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File 153641890282.png - (55.37KB , 470x422 , jhdsfds.png )
4596 No. 4596 ID: 270774

now i gotta think about fucking. formatting and shit
Expand all images
No. 4597 ID: 270774

dont look. dont LOOK. this is all spoilers that im too lazy to lorem ipsum

EXECUTION: At POINT BLANK range, Dog With A Gun can INSTANTLY KILL a hero. Doing this damages his PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Fio (even if Fio isn’t in the team) and with any other villains in the team with the PLEASURE battle style.
INTERROGATION: At POINT BLANK range, Dog With A Gun can instantly inflict the status effect PAIN on a hero without damaging their HEALTH. If he manages to maintain this position until the next turn (i.e. the hero is somehow restrained,) he can instantly increase the severity to AGONY. If he manages to maintain this position one more time, he can instantly increase the severity to DESPAIR. Doing this improves his PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Fio and any other villains in the team with the PLEASURE battle style, but is considered a violation of Rule #4 if Fio is not in the team (and if Fio is not in the team, using this perk will damage his relationship with any other villains in the team with the BUSINESS battle style).

MEANS TO AN END: Fio is allowed to break Rule #4 (NO DELAYING THE HERO KILLSHOT) and Rule #6 (ABSOLUTELY NO EVIL MONOLOGUES), within reason, if they are doing so in order to induce the status effect DESPAIR on a hero/group of heroes. This is because when a hero is experiencing DESPAIR, they will DIE INSTANTLY if subjected to Fio’s ability.
HEARTBREAKER: Fio can use his turns to talk to the heroes instead of attacking them, or he can talk while attacking them, at a sacrifice of ATTACK power. With enough focus and time, he can push the heroes towards DESPAIR or force them to turn on each other. The more turns he spends talking to the heroes, the more severe his effect on them becomes.

HAL 9000: TIOS is incapable of disobeying commands and suggestions given by CLEVELAND BONES, but it doesn't have to listen to anyone else, and it's kind of an asshole so it frequently doesn't. TIOS likes to experiment with the boundaries of its programming and is at times willfully malicious, uncooperative, and spiteful.
IT’S A FUCKING RECTANGLE: TIOS is a fucking rectangle.
No. 4600 ID: 270774

EXECUTION: At POINT BLANK range, Dog With A Gun can INSTANTLY KILL a hero. Doing this damages his PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Fio (even if Fio isn’t in the team) and with any other villains in the team with the PLEASURE battle style.
INTERROGATION: At POINT BLANK range, Dog With A Gun can instantly inflict the status effect PAIN on a hero without damaging their HEALTH. If he manages to maintain this position until the next turn (i.e. the hero is somehow restrained,) he can instantly increase the severity to AGONY. If he manages to maintain this position one more time, he can instantly increase the severity to DESPAIR. Doing this improves his PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Fio and any other villains in the team with the PLEASURE battle style, but is considered a violation of Rule #4 if Fio is not in the team (and if Fio is not in the team, using this perk will damage his relationship with any other villains in the team with the BUSINESS battle style).
No. 4601 ID: 270774

EXECUTION: At POINT BLANK range, Dog With A Gun can INSTANTLY KILL a hero. Doing this damages his PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Fio (even if Fio isn’t in the team) and with any other villains in the team with the PLEASURE battle style.
INTERROGATION: At POINT BLANK range, Dog With A Gun can instantly inflict the status effect PAIN on a hero without damaging their HEALTH. If he manages to maintain this position until the next turn (i.e. the hero is somehow restrained,) he can instantly increase the severity to AGONY. If he manages to maintain this position one more time, he can instantly increase the severity to DESPAIR. Doing this improves his PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Fio and any other villains in the team with the PLEASURE battle style, but is considered a violation of Rule #4 if Fio is not in the team (and if Fio is not in the team, using this perk will damage his relationship with any other villains in the team with the BUSINESS battle style).
No. 4603 ID: 270774


MEANS TO AN END: Fio is allowed to break Rule #4 (NO DELAYING THE HERO KILLSHOT) and Rule #6 (ABSOLUTELY NO EVIL MONOLOGUES), within reason, if they are doing so in order to induce the status effect DESPAIR on a hero/group of heroes. This is because when a hero is experiencing DESPAIR, they will DIE INSTANTLY if subjected to Fio’s ability.
HEARTBREAKER: Fio can use his turns to talk to the heroes instead of attacking them, or he can talk while attacking them, at a sacrifice of ATTACK power. With enough focus and time, he can push the heroes towards DESPAIR or force them to turn on each other. The more turns he spends talking to the heroes, the more severe his effect on them becomes.
No. 4604 ID: 270774


MEANS TO AN END: Fio is allowed to break Rule #4 (NO DELAYING THE HERO KILLSHOT) and Rule #6 (ABSOLUTELY NO EVIL MONOLOGUES), within reason, if they are doing so in order to induce the status effect DESPAIR on a hero/group of heroes. This is because when a hero is experiencing DESPAIR, they will DIE INSTANTLY if subjected to Fio’s ability.
HEARTBREAKER: Fio can use his turns to talk to the heroes instead of attacking them, or he can talk while attacking them, at a sacrifice of ATTACK power. With enough focus and time, he can push the heroes towards DESPAIR or force them to turn on each other. The more turns he spends talking to the heroes, the more severe his effect on them becomes.


