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File 169180548682.png - (17.92KB , 500x500 , Magical school of treachry thumbnail.png )
1070092 No. 1070092 ID: 770f88

An Elimination Style Quest (Like Danganronpa)
Nsfw: Nudity, Blood and Gore, Intense themes.
243 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1088271 ID: 3f89df
File 171260827631.png - (17.81KB , 500x500 , oh no posini doing an angry anime run.png )

"Posini? May I acquire further information about your current state? Unless you don't wish to disclose it, in that case you'd be no less than a hypocrite," Umbra says in a pretty accusatory tone.

Posini hesitates, looks at the onlookers, scoffs, and then dashes away toward the exit. Alex attempts to follow him, but Umbrea puts a hand on his shoulder, and Alex stops in his tracks.

"An eccentric character indeed, yet his abandonment of magic does intrigue me. I suspect he may be compensating and deflecting blame onto Hop; it would align with his behavior, methinks."
Alex seems to ignore Umbra's thoughts and turns his attention to me; he runs over to me and gently moves my hand to examine my neck.

"Hop, you still there, are you okay? It looks like your bleeding stopped."
It dawns on me now that, with all of the intense strain I've put on my Mana to help facilitate my body's healing process, my Mana has quickly faded away, and with it, the potency of Posini's Mana as well.

4/4 Mana -> 0/3

I embrace Alex in my arms despite my body screaming otherwise.
"I'm okay, Love. I-i just need to rest."
With the adrenaline wearing off, the pain, both from my reckless Mana usage and deficiency and the pain of the cuts and blunt force from earlier, seems to be rushing back to me, as well as the dizziness and exhaustion that has come from both my injuries, and the amount both my body and mind has had to endure today. Still, I need to say strong for Alex.

I slowly stand up and get my bearings, I don't like the attention on me, but at the same time, It most likely saved my life; Senuia dashes over to me and casts some sort of spell before I can even usher a word in, which on my neck, I can feel my neck wound closing.

"There, that should make the healing process go much quicker; You okay Hop?"

I feel my neck; instead of gushing blood at an average pace, now it's closed and feels more like a bruise or a scab; definitely not strong healing magic, whatever it was, but I guess that she helped me nonetheless.
"Yes, I'm okay; thank you, Senuia."

"You need anything? I know that was most likely traumatic and-"
I interrupt her insistent pity.
"No, I'm okay Senuia, I just need to lie down."

Senuia looks like she's about to say something, pointing her finger in the air but then lowering it and getting back to chatting with the Ultanian from before.

While I do have more respect for Umbra, I still need to keep my guard up around him and the other Ultaniains; it's not like I'll ever forget their potential for evil and the absolutely torturous things they've done to us—the things they did to my dad.

With my arm around his shoulder, I and I leave to return to our room. Despite some cackling from Gurier as we left the casino, the trip back to our room wasn't eventful, and it was oddly silent between me and Alex.
No. 1088272 ID: 3f89df
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The moment we stepped into the room, I collapsed onto the bed; it felt like lying on a comforting angel, a baby among silk and clouds. As much as I wanted to doze off and forget all about what had happened today, maybe end this nightmare if this was a dream, I felt Alex rub the sides of my face, cooing for my attention.

"Look, I know our date and exploring the school didn't really work out that well today, but we don't have to end today on a sour note; it's just you and me; you get to choose; you could go to sleep if you want too, or we can have a talk about something today, play an game, or......... maybe something more~ yknow, to help you relax."
Alex, Sex is the last thing I want right now. My entire body feels as if it's already been ravaged by a large ogre; I don't need a smaller one to finish the job; honestly, Passing out seems really good right now, but who knows, maybe his ideas are good; Lucky foot, should I-

[1] Just go to bed: I need sleep to recover for the next day.
[2] (Suggestion) Talk about something that happened today or is on my mind.
[3] Play a Game (Suggestion): It may help lighten my mood.
[4] Sex?: No
[5] Other: (Suggestion)
No. 1088273 ID: 7c55ad

5: 2 and 1. Bring Alex to bed with you, and just talk until you both go to sleep. a good way to de-stress. you can have a good cry too if you want. (will figure out what to talk about later.)
No. 1088284 ID: 42bb51

No. 1088302 ID: 382635

> Offers sex to help *you* relax
Ok, wow, I don't want to go on a whole thing here but that's a wild thought process to go through even with alcohol inside of him. You just got cut and nearly wounded and had to hold yourself together, and not ONLY did he only help by increasing visibility on the situation, but he couldn't even harm the guy. And then he's still trying to wet his dick? I'm with you Hops, no on the sex.

If we take a step back and think about the situation, at least now Alex, Senuia, and Umbra know that Posini is a potential threat, and you're seen as a potential non-threat. This is good, what's less good is that it puts you in a position that you *have* to keep Alex around for, which might mean throwing him a bone so that he remains loyal since the alternative is the high stress and trauma pushes you apart.

I think you're in a good place right now, strategically in regards to avoiding first blood, you've communicated with others and tried to bond, you've been shown to have been assaulted, but not defeated, so as long as you avoid Posini you should be fine there. It's also GREAT to know that the mana wasn't permanant, so any claims Posini has to trying to get you to give *more* back would just be extortion, and you can use that defense.

The only problem would be if Posini dies, then a target is put on your either your back since you didn't visibly show the use of magic and then would be forced to disclose your skillset, or Alex's back if he decides to be too chivilrous later on.

I think you should do [1]/[2] with a focus on 1, you can engage a little but a stress nap is probably better.

Oh also you should cryptically say that "I need to get stronger" or "We need to get stronger" as you go to bed and have your back turned to him. Because I think that's good imagery and also displays that you're still stressed about the whole situation
No. 1088364 ID: 0cabfa

Effing cuddle. Just cry and get it out of you visibly so he gets a clue. Should he shut up about the sex he's shown heroism worthy of rewarding. Of course no sex tonight since besides the obvious he is doghoused. However should your stupid but protective bf get a clue and shut up about sex his punishment should end once you both stop sleeping. Play it by ear though.
No. 1088372 ID: b3ee7b

Things to talk to Alex about until you pass out in bed

Talk to him about Senuia, Spi, and Otter, your thoughts on them and what they are like, and ask him about any interesting people we should be aware of that he saw when we split up earlier.

Apologize for yelling about the ammunition thing earlier. Maybe you'll tell him when you are ready, but right now, it is hard to talk about.

Tell Alex to avoid Posini, and if Posini comes near you again, please protect us from him.

Recite a prayer from your religion at some point.
No. 1088468 ID: 940726

Now that's using the cunning of an herbivore! Rabbits have a thousand enemies, and they're always a hop ahead.

Wait, did you speed up your blood production or your blood circulation? Production would have avoided the danger of blood loss, though it would consume a lot of nutrients. Either way, the solution is clear.

5: Eat some food before going to sleep. When you're recovering from blood loss, proper nutrition is important. Your boyfriend knows what you like, so he can use the room's kitchen to make something that's quick and easy to eat. Maybe a protein shake if the kitchen has a blender.

2: Talk about how the two of you are feeling after today. It's been a really hard day on the both of you; you had someone else's mana forced into you before being attacked by him without warning, and Alex actually died. It kind of makes all that romantic squabbling at the pool seem small, doesn't it? The otter girl was nice, though.

You should probably mention that the extra mana is gone and you're back to normal. I wonder if it went back to its original owner. Let's not mention that to Posini unless he brings it up, though; if he doesn't know we lost it, maybe we can trick him into saying too much.
No. 1088852 ID: 3f89df
File 171321207888.png - (72.67KB , 500x500 , me on the left clipstudio on the right when there .png )

Alex is being unreasonable. The entire day, he's been unreasonable. I'd get it if he were some feral creature or a teenager near mating season, but he's a grown adult with responsibilities, taxes to pay, and a reputation to pursue. When will he, or his dick, know that sometimes are the wrong time to pursue, and how I had to do something entirely sinful today to keep his attention? And He's already been dog-housed? So no, Alex, There's no sex for you.

As much as I want to go to sleep and stop thinking about everything today, it'd be best if I let all of these pent-up emotions out. An evil part of me also wants to just as a way to show Alex what we're dealing with, but I know that my thoughts and feelings are genuine.

So, Despite it being shameful, I decide to let out the emotions; as he looks at me, He drops that stupid horny look on his face, and it shifts to, hopefully, genuine empathy.
"Why did I do it?!? Why was I such an Idiot?! I'm going to Zuaren for all that I've done today!!!"
Alex goes onto the bed and snuggles up to me, holding me close in his arms.
"Hop, no! You're not an idiot, and by Ultri, you're not going to Zuaren."
"But I was the one who got us in this mess; I fucked my future over, and your future over, just cause I thought we should change our situation. There's nothing we can do, and where all going to die in here!!!"
Alex doesn't respond, But I can feel his grip intensify, but in an oddly reassuring way.
"I was also one who pressured you to sign; Magicli weaseled the both of us; not everything that happened today is your fault, hop."
"No matter how I attempted to give us an advantage, no matter how much I hurt my body, or hurt my soul. It feels like it ends up exploding in my face."
"I attempt to tutor with magicli, Posini tries to kill me, I try to get connections in this treacherous place, I end up commiting several sins in the pool-"

Alex rudely interupts me to remind me why where not having sex tonight.
"Hey, they where sexy sins! At least I thought so, your body is so beautiful~" I interrupt his degenerate behavior by lightly kicking him in the gut and moving away from him.
He seems to get the message.
"-And It seems like out of all the students here, Magicli themselves are out to get me! They have been threatening me, started the whole Posini thing, and tried to break us apart by telling lies about "Ammunition."
It feels good getting this out of my system; I almost feel like, even if they still giving me a sinking feeling in my gut, the tears are starting to fade away; I just want to talk about something else now.
A good minute or two passes in peaceful silence. Alex carefully begins to snuggle back up to me and seems to carefully choose his words as he begins and stops some sentences before starting with, "I know you'll most likely kick me again, but do you want to talk about the "ammunition?"

I'm too tired to care.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you about this whole "ammunition thing", But not right now, I'll tell you when I'm ready but right now, with everything going on, It's difficult to talk about right now."

Alex's hand retreats from my shoulder. He sighed and then said in a heavy voice, "I understand."

With the heavy topics out of the way, I slowly die off, both in consciousness and conversation.
"Alex? Before we move on to another topic, I just wanted to comment one last thing."
"What is it Bun?"
"If you ever see Posini, please avoid him at all costs, even if he tries to appear friendly or offers you something for access to our spaces, and as a supplement, if he ever gets near me again, Please protect me from him, He scares me, in a way that my experience with getting mugged seems like a small fly in comparison."
"I'll make sure to protect you to the ends of the earth Hop, even if it was my mother or father."
"Thank you alex, this means so much to me."
We take a moment to snuggle up close; it feels so comforting and warm amidst a room that feels dangerous and cold.
"Alex, before we go to sleep, what's your stance on the other students here? Is there anybody besides Iceli and Wilabo that interested you?"
"Hmm, Well, based on everyone there, I'd say Furri and Xeno; now, wait! Wait! Before you kick me! It's not because of her cleavage or the fact she's scantily clad, I noticed that even though she seemed rather dominant and rather stand-offish, I saw her when she split away from the group, I think I saw her crying to herself. She almost seems broken, with a mask of aggression keeping it all together, I know that I'm not her type to be friends with, but I know how good you are with flawed people, maybe you could get to know the real Furri and become friends.
"Xeno almost seemed the opposite; she seemed almost two kind and understanding, almost always giving favors to everyone, like an overbearing aunt who squeezed you into her business as a kid, even if you didn't want to. She seemed to stare a lot at Posini; I don't know if it's because she likes him or something, but it kind of creeped me out. that and Despite her mask trying to give a friendlier appearance, I managed to see inside her mouth when she yawned when no one was looking, and it was eldritch and terrifying. Maybe be friends with her, but be careful, and please bring me along just in case she attempts something."

"Noted, thanks. I saw some others myself, Spi, Senuia, and Otter."
"Otter is just completely random, and not in a funny way, more so in the hehehehehe oh I'm so quirky and random, kind of way. Honestly, don't tell her this, but she pisses me off more than anything."
"Senuia is okay, she seems kind of bland, the type to blend in, I find her okay, more so the type to keep around, but not really visit, you know what I mean?"
"Spi is kind of like Xeno in the way that she's a people pleaser, maybe not as scary as Xeno, if what you said is true, but more so the type to go with the crowd rather then everyone else, She's smart though, So I have to give her credit to that."

I hear no response. Is Alex sleeping? Well, now that I mention it, I'm barely keeping myself awake as is, maybe.. Maybe it's a good time to close my eyes.


May Ultirvisc Protect me and my Lover and shield us from the evils of this world as I begin my descent into her domain.

No. 1088853 ID: 3f89df
File 171321207993.png - (16.25KB , 500x500 , me when clipstudio crashes and i lose 2 hours of p.png )

"Man, How Corny is that? Oh, hello, there, spirits living inside of Hops foot. Are you proud of what you've done today? Are you happy manipulating this poor girl to do whatever you wish? Oh, please, retaliate all you want; I'm more so intrested in hearing your side of the story, and if you can, then maybe i'll awnser some of your questions."
No. 1088855 ID: 7c55ad

hmmmmmm... Nah, I'm good. As they say, dead men tell no tales... Literally in this case. I'll keep our secrets to myself.
No. 1088940 ID: 42bb51

oh Magicli, the poor girl merely needs to be liberated from that cancerous grasp of UltriVisc which has rooted itself deeply within her mind. It is controlling both her, and those close to her in its name - not us.
Observe the escapades that which we send her upon as opportunities to enlighten, challenge, and cure her of its poison.

Her mentality is that of a devote follower; once stripped of any purpose and meaning, a prime candidate for indoctrination. You must take advantage of the opportunity which will arise upon the challenging of her teachings in order to enlighten her.
A powerful ally may soon be at hand.
No. 1089022 ID: eb0a9c

Wait, we're in her foot? Did she step on a shard?

So... how do you make bank? You're clearly planning to get most of your students killed every year, so they can't pay off their loans.
No. 1089120 ID: 382635

Are you telling me we're literally her lucky rabbit's foot? That's hilarious.

