doing here or what's going on. But discuss the Quest here I guess. That's what I was told.

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84526 No. 84526 ID: 55c4cf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Old Thread was created in 2010...
Discussion Thread for quests by chigui!

Quest Mirror: http://chigui.net/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/chigui
Quest Discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/84526.html
Twitter: https://twitter.com/chiguigushi
Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/chigui
IRC: #lilac on irc.rizon.net

Currently Updating:
Bubble Bucket
Mission: Covert Ops
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109004 No. 109004 ID: b68e42 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Let's do this
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913 No. 913 ID: 6faa8c Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Ohai, Gnome.

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81536 No. 81536 ID: 0b90a3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]


Discussion, comments, critiques and whatever else can go here.
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108731 No. 108731 ID: 4063a3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Happy Valentine's Day! Make Valentines featuring quest characters!
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101121 No. 101121 ID: af6e04 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Heya guys! I figured I'd make one of these thingies instead of filling my quest thread with spoiler tags.

I haven't been able to keep up the update pace I was hoping for. I'm trying my best though. Any thoughts on the quest so far? This is kinda my first quest and I'm mostly just winging it heehee
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101781 No. 101781 ID: 3f8abc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Ooh boy I had planned to make this after chapter one but now that I think about it that make no sense. So sorry for not posting it sooner!

Hello! Along with discussion amongst yourselves, I can answer any questions about what’s happening in the quest, or about characters or how the world works and so on. And if anyone has feedback or anything, that is greatly appreciated ^^

In the quest, I am planning to reveal information about the world through conversation or information-finding instead of any exposition. However, I can post lore/world information here if anyone is curious about certain things. Most of the information here will be shown in the quest as it goes along, but here it can be typed out in full informational form for anyone who wants to see. Not spoilers, just world information.
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95651 No. 95651 ID: 3e5cad hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Post music or playlists that remind you of a quest or a quest character!
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108025 No. 108025 ID: 2eca18 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

All the cool kids are doing it.

Basically it's a text quest exploring a world.
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102026 No. 102026 ID: eda54c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You wake up and immediately unlock your Iphone knowing that tgchan's /quest/ is open on your browser, so you keep your eyes shut so as to not spoil the moment with old news, old quests that don't matter anymore, and you take a chance on blindly tapping on the glass screen of your giant phone to hit the refresh button on your "Really Well Made" mobile browser of choice. You count to sixty in your head as a sort of minute long count-down to opening your eyes. What you are greeted with is the only digitized picture of someone known as "The Hif Man". Who? Your perception of what is and is not a good quest thread is torn apart in an instant, and noticing that there is no posts in the thread, you give the first suggestion...
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95430 No. 95430 ID: 477b7d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I have no talent with style or presentation so here's just the link:

That link will stay updated as I keep working on it. Comes with a single character (Aggeia). It should be compatible with Python and win16 DLL formats.

Things to do in the future:
Multiple opponents
New XML format
Configurable AI for characters
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107422 No. 107422 ID: eb3fae hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This is the first quest i have ever made and it is set in a world that i am currently working on.

I figured that if i made a quest in it, it would help to flesh it out more, and it would help me practice drawing faster

I am happy to answer any questions about my world and the characters in it, unless it would be spoilers of course
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107108 No. 107108 ID: b073ca hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


Ring in the new year with a celebration of all things crotch.

Watch out everyone, Zack is being bhaaaaad
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107440 No. 107440 ID: 1383f1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


Am I bad at finishing things I start.

Don't worry!

This story will hopefully cover some things that have happened in SAVE and NAUTQUEST.

A continuation of sorts.
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106783 No. 106783 ID: 8afd18 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So I know the quest is still an infant, but I figure I should get this tucked away before I forget.

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102994 No. 102994 ID: 4cc071 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

So, some of us were talking about this on IRC, and decided that this warrants a thread.
If Tgchan has its own deck of tarot cards, who would be on each major arcana?

So far we've got James Baxter from Ouroboros for the Fool, Chuck from Coxwette for The Devil, Poly from Enemy Quest for High Priestess, Nate from Conspiracy of Wasps for The Hermit, and Bruco and Strela from Bruco and Strela Gets Married for The Lovers.

Maybe limit it to a character from a quest, so as to not crowd the deck. I myself have drawn Baxter as the Fool, McDowd as Justice, and Millie as Strength, but I only submit Baxter in this deck.

Discuss who will become what card in this thread!

Also a handy guide of all the Major Arcanas for your perusal:
>0 - The Fool: James Baxter (Ouroboros)
>1 - The Magician:
>2 - The High Priestess: Poly (Enemy Quest)
>3 - The Empress:
>4 - The Emperor:
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
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106527 No. 106527 ID: e136ae hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Nem: Remember Ugly Sweater Day last year? Well we're doing it again. You can show off your ugly sweater or you can give it a miss, I don't really care because I have lots and lots of mulled wine. :)

Nem has chosen a wreath that wraps around her boobs this year.