MONOMANIA: Sometimes, when insulted by or intrigued by a hero, Fio will enter a state of MONOMANIA. Her ATTACK and SPEED will increase dramatically. She will ignore all commands if she is a player character, and ignore all suggestions from player characters if she is not, in favor of obsessively attacking the hero that is the focus of her monomania. This will be done in disregard to all discussed strategies and in disregard to her own health or status effects - she will simply use the most damaging physical attacks at her disposal, and will also disregard ALL VICTORY RULES. This status persists until the targeted hero is DEAD or Fio is INCAPACITATED. If Fio is incapacitated by a fellow villain, her PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with that villain will suffer immensely.
No. 4606 ID: 270774

rolled 3 = 3

No. 4607 ID: 270774
Audio sadmealtest.mp3 - (4.51MB )

No. 4608 ID: 270774

what does this look like
okay what about this one
No. 4647 ID: 270774
File 154312003906.png - (337.20KB , 1240x736 , 1tommy.png )

No. 4648 ID: 270774
File 154312004723.png - (354.18KB , 1240x736 , 2chanyaree.png )

No. 4649 ID: 270774
File 154312005371.png - (223.30KB , 1238x552 , 3niko.png )

No. 4650 ID: 270774
File 154312006011.png - (359.13KB , 1240x736 , 4orianthe.png )

No. 4651 ID: 270774
File 154312006657.png - (229.31KB , 1240x736 , 5max.png )

No. 4652 ID: 270774
File 154312007231.png - (294.05KB , 1238x552 , 6daishin.png )

No. 4653 ID: 270774
File 154312007896.png - (301.49KB , 1240x736 , 7auorell.png )

No. 4654 ID: 270774
File 154312008588.png - (308.69KB , 1240x736 , 8cassius.png )

No. 4655 ID: 270774
File 154312009150.png - (401.48KB , 1238x552 , 9anne.png )

No. 4656 ID: 270774
File 154312009742.png - (475.55KB , 1240x736 , 10marama.png )

No. 4657 ID: 270774
File 154312010598.png - (401.46KB , 1240x736 , 11oliver.png )

No. 4658 ID: 270774
File 154312011357.png - (206.41KB , 1238x552 , 12michel.png )

No. 4659 ID: 270774
File 154312012029.png - (197.41KB , 1240x736 , 13taiker.png )

No. 4661 ID: 270774
File 154472142022.png - (164.02KB , 666x666 , dog.png )

No. 4662 ID: 270774
File 154498109624.png - (91.12KB , 666x666 , cat.png )

No. 4671 ID: 270774
File 155173938770.png - (160.15KB , 666x666 , m1.png )

No. 4672 ID: 270774
File 155173939617.png - (145.59KB , 666x666 , m2.png )

No. 4673 ID: 270774

No. 4674 ID: 270774

No. 5713 ID: 10bc9b

[does text in brackets do anything]
[what about like this]
and what is this anyway
No. 5716 ID: 10bc9b

[DEZ] testing colors here like this. testing colors with long, long sentences that will potentially wrap onto multiple lines. testing a bunch of lines[i]
[DEZ] [i]testing lots of color coding

[APPEAL] Testing color codes for everyone
[APPEAL] Testing again

[VEIL] Let this all be legible please. show me the big legibility baby
[VARLET][b] Because probably if we're going to do lots of chats like this it's very important to be able to tell people apart
Especially across multiple lines
[VARLET] We've all got ADHD babeyyyyy

[DELVE] Okay who else do we have to test
[VEGA] Here's some Vega dialogue. Eat my dick and balls
[DEVERIN] Gotta check on your dialogue too
[CARCASS] Let's do Carcass too
[CESARE] Next to this as well

and for good measure the color names:

[DEZ] retains the default
[VEIL] is darkslategray
[VEGA] is castletongreen
[DEVERIN] is honolulublue
[APPEAL] is tekhelet
[VARLET] is electricviolet
[DELVE] is coffee
[CESARE] is pennred
[VITTORIO] is rufous
[GLAIVE] is black
No. 5717 ID: 10bc9b

[DEZ] testing colors here like this. testing colors with long, long sentences that will potentially wrap onto multiple lines. testing a bunch of lines[i]
[DEZ] [i]testing lots of color coding

[APPEAL] Testing color codes for everyone
[APPEAL] Testing again

[VEIL] Let this all be legible please. show me the big legibility baby
[VARLET][b] Because probably if we're going to do lots of chats like this it's very important to be able to tell people apart
Especially across multiple lines
[VARLET] We've all got ADHD babeyyyyy

[DELVE] Okay who else do we have to test
[VEGA] Here's some Vega dialogue. Eat my dick and balls
[DEVERIN] Gotta check on your dialogue too
[CARCASS] Let's do Carcass too
[CESARE] Next to this as well
[VITTORIO] Let's see

and for good measure the color names:

[DEZ] retains the default
[color=#2F4F4F][VEIL] is #2F4F4F

[VEGA] is #00563B
[DEVERIN] is #0076B6
[APPEAL] is #512888
[VARLET] is #6F00FF
[DELVE] is #6F4E37
[CARCASS] is #C40234
[CESARE] is #990000
[VITTORIO] is #B7410E
[GLAIVE] is black
No. 5718 ID: 10bc9b

never mind that all looks completely ass. color coding for osspops only
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