Hop has an interesting perspective, but I'm still interested in knowing more about Wilabou, she seems to have more restraint but with a trickster energy to it, so I'm expecting good shenanigans from her.
No. 1089337 ID: 3f89df
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Hmm, I know that you are but a collective, which may make that nearly impossible, but I can read you; I don't need your attention; I'm humoring you after you've indirectly caused your host so much distress!


I do not care for the goddess, and I care not for your pleading to get my favor; both UltriVisc and Ultima are spiteful, manipulative, and petty gods, so I do not care for them. While I do have more sympathy for Ultinma, both have caused great harm to the world, despite what the history of the world may say.

Indoctrination is the cause of her sickness in the first place, the soul for which the poison ultimately resulted in your death, and rebirth into this world.
Hop is an exceptionally talented student, although her current skills are quite lacking. If I wished for an Ally, I'd prioritize Posini as Her Sins are heavier than Hop's, alongside her exceptional magical prowess.

I shall not disclose the nature of either, as it's much more fun if you find them out myself. Just know that Hop isn't who she presents herself as. If you wish to hear more, seek out me, as I can connect her with her false goddess to tell her the truth of her matters.

> Wait, we're in her foot? Did she step on a shard?

No, the nature of your existence is a remarkably complex one and one that is perfectly apparent to me, of course. It seems that you have lost your memories of your birth. And is an adventure within itself to find. I'll not explain further, as that'll be something for you and Hop to find. Before I move on, however, I wish to give you souls a warning. If Hop in her current state were to find out the nature of your existence, and your influence on her thoughts, feelings, and choices. She'd amputate herself, killing you in progress, and while I could preserve you, I don't think you'd want that now, do you?

> So... how do you make bank? You're clearly planning to get most of your students killed every year, so they can't pay off their loans.

I find it exceptionally humorous that you'd consider that I'd need wealth, to begin with; as I've said before, I'm the greatest magician in Muani; I could kill Ultrivisc herself if it wasn't for. In my current State, I don't need sustenance, sleep, or mana within my body to function; the Tutituon for the Students is entirely free; that is what made Hop sign her contract after all.

The land on which this school is built officially belongs to me, as declared by the High King of Muani himself. With my powers, building extensions of the school on the fly is relatively easy. I have no need for material wealth, and if I needed to, it'd be easy to steal or generate wealth anyway.

You may not know the High King, but he's a joke of a monarch. There are good reasons why he does not show his face and better reasons why he lived longer than I have, but that's for you to discover on your own.

If you knew what I know, I'd all make sense, but it's information that you'll discover in time.

Now, Spirits, before you leave, I'll give you some choices. It'll make this school a lot more interesting, shall we say? You may not accept any of these if you so wish, although you may miss out.

Regarding Hop:
[1] Do you wish to be moved to her brain, making it so amputation of yourself is impossible? Suicide or Getting Murdered be Pairing
[2] Do you wish to follow her in her dreams, allowing yourself to communicate and control her perceptions of herself?
[3] Do you wish to be able to clearly communicate with your Host instead of suggesting or giving them ideas indirectly?
[4] Do you have other suggestions regarding Hop?

Regarding Elsewhere
[1] Do you wish to Move yourself to another Student Instead of Hop?
[2] If you accepted the previous response, would you only wish to stay with them for a day?
[3] In response to making your current Host physically or mentally weak for a day, you can answer any question. I must give you a short explanation of your question regarding Hop or your Host. If there are multiple answers, I shall only reply with one answer.
[4] Do you wish to know the truth about your existence in exchange for your Host knowing the Truth about your existence?
[5] Do you wish to make a deal or bargain with me? Please give suggestions if you wish to do so.

I'll patiently await your answers.
No. 1089339 ID: 7c55ad

Regarding Hop:
[1] Do you wish to be moved to her brain, making it so amputation of yourself is impossible? Suicide or Getting Murdered be Pairing

Nah. I'd rather not force her to be with us if she doesn't want us. We'll just have to be nicer to Hop to not get amputated

[2] Do you wish to follow her in her dreams, allowing yourself to communicate and control her perceptions of herself?

Lets leave her dreams alone, let that be her safe space to rest (unless she has nightmares of course)

[3] Do you wish to be able to clearly communicate with your Host instead of suggesting or giving them ideas indirectly?

I don't care either way. Though it's probably better if we can clearly communicate with our host so that she has a right to refuse our suggestions rather than having us directly manipulating her

[4] Do you have other suggestions regarding Hop?

Regarding Elsewhere
[1] Do you wish to Move yourself to another Student Instead of Hop?


[2] If you accepted the previous response, would you only wish to stay with them for a day?
N/A, but if i did accept, I think a day is fine

[3] In response to making your current Host physically or mentally weak for a day, you can answer any question. I must give you a short explanation of your question regarding Hop or your Host. If there are multiple answers, I shall only reply with one answer.

Nah, I'd rather not do that to Hop

[4] Do you wish to know the truth about your existence in exchange for your Host knowing the Truth about your existence?

If we can clearly communicate with Hop, then yeah, I don't see why not.

[5] Do you wish to make a deal or bargain with me? Please give suggestions if you wish to do so.
No. 1089345 ID: 4b8694

With PEA on most items. For Hop 3 being advisors beats what is effectively brainwashing in a moral sense. Elsewhere 4 have to say no since we are defined by our actions. Our origins have no bearing. Plus telling Hop what we've done with no context will be too much to deal with at once. She'd probably panic and hastily amputate which is dangerous.
No. 1089403 ID: 382635

Idk, I'd rather avoid direct conversation with Hop. I can definitely see her personality wanting to either devolve it into arguments or lead to amputation. She already seems a little suspect of us

> Also no to Hops [1][2][3][4]
> elsewhere [1] - Wilabou for a day could be fun, but I'm indifferent on it
> elsewhere [2] - For a day would be cool
> elsewhere [3][4] - Nah
> elsewhere [5] -idk there doesent seem to be anything of value we as spectators can offer other than to withold information from Hop that we discover, or purposefully guide her towards something you want, I definitely think the conversation with the "false goddess" would be interesting to witness in the future though. I'm a fan of people meeting their gods and completely fucking up their worldviews because of it as a fan of conceptual beings myself.
No. 1089547 ID: 3f89df
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> [4] yes
If we can communicate with Hop, I don't see why not.
> [3] Yes

No. 1089548 ID: 3f89df
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Oh, your short-sidedness knows no bounds, Ultima-spawn, ounce she knows from whence you came, she'll remove you, but beg for mercy all you want, what's decided has been decided, and so I'll tell you the truth, you originated from-
No. 1089549 ID: 3f89df
File 171392238443.png - (11.63KB , 500x500 , oh your not screwed.png )

> [4] no
have to say no since our actions define us.

Hmm... One of you knows the risk of your identity. From Hop's perspective, you would be known for more than just your actions; since I slipped my tongue, you know the context of having a creature inside of her that is blasphemous from Ultrivisc's restricted religion.
No. 1089550 ID: 3f89df
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That seems to be all you've requested. You spirits are no fun, I've given you a chance to switch hosts, yet you decide to stay with the whore; I'll only give you one more chance when your begging for my name; you have no control over when Hop gets rid of you, despite your insistent pleading and manipulation otherwise.

Let what happens to you be a lesson, Ultima-kin.
No. 1089551 ID: 3f89df
File 171392238816.png - (10.80KB , 500x500 , heh chat whos gonna tell her.png )

I'm jolted awake as the Snake tears its way through my flesh until I'm nothing but a carcass; despite my nerves feeling the pain of exposed flesh, It seems that it was just a dream, and despite my pleadings, it seems that I'm still stuck in Ultima's hell.

Something's off; Alex is missing, and I feel I'm not alone; my lucky foot seems to be twitching like mad, but It may just be spasms. Before I look for this presence, I call out, "Hello? If someone's in here, then state yourself, Or Else I'll have to hurt you."

I await a response or reaction from the deathly quiet room.
No. 1089582 ID: 42bb51

Hi, we are your footvoices

Is it hot in here or is it just me?
No. 1089585 ID: 940726

What was that? What's going on? Are we in danger?

Don't try to hurt us! We don't mean any harm! We're not going to threaten you!
No. 1089589 ID: eb0a9c

Hi, we're your new advisors! We were merged with you for quicker access!


Please don't kill yourself, we want to live.
No. 1089593 ID: 2fb549

Look Magicli put us in your foot and... well... BY ULTRAVISC HAVE MERCY WE DON'T WANT TO DIE!
No. 1094929 ID: 3f89df
File 172228948366.png - (154.14KB , 500x500 , uhoh hop is complementating.png )

With the hint of underlying disaster that is rapidly approaching, I find it only fitting that I flinched to sudden voices, the sensation almost as disgusting as magicli squirming its disgusting tongue in my ear.

>Hi, we are your footvoices

Foot-Wait-Foot Voices? Wait a minute. No, is this just a joke? Yeah, this is just a joke; Magicli is doing some voices and trying to tear me down. Yeah, yeah, that's it; that has to be it.

>Is it hot here, or is it just me?

Okay, that's it. I'm asking magicli personally about this, or I'll find Senuia or someone else to help me with this; this is just some stupid prank, right? Magicli doesn't know, right?

>Hi, we're your new advisors! We were merged with you for quicker access!

Bleck, just walking around feels alien, as if my feet don't belong in my body; my brain instinctually tells me to limp, as if whatever magicli did was poison or an infliction towards me.

Well, if Magicli did this to piss me off, he's doing very well at it; "Advisors?" Really? He's taunting me about all those stupid things I did; usually, my intuition is correct. My lucky foot-

No. 1094930 ID: 3f89df
File 172228948680.png - (7.60KB , 500x500 , what are these voices in my brain.png )

I feel a deep dread wash over me; what if magicli had been controlling my foot this entire time? The pool, Posini, the casino, and even joining this school. Was my choice even my choice? What if these voices aren't lying? What if they have been trapped here this entire time, my entire life-

No, Hop, don't let Magicli get to you; you won't end up like a depressed homebody like Noon was; my entire life has been my choice, and while I've made stupid decisions and committed sins against Ultrivisc, I am myself.

Yet still, I have a creeping suspicion about the former idea.

>What was that? What's going on? Are we in danger?

Wait, is that. Pleading? If it was Magicli, there wouldn't be grovelling unless this is a manipulation attempt, which I doubt at this stage of disbelief. However, I am concerned at how my past, the back-and-forth nature of my inner monologue, is mirrored in the conversation with these aliens.
No. 1094931 ID: 3f89df
File 172228948834.png - (6.27KB , 500x500 , talking foot ahhhhhhhhh.png )

>Don't try to hurt us! We don't mean any harm! We're not going to threaten you!
>Please don't kill yourself; we want to live.

One of the many screaming voices stands out to me.
>Please don't kill yourself; we want to live.
The aspect of this not being a sick joke is slowly crawling up to me and, with it, a section of my sanity; this can't be real, right? This is just another dream manipulated by magicli; he just wants us to murder each other,
if you lose your sanity, then It'll be easy for him to manipulate you.

>Look, Magicli put us in your foot and... well... BY ULTRAVISC HAVE MERCY WE DON'T WANT TO DIE!

A sudden urge of nausea overthrows me, so they are trapped in my foot, but wait, which foot? Please don't tell me it's my- my lucky foot on its own, twitches up and down, any pain caused by the apparent spasm is entirely disconnected from myself, it feels as if my foot has transformed into a creature, I have to hold in a sudden urge of vomit.
No. 1094932 ID: 3f89df
File 172228949037.png - (144.10KB , 500x500 , wait a minute, I showed my tits cause you guys sai.png )

But then a realization hits me, one that immediately washes over my initial nausea, replacing it with pure, unadulterated fury.

These voices in my head, my lucky foot, it's never been my problem, it's never been my choice, All of the shitty things that happened yesterday, it's all Thier fault, It's never been me, how could I be so stupid to be so submissive, and I thought I was the problem, I was messing up, the inner monologue, beating me down, all of my sins, all of my regrets, It's been you! It's always been you!

As much as you anger me, There's not much I can do except look for a way to remove this Tumor from me, Magicli, or heck, anybody I trust more than my own brain and inner monologue.

As much as I wish to shower and get dressed, I'm unsure that these parasites can see me, considering all of their previous statements.

Well, I won't be able to be rid of my demons unless I ask for help, and ultimately I choose:

[1] Magicli: He's the one who started all of this; I have to know why, how, and when he did this. (For some odd reason, you feel yourself shiver at this choice)
[2] Ask around for help with this ailment: Sure, it'll mean I have to be vulnerable, which will make me a tad easier of a target, but if all else fails, I have mana as a backup.
[3] Contact your trusted friends or Aquantices (Wilabo, Alex, Iceli?, Senuia, Spi) to discuss your condition and ask for help.
[4] Take off your foot
[5] (Suggestion:) Let these helpers parasites talk and let them explain themselves and potentially make a point.
[6] Accept that these advisors demons are inside you, forever and ever.
[7] Other (Suggestion:)
No. 1094933 ID: dd3fe0

7. Hear them out first. These are potential symbiotes. See what they have to offer that is externally verifiable to prove their goodwill and intent and capability of being symbiotic rather than parasitic. Demand that they benefit your life in a meaningful way to earn their keep.
No. 1094946 ID: b55e17

rolled 2 = 2

I'm pretty sure the most we can do is nudge you when you're at a point of indecision. And the choices we nudged you towards were ones you were thinking of.

We were also there to help get you out of the kind of shitty situation yesterday too, but sure, just believe we're another bad thing out to get us and that the moment you ask for help from someone to amputate a limb that they won't *also* kill you to do the whole murder-to-escape thing.

((as for my choice I'm leaving it to RNG because I assume she's gonna try to reject a response even with a reasonable argument cause she's pupset))
No. 1094948 ID: c3ecb4

Wait wait wait you're jumping to conclusions! We're harmless! Doing a thing like this to get you to doubt what you've done is exactly how Magicli wants this to go! First you kill us out of paranoia and with that you can see how psychologically easy it is to kill people! Even harmless ones begging to live! Just because Magicli hit you from an unexpected angle doesn't mean we're bad! We're on your side! Please, just give us a chance!
No. 1094955 ID: c5529d

hmmm, well, I think I should point out that Dark Magicli called us spirits, not demons. So we can probably be redeemed for our sins. Given that fact, is your goddess a forgiving one? What if we atoned for our sins in some way to make it up to you?