Previous Year's Ugly Sweater Day: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/96512.html
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106521 No. 106521 ID: eda54c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

title says it all
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90316 No. 90316 ID: f63e0b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

People in IRC were asking for a discussion thread.

BAM! Just call me the Metamyriad, 'cause your wish is granted, baby!

Discuss, plan out wishes, and consider your options. Silent moping is allowed.
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104305 No. 104305 ID: 1f8505 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

AirBnB listing:
The Von Ellensburg Guest Estate
Thomas Point, Oregon
Entire Home | Multiple Bedrooms/Bathrooms

Check in: Anytime

Check out: Ȃ̷̳̾́̂̇̌n̼̖̣ẙ͖͍̻̜̘́͂t̮̝̙̲̰͟i͖̹̥̰ͩͫ̆̿͘m̷̗͕͍̾̔ͦͦ̔͋e̛ͯ

Built in 1952, the estate wasis the central tourist destination in the town, a retreat from the big city. Although suffering a small fire in 1959, this place is still a popular haven for those who are dying for peace and quiet. Providing a lovely view and continental breakfast, this BnB will be sure to provide a relaxing and cozy time for you, your friends, and/or your family!

House rules:
- Check in at front desk
- No noise after midnight

En̫͙͙̭̲̗͍j̞͎͇̠͉͉͍oy̮͠ ̹͕͎͕y͠o̧̺͖ư̦͙̥̟̼̻r̯̬͈̩͢ ͘s͍͙ͅt͕͇̩̝̦ạ͙̯̙̪̠͠y̝̹͢
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105434 No. 105434 ID: dfc4c7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Welcome to TGChan High and Highschool Day! School's in a little earlier than originally planned.

Please refer to http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/104201.html for rules and regulations.

Of note:

Smut requires a three-person consensus. Please use spoilers.

First official rule change: There can be as many teachers as you want and in as many positions as you want, but no one character unless it is voted upon can be the principal.

Second official rule change: This school is a delinquent school in which both teachers and students will usually carry weapons. A uniform has been selected for Senior students if you look at the top of the page and click the button "Pony" that is the theme.

Third official rule change: Kome can become principal if they wish. There are no restrictions on teachers or students in number or in what positions they hold other then Teachers must be able to preform in the class they are teaching. Ex: Driblis from Driblis quest cannot be the sex ed teacher since it can't figure out its own gender.

Don't forget to continue to support Ass Day as class didn't officially start until the 15th. Feel free to mingle about with your fellow students until the bell rings.
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97089 No. 97089 ID: 3e2cae hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A place to discuss the adventures of Battle Babe and company.
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99821 No. 99821 ID: d11a67 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

a discussion thread for a quest thread about an adventurer who is a criminal who is little t
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105706 No. 105706 ID: e136ae hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

So I've mentioned this in IRC and had a few people ask me about it, so I thought I'd pen my thoughts here.

Here's how it would work:

1. You select a character from one of your quests. This character is entered into the list.
2. You then roll for who your character will shop for. If you roll yourself or someone who's already been selected, roll again. (For expedience I might just handle the random selection and just tell you who you're shopping for)
3. You update with what your character has chosen from their world to give to the other character.
4. Meantime, someone else is shopping for your character; when you find out what they've given you, update with your character's reaction.

You can enter multiple characters.

For example, if I entered Nem of Nem's Quest and rolled to be a Secret Santa for say, Chuck of Coxwette, then I would create a short update of Nem selecting something she thinks Chuck would like -- probably some "Dreamtime Tobacco". This doesn't mean that Chuck is shopping for Nem; some other character is shopping for her.

For the sake of fun, once you've done your required gift updates, you're free to do some extra shopping and it doesn't have to be a "secret Santa" as long as you clear it with the other author first, as not only do you have to do an extra update, so does the other participant.

Sound fun? If you're interested, let me know. We're going to want to get the base list taken care of before too long and get updating by December.
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89554 No. 89554 ID: 189a54 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Discuss and/or critique the thing here if you want :P
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83626 No. 83626 ID: 4d30e8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Eternity is in love with the productions of time.
~William Blake

This is the discussion page for Ouroboros Parable, which can be found here.

What is an Ouroboros? It is a snake which coils around itself, eating its own tail. Some link it to the cyclical nature of time. And as such, our protagonist will be subject to those cycles - literally. But for now, forget about this talk about time, and discuss why, exactly, did our protagonist wake up in a morgue.
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104973 No. 104973 ID: bfb318 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Sheriim, from the quest Dragon Romance by Slinkoboy.
He welcomes all quest characters to the most important Day.