>I have to know why, how, and when he did this.

No idea why or how, best I can do is give my educated guesses, at least at the when part based off what I witnessed.

Magicli, both of them, wanted us spirits to vote which students would be sent to their school, and then let us vote who to guide. You were chosen to be guided, and we ended up in your hindpaw around the time you woke up the day you got sent to this school. If I had to guess why, maybe just like you, he sees us as playthings in his little game? He was taunting us earlier.

My guess is that if you decide to rid of us, we'll be guiding another student, so we won't truly go away. We can try to help you from their perspective instead if you choose to. full disclosure, I voted to guide Iceli. Popular vote was you though.

Anyways, the choice is up to you. Right now, I'll only guide you if you want us to guide you, so I can't pick which you want to do. But keep in mind, I do want to atone for the sins we caused you, if you will allow it.
No. 1095456 ID: 3f89df
File 172300241575.png - (42.91KB , 500x500 , wait a minute hop isnt going to yell at us i mean .png )

>Wait, wait, wait, you're jumping to conclusions! We're harmless! Doing a thing like this to get you to doubt what you've done is exactly how Magicli wants this to go! First, you kill us out of paranoia, and with that, you can see how psychologically easy it is to kill people! Even harmless ones begging to live! Just because Magicli hit you from an unexpected angle doesn't mean we're bad! We're on your side! Please, just give us a chance!

Their word gives me pause; that's true; that does seem like something magicli would do. However, I don't fully trust that your "Harmless."
The main question I just have to trust you to be truthful is when you've appeared a backstory, esentially.


>I have no idea why or how. The best I can do is give my educated guesses, at least at the when part, based on what I witnessed.
No. 1095457 ID: 3f89df
File 172300241839.png - (20.86KB , 500x500 , wait so white magicli is evil idk she hasent have .png )

>Magicli, both of them, wanted us spirits to vote which students would be sent to their school, and then let us vote who to guide. You were chosen to be guided, and we ended up in your hindpaw around the time you woke up the day you got sent to this school. If I had to guess why, maybe just like you, he sees us as playthings in his little game? He was taunting us earlier.

>My guess is that if you decide to rid of us, we'll be guiding another student, so we won't truly go away. We can try to help you from their perspective instead if you choose to. full disclosure, I voted to guide Iceli. Popular vote was you though.

That's.... that's a lot to take in. Still, you've accurately told me your involvement, so I understand that you are most likely being truthful; as much as a part of me is angry that you picked me for this death game, I know that if it wasn't me, it was someone else; It could have just been Alex all alone by himself, my mom, fuck; Noon, Fli? Any of which would have scared me shitless if they left and never came back. Most wouldn't even have the mental fortitude to talk to you now.

Was he taunting you? What did he say? You don't have to answer right away, but I guess you may also be a victim of Magicli.
No. 1095458 ID: 3f89df
File 172300242008.png - (41.32KB , 500x500 , angry hop yells at her foot which makes all foot f.png )

The thing that I don't get, and that's stopping me from truly believing you, is how this whole "Guiding" thing works. Have you been guiding me all this time? How much influence do you have over my decisions? And if so, what events, positive or negative, have you helped influence? You don't have to go through them all; just give me some bullet points, you remember.
No. 1095459 ID: 3f89df
File 172300242283.png - (13.44KB , 500x500 , okay how much of my mind do you reside over my hor.png )

>We were also there to help get you out of the kind of shitty situation yesterday too, but sure, just believe we're another bad thing out to get us and that the moment you ask for help from someone to amputate a limb that they won't *also* kill you to do the whole murder-to-escape thing.

I am actually offended by this voice. Sure, Well sure, I was going to find a way to get rid of you, I wasn't going to amputate myself; my magic relies on my speed, and getting rid of a foot without any sign of an equivalent replacement, I can be quick to jump to conclusions but I'm not stupid.
No. 1095460 ID: 3f89df
File 172300242477.png - (25.26KB , 500x500 , hop i get it you showed your vulva stop talking ab.png )

>I'm pretty sure the most we can do is nudge you when you're at a point of indecision. And the choices we nudged you towards were ones you were thinking of.

I disagree. My inner monologue was egging me on to take off my pants when I was at the pool, and the only reason I caved was some weird round-about way of keeping Alex on my good side. Yes, in the end, I made some friends and learned how to swim. But also, I committed multiple sins against Ultrivisc, ones that will not be quickly forgotten.

Before you say that Ultrivisc is less important than my friends, I'll let you know that if Ultanian's creations ran rampant, the reason my father was killed, this magical school, and many other monstrosities would be much more common in the world.

Besides, she's always watching, and if I tutor with Magicli, maybe I can communicate with her directly someday.

But okay, a nudge makes sense; I guess I'll just not listen to you when it comes to things that I'm not entirely comfortable with or seem like a bad idea, such as the whole skinny dipping pool incident, or if you do give me an excellent reason as to why, I should do something I'm actively insisting, No "what if shtick"
No. 1095461 ID: 3f89df
File 172300242733.png - (11.69KB , 500x500 , hahahahahahahahahahahaha guesss i gotta live with .png )


>Hmmm, well, I think I should point out that Dark Magicli called us spirits, not demons. So we can probably be redeemed for our sins. Given that fact, is your goddess a forgiving one? What if we atoned for our sins in some way to make it up to you?

>Anyways, the choice is up to you. Right now, I'll only guide you if you want us to guide you, so I can't pick which you want to do. But keep in mind, I do want to atone for the sins we caused you, if you will allow it.

Hmmm, you're probably right, and like you've said before, given you're also trapped in my foot, there's not much I can do to really get rid of you without hurting myself, mind you I will try to find a safe way to get rid of you, I don't want you in my foot for the rest of my life.

Well, if you wish to atone for yourself, You can do two things, Tell me about dangers and risks/ discuss things with me, or two if Magicli tries to manipulate You in any way. Don't listen to him, and that is all.

I get up from my bed and do a good stretch. Well, good things don't come to those who wait; Alex and I's survival chances increase each hour I put into training, studying, making connections, or learning.

[Author's Note:
After the First Day, you have about 6-8 actions of places or people you can specifically visit using your Energy; you can use that Energy to do specific actions, find someone, study etc, and most of the time, hang out with someone for about a couple hour 2-3 costs energy, however depending on what happens, during that, you may gain or lose more enrgy then expected (Each little choice you make does not cost Energy) (Going around the school; or Tutoring with Magicli Does)(Although Certain Restrictions Reply As in going to somone and then walking with them right away to another location does not cost additonal Energy)(Tutoring depending on difficulty can cost much more Energy) Events such as Breakfest, Lunch, Dinner and Day Specific events such as This Week's Rule, Gym, or some other weekly event will be told as a Global Telepathic Event, the optionality of the event will be discussed, failure to do so may result in sudden teleportation or in worse cases punishment, This Week and Next Week's Weekly Events will be shown on the calander inside the main lobby (Right in the middle of the school) however ??? One's and Week's Rules are entirely random in what they contain.

Upgrading Speed Magic and generally being fit means you get more maximum Energy at the start of a day; using Speed Magic gets rid of Mana but allows you to get to a location or find someone without the energy penalty.

Finally, Energy and Time are closely related but not entirely needed;
the more Energy you use, the closer Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, (Morning Afternoon and Evening are) if you wish to plan most of your Energy for a specific time or event in a day, vote for the event or Vote [Time] to get a lore accurate clock, that shows in the following updates [image.]
Unless a Murder Occurs (and is very long), Threads Will most likely be on a two-day/three-day basis (Unless not much happens in a day)

Energy: 6/6
Mana: 4/4

I should start the day with the following:

[1] Trying to find Alex:
I've not seen him since, well, last night, he's probably just having breakfast, but wherever he is, it's good to keep him close, in case posini or someone else with malicious intent.
[2] Trying to Find [Someone/ A Group]:
I.e: Wilabo, Iceli, Senuia, Spi, Otter, Posini?, the Ultanian "Yuck", Etc.
[3] Visiting an [Unespecified Location]:
Such as:
The Dream Room:
Honestly, I don't want to go in there; my dreams have been and always will be chaotic, and knowing of your new existence, I don't want you experiencing them.
Magicli's Casino/Gambling Room:
Make friends, and get whatever money magicli promised from there, Or get something delicious, or if I really wish to, I could leave, although I don't want to leave Alex behind even if I do.
Magical Cewties Adoption Centre:
Even though I saw abomonations there, There could possibly be very valuable loot, and Intel, Why is Magicli Growing those abomonations, and what is he planning to do with them? He might also hide some treasures there purposefully since this is all just a game to him anyway.
Spectral Reflection (Isn't no one dead though?):
I can't find any reason to use this unless someone has already died. if I wanted to talk to my father? No, Hop, that's stupid. Are you stupid owing magicli a favour to talk to him? That's too much, but knowing that someone is dead on the second day before everyone else finds the body could give me an advantage.
Punishment Room:
Alex said that it was just a blank room, and despite it looking reasonably creepy, maybe I can look through it and find out how it works, just in case Magicli puts me in there; if there's already someone in there, then that will let me have a hook over them, which could be invaluable.
The Fake Outdoor Field And Forest/Magical Traning Area:
Since I rarely spend time indoors, this school's claustrophobic nature is already contributing to my rapidly declining psyche. Running through a false forest may help calm me down and enable me to think through my past.
Empty Stands Location:
Maybe there are new stands that Magicli has set up shop in. Of course, I don't know what type of money Magicli would use besides his "Magi-money" in the casino, but no one should really have that. Either way, it can be a way to check in and potentially buy something before anyone else can if it is open.
Other Classrooms of Magical Study
[4] Having Breakfast:
I'm not hungry right now; besides, if I have too much, I'd really go against the gains I've made, but a lot of groups will be there. So I'll be able to scope potential alliances or groups other students have made and make new ones or reinforce my own.
[5] Going to the Library:
Maybe I could learn about diffrent types of magic, reinforce by learning existing ones, learn some history, or find that book that magicli was referring to about the "True" Story of the Goddesses.
[6] Tutoring with Magicli
I could learn new types of magic or get stronger quickly, reinforcing my new takes on magic.
[7] Find Magicli
I have some questions that I've been meaning to ask Magicli, and I'm confident he/she won't answer some of them, but I'd also like to know some other things about the school.
[8] Practicing Magic:
I am reinforcing my current magic by training by myself in my room. There is not much time for growth, but I won't get pooched on Mana and Energy as easily and am generally safer afterwards.
[9] Going to the Gym/Magic Practicing Area:
You've had a routine for exercising and getting in tip-top shape since you were a little kit, and a change of scenery won't let you stop it.
[10] Going to the Pool
Practicing my swimming might be good if I get targeted or attacked near/in the pool. Also, a tiny part of me has a hunch that those three are skinny dipping again.
[11] Going to the Main Lobby to look at the Calander:
Have an idea of the events that will be going on today and will be upcoming
[12] Talk more with the Lucky Foot Spirits (You):
Part of me wishes to learn more about you now that it's enforced that we'll at least be stuck together for a couple of days.
[13] Other [Suggestion]
No. 1095469 ID: 15c3de

3. Lets go get you exercising to start the day at the fake forest. Youve been through a lot yesterday, and we kinda started out on the wrong foot with freaking you out... sorry for accidental pun. This will be best to calm you down to prepare for the day.

>Magicli tries to manipulate You in any way. Don't listen to him, and that is all.

Can do. Does that go for both Magicli? Or just the dark one?
No. 1095476 ID: 64c536

Well in our defense we're unfamiliar with Ultrivisc religious doctrines. We can only apologize and ask that you educate us so we can avoid such errors.
>the reason my father was killed
Especially if you have such a personal reason to be so devoted! We're sorry for your loss.
No. 1095556 ID: 8f9bc4

If it helps, Magcli already tried to manipulate us. They told us you would remove your foot, if you knew we were here. Whatever we are was... unimpressed with the threat, because you deserved to know. He also said we can manipulate you to do whatever we wish, which cannot be true, because you're not currently streaking through the school naked singing "baby baby baby" at the top of your lungs. So he's kind of a liar. Your mind is your own, Magcli is a wanker, and if we ever steer you wrong, well... you know where we live.

And it's not that your feet are mystically controlling your mind and want exercise or anything, but wouldn't a nice jog through the forest be just so refreshing?
No. 1096207 ID: 3f89df
File 172420529684.png - (14.21KB , 500x500 , running around at the speed of sound.png )


>3: Let's get you exercising to start the day at the fake forest. You've been through a lot yesterday, and we kind of started out on the wrong foot by freaking you out... sorry for the accidental pun. This will be best to calm you down and prepare for the day.

>And it's not that your feet are mystically controlling your mind and want exercise or anything, but wouldn't a nice jog through the forest be so refreshing?

As much as I initially expected a choice that I would be dramatically opposed to, I'm surprised at how much I agree with that statement. Yeah,
A good jog without the burden of being a victim is something I'd need right now.

Without using my speed magic, I dash towards the ramps that lead to the other floors, which, given the distance from my chosen dorms, is around 15 minutes away. Thankfully, the ramps make it reasonably easy to go through the floors quickly; as I go up the ramp, however, I notice that on the sides of the ramp/stairway to the floors, the stands seem to be open; the contents of which I don't focus on, still looking out for any potential threats, or places to hide, however despite that, this is all good cardio.

Since I've not gone up there, only heard about it, I have to guess which way to go when I'm at a crossroads, but my intuition leads me to the right place.
No. 1096208 ID: 3f89df
File 172420529869.png - (17.96KB , 500x500 , go to false outside hop youve been gaming all day.png )

It's a large cased opening. I'm about eight feet tall and lying on my back or stomach, twelve feet wide.

Before I go in, I notice a large caution poster near the entrance. It reads.

"Students, The outdoor simulation room is open from 5:00 a.m. until around 9:00 pm When that occurs, both entrances will close automatically and be impossible to open. This curfew is enforced for two reasons. One, so that it is harder to hide the body if a murder is committed outside this room in the middle of the night, and two, if you are some unlucky smuck who gets trapped with someone else, then it's a perfect room to murder in! Cliffs, Water, Trees; you name it, there are so many basic and frankly dull ways to kill here that it's closed so that you can use your magic and have creative ways to kill.

- Signed Magicli W

Huh, White Magicli. I haven't seen much of her, and honestly, I don't really have much of an impression, but she seems to be in on this murder game and doesn't seem to care. The curfew is something to consider for later. However, knowing the magic, I'm guessing there is another secret way, inside and out, to make any possible Judgments more interesting.

But enough that, I came here to not think about my current situation and to just jog it away, and with a quick step, I entered the simulation.
No. 1096209 ID: 3f89df
File 172420530092.png - (14.47KB , 500x500 , woah hop goes outside no way you can go outside to.png )

I'm immediately hit with the smell and feel of fresh air hitting my skin and a rather weak sun shining light on my fur. It's almost rejuvenating in a way. I had spent the entire previous day indoors, with the only smell of chlorine being something that smelt natural. I had almost forgotten how beautiful the sun is and how great it feels to be outdoors.

The calming aura of this place makes me feel as if fairies live in my ears and are singing me sweet lullabies. I feel a primal urge to retreat to the nearest hilltop and go to sleep with the sun as my blanket.

Of course, I'm still in a death game, and if someone saw me napping like that, I'd, of course, be toast, As I finish that thought, I enter the forest, It's a bit bumpy and really rough on my soles, and the trail is clearly intended to be incomplete, with roots, and bumpy roads full of fallen debris from the trees, but I prefer a challenging terrain, it makes you stronger;

This place already makes me feel much calmer and much easier to think critically about things that have happened. Ever since we began the run, you've been a bit quiet, Carrot. Yes, that is your new name because I don't wish to associate you with my lucky foot anymore and with casual discussion with whoever I talk to about my current predicament room.

But as I've been saying, if you wish to talk about something, Let me know:
No. 1096210 ID: 3f89df
File 172420530216.png - (11.46KB , 500x500 , magicli is magicli and also everyone loves magicli.png )

>(Magicli tries to manipulate You in any way. Don't listen to him, and that is all.)

>Can do. Does that go for both Magicli? Or just the dark one?

I'm not sure. Obviously, the Ultimna Spawn, Dark Magicli, should never be trusted for numerous reasons you probably know by now, but for White Magicli... I'm not sure; from what I've seen about her, she's as psychopathic and distant as Dark Magicli, but she seems to be quite insecure about being forgotten or treated as a lesser to her dark counterpart; I mean, she did threaten to beat me up, but that may just be due to her insecurity.

It's a clear No for now, but I will tell you if I change my mind about her.

>Well, in our defence, we're unfamiliar with Ultrivisc religious doctrines. We can only apologize and ask that you educate us so we can avoid such errors.

You've probably heard of some already, but now that I have the time to think, I'll give you a quick rundown of history and faith.

At the beginning of Time, there was nothing except for Ultrivisc; Ultrivisc first started by creating our world, in which we stand, breathe, and live; she spread mountains, rivers, oceans, plants and more, using her paws, after they had finished, she dotted the land with animals and fur-kin reflections of her in both size and stature, Ultrivisc is a goddess of many faces. Hence, she individually gave each fur-kin a diffrent face to represent her own and fostered unique communities across each race. As such, the furkin and animals lived in harmony for centuries, building the kingdom's tribes and cultures unique to each region, and for that, Ultrivisc was happy.

However, among gifting our intelligence, she had also gifted us sin, jealousy, avarice, lust, wrath, glory, envy, sorrow, apathy, decision, honour, and cowardice, all festered among the population of her people, until eventually, it would decay into a physical form, Ultimnia; Unlike Ultrivisc, who was content from watching her children from afar Ultimnia wished to be worshiped by all mortals as a living god, Ultimnia power, rivalled that of Ultrivisc, and as such she quickly spread across Muani, Creating her own race, the scaled-skin, and converting those of Ultimnia through sin, and plague, until she covered half of Muani; Finally with half of her people, either dead or corrupted through her influence, Ultrivisc went back to the mortal world, and with her people, and the heroes, the roots and their party; they struck down Ultimina and reconquered the lands; spreading her word and cleansing the populace, weakening Ultimnia who went into hiding deep beneath the earth. Knowing that Ultimina had been dealt with, Ultrivisc returned to Helua, where she came from.

As such, peace again fell towards the realm for centuries, but Ultrivisc and her faith were soon forgotten, so Ultimina took this opportunity. Ultimina awoke from her resting place in the guise of a long-limbed serpent and began the Red-rock calamity, which lasted for a week and killed billions. It would have resumed, but a champion was chosen by Ultrivisc, the Protector, who came and Fell both himself and Ultrivisc's physical form. There's more that comes after that, but that's a quick summary.

While Ultimina has fallen, some say her body still rests underground, awaiting strength. They say she will be resurrected using the sins of her followers and her scale kin.

As followers of Ultrivisc, we follow her tenets and rules to fight back against the resurrection of Ultimina, which are as follows.

You must lay with those of the opposite sex; failure to do so will fuel the lust of Ultimina.

You must remain monotomous to your partner; multiple partners weaken Ultrivisc's hold on your soul, Adultery brings you closer to being corrupted by Ultimina.

Masturbation attracts the lustful demons of Ultimina towards you, and doing so connects your soul with Ultimina.

Bedding, Romance, or having sexual or romantic desires or acting among sexual or romantic desires towards an Ultimnian; Creates further Ultminans and corrupts you entirely.

Gifting land, property, jobs, magic, money, or anything else is fed to Ultimina, making her bigger and stronger.

Being happy while committing sinful acts against the tenants or committing sinful acts allows Ultimina to puppet your body.

Giving into any of the sins:
Jealousy, avarice, lust, wrath, glory, envy, sorrow, apathy, decide, honour, and cowardice.

If you commit any sins, you must repent to Ultrivisc and explain why you committed them. If there is no reason for your sins, then your soul is forever doomed to Ultimna.

If you die sinful, you are reborn as an Ultimnian, your form representing the sin that you most did in your mortal life.

You must follow the teachings of Ultriviscs, the chosen and her heroes, as they were the ones who fought back against evil.

If you are a devout follower of Ultrivisc, and do everything to protect yourself and others from Ultimnia's grasp, you are ascended to Helua.

There are, of course, many diffrent tenants depending on which section and virtue you go to; one Virstic that lives near me, for example, outlaws bedding and most Ultimnian sins to ascend to Scale-skins. However, my Virstic calls that since Scale-skins have been redeemed from Ultimnian's grasp since the First War, then they have the right to live in Ultrivisc's light unless they are devout followers of Ultimina or breach the lessons taught by Ultiminians.

Uhmm, you may have noticed, carrot, that I kind of like bad boys, not beat you or your friends up, lousy boy, lock you up so you only with his kind, more so evading the law, living life to the fullest, or under-dog fighting against the big man kind of bad boy.

My first boyfriend was a King Cobra lousy boy; the Relationship ended pretty badly, but he taught me a couple of things in the end.

But yeah, I'm sorry for going on a tangent; I think we're nearing the end of the trail. Anything you wish to add?
No. 1096211 ID: 3f89df
File 172420530515.png - (18.10KB , 500x500 , silly silly hop dont laugh at thier jokes.png )

>If it helps, Magcli already tried to manipulate us. They told us you would remove your foot if you knew we were here. Whatever we are was... unimpressed with the threat because you deserved to know. He also said we can manipulate you to do whatever we wish, which cannot be true because you're not currently streaking through the school naked singing "baby baby baby" at the top of your lungs. So he's a liar. Your mind is your own, Magcli is a wanker, and if we ever steer you wrong, well... you know where we live.

Pffft, well, count me lucky then! Maybe you would have been a better fit for Iceli after all, considering how much she wants to take off her pants all the time. I mean, I don't know what you are, and maybe if you don't know either, we won't ever know until you get out of my foot one day.

I agree with your stance on magicli. I thought you were just him talking through you, but maybe you are. And I'm just talking to you for nothing. Still, he can probe my mind anyway, so I don't think he'd go through all this work just to "form an connection," I'm just some fat, poor kid who grew up mainly in the back-streets, so my magical prowess is entirely non-existent If he wanted a slave orally. Posini would be much better, considering I think, if I remember our poker game correctly, that he went to a previous magic school; despite living decently well, he had the means to go to a magic school.

I still have no idea why he's so fascinated with me. Maybe it's because of you, or maybe he's giving that much attention to everyone. I don't know because he only speaks through mind-probing. That's most likely the case, considering he told me he's tutoring multiple people when I asked him that earlier.

However, right as I'm about to reach my destination, I hear an unfamiliar high-pitched voice reverberating through my mind.
"Greetings, students! Teleportation to the Main Room for Weekly Rules, will begin in one minute, if you are nakey then get dressed, otherwise you'll be dressed in your old clothes, orrrr I may forget, So get off your asses and make yourselves decent!" [/color]

Before I can process anything else, I feel an alien force, which feels like someone else's mana, pull me up from my skin and fur from each side of me, making me levitate off the ground, I then feel a harsh pressure as the mana digs inward, increasing by pressure through the microsecond, crushing my vital organs, contorting me and squishing myself, An surge of pain throbs throughout me, but in a blink, the pain is gone, and I feel myself seated;
No. 1096212 ID: 3f89df
File 172420530805.png - (20.78KB , 500x500 , ohno posini not again god damnit why is this odly .png )

It's a rising room with only chairs, almost equivalent to a theatre.

I can see White Magicli on the stage, with a big grin on her face; I look around to see if I can see Alex in the distance. However, I quickly noticed that Magicli had sat me next to Posini; I almost immediately leaned myself away, which caught his attention.

Posini glances at me and then turns around to look at Magicli, who has begun speaking.

"Greetings, Students! Now, you may have noticed that Darky is not with us today; I mean, he is. he always is But Darky talked to me last night and gave some concern that most of you haven't met me, So I'll mostly be doing everything today! minus particular tutoring

My name is L- My name is White Magicli, and I'm way more fun than Darky over here; he's all like, ooooh scare the students, make them work harder; *Blah*, That's just not fun, this place is a place of unparalleled freedom from the rest of the world, and making it so... cold? calculated? It's just not for me.

Oh, I've just gotten sidetracked. Today is Tuesday, so it's time for...
Weekly Rules!

Let me explain Weekly rules before I reveal the first rule,
Every week on Tuesday, You'll all be summoned here first thing in the morning at around 8:00 Am, or Iengui-Nie Uwe, If you prefer Old speak; And in which case we'll reveal a rule, event, place, thing, or most likely a challenge or effect that is either permanent or temporary.

When declared, permanent rules will apply throughout your stay here—and maybe even after your stay, who knows?

Meanwhile, Temporary Rules are declared Last for usually the entire week or throughout our specified time, usually temporary rules are a challenge of some kind, and failure in these rules/challenges usually results in punishment, and, depending on the challenge, facing the wrath, or dying in the most part. Still, those ones are rare, and punishments are fun to watch anyway."

White Magicli says that all without straying from her demeanour. Her voice is high-pitched and cartoony, as it always has been as if she wishes for us to lower our guard, but she is just as sadistic as Dark was.

*Ahem* Now todays rule isssssssssssssssssssssssss!!
No. 1096213 ID: 3f89df
File 172420531277.png - (20.90KB , 500x500 , an power ranking on update twenty two wow well the.png )

She mime's pulling a curtain with her hands, and when she releases, a giant magical billboard appears above her, with some minor smaller ones appearing near a Callander and the doors.

The (Permanent) Magic Ranking!

S = 50 points
A = 30 points
B = 20 points
C = 10 points
D = 5 points
having a minus modifier subtracts five while having a plus adds five

With this, you can track your progress or find your next victim . Just because someone is lower in rank does not mean they are weaker. Magic is complicated, and someone may have mastery over a potent yet hard-to-learn magic type, which results in a lower score. However, the opposite may also be true, so go where your heart tells you to; this also doesn't include physical strength, but bringing fists to a magic duel may not work out for you. Oh yeah, so unless you can't read the giant billboard on the wall that you're all looking at, here's the following scores:

(1'st?)Gurier: 110/0 Points
(True 1'st) Posini: 80 Points
(2'nd) Umbra 70 Points
(3'rd)Xeno: 65 Points
(4'th) Wilabo: 35 Points
(4'th)Succuis: 35 Points
(4'th) Spi: 35 Points
(7'th)Senuia: 20 Points
(7'th) Note: 20 Points
(9'th)Furry: 15 Points
(9'th) Top 15 Points
(9'th) Alex: 15 Points
(12'th Iceli: 10 points
(I won't tell) Otter: ??? Points

I can feel my fur rise and anxiety enter my heart as White reads out the rankings; I feel so weak again. Even all the training that I did yesterday has made it so that I've barely moved up in the rankings, and Alex, who has used magic in his career, is still tied right next to me.

Wilabo is twenty points ahead, and Iceli being the weakest was something I wasn't expecting; all of that teasing I did, and she could have easily whooped my ass yesterday, and almost everybody is reading this.

White yawns a bit. "The magic ranking Board is probably the most boring weekly rule. I am cooking it up, but next week will be much more interesting!" She says this in a sing-song voice, treating almost the most significant news of this school as nothing but a joke.

I feel as if an enormous tidal wave is about to strike this school, and I am deeply dreadful about what will be cooked up next week.

White snaps her fingers, and with it, the entire stage and seats we were sitting on are gone, leaving a decently large but quite dull room with only the magical ranking board and the calendar, leaving all of us standing up, Magicli speaks:

"So that brings an end to this week's weekly Rules, the magic ranking can be found here in the main lobby, or once an day, by saying either internally or externally, "magic ranking," Which will then show up as a complete list in front of your vision for about a minute before disappearing."

I'll stay to answer any questions you have. Hint: It doesn't just have to be about the magical ranking, although if it isn't, I have the right not to tell you. She sticks out her tongue playfully. Among the crowd of rushing people, I notice Posini just staring at me but also waving me over with what I think is a neutral expression; the scab from last night, still throbbing semi-occasionally in pain, reminds me of what happened that night, yet a part of me thinks that with his magic returned, we may have a less antagonistic chat, although him knowing my rank compared to his, maybe diffrent in general.