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99457 No. 99457 ID: c6e626 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Disthread for Dead On Arrival, AKA Anxietyquest, AKA Doki Doki Murder Mayhem. That last one will make sense eventually, I swear.

Quest here: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/719196.html
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105525 No. 105525 ID: 08ea7f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Given recent events, I feel aspects of the over arching plot I had in mind might feel a little... too close to home and controversial, if that makes any sense. It is weird seeing reality imitating (if only in certain tones) aspects of my quest.

I won't lie, part of me feels like axing it. It is a dystopian depiction and I think regardless of our affiliation that we need unity and hope.

Another part of me feels like I should continue, maybe "adjusting" it a bit. I enjoy creating stories and making stupid pixels (FYI, this ain't my art)

But, I want your folks opinion first before I decide on anything. I can't promise you that this is what I'll accept, but I still want to hear it.
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104201 No. 104201 ID: c441c1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

November 15th through the 20th the start of High-school day.
If most of IRC likes one uniform design then it shall be made true otherwise use own discretion.
Current submitted Uniform designs:
Steve- http://www.tgchan.org/wiki/Steve%27d
Just remember the uniform is a general rule and bad boys and girls, and grey goo monsters, and TCPs, etc... might not like to follow the rules.
No taking over the thread(like 3 or more posts an hour constantly) with smut unless three or more people are in on it.
If you would like to add or change the rules of High-school Day go to the #tgchan board on an IRC such as (https://qchat.rizon.net/) and initiate discussion so as not to flood the thread with unofficial rules. I will try to update this thread daily when ever there is a rule change.
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No. 77428 ID: e9b708 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

As it is my Birthday I feel it is an appropriate time to unveil a project I've been working on for some time (also the reason my update speed has taken a severe hit)

so enjoy the video and tell me what you think

this will also serve as a new thread to discus all things Lonelyverse related.

Previous thread
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No. 105309 ID: cedd1b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

This entire thing sucked. All we ever saw was the lobby cause everyone just stood around in the lobby taking drugs, the only sex was all implied, the turnout was miserable, the food here is terrible and the portions are too small and the scariest thing that happened was being reminded of all the good quests that died while we have to poot up with the rest of you fu
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73670 No. 73670 ID: 0006f5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Questions, comments, and suggestions for my present and future quests are welcome here.

Thanks to everyone for your unconditional support, in all forms.
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102447 No. 102447 ID: 163674 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Oh! Hello there!

Susanna Stark. Professional mayor. It's Beach Day again, the marvelous day where we all go outside to celebrate the mysterious omnipresent SEARING SKY FIREBALL THAT BURNS YOUR FLESH, GIVES YOU CANCER, AND BLINDS YOU IF YOU LOOK AT IT

But what's not to love? That's the spirit of Beach Day? Right?

Enjoy your stay, and do try not to be too lewd.
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104026 No. 104026 ID: e0f785 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


I figured I'd start one of these since I'm getting pretty good suggestion turn out and I was keeping up pretty consistent updates.

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88529 No. 88529 ID: 16c03a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hello everyone! It's Nahkh here, long time no see.

Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm returning to semi-active status on the board. The fact that I left behind so much unfinished stuff has bothered me for a long time. I've been itching to continue Tiffany the Necromancer in particular, but before I jump the gun and start working through the night to provide you guys with entertainment, I figured I'd go around and ask for your opinions. After all, it's been a long time and as far as I know Tiffany could have been forgotten. So my question to you is this: Would you like to see Tiffany continued? For those of you new to the game, Tiffany is a quest about a young girl seeking revenge on her grandfather while trying to avoid a magical war or getting killed in the process. The wiki page should explain it well enough: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Tiffany

If I will continue it I'll start off with a decent enough recap that should allow newcomers to join in without difficulty.

So, what will it be, Tiffany, some other old quest of mine or something new?
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100057 No. 100057 ID: c6e626 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hello, this is your captain speaking. This is a discussion thread for AI Box Quest, which can be found here: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/726958.html

(As a first little side note for this thread: VIRA's pronouns are she/her and they/them. Out-of-character, I'll be using they/them for consistency's sake.)
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90236 No. 90236 ID: 03a06f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Who likes harpies? WE LIKE HARPIES!