Although with the information I've just gathered from the weekly rules, I have some more decisions that I could make; I decide to:

Author's Note: Free actions don't cost energy, and you can chain multiples together. However, doing multiples will lower the chances, and mood of the person, or lock the free action out entirely

[1] (Free) Finding Alex:
I've not seen him since, well, last night, he's probably just having breakfast, but wherever he is, it's good to keep him close in case posini or someone else with malicious intent.
[2] (Free) Talking to Posini:
As much as Posini freaks me out, knowing the extent of our power differences does put me at a disadvantage. We are in a much more crowded room than the casino, and I don't have his Mana this time.
[3] Trying to Find [Someone/ A Group]:
I.e: Wilabo, Iceli, Senuia, Spi, Otter, Posini?, the Ultanian, Etc.
[4] Visiting an [Unespecified Location]:
Such as:
I am exploring new areas, Considering I haven't had an entire look around, and I haven't explored the western side. For most of floors 2 and 3'rd, some are discovering what I can do. Also, I could find a way around/out of the barrier that magicli put on the other floors.
The Dream Room:
Dreaming wouldn't do much; just reminds me of painful memories.
Magicli's Casino/Gambling Room:
Magical Cewties Adoption Centre:
Like last time, I could look for treasure, or if this is a future weekly rule, I could shortly sabotage this place or look for clues.
Punishment Room:
Alex said that it was just a blank room, and despite it looking reasonably creepy, maybe I can look through it and find out how it works, just in case Magicli puts me in there; if there's already someone in there, then that will let me have a hook over them, which could be invaluable.
The Fake Outdoor Field And Forest/Magical Traning Area:
I already went through a jog through here; it was pretty nice, and while I could scout the area and get a lay of the land, there are more important things to do.
2'nd and 3'rd floor Stands Location:
Now that it's open, I could investigate and possibly steal items or find something in the unmanned stands themselves and see if this is either a trick, or a plan to go too.
Other Classrooms of Magical Study:
No point right now when I can tutor with Magicli.
[5] Going to the Library:
Now that I've explained Ultrivisc, we should go to the library if we want to learn more about Mythology and Ultimina. When I used to go to the library, they had a pretty good selection of religious books, despite Ultri-Vian not being as popular a religion as it used to be.
[6] Tutoring with Magicli
Although my look-alike will be a lot more suspicious while everyone's here, It will save time and energy If I ask magicli now; instead of trying to find her later, we may also be able to set a time for later.
[7] Talk with White Magicli (Free)
I have some pressing questions that I want to ask her, mainly about how I learned time magic, whether or why that didn't count towards my ranking, and what my grades are or how I should check.

While she seems a freak, I could better understand her personality and how she differs from dark magic. Also, being on the teacher's good side may be invaluable, despite how impossible that might seem.

[9] Going to the Gym/Magic Practicing Area:
Even though I've already done a run, maybe increasing my physical strength is better in the long term because when everything's up close, Knowing how to fight is way better than casting spells.
[10] Going to the Lockers
While I don't have intense P.U., at least compared to Alex, I just went for a half-hour run. If I want to make an excellent first impression, showering and wearing new clothes could prevent me from being stinky.
[11] Look at the Calander (Free):
It would be good to see if Magic has planned even more "events" ahead of time so I can prepare ahead of time. Also, there might be dates for daily schedules that I should know about.
[12] (Free) Talk more with the Lucky Foot Spirits (Free) (You):
I'll do this anyway, but if you want to stop, sit down and have a complete discussion, rather than multi-tasking while I'm talking with you, then that'll be a good option.
[13] Other [Suggestion]
No. 1096223 ID: c5529d

for free actions:

find alex: yeah, might be your best free action. That way we can plan what you and he wants to do for the rest of the day, whether it be splitting up to learn or train or other stuff, or stick together

talk to Posini: He's scary. Just ignore him. Don't even look at him. Until he genuinely apologizes, you're avoiding him. You can tell him that much if you want to say anything to him, but otherwise, just ignore him, and walk away. If he approaches or stalks you afterwards, run. don't use time magic to get away, keep that hidden for now as a secret power in case you're in danger or in a fight.

It is odd you keep running into him though.

Talk with White Magicli: I don't think you need to. Thinking logically, it probably didn't effect your rank too much because you need to master it. It's like being given a gun, but first needing to know how to get better aim. You've just learned it after all. I say the best way to master it is by mixing it with your physical abilities, especially your speed. Time magic and speed is a real good combo. If you're wondering about your grades, WM said 10 points was a C, and 20 points is a B, so I say with you at 15 points, your grade is a C+

Look at the Calander (Free): Yeah, do this. best for planning ahead when we talk to Alex after finding him.

a couple things

1. Don't worry too much about the magical ranking. You're here mainly to learn magic, and get better at it so you can find better jobs back home after school. This is just mainly to spark jealousy and stuff, plus you are strong in other ways, like physical speed, and you did win at poker against Posini. you're more skilled in ways than others. If you want to compete with somebody as a rival, try somebody closer to your rank, but also, maybe be careful around the higher ranked magic users, especially Posini. Wilabo is a good friend to have here considering she is on the top 5. Be nice to her.

2. Carrot is a cute name for us. But what about Beans as another option for a name? I'm fine with either really though.

our main plan, I'm thinking either
[9] going to the gym to train your time magic, and seeing how we can mix it up with your physical strength and more importantly your agility and speed. (Alex can come if he is interested in training with you).
>maybe increasing my physical strength is better in the long term because when everything's up close, Knowing how to fight is way better than casting spells.
Well, just remember what WM said: bringing fists to a magic duel may not work out for you This is why it is important when you train your physical strength, you should also see how your time magic can improve your speed by mixing it up. Nobody will be able to catch or hit you once you master your time magic with your speed.


[3] find Wilabo, and Iceli, and see if they want to go to the gym with you to train as a group.

After training, you can hit the locker room. that way, you don't have to shower twice.

We'll hold off on tutoring until later when people like Posini isn't around to judge you.
No. 1096225 ID: 962e69

Finding Alex: Definitely
Look at the Calander: Why Not?
Going to the Gym/Magic Practicing Area: Seems necessary given our bad rank
No. 1096271 ID: 0f14ab

>>1096223 Thinking it over, I think I'll stick with finding Wilabo, and Iceli as my main choice to ask them about going to the gym with you while doing the free actions i chose too. Going to the gym is my secon choice

One more thought came to mind too: I do not think Posini would dare try to kill you, as there were witnesses who saw what he was doing to you. If you are killed, he is pretty much going to be the prime suspect of your murder. Still, I'd rather not talk to him until he apologizes and means it. The witnesses on the otherhand, if they are very malicious, they might try to take that as an advantage and kill you, and then place the blame on Posini. Vice versa if Posini is killed and they blame you or Alex for wanting revenge against him. Thise are worst case scenerios though. But this is partly why i want to see about finding Alex, Wilabo, and Iceli since your friendship has already been built with them after the first day and strengthening that bond will be important as you can all protect each other and vouch for one another in case something bad happens
No. 1097083 ID: 3f89df
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>Find Alex:
>Finding Alex: Definitely

I initially ignored Posini for now; even if he's not planning anything nefarious, I shouldn't have to be the one to talk to him, considering he's the one who attempted to extort me and sliced my neck, which is still having a buzz of pain, despite it being most likely a scab by now. Instead, I look to find Alex.
No. 1097084 ID: 3f89df
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I quickly find Alex among the crowd of other students; I instinctively
run up and hug him tight; I can feel him initially shutter in surprise but then relax as he notices me and holds me tight; after a couple of seconds, we break and look at each other.
"There you are, Alex; where were you this morning?"
"Oh Hop! pleasant seeing you, well erm..."
He pauses for a second, looking away from me before resuming.
"You stayed in pretty late this morning, and I know how rough yesterday was for you, so I let you stay in while I went to the Gym. I invited some pals, but no one came; guess they ain't workout types.
His talking about his pals intrest me; while I know that his relationship with Iceli and Wilabo is tight, and he's most definitely sexually interested in them, there could also be more that I've not met within our sparse time apart.
Alex looks at me as if to read my expression or the possible reaction to anybody he says. After several attempts of looking him straight back with a neutral expression, he replies, "Well, I invited Iceli, Wilabo, Furri, and Noti."
I playfully tease him a little. "That's an lot of girls Alex, you sure it wasn't to do "other" workouts?"
Alex, not seeing my playful demeanour, immediately gets defensive. "Well there's an lot of girls in this school, Hop! You'd think this would be an all-girl school, when there's only like four guys including me! I'm not cheating on you Hop, I just happen to have an lot of girl." He deliberately pauses "Friends"
His defensive attitude does make me suspicious, but I'm honestly quite tired of this song and dance; I attempt to change the topic;
"I've been seeing Posini everywhere, and it seems like he wants me to talk to him, even after the incident at the casino last night, I don't know what he wants."
Alex seems to change from seeming ashamed and aggressive to just full-out aggressive. "Did he hurt you? Is he stalking you? Do you know where his now? Cause I'll show him to fuck off from harrasing my girlfriend."
"No, I'm okay, Alex; he's just making me uncomfortable and-"
No. 1097085 ID: 3f89df
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Just as if from a divine sort of punishment, Posini, who had been stalking me for quite some time while I was finding Alex, Finally decides to approach; Alex immediately recognizes him and gets in front of me. "Has he been following you?"
"Maybe, but let him talk first, maybe he'll leave us alone, but get ready Alex."
As Posini approaches talking distance, Alex Barks at him to Step away. Posini Obliges raises both hands to show he's not hurt; we know that's a farce, but we allow him to speak anyway.
No. 1097086 ID: 3f89df
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"I won't bother you with introductions; I just wish to speak to Hop to apologize for what happened last night, It turns out it was Magicli's doing, and for that, I sincerely apologize"
No. 1097087 ID: 3f89df
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Alex runs up to him, screaming, and preparing his magic; "Are you going to apologize for cutting her neck? For almost murdering her? For stalking her? For accusing her"
"Now, now Alex-"
"Do not call me Alex, Toad."
"Alright, Christopher. I will say that the whole situation was accidental; I did not mean to cut your significant other, whatever you two may be; she ended up squirming and cutting herself; I just wished to ask some questions, but it ended up escalating, from there."
"Asking questions with an knife to my throat."
No. 1097088 ID: 3f89df
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"It was necessary, you can't be too careful in these schools, there's many, many diffrent types of mages, all of which are cut-throat if given the chance, while it turns out you wheren't a threat i did know one thing Hop."
I don't like the direction this conversation is going. "And what's that?"
"That you've also been tutoring with Magicli."
Alex looks dumbfounded and surprised as if he had suddenly realized it.
He looks over at me with a sincere expression of betrayal. "Is that true Hop?"
With that, Posini had put me on the spot. If I lied, there would be repercussions, but if I told the truth, Alex would get curious and ask more questions, and I would confirm Posini's suspicions.

After thinking it over, I eventually decided what I'd say: "Yes, I have, but I'll tell you what I've been learning later in private; let's talk over this at a future date, alright?"

Posini grins slightly. "It makes sense then when, after the tutoring, a percentage of my Magic gets stolen from another tutored student, and since you can learn ANY magic at Magicli's, you can connect the dots of why I did what I did."

"So what? you came over here, to justify what you did too me, when it was all magicli's fault from the beginning, yet you still wish to spin it as if you where the victim of circumstance."

"Not particularly. I do sincerely apologize, and I wish that we could connect shortly, but that is ultimately your call; I just know that with how weak you are, You'll easily be a target, and I hate to see the weak exploited by stronger forces."

"Therefore, I wish to tell you of my new tutoring and potion-selling program, which I host in my dorm for now the potions can be bought using your magi-money from last nights poker game, however tutoring is free, I will preface by saying that I pefer one on one tutoring sessions."

"Yeah, one on one, so that there are no witnesses when you kill me."

I can't read Posini's expression through his mask. "Hop I assure you and I say this truthfully from the bottom of my heart, I do not wish to murder anybody, if I did, I wouldn't be talking to you right now, And I especially wouldn't select you with the arrow that's been planted on my back"

"Besides, there's no point anyway; why would I wish to leave? I wouldn't risk my own life to leave, and the outside is just an metaphorical reflection of this school anyway."

"So what, you wish to "Be friends"" I say in air quotes. "Because if people murder me, you'll be the first one convicted? Due to your actions?"

"Not particuilarily, but I see no point in convincing you otherwise. As I've Reitreated, I apologize for what I did to you last night. Please consider my offer; otherwise, everyone else in this school will eat you like wolves."

Posini then turns around and walks away. Alex and I wait until we can't see him or his shadow before speaking.
No. 1097089 ID: 3f89df
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"Creepy, Do I have permission to beat him up if he tries to harass you again?"
Posini seems to want him and me alone again, and that terrifies me in multiple diffrent ways, I don't necessarily trust him, especially since he tried to manipulate me into coming into his dorm and was generally being odd and creepy.
"Yeah, I don't want him near me, just be careful, Alex; Posini's may look unassuming, but he is rated as the top magician here, so don't hurt yourself, alright? I want us to leave this place together."
"Okay, will do Hop, but if he tries to hurt you again, don't leave me accountable for what I do next."
"Alex, if you murdered Posini, I'd be more concerned with what would happen to you during trial then Posini's well being, your fine."
The air in the room is especially tense after what just occurred, and Alex and I take a second to let it all in, which is a luxury compared to yesterday's.
"So... Hop about the Tutoring..."
"Later, Alex; Now's not the time, maybe when were back in our dorms."
"Well, is this another blackmail thing? Considering the dirt that magicli said he had on you-"
"Okay, but I think what happened to your dad wouldn't be considered blackmail, and now I know you've been hiding more stuff. It's just getting harder to trust you, Hop."
"Alex, you also have secrets, some of which I might not know; I know we have a relationship, and all relationships are built through trust, but how'd you like it if, every three hours, I wished to pry into your private life?"
Alex holds off on the questions but eyes me suspiciously.
I try to break the ice, and move on
"How about we look at the calendar real quick, and see if we can plan out these future days?"
Alex nods and we move over to the calander.
No. 1097090 ID: 3f89df
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Quickly skimming the calendar, it seems that Magicli writes it in two-week increments, most likely to keep us on our toes. A couple of dates catch my attention. When I focus on a particular day, one of Magicli's voices echoes. "It is currently Tuesday 9:45 Am, the upcoming dates are:

Week 1:
Tuesday 12:00 am

Magicli Q&A and meet and Greet:
Meet your new Teachers and Fellow students after our onboarding process. Ask any of us burning questions that may be on your mind, and we'll answer them with 100% accuracy and Truthfulness unless we deem your question to be a threat to the school, faculty, or students.

Tuesday 3:30 pm
Magical History:
Learn more about Magic and its ties to theology, how the goddesses affect certain types of Magic, the racial differences between their spawns, and how this affects their Magic; this will be as much a history lesson as a theology lesson.

Wednesday 12:00 am

School club Voting:
Add your club to the calendar and vote for other club ideas to be officially added; your club can be anything you wish it to be! At any time and in any location. (All clubs will show up as public events on the calendar.

Wednesday 3:30 pm
Magicli's School of Treachery Orientation:
We, the Magicli's, will orientate you on all objects about the current floors and their uses and purposes, including some rooms that I did not show on my initial tour around the school, which maybe you'll gain a competitive advantage over the other students?

Thursday 12:00 am
Play's at the Theater (If you need prior time to contact and set up an appointment and accommodations, please contact your local magicli for accommodations.)
Has the outside world left you out to dry? Have you, for instance, had a dream, skill, or other talent that society has dejected due to poor taste? Well, Magicli's Theater will allow you to showcase your talents to crowds of willing, adoring fans; winners will get a special reward!

Thursday 3:30 pm
Magicli's Personality Test of god-hood:
Do you wish for a little bit of fun on a Thursday night? Learn more about your other students, form connections, and learn a little about yourself on the way; for a couple of hours, you will be put into a mini simulation in which you gain god-like abilities and will allow you to live your anything that you wish inside of the simulation, Other students will have other simulations which you'll be able to view, and potentially influence.

Friday 12:00 am
Magicli's Demon History and Summoning:
Do you wish to learn more about demons, the undead and spectres? Do you wish to know how demons are tied to the goddesses, what each demon represents, and what power they bring? If you take this class, you two can have your advisor with familiars, learn about contract magic, and gain the power to survive in the modern-day chaotic magic environment.

Friday 3:30 pm
[Important! Everyone will be Teleported!] Exam Day!
Learn more about your [field of the Magic of your choice?] and wish to test your knowledge and skill. Well, you can during Exam Day! During exam day, you'll do an exam based on your magic field; Students who pass the average grade are up for rewards, while the worst student will be punished.

The entirety of next week has been crossed off; there are some names for the events, and they are barely legible.
Under the calendar, there are times for daily activities and classes near some dates; they stress that these aren't required, but they may help with your education and keeping a consistent schedule.
8:00 am Breakfast
8:30-11:00 am (Optional) Basic Magic Schooling/Class
11:00 Lunch
1:00-3:30 pm (School of Magic Schooling/Class)
5:00 pm Dinner

After a few more minutes, I look over to Alex, who has also read the schedule.

Any thoughts, Alex?
"Hmm, well, our plans could change depending on what happens today; I don't think any of the modern events could work for us, Mainly the "Daily" Rules and Magicli's Q&A, for everything else; maybe we could plan something around that, at a later date Hop, but the Orientation, and the School club voting does seem something that'll help us later, for today, our schedule should be pretty accessible."
"I think that's a great idea, Alex; we shouldn't waste the opportunity of today doing simple busy work to distract us."

I now have a couple of things that I should attend should it be viable, and I can plan accordingly in the future, I don't think I'm going to attend the "Normal" Schedule, as I think I've got a good idea what we'll need to do to survive this place.

One thing that does concern me, though, is Exam Day. While I do have a bit of magical know-how, with yesterday and using my own Mana, the worst student getting punished adds an extra layer of stress to our timeline. Still, I think that'll I do alright, especially since I have a disembodied spirit in my foot to answer questions I don't understand, right, Carrot?

>Carrot is a cute name for us. But what about Beans as another name option? I'm okay with either, really.

Hmmm, Beans is a cute name for you; I initially named you a Carrot just so I could warm up to you quicker; it's my father's name, and I thought it'd allow me to open up to you quicker, but thinking it through. It is weird and too fantastical for a situation where I should be grounded in reality.

It's better to call you beans. Do you have any advice on what we should do next?
>going to the Gym to train your time magic, and seeing how we can mix it up with your physical strength and more importantly your agility and speed. (Alex can come if he is interested in training with you).
>Maybe increasing your physical strength is better in the long term because when everything's up close, Knowing how to fight is way better than casting spells.
.>Well, just remember what WM said: bringing fists to a magic duel may not work out for you. This is why it is important when you train your physical strength; you should also see how your time magic can improve your speed by mixing it up. Nobody will be able to catch or hit you once you master your time magic with your speed.
>Going to the Gym/Magic Practicing Area: It seems necessary, given our lousy rank
>to find Wilabo and Iceli and see if they want to train with you to train as a group.

I do think that's a good call; Time magic is definitely
my most significant advantage over the rest of the competition, unless there's another, I'm afraid I have to disagree with your stance that physical strength won't be helpful during magic fights, I'd bet you my foot that 85% of the students here have never even taken a PE class in their life, or self-defence courses, meanwhile I'm an athlete, who's taken all of those and more, Magic isn't useful if you don't have the time to cast it before getting pinned down to the ground.
Mind you, I don't know how you could besides using your Mana inside and around you, Like Verbal, Enchantment, Ritual, and all that stuff you see on billboards and in books.

Inviting Wilabo and Iceli is a tad awkward, especially considering what happened yesterday and the sin I committed. While I may be civil with you beans for the time being, I won't forget that as quickly, and I refuse to participate more in those sinful acts; you have to
me that you won't be weird around them or lead my boyfriend down the temptress of the serpent again;

But you do make a good point; I do think it's essential to reinforce the group's bond, especially since the initial shock of the first day has worn off, and now everyone is starting to plan their next move; anything that can give us the advantage, we should capitalize; Wilabo being the strongest magician out of us is concerning, but she already used up her favour, and she couldn't blackmail me, and to be honest, with all of the stuff that's happened, her knowing my secrets, or sexual preferences isn't even that important anymore.

Besides, I was thinking of going to the Gym anyway.

I scan my surroundings, picking apart the crowd and scanning for any features resembling posini or the Ultanian from before; when I can confirm there are none, I go up to Alex and ask him, "Hey Alex, Do you want to go to the Gym? And do an couple of rounds? We could also the Magic we learned yesterday? Also, I was thinking of inviting Iceli and Wilabo, maybe they'll tell us about what their planning in the upcoming days."

Alex's face lights up again, and his cheeks flush red, probably remembering a lot about them. "Sure! That sounds like an great plan! I mean, whatever works best for you, Hop it's your idea."

I roll my eyes. I'll never understand men, or Alex, for that matter, and what's going on in that little noggin of his. I scan for anybody who matches Wilabo or Iceli's appearance, focusing down corridors and the crowd.
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"So, the thing I've discovered about Senuia is..." Wilabo's ear twitches, and when she hears Alex and me come down the hall, she turns around and smiles. "Oh! Heya! It's Super Bunny Gal and Dangerous Bull Man; How's it been, peeps?"
Iceli doesn't really say much; just waiting for a response.
I take the initiative:
No. 1097092 ID: 3f89df
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"Not great, Posini has been most definitely stalking me. Lately, I saw him four times yesterday, and last night he tried to stab me and sliced a little of my neck; thankfully, he didn't brush any of the arteries."
Wilabo's ears lower. "Oh, I heard about that; it happened in the casino, right? Posini got angry that you won the poker game and attempted to slice you for it. Are you hurt?"
I rub my neck, where a dull pain still exists. "A little bit; my Magic has been helping in the healing process, but it still stings from time to time."
"That's good, I haven't really seen posini at all, just when we all entred this school, and from even today, I don't know what he's really like, but from what I heard he's dangerous."
Iceli chimes in
"Do you think he's a serial killer? Or one of those other badguys? You the one who strips his victims bare after killing them, takes out their organs, and uses them for his potions? He does wear an mask all the time."
"Maybe, maybe or! Maybe he takes off their skin cleans their skulls, and then use them as a mask, his mask seemed very, bone-like, and his name would be the Bone-Wearer."
*Cough* They look right over to me; it seems they got their attention again.
"Iceli and Wialbo, me and Alex were wondering if you wanted to go the gym with us?"
Iceli stomps her feet in excitement. "Sure! I haven't really gone to the Gym that much, but I'm always ready to try new things!"
Wilabo hesitates a bit "I don't really know; I'm not really that much of an exercise-heavy type, heck I don't even play Tanks in games that much, so I'd instead prefer if-"
I take the opportunity and run with it . "Yeah, no, it's a tiny bit obvious that you don't go to the Gym. I just wanted to ask."
Iceli smirks a teensy bit, and Wilabo's face immediately turns red "Hey! You take that back! I'm not Fat!"
"Oh, I'm not saying you are; there's just a little tiny almost barely noticeable lump hanging off of your stomach, that I just wanted to tell you about, since I care."
"Okay, Okay! That's It Miss "Athlete" ! Once we reach the Gym, I'll Trounce you!"
"Alright, to the gym we go." Alex says in a singing voice reminiscent of a children's book
We begin walking to the Gym; after walking down a few halls, Alex asks Wilabo a Question.
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"So Wilabo, how's it been living with Iceli?"
"Oh, it's been good, I've learned a lot more about her, that's for sure."
Iceli adds on:
"And we've been doing some other things as well besides anime, like games! Such as-"
Wilabo immediately begins fluttering her arms back and forth in front of Iceli's mouth, her face blush red. "Oh Uhmm Iceli! All that stuff's too dull, and they don't want to hear about it. Let's talk about ummm.... The magical rankings! Yeah!"
I think letting my imagination run wild was Wilabo's first mistake; her second mistake was being Wilabo, I think I get a decent idea of what those two are doing, and as much as I want to press them on it, I think allowing you to give suggestions on what should I say to tease her.

What should I ask Wilabo or Iceli during our walk, Beans? Having more information on them would be suitable for getting a good scope on them, both friendly and for any future plans.
No. 1097107 ID: a6d0a5

Eh, give her a break, as funny as teasing is, i think its time we got serious. Talking about the magical ranking is a good stepping stone. Talk about any concerns you might have on your ranking, and how its partly why you want to go to the gym, to train your magical abilities with your physical strength together and come up with some good combinations.

From there, you can talk about what kinds of magical abilities everyone has, and agree to keep each others' a secret within this friend group. Tell them you'd like to know so that we can come up with some fun training exercises and regimes based off of what abilities everyone has
No. 1097198 ID: 3d8568

Ask wilabou how she'd feel about having a hypothetical bundle of spirits shoved inside of her that could give her protips and also opinions and thoughts and watch anime with her.

y'know, purely hypothetically, as if that was something magicli could do to a random person.

you could even ask iceli too
No. 1097213 ID: 6e329e

And Alex too... you know, just so he doesnt get left out. Dude can also use some of our advice now and then... (dont say that part out loud)
No. 1099730 ID: 3f89df
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I'm unsure if I'm comfortable spilling the beans regarding my Time magic. Anyone who's stepped a toe into most theology regarding the goddesses would know that I'm using Ultimina's domain, and that would open the door to more pressing questions: About Religion and my relationship with Magicli, I'm unsure of how religious or religiously inclined Wilabo and Iceli are. But somebody in the know, such as Senuia and Posini, would be among a few people I'm not comfortable knowing about it.

While this may be a blossoming friend group, I met them yesterday, and my sense of self-preservation remains high; therefore, I will keep it a secret, in training and outwardly, until I can't anymore.

That said, I returned to the group and put on my best poker face: "Hey everyone i'm just wondering, what's your opinion on the magic ranking?"
I can see Iceli and Alex's faces slightly tense on the subject, but Wilabo remains undeterred.
"Oh! Well... I'm just surprised I'm just so high up, I guess mom and pops did a good job there, heh." She lowers her ears and tail before quickly switching around when Iceli begins speaking.
"Well, all throughout my life, my uncle occasionally took me to Plieria for tutoring, and I HATED It; he was super strict, didn't allow what was most comfortable for me, and did flashy bubble magic instead of practical magic, I learned almost nothing from him, and instead did magic that helped my hobbies, that being; magic that manipulates the water to have less drag on me while I'm swimming and more thurst." [/color]
When Iceli finishes talking, Wilabo, looking all giddy, rushes up to her.
No. 1099731 ID: 3f89df
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"You went to Plieria?!"
[color=#FAA73F] "I lived just across a bridge from there!"