The people get what they ask for! Now lemme see that fan art. Lemme hear those theories. Maybe I'll even draw some butcher birds for you if you have an idea in your head.
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96965 No. 96965 ID: 3a9db6 Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Discussion thread for A Little Town Called Coxwette, my first NSFW quest. Thread AND quest will likely contain lewds!
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103782 No. 103782 ID: 9f3729 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So nappist commissioned me to do a banner for tgchan here that should be up by tomorrow.
After consulting with dylan, I found it pertinent to make a banner thread.
Could be a neat way to spice up the board some, ay?
Ideal banner size should be 100 high and 300 wide as dylan's mentioned to me!
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99255 No. 99255 ID: 15a025 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

For anyone who feels like talking about the adventures of a brave soda mascot who fights for the justice of his people.
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103654 No. 103654 ID: 8013df hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Post your Black Crusade starting characters. First 5 get in. I'll select one for a quest I'm making. Try using my format here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P7TbuaDy0ZvCoNQhrvgW14ho2aoy9aYt1U0yM7BTKrI/edit?usp=sharing

You don't have to put the CSM's extra gear/skills/talents, but you do have to put any stat increases of any kind. You may switch out any gear for one of the same availability, any skill for one of the same rank, any talent for one of the same tier. Good luck, all ye scions of chaos.

This same thread has also been put up on /tg/

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90788 No. 90788 ID: 8f7720 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Talk about the quest!

Do it now!
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97149 No. 97149 ID: 0eaeaf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

The questdis for MKG.
Ask any questions here!
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101599 No. 101599 ID: 3009b4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Lovers of the body.

It is time once again to proudly treasure the chest and all the treasures the chest presents.

It is time for CHEST DAY 2016.

Pump up those pecks, buff up the breasts, show us the chests!

Previous chest days:
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89318 No. 89318 ID: ec63c1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Because its not like people will make one on their own
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102182 No. 102182 ID: 6e506e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hey guys. I'm not really sure if this is the right place to ask, and I'm sorry if it's not, but I'm sorta new sorta not new to the whole questing thing, as well as this site in particular.

I learned about questing years ago through weavers art when I read rubyquest, then moved only divequest and stuff, and also Mudyquest from there. From what I can tell, these are fairly well known quests and are considered a very high quality.

However, I have no idea where exactly I go next. If I click "Archive" or "Graveyard" (not sure what the difference is yet) there are so many goddamn quests with no easy way of seeing what they are about or a description of the main story. From what I can tell, there is no rating system either, so I don't even know if something is any good, or total garbage. I couldn't find anyway to determine length of a story either, and if it had a million chapters or just one. Sometimes I just wanna read a short story while on break or something but I have no idea what I'm getting myself into here.

Is there any easier way of sorting through stuff? Can you guys please give me some recommendations as to what I should read next? I read ruby/mudyquest years ago but I don't read quests often and would like to get into it more. Couldn't find a recommendations list either but maybe I'm not looking hard enough.

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99230 No. 99230 ID: b1ab1f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

please fill with memes.

chronocide discussion thread to ask me questions and such, me to dump art, or anything else related!
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101472 No. 101472 ID: ea2bfa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

It's all in the name, folks! Discuss Devils! Speculate on your buddies' Vices! Argue over which is best Devil Wife! All this and more, right here!
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101893 No. 101893 ID: d035ee hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Talk about your next course of action, talk about what's going on, whatever.

This is my first quest, I'm new to all this.
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98268 No. 98268 ID: 87df89 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Discussion Thread for Empires of War Quest. Want to talk about the quest? Ask questions of the author or the Four Magistrati? Post Fan-art? All of that goes here!
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101657 No. 101657 ID: ea2bfa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hey! Believe it or not, I do a ton of writing as a hobby. And even though I've already got short stories set in this universe, I want to write some specifically for these quests. So here's where I'm gonna do it! Hope you folks enjoy it.
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93125 No. 93125 ID: f68a09 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

TGChan, friends, loved ones, it is time for Chest Day.

Male, Female, Something completely different. As long as it's got a CHEST it's FAIR GAME for this celebration of all things peritoneum.

Previous chest days:

The first person to make a joke about a treasure chest or something eats a ban! Love you all!
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82638 No. 82638 ID: 9dd1ee hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

I'm planning on starting a new quest,

the quest will feature
-A team of 5 characters,(chosen from the 10 shown)
-Crime mystery solving
-Morale balancing
-Top down perspective
-clothing damage
-grid based tactics combat

this thread is to set up some important information and voting before I start the quest, and for general discussion after it's started,

What would you like to hear about first?
-Characters? (which ones?)
-The world?
-The ruler of the world?
-the plot?
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100876 No. 100876 ID: bf22e8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


This area for MADE discussion thread.

Friends from old threads I've done will be appearing in this series!

also, submitting characters/objects HERE is allowed, drawing a picture or describing the character might get them in the quest.
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101314 No. 101314 ID: f34ceb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

for: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/734623.html
I'm honestly just doing a quest for the second time ever so I figure discussing it with others could be helpful to me. Maybe improve how I work and all, and just interact with readers and other authors. Heya!
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101408 No. 101408 ID: 9fdb37 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Alternatively, People Against Puns Rally.