"Yeah! Hylei!" "Wait, then, where did you actually live?"
"Oh! I lived in the Hylexian Lakes!"
"Your Hylexian? Awesome! I mean, I know the lakes are kind of an independent zone cause of the danger surrounding them, but the fact we lived so close is spectacular- Wait! are You the Blue dragon that travellers and scholars talked about?!"
"You're a lot less imposing and benevolent in person than those accounts say of you, and maybe a bit less...Attractive? I mean, gosh, Realizing all of this kind of makes those accounts seem like they're from horny old men now.
"That's cool!" Iceli seems to have no idea what Wilabo is talking about and is just rolling with it.
"Oh, we have so much to talk about later, Iceli! Oh yes! Whoops! We totally just left Alex and Hop out of this."
They both stop talking and look at us, most likely hoping to either indulge them in their rant or get back to the original subject; I decided to keep my original perspective going.
"Well in terms of the ranking. My family was relatively poor growing up, so I couldn't really afford tutors and magic schools, none of those rich kid things; most of my research was done in my local library, and after a long time, I got pretty good at it, Magic is heavily bared from the competitions I compete in, but It's been an good skill to have, for training and for getting around, it's disapointing being near the bottom, but considering my backround not suprising."
After I'm finished, Alex begins his tale: "I'm the same as Hop, but I was born into a long line of wrestlers, and with my father gone, I stood up to the plate as the heel version of him; I was trained in magic from my tutorage, but I mainly use it for show and special effects, so I'm not really surprised where I ended up."
I decided to allow the elephant in the room to be more explicit. "This is why Alex and I decided to go to the gym/magical training center in the first place: We wish to train our magical abilities alongside our physical strength. While the ranking doesn't mean anything about our actual Magic, it's good if we work on it so we don't seem like easy pickings, and to practice any combinations of our Magic in case of an emergency."
"I was wondering if you wish to join in on the combinations as well because you're joining us. Any mention of your Magic will stay within this group; you don't need to worry about that too much. If you do tell, then we can make fun regiments and exercises based on your abilities."
Beginning to let the ball roll, "My magic domain is Speed-based magic." "What's yours?"
Wilabo hesitates a little, looks around her as if she's looking if no one's around, but then resumes, "Mine is Transformation/Polymorph Magic; I'm an Neko-Cat, so it's our species specialty, especially among my family... What about you, Iceli, What's yours?"
Wilabo says, obviously shifting the subject away from her family.
"Oh, didn't I already tell you Already? I specialize in water magic, not anything spectacular, but enough so that I have an back-up plan."
Alex chimes in after Iceli: "Mine is Fire, but as I've said before, I've mainly used it for showmanship rather than anything actually advanced."
No. 1099732 ID: 3f89df
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Thinking through their magic types, I did think that was what they specialized in, mainly due to some little clues, but it is nice to be reassured about their type, even if some may be hiding another specialty underneath, like I am with my Time Magic. Although, given their explanations alongside their rankings, I think that everyone, except for Wilabo, is believable; even though Wilabo does seem silly and not a threat, she is more potent than me, alex and Iceli, but she still has a hidden side, that I'm not entirely sure about, and deep down wells me with anxiety.

We agree that we won't tell anyone about our magic specialization and that it'll be hidden among ourselves. Then we go around to regiments. It takes a while of brainstorming, enough so that we reach the gym by the time we get there, but we eventually do a regiment of endurance training with me, Wilabo, Iceli, and Alex doing minor powered magic clashes.
It's a speed-based track, again with me, Wilabo, and Iceli, with Alex staying behind to work on his muscle strength.
And finally, reaction time using a mixture of all three of ours.

As we walk inside, the surprisingly frankly state-of-the-art gym and go to sit down at a nearby bench while we all stretch and get ready, I decide to ask the question that you had told me beans.


"Before we begin, let's think of some more hypothetical scenarios hypothetically; if you woke up tomorrow or just randomly right now, that Magicli forced a whole bunch of spirits within your body, which gave you advice, opinions, and was also aware of the world around you. What would you do?"
Wilabo looks at me strangely but immediately begins to ponder the question. "Hmmmm.. Well, I'd have a whole bunch of anime buddies, so that'd be nice, and I'd never really get lonely since I'd always have someone to talk to. But also, they'd be aware of the world around me, right? Would that also be myself?" "Yeah." "Yikes, what if the spirits where really horny? And everything they got dressed, they'd catcall me; heck, I'd not even be able to shower or even do anything without annoying spirits in my brain. And oh no- What if they were incels? Everytime I think about it this hypothetical situation would get worse."
"So what whould you do?"
"Well, I guess it depends on the spirits, and what they are because it was just some demons, I'd get a priest, and they'd be able to remove it for me; if they are actual ghosts, then maybe I'd ask magicli, heck even try to remove them myself, if I knew what magic type I'd need to study for it."
"Would you keep them?"
"Well, even if they were practical and not as creepy as I'd think, I wouldn't keep them, just because I already got so much going on inside my own mind all the time as well that adding that extra load wouldn't be helpful and-"
Iceli interrupts her, "Well, I think that the lil guys would be helpful, just in general; I mean if they can see what's going on around you, they can notice the little things that you'd usually not see; it should be as little as just a piece of gold on the ground that someone dropped, to as crucial as someone coming up behind you with a dagger. And they'd be able to give you life advice; Heck, that'd make it so they could be your own personal trainer and cheerleader, and because they don't have to worry about bodily functions like we do, they can really read people, and think about plans way better then we chould."
"Yeah, but- what would they even be? I don't feel comfortable with something inside my body that I whoulden't even know about-"
"Yeah, but do the positives outweigh the mystery?"
"No not really-"
Alex, having stayed away from the conversation and eyeing me suspiciously when I first brought up the subject, gives his two cents. "I believe that just overall, I'd be neutral towards the spirits until I find out what they were; then when I find out they were, I'd act and do something about them, or none at all. Before fully acting on my intuition or gut, I'd research or find ways to know about them."

I wasn't expecting such a catalogue of answers, but overall, I am funnily enough thinking of Alex's opinion; I am mainly neutral with you because we are both in a situation that we can't control. I do wish to know more about you, though, because while your advice has been helpful, with a few exceptions, you must understand that I can't fully trust you and put 100% of my faith in you. After our gym lesson, I may look into who you are if I can.
No. 1099733 ID: 3f89df
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And so with an initial whiff of hesitation in the air, we begin our training;
It comes as an initial shock to me that while we are training, Wilabo shifts in and out of forms while rapidly jabbing against a punching bag, even though we had planned it, Mostly focusing on her legs and arms, but shifting her form to spread her weight evenly, even against my rapid punches and kicks using my speed magic, I can feel the constantly changing weight and pressure, Nothing is the same, and It's honestly quite disorienting, Looking to Alex and Iceli, they start their session with a Magical duel of sorts, Alex and Iceli spawning small quantities of Water and Fire respectively, which clash together to form steam.
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After a couple of minutes of clashing with Wilabo, a sudden noise from the steam catches my attention, enough so that the Dumbell hits me square in the jaw and sends me back an little. Wilabo peaks her head over.
"You alright?" She looks at with me with genuine concern.
"Yeah, I'm alright."
"Ready to move on?" I feel like she's getting bored, and I oblige.

But as we go towards our next exercise, A feeling of dissociation can't help but wash over me. It's an almost tickle-like sensation that raises along the edges of my fur As if my spirit is leaving my body, but I feel partially present.
It persists even as I pedal alongside a bicycle bike with Wilabo and the others by my side. Why? Why do I feel this way? This is my art of strengthening my Core, Body and Soul, Fighting against the societal expectations that I'll never amount to anything, just 15th place in any competition, a participant yet no winner. Fighting against Exhaustion and Going even if my Mana and Body Fail, Yet this thing That I used to love and cherish feels alien.
No. 1099735 ID: 3f89df
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It has to be this school, my senses, my instinct; It's in overdrive; in the world outside, I could rest, plan, and strategize, but here, There's always a looming threat of failure, to be murdered, cannibalized, prey. There's no Time for fun to let my guard down, even If I wish to run from reality, It will always bounce back.
I look at the body language of my fellow athletes. They all seem to be relaxed as if they had just finished a significant accomplishment and were basking at a pub; the only difference is Wilabo, who, under her mask, seems to hide a great deal of anxiety. A grimace swayed away, and a droop suddenly perked.

Even if I wish to pretend otherwise, we are trapped here, and I feel as if Magicli is willing to test us to see what it takes for us to break. Am I wrong for feeling this way? Everyone else seems happy, or at least they try to do an excellent job of hiding it. No one wants to accept our reality. To do so would mean existential dread.
No. 1099736 ID: 3f89df
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Even as we move on and continue our regiments, I can't help but look at Alex; he was murdered, went to Helua, and then was reanimated in what I could only assume in gruesome detail for him, yet here he is, chatting with the other girls, telling stories of the ring, and of his family. He doesn't want to think about what happened to him, what happened to us.
But am I wrong for thinking this way? To live in the present would make it any pain feel much worse, yet to live in the future could forgo connections.

Are connections even valuable? Obviously, if you know someone, it makes it that much harder to justify killing them. Even that creep Posini; if I knew who he was or his goals, he wouldn't have felt like a threat, or I could have an accurate assessment, but if we are to form allies, does Magicli wish to break them down? He called this the Magical School of Treachery; after all, we are only here on our second day, and their weekly rules could change on a dime and change the entire presence of the school as a whole. Or should I instead prioritize connections and greet myself to most of the school so that they know me and won't think of me as a target, especially with my low magical ranking.
That's a question to ask the voices inside my foot, but it's hard to know what I should do.
No. 1099737 ID: 3f89df
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It's hard to break free from my mental containment, the questions that may not be answered until they come, until I can react to them, as tough a pill that may be to swallow. But I have to return to the present When I do. We are all finishing our last regiment of exercises together, and I'm absolutely drenched with sweat, my muscles aking, and my mana to a bearly useable amount; I make sure to prioritize keeping some to use for later, even for emergencies. Iceli seems to be hit the hardest; it makes sense. She's most likely not used to heavy-duty exercise like Alex and me, and Doesn't have as much magical ability to compensate as Wilabo. When we eventually finish, we all breathe heavily, but Iceli is full-blown panting, bending down, she states weakly and quietly as if talking to herself. "I think that was an little too much..."
Before looking up in the direction of me and alex, and gasping with weariness "How the heck do you guys do that all day?!"
Alex responds, "Well, it's kind of my job. That's alongside the planning and training all day. My coach does like 80% of the boring stuff with the head of my local championship. Still, I couldn't really go to a world level, though, despite spending about 8 hours or more an day on just training." He says this with a certain amount of fulfillment.
I respond, in which I think is rather blankly when compared too Alex's boastminship "I'm an Endurance, Long Form Marathon Runner, with an couple of indivual races, so I'm used to this kind of activity."
Wilabo looks akwardly at the ground, as if she dosen't want to say, why she's good at magic; Iceli dosen't seem to press any futher.
"So what now? Are me and Iceli calling it quits? Or do you two want to hang out an bit further-" Iceli interjects.
No. 1099738 ID: 3f89df
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"I'm not going to go for another round with you two, It was good to try something new, but this hurts almost as much as building something." She stretches, meanwhile, very clear pops and creaks of muscle can be heard, as soon as she finishes she contiunes: "Me and Wilabo were doing our own separate things, and just so happened to be going down the same hall! I was planning to see the newcomer Noti, better knowing someone then hearing about them from someone else!" she chuckles. "But if you wanted to do something else, that I don't know, doesen't cause an incredible urge to nap right after, then I'd be up for it! You guys are pretty cool to hang around with anyway, and I don't have much on my plans."
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Wilabo adds: "Welp, I was orignally planing to study for the really important question that's been on my mind, but then the whole, y'know- forced teleportation thing happened. Not saying that I'm against the whole most of my day be spent doing something else, but it kind of has to be important, or something I'd like to do; Not saying I didn't enjoy the exercise break Hop, Don't get me wrong, but I've been spending an large ammount of time goofing off." She looks at both of us with a weird glare.
Alex looks at her back defensively. "Hey don't get the wrong idea, me and Hop were just thinking of doing our regular exercise routines; and decided to add you guys and put a sprinkle of Magical training alongside it, There's no obligation to continue our group like we did last time. No need to put all the Obligation on Hop, specifically, If any of you guys wished to continune, We could vote again, or just do something I personally wish to do, or be the leader."
No. 1099740 ID: 3f89df
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"I also had some ideas on stuff to do today, but in retropsect, It's not as important as my connection with my lil fluffy friend he says putting his arm around to mine. Of course, if that's what you want" He looks at me his eyes almost pleading for me to come along, but not showing any direct decisions, as to not look controlling.

And then like most things the decision; turns to what I should do next.

No. 1099791 ID: e972bb

Are...are we supposed to choose? We should go with him.
No. 1099795 ID: a3152e

How cute. Yeah, go with him. Will continue strengthening your bond with him
No. 1099807 ID: f6a008

Huh. Well Iceli either prefers to be carefree or is in denial. Wilabo seems to be a good match for her as she can keep her safe. Or at least less unsafe. Either way we're Wilabo's wingman (winggal?) because tight bonds lower the odds of a kill by either as one escaping means risking never seeing them again at all. Stay with Alex but do suggest the two should "go have fun" as a group. Er perhaps with less implications. Oh by the way Hop. Since that whole thing with the ultinian I'm curious if ultinians can be redeemed? Perhaps you could convince her to swap to ultravisc or at least stop... being one of the ultinians? (Do I have that backwards? Either way question stands.)
No. 1101115 ID: 3f89df
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Huh, I guess there was a choice in the matter; I know that Iceli's not saying anything, but the choice between Wilabo and Alex is the most obvious. I still feel a teensy bit bad about my aggression towards him, although I still feel mad about his clear signs of cheating. But that was yesterday, and I don't think he'll consider that again, hopefully.
I should spend more time with him, considering the last time we went out, Posini almost chopped off my windpipe thing, so unless anything terrible happens while walking, a little time with him would be excellent.

>Huh. Well, Iceli either prefers to be carefree or is in denial.

I'd say probably both; she is the weakest out of everybody here, so she may just be looking for fun, knowing that she could get murdered at any second, and is attempting to compensate by introducing herself to everyone. Hence, she's not the biggest target.

>Wilabo seems to be a good match for her as she can keep her safe. Or at least less unsafe. Either way, we're Wilabo's wingman (wing gal?) because tight bonds lower the odds of a kill by either, as one escaping means risking never seeing them again at all. Stay with Alex, but I suggest the two "go have fun" as a group. Er, perhaps with fewer implications.

What Iceli and Wilabo do by themselves isn't any of my business; I'm personally against homosexuality if they are practicing it, but it's not my business to snoop, to be honest, while I'd be a little sad, I wouldn't be balling if either of them died, with Alex it may be another story; but I don't care too much, I don't care for Iceli, She's a bit too lazy and carefree for me or my friends liking, and Wilabo freaks me out, if they want to do things, they'll do things. Not saying I'd murder them, I care that much, but What they do isn't any of my business, I've mainly been hanging with them because of Alex and you.
No. 1101116 ID: 3f89df
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>Oh by the way, Hop. Since that whole thing with the Ultinian I'm curious if Ultinians can be
redeemed? Perhaps you could convince her to swap to Ultravisc or at least stop... being one of the Ultinians? (Do I have that backwards? Either way the question stands.)