Hi, I'm Zmajevit, a former anonymous lurker.
For those interested, what you can expect from CU with absolute certainty can be summed up with three things: weird tonal shifts, simplistic art and (not very) spooky scary skeletons. Oh, and word omission because I'm dumb like that.

Here you can discuss stuff and demand clarifications if you feel I haven't explained something well enough in the quest itself.

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33178 No. 33178 ID: f88f02 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Because the old one breached 1.2k. Sheesh guys.
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100804 No. 100804 ID: 006dfa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

what am I doing. what is this. (I'm so sorry)

hi! I'm yuffie and I don't get enough sleep. I like elves and also I like to draw said elves.
This is my first quest and I don't really know what I'm doing, lol. I'm so sorry.

Maybe I can dump some lore here and we can talk about things?
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100598 No. 100598 ID: c1eaac hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright

lore/worldbulding questions, comments, discussion, etc. can go here. extra art maybe.
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86933 No. 86933 ID: e31d46 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Discussion thread for IGF: http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/602823.html
Hope you guys are enjoying it so far! It's my first time doing something like this, so it might be kind of a bumpy start.
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93087 No. 93087 ID: 013c12 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

mostly for world building... but also for questions and comments.

quest - http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/639382.html
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89988 No. 89988 ID: 735a83 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Well, After some time that the quest is going, I decided to make a discussion thread.

Chapter 1: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/628023.html
Chapter 2: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/633065.html

Also, I Have to inform you that updates since now may take some time. But I will try to keep up.

Feel Free to do questions or share yout thoughts about how is the quest going.
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90830 No. 90830 ID: a19cd5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Donkey Quest was unappreciated in its time.

Previous Threads:
>>480 >>1118 >>4215 >>6777 >>9235
>>18403 >>26457 >>31821 >>46018 >>56436 >>76929
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97900 No. 97900 ID: b94e02 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Discussion Thread for Could, Should, Is Quest. All Questions, Comments, Tips, Tricks, Fan-art, etc. goes here.
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100056 No. 100056 ID: 0eaeaf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Ask any questions about Journeyman here!
Thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/727581.html

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99844 No. 99844 ID: 26a346 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

For all your Staycation needs I guess. And extra art and discussion when we get there.

Sorry I'm so new.
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98952 No. 98952 ID: dd4cbd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A thread for discussing all the decisions you can make in Pasta Salad, which can be found here:

Your name is Isaac, and you just murdered your roommate over the last serving of Pasta Salad. Now you have to get away with murder.

Feel free to discuss the choices here! :)
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86899 No. 86899 ID: defceb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Since it's been running for like what, a week now? I figure it's a good time to make a discussion thread.

Comments? Thoughts? Criticisms? I'd love to hear what you all think.
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99679 No. 99679 ID: e3633a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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99432 No. 99432 ID: 7bf63f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Right because 'Truth' made a suggestion in the Draw Quest post i might as well make a post here for anything related to it.

as for his suggestion; in rule 1 i said that anyone drawing has 3 posts to go wild before anyone else can butt in. however if the drawfag in question wants to he can make it clear s/he has set their pen down then they can. however i said minimum in case said drawfag wants to add more than 3 posts before someone else takes over.
hope this clears it up.
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98282 No. 98282 ID: e38ced hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

IT'S REBOOT TIME! Ask questions, discuss meta, and all the rest here.
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99016 No. 99016 ID: 96aae7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A thread for discussing Hereos Wrath which is here: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/715279.html

Feel free to discuss choices, ask clarification questions and just generally have a nice time!
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99214 No. 99214 ID: f02a77 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So uh, I hope this is the right place to post this. It is technically Quest discussion, right?

Anyways, title says it all: If you remember it, what was your first quest about/like?

if this is uncool for whatever reason i'll go exile myself, i'm just real curious how everyone started out around here.
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98499 No. 98499 ID: c1eaac hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

might as well start this! feel free to drop in all your questions, comments, concerns, hopes, and/or dreams about college kids killing each other in the woods.
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99555 No. 99555 ID: c86fb2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


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99023 No. 99023 ID: 5ff1a4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Probably pre-emptive but heyyy it's a discussion thread for my lil' new quest https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/715404.html
Send all ooc questions and stuff here, and I'll occasionally dump Bodie relevant art here as characters are revealed, like the snazzy little stylized pic of Scottie there.
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98730 No. 98730 ID: c30e08 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A place to talk about "I thought being a magical girl would be a life -changing experience but it turned out to be a nightmare after I ended up pregnant with my childhood friend's baby"
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81099 No. 81099 ID: 13ef94 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

All questions and discussions here...
I will try to mend this convoluted mess of a plot...
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95266 No. 95266 ID: 397dd3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

I really don't know what I'm doing but here's a thing if you wanna talk about Fetch Quest or something?

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99315 No. 99315 ID: 495075 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Since chap 2 is out now I guess a discussion thread is in order?
I guess that also means I gotta explain some plans for it to.

There's gonna be less frequent updates now. That is all. I'll spend more time on each though. That and we're 1024x1024 now.
Have a picture of the narrator.

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98667 No. 98667 ID: 2b63d7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

a thread chronicling the fact that i dont have a fucking clue what im doing
and its probably easier to answer questions abt the setting here than in the thing itself
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99165 No. 99165 ID: 329fef hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

We've reached over 50 Pictures on my part, so I'd figure I'd make one of these.

A few points since some of you seem confused...

[Object] Is A Nonliving Object, Which can become more complex the smaller it is. An Anchor, for example, is an Object. A Canoe is an Object, but a Freighter is not.

[Organism] Fairly self explanatory. It can range from 'vague' to 'exceedingly complex' So long as it's a real animal. Fake animals such as 'dragons' and 'owlbears' Won't work if things get too specific (Blue eyes white dragon is a no, sadly.)

[Concepts] are things that can be fairly complex, as long as it's incorporeal. Death Punch is a concept. House and Freighter are actually /not/ concepts, but thus far it's made out like they are.

[Structures] Are an exceedingly rare division that includes complex builds, like apartment buildings, houses, art museums, so on. This hasn't been programmed into the game by any of the characters yet, so you won't be using it.

There are a few commands, as well.

> Change Shape [Object]
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
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98889 No. 98889 ID: 0eaeaf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Ask questions here! And if I start turning this into a poster-board for information *cough* my first questdis *cough ** cough*, please warn me.
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98693 No. 98693 ID: defceb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

It's thigh day! Time to post the objectively best part of any character.
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98983 No. 98983 ID: 301a01 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A thread for discussion of LAB RATS, which can be found here https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/711975.html

The thread is not only for discussion, but for clarification questions! Some things in quest are kept vague because the main character doesn't know, but can be explained here, within reason.
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36120 No. 36120 ID: 8c2f6c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Because Infodumping is bad I'll answer questions about Necroquest, its setting, theology, geology, political situation, our protagonist, magic system, etc.

If you have a suggestion, or just commentary about the quest, put it here

So, fire away.
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97860 No. 97860 ID: b2e8b1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This is the discussion thread for Dark Universe Quest while Lapse thread is for the quest to take place in. Find Lore here.

Luxaria is a druid/alchemist from the cold regions. Shafan is linked to her mysterious work somehow.
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95575 No. 95575 ID: 5d3c33 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Since it was requested.

Speculations, meta and questions (which i can answer if they aren't too spoilerish)
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98408 No. 98408 ID: 16daa4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A discussion thread for that quest with the WORDS.
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98391 No. 98391 ID: b1b975 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Perish will be answering your questions now. Or commentary. Or really just whatever that you want to talk about without cluttering up the main thread with background info.
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29830 No. 29830 ID: f604d6 Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]





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No. 98108 ID: 3009b4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Welcome to the Discussion section of Nem's Secret Porn Stash Quest!

This section represents the part that Nem can't see. Some of you have agreed to look into some questionable domains on Nem's behalf in case they contain any nastiness she shouldn't deal with.

The Domain that Nem has sent you to is a place called "Pan's Box". It has promised to fulfill erotic fantasies.

When you access it, it spirits you away to a lobby. Lacking physical form you're unable to fully appreciate the location and it instead offers a textual description:

"Welcome to Pan's Box. The lobby is softly lit and warm, and the air is smells slightly of roses, dark chocolate, brandy and coffee."

Lounging on a couch is the Domain Mistress, Pan. She regards you with curiosity.

Pan: When I had a request from a pirate network, I have to admit I expected someone who... could have actually *used* the services in my Domain instead of bodiless Wild Spirits. Are you playing messenger for someone?

Moxy -- your feline handler -- seems a little embarrassed to be here. Instead of seeing her anywhere, you only hear her whisper to you.

Moxy: OK guys I'm not at *all* sure why I've been dragged into this but I suggest you ask questions to ME instead of Pan. You can't trust ANY of these kind of fae and they tend to run information on the side of their sex services. We're lucky that... OK, I'M lucky that there's nothing she can do for you, which also means there's nothing she can do to our network. Well, not directly at least. I can tell you one thing -- as long as we're an 'Anonymous Spector' nothing can change hands. She can't actually see us, she just knows we're here and what we are.
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94832 No. 94832 ID: 2be160 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

What in the world happened here?
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97833 No. 97833 ID: 2c322d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I'm just gonna put this here in case anyone happens to be interested in angsty art students.
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95364 No. 95364 ID: cb945c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Let us discuss the request for additional funds submitted by upper management and the means by which we will aquire it

Also have a draw of Slink I did a few days before his epic rebirth as Darzay Neretva
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97658 No. 97658 ID: 0fff38 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]




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97746 No. 97746 ID: 20295c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Because sure, why not create a discussion thread for this weird experiment? What could go wrong?

Direct praise, criticism, conversation and shitposts in this general direction.
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88297 No. 88297 ID: defceb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Discussion thread for Red Giant. Comments/thoughts/questions/critiques welcome, especially critiques.
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97585 No. 97585 ID: 0eaeaf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I'm making a Ground Marine chapter for my quest,and I thought, "It'll be more fun if I get everyone involved!" That said, let's roll that bad boy up. Taking the first roll.

First roll is: Why Was The Chapter Founded? (d10)
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81415 No. 81415 ID: c12703 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This is a discussion thread for anything relating to The Shouters. For those who are unaware, it this quest takes place in the same world/universe as both Peep Quest and Incense. I would be happy to answer almost any questions concerning the setting, characters, or story.

Or, if nothing else, here is a place to put Shouters things if you cannot find a better one.
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94691 No. 94691 ID: d5d5e1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

World record holder for least lewd quest.
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96736 No. 96736 ID: ab25fe hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Crotch day is here again! For anyone new, Once a year we celebrate crotches and fan art in festival of lewdness. Pictures should be both Quest and crotch related and are encouraged to be tasteful. However pictures depicting sexual acts will be moved to the fanart thread, where that kind of thing is welcome year round.
Crotch day lasts until we get bored of it, so don't worry if you miss the day itself.

Past event days:
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38128 No. 38128 ID: 9cb4b3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

For Hatchquest, Silvermoon/Foot Delight, Pony Adventures: Star Glitter and all the rest.
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68642 No. 68642 ID: 150fea hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Eadoo quest Discussions thread. Feel free to ask about the quest and the world it's placed in.
Do note, Text and pictures in [spoilers] are actual spoilers. so read at your own risk and peril.
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96122 No. 96122 ID: 4d7486 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Should anyone feel the need to use this.

I will answer some questions regarding basic information and things of that nature.

Furry drama and horror. Don't worry, there's going to be horror.
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96405 No. 96405 ID: 329fef hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hello! Important news!

Remember me? I made Nautquest 1 and 2. Nautquest 3 is on it's way soon, but first, an important update!

You know those 3 friends we acquired along the way? We'll be leaving them behind very soon into Nautquest 3, so some new friends are needed to fill the void! that's where YOU come in!
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94112 No. 94112 ID: 8cc774 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This thread is for the discussion of events and characters in the quest “Pariah”.
This is my first ever quest so I’m still learning how this works. Hopefully I’ll make something cool. Please feel free to ask any questions or offer any advice you can think of.
The story is still kinda rough so I’m hoping people will be patient with me. It's completely text based with appropriate images I can find, because i can't draw at all. Updates will come whenever I can make them, but I intend to keep them pretty regular.
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95802 No. 95802 ID: defceb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

God save the Goblin Queen!

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54810 No. 54810 ID: 48bd6c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

where you can ask me stuff
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94653 No. 94653 ID: defceb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So I realize with my growing love affair with short quests and collabs and all that jazz that I should probably have a collected quest-dis thread for all of them.

I hope y'all are enjoying reading them as much as I enjoy making them.
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96512 No. 96512 ID: 3009b4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Presenting Ugly Sweater Day! Pretend your characters care about Christmas and like ugly sweaters.

Nem likes mulled wine with her tacky light-up sweaters.
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87823 No. 87823 ID: 53f127 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Discuss Rise of the Cyclops here, I COMMAND IT!
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96249 No. 96249 ID: ad936f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Is this the right place to post this?
I've read most of the quests on the Major Completed Quests list, but I know that's not all this website has to offer in terms of substantive reading. Please suggest some quests that could be considered worthwhile but that aren't either "major" or "completed". If it has updated within the last few months I've probably already read it though.
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96516 No. 96516 ID: 3155f9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Discussion thread for that quest with the heroes, powers, monsters and knuckleheads.

Criticism, meta questions, non-meta questions, complaints, comments and whatever you feel like saying that isn't directly quest-related goes here. Or at least it should. I'm not gonna tell you how to live your life.
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92534 No. 92534 ID: 26e769 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

For discussing all quests set in the Memoriam universe.

Go on, talk yourselves silly.

I'll answer any and all lore questions as long as it doesn't spoil important elements of the story, so if you're curious about anything, ask away!
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85896 No. 85896 ID: 53f127 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

It's still pretty early in the quest but here's a place to discuss stuff about it.
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95633 No. 95633 ID: 120a13 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

For all questions, comments and concerns that may or may not concern the reader.
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95085 No. 95085 ID: 586f5c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

hhhhhh after a long time of Not Doing a Quest i've finally decided to return to questing. I used to do Permafrost.

anyway, i'm back again, lets all discuss my terrible quest for some reason.
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94102 No. 94102 ID: c18b2e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Something something breeding
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95861 No. 95861 ID: 96e992 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Posting this thread to get some feedback and to clear up some questions for those following the story.

Criticism and advice welcome.
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95369 No. 95369 ID: efaaba hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

'Cause it's better to run it all Ocktober, than late into November.

Haha.. hi guys. Looks like it's time for halloweener again. Welcome to the party I guess.

Man I wish these guys would stop arguing, though...

All I'm saying is, my life is made into a joke every October, and you're going along with it like it's all cool and shit.

Macdeath are you drunk already? It's not even 7PM man.

THANKS ARSEHOLE, now I know what time it is. Don't bloody-well try to bloody control me Bear. Just because you're a bear doesn't give you the right to police mah drinkahn.

Wow, MacDeath. Wow. I didn't know you were such an insufferable douche when you're drunk.

Shut up, bear, you big hairy bastard. You smell like tacos every day. Do you know that? Like shitty, cheap tacos that came out of the garbage. Oh, that's right - they probably did because you're a fucking bear.

Alright man. I know you're 1000 years old but if you're gonna be racist to me I'm just gonna go somewhere else and look for babes or something. T-they have those here, right?

I'm going to outlive you.

Ok man, whatever. Peace.
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95715 No. 95715 ID: ccaee6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Ok, since i still don't have a scanner, i'm going to focus on short quests that don't require too much effort for me in drawing and editing.

That said, this is one of the quests i have always wanted to do. A big tournament for wizard.

AND SO! If you have suggestions and ideas for wizards (aside for the protagonist that you will move) that you'd like to show and see in the quest as either allies or adversaries, here is where you can tell/show me!

Also probably questions about the quest itself? Let's be honest, short quests tend to be too short to have the need for actual QnA
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95570 No. 95570 ID: 0ee153 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So apparently lots of people like Undertale in general and particularly Toriel. Let's see if it's worthwhile to have a thread for drawing quest characters as Undertale characters so there's an excuse to post this stuff after Halloween ends.
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95624 No. 95624 ID: 90f3c0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Because we'll likely be hitting town to sell off items soon, and things will be getting more complex.

All comments and discussion regarding the quest, item pricing, marketing strategy, employee compensation, etc. welcome.
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95002 No. 95002 ID: 67d5dc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hola, author of Notquest here. http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/634390.html
Making some time to put another update up, but I wanted to talk about how completely I wiffed the introduction and character creation bit.

Maybe I should have been a lot less meta in my first quest, but even in hindsight I don't understand why the collective missed my point so bad.
Should I have called it out more directly earlier, like I did in >635712?

Heck, they haven't even realized that we still have two protagonists.
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94977 No. 94977 ID: 329fef hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

I suppose it's a bit pointless to post this, but I figure I should.

Have any questions about how something works in Nautquest? Questions about characters? Have any ideas on what you want to beat the everloving tar out of?

Post it here!
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93859 No. 93859 ID: 3e2cae hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Time to hit the beach!
All OC's welcome because the beach is located on a multiversal pinion point.
So put on your bathing suits, grab your sunblock and head on down!
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92283 No. 92283 ID: 849b2b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]


A discussion thread for Exquisite Bride Obsession and a place for me to answer questions that I can't think of how to put in the actual quest.

Hello, I'm Meyichi. I'm a long-time reader, first time quest-maker. My favorite quests are Deep, Book of Worms, and Lunar Quest (shoutout to Jukashi for bringing the Exalted setting to quest format). I do both the writing and art for EBO.

I'm in school for summer, but I'm aiming for an at-least daily update schedule I am prepared to eat these words. EBO is a lot more story-driven than other quests I've seen around - while there are some mechanics associated with things, most of it will be hand-waved in favor of the Rule of Cool.

For the curious, text in the quest will be color-coded based on its language. Firetongue is red, and is the primary language spoken in the area. Seatongue is blue, and is Edge's native language. Old Realm is gold and is the language of gods, demons, and the Anathema.
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87907 No. 87907 ID: 3009b4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Because of Sami's personality it appears that her quest is considerably more difficult and thus, the discussion thread.

Some things to get out of the way:

1. Do not treat the Admins as author avatars. They have different personalities and interests and reward different things.
2. Sami is a suspicious, cynical individual who hasn't slept much, and that's on top of being from a culture of secretive, already skittish people.
3. She essentially has a coin that's caused her to experiences voices that she can't control, didn't ask for and doesn't want. Essentially: the players are unwanted aliens in her head.

Nem is a naturally curious, trusting and adventurous person who was always trying to learn secrets. Sami is the opposite.

Contents under pressure.
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