Well, you're technically correct if a bit misguided. The Ethic’s change from worship to worship, but Most reptiles are creatures of Ultinian, but not all of them are—most of the poisonous variety, to be specific—but their worship differs heavily. Being a creature created by Ultinian or Ultrivisc is a Blood thing and can't be converted. Worshiping any god can be done, with some public scrutiny, of course; But how most see the ethnic problem depends on each subsection of the religion, some are very anti reptilian, and I guess you could say Racist? In their beliefs, some talk about the reptilian demi-god Snukel, an poisonous creature, that with a single bite could allow Ultimnia could worship their mind, my church doesn't really talk about Snukel, my idea is that we’ve been long all enough that, if you can prove your not actively an Ultimina worshiper, the blood’s been so convoluted of both that it’s hard to tell.
Some reptiles can cast Ultrivisc magic and contain mostly Ultrivisc blood, and others can only cast Ultinian. One of the great Ultrivisc heroes, Moak, was from a long-eared reptilian race and was blessed with Ultrivisc blood. From the magic I saw from Iceli, I couldn't tell, but unless she becomes fantastical, does something crazy, or becomes possessed, it's not my business to pry—at least not yet.
No. 1101117 ID: 3f89df
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If there's a choice between these three, I'll choose my boyfriend any day.
"Well, sorry if you wanted to do anything Iceli, but I think some time with me and my boyfriend is preferred."
Oddly enough, Wilabo looks relieved, while Iceli looks a bit disappointed, however she just shrugs, and begins to walk away, Wilabo just gives me an silent nod, and walks away down a hall, not really saying else before leaving, from the little glances I’ve seen of her, It’s almost uncharacteristic, From her response it’s clear that Iceli who’s a couple steps from leaving feels the same way, she looks to me, and then back to where Wilabo left, and an concerned expression fills her face, before sprinting after Wilabo.
No. 1101118 ID: 3f89df
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It makes me wonder what she’s planning, or what her “Research” Is. Even if I may dull my responses in order to experience something with Alex, being careful is a must.

However something interested me beans, you seemed uncertain, you seemed uncertain of what to do, or where to go? It’s almost as if I didn’t mentally go through every checklist of what I could do, and you reacted to it. It may sound cheesy to say, but it’s something interesting to consider regarding your input.
No. 1101119 ID: 3f89df
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I turn to Alex, giving a small glance to the Hallway with a concerned but neutral expression, but then back to him with a bit more of a cheery demeanor
:hop_happy_anims: “So, now that we're alone, what do you want to do?”
I leave it open-ended so I can accurately see his response. The only thing I would judge him for, is if he wishes to pry about my secrets, or have sex, now’s not the time for that, it would ultimately just raise my suspicion.

Alex pauses, scratching his chin before returning to me.
:alex_normal_anims: “Well, I did have an idea to try out some of Magicli’s *Magic* Rooms before to let our mind off things y’know? But…. I think we should talk about something”
I step a bit closer to him, hoping to influence his decision away from me, as I look at him in an hopeful malice's expression. He seems not to respond
“About everything! I know last time we tried doing this, it was after I-”
He gulps, his cheeks blushing slightly
:alex_sad_noanims: “Y’know… And then we talked about magicli and what the whole blackmail thing was about, but then it turned into one of those sob stories, and we never really got to talk about how we feel..”
He looks to the ground, the sky and then walks up to one of the walls of the school pushing on it.
“This feels like a break from the chaotic mess that was yesterday, where we just tried to live and cope with this new reality…” He strokes the wall gently up and down, looking up towards the ceiling “The school.”
He looks back to me with a gentle inviting expression, putting one arm forward, beckoning me to come closer.
:alex_happy_anims: “So let’s not have a specific place to go, maybe we can decide on the walk, but let’s just walk and be open about what’s going on, okay?”
I hesitantly walk forward, and he brings his arm around my shoulder, as we walk out of the gym, and into the halls, there is almost an calming silence, as we walk through the halls, the sounds of our paws and hooves echoing throughout this maze like chamber, as it’s just us.

Alex looks at me, in a calming but in a slightly tense way, as if he wishes to say something, but is going through many different iterations of his words throughout his mind. Finally he takes a deep breath before saying
:alex_sad_anims: “Why have Y- I’ve Noticed that you’ve been acting a lot…. Different lately… why is that?”
No. 1101120 ID: 3f89df
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Alex looks to me compassionately in an expression full of love, but also a masked curiosity, as if to discover his own opinions about me is true. It fills me with a silent rage, but I try to mask it under my response, which in retrospect is not clearly hidden.
:hop_angry_anims: “I don’t know… how come you’ve been acting like an Ultinian Hedonist, and not caring about your life or others??”
Alex reacts with rightful shame.. Almost retreating into a shell, but still looking at me even with the hurt amongst the love, trying to understand me, he sighs loudly before explaining, shifting his focus away from me.
:alex_sad_noanims: “Look, I can’t really understand how it must feel to you, And what I did was…”
He trails off mouthing to himself before returning to himself
“I know I must look like an Jackass, but I’m going to be honest-”
I interrupt him, my anger growing, as I feel his tongue spit out pitiful excuses.
:hop_angry_noanims: “Why do you act like the life we’ve built, everything we’ve done is for nothing? Thinking more about your dick then what makes us happy? Why do I see you putting your guard down! Going into the rooms of Girls you barely know Seductresses looking for a way out of Here! Why do I S-”
No. 1101121 ID: 3f89df
File 173394184885.png - (42.90KB , 500x500 , alex is doing the anime guy thing quick wilabo sto.png )

Alex looks to me compassionately in an expression full of love, but also a masked curiosity, as if to discover his own opinions about me is true. It fills me with a silent rage, but I try to mask it under my response, which in retrospect is not clearly hidden.
:hop_angry_anims: “I don’t know… how come you’ve been acting like an Ultinian Hedonist, and not caring about your life or others??”
Alex reacts with rightful shame.. Almost retreating into a shell, but still looking at me even with the hurt amongst the love, trying to understand me, he sighs loudly before explaining, shifting his focus away from me.
:alex_sad_noanims: “Look, I can’t really understand how it must feel to you, And what I did was…”
He trails off mouthing to himself before returning to himself
“I know I must look like an Jackass, but I’m going to be honest-”
I interrupt him, my anger growing, as I feel his tongue spit out pitiful excuses.
:hop_angry_noanims: “Why do you act like the life we’ve built, everything we’ve done is for nothing? Thinking more about your dick then what makes us happy? Why do I see you putting your guard down! Going into the rooms of Girls you barely know Seductresses looking for a way out of Here! Why do I S-”
No. 1101122 ID: 3f89df
File 173394185025.png - (127.73KB , 500x500 , yeah posini will kill you allright just like he di.png )

Alex is almost uncharacteristic as of recently, a fit of energy yells out.
:alex_scared_noanims: “Didn’t you see the leaderboards? Where among the lowest here! It’s almost a matter of time until someone stronger than us, like that creepy stalker Posini, targets us, and it’ll all be over! Why do you feel like it is wrong then to try to live our best life, play, have fun, explore new options and be open amongst our final days?”

As much as I wish to continue his futile excuses, he does raise an interesting point, does his behavior stem from the helplessness of the situation? I look forward to meeting him in a fit of honesty.
:hop_normal_anims: “Because we can live onwards from this. Everyone may think we're weak now, but if we are safe, and use the opportunities provided, we can survive Magicli’s weird sick test, and do it, we can defend ourselves, where stronger then we take credit for..”
I point to him, and to his arms
:hop_happy_anims: “Besides… you have fire magic, right? One of the most deadly elements in the world, we’ll be much safer then you give yourself credit for.”
Alex visibly cringes, upon hearing my words, as if he’s trying to hide something, as he turns to me, I can see him masking his face, trying not to cry.
:alex_sad_noanims: “But I don’t want to hurt anybody with my magic hop…… do you?”
It’s weird that he even thinks that, does he not have a backbone to prioritize his own life before others?
:hop_angry_noanims: “I would if it meant defending ourselves or each other? I mean didn’t you try to save me when Posini was attempting to slit my throat?”
Alex is slightly taken aback, stuttering slightly with his words.
:alex_scared_noanims: “Yes, but… that was different. I was only going to attack him if he threatened you any longer, and I didn’t cast any spells, that’s different.” I can’t believe he’s actually saying this!”
No. 1101123 ID: 3f89df
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I go up to him, looking him dead center in the eyes, despite being a bit smaller than him, I put my hand up to his face, the tip almost touching his nuzzle.
:hop_angry_anims: “Alex. Grow up, we are living in a death game, nobody’s going to give us mercy, even if you give them mercy, do you really trust that Ultanian, Magicli to not twist, bend us, and force him to our will? No, you’d rather look at tits than accept that fact Alex, and somebody here will take advantage of you, and gut you. And yet you still think that those girls are harmless? Please, I bet you Wilabo’s plotting a way to frame me for your murder, with her shapeshifting powers.”
I look at him with a dead serious expression, before pushing him hard, as he staggers into the wall behind him.
:hop_angry_noanims: “You need to accept that fact Alex, otherwise you're just being suicidal.” I see Alex pause, looking at the ground, and silence fills the air as he hopefully grapples with his way of thinking, he then looks to me, but instead of the love that once filled his expression, it’s filled with a defensive bitterness.

:alex_angry_anims: “This is why I wanted to talk Hop, you’ve been acting incredibly paranoid, seeing everyone, and everything as an potential threat, even when you let your guard down for an second, I see you tense up again afterwards, you question me, and me, over and over again, calling me the villain of your story! Yet the second I try to pry what is bothering you, you immediately shut me down, and call me the problem, over, and over again.”
Ha! It’s because your not entitled to everything about me Alex, I keep you safe, and your repay with endless questions and badgering about my deepest darkest fears, and repressed memories, fuck off. His defensiveness is plainly making me angry, and my muscles begin to tense all over.
:alex_angry_noanims: “Look, I might not be an expert on how girls work, but to be this open… It takes a lot out of me, and you’ve been mentally shutting me down, or demeaning me. It hurts Hop, At least I’m open to when I fucked up, your the hero of your own story, and you can’t be anything else, even when you yourself are acting like an total bitch.”
No. 1101124 ID: 3f89df
File 173394185563.png - (22.06KB , 500x500 , im sorry even though your also being an asshole.png )

I’m about to reply, but I then get a sudden shiver that courses throughout my body, as If When I attempt to defend myself, our relationship will be necessarily broken, it almost makes me retreat back to how my parents used to act, but I immediately attempt to return to our reality so I can assess the situation carefully. Even if he is grossly misleading me, there is a bit of truth inside his words that I can feel. It feels hard, like all of the emotions coursing through me, wishes to either run or fight him, but I feel like a bit of sensitivity is needed within this situation. I step back from him, attempting to breathe, close my eyes and take a step back, however I don’t look at him, my emotions still running high from our heated discussion.
:hop_sad_noanims: “Look, i’m sorry alex, I truly am, I know I haven’t really been considerate for all of our feelings, but…This school, work, everything it’s… been so stressful…. I don’t want to die alex, we’ve worked so hard, and been through so much… I don’t want to throw it all away… we need to be on guard, otherwise, someone will take advantage of us, and it’ll all be over, no second chances..”
I can see Alex’s rage subsiding slightly, clearly indicating that he’s won what he wanted.
:hop_sad_anims: “I know you might not believe me, or heck may not even accept what I have to say, and that I’m just speaking to thin air, but to show you I’m truthful, and that I do wish to be more considerate of what you want, You can ask me any question, and I’ll answer it to the best of my ability.”
I cringe even when saying the words, the metaphorical power imbalance over us is extreme, but I don’t want Alex to go, and I don’t know if I’m in the right or wrong anymore, All I can do is hope that he doesn't ask for anything too personal, and that It isn’t embarrassing or ammunition he can use against me, in case our relationship becomes over, as it’s on a thin wire already. Alex looks initially shocked at my openness, but then looks up to the sky, scratching his chin before looking down at me.

:alex_normal_noanims: “I know this may apply to most of the girls in the school, but to Iceli and Wilabo in particular why are you so scared of them? And why do you keep calling them seductresses?”
I feel the question’s weight etching across my face, the response’s wandering through my mind, I don’t want him to think It’s a slight against him personally, nor do I want to encourage his douchey behavior, with a quick adjustment I begin my reasons.
No. 1101125 ID: 3f89df
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:hop_sad_anims: “I’ve noticed how you look at them Alex, you scan them, look at their butts, and at the pool I saw you trying to sneak many peaks, as if you were trying to snapshot their naked bodies with your mind. Look, I know your a guy, and you’ll give the excuse of “Well; men are biologically engineered to reproduce with-” I get it, I get it… and I do have a tiny bit of sympathy of where your coming from, but take a moment to be put in my shoes for an second, You see me look at Guys a lot of them, they give you some tiny flirtatious sings, then they strip naked and I get really invested in their bodies. it really makes you self conscious correct? Not just sexually, but physically too. And with how fat I am, it’s no wonder that comparison to them increases, correct?”

Alex attempts to say something, but then suddenly pauses, also realizing that if he fights back against my explanation, he’s no less a hypocrite, and that our relationship would be broken beyond repair.
No. 1101126 ID: 3f89df
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:hop_angry_noanims: “It’s not just the pool incident, I’m confident that they’re self aware about that too, especially Iceli, and is purposefully trying to break us apart, y’know with her shirtless vest, the skin-tight shorts, the fact she was the first one to get naked, and tried manipulating me into thinking I was the weird one for her stripping in front of an taken man, I don’t know what happened during your “Wrestling match” when I was tutoring with Magicli, but maybe she felt something when you pinned her down to the ground, and is purposefully trying to seduce you, so that she can use you against me.”

:hop_sad_noanims: “It’s not just the cheating aspect that hurts me Alex, it’s the fact that I’m alone and unsafe if you’d be seduced to their side, that scares me, it really does; you know a lot about me that I wouldn't want to be shared in a situation like this, including sleeping times, when I eat, what gets me, what my weak spots are, my schedule, many things that indirectly affect my survival. So you can see why I’m so scared Alex.”
No. 1101127 ID: 3f89df
File 173394186684.png - (112.55KB , 500x500 , yknow i_m sorry you are hot even though that_s def.png )

Alex pauses, It’s hard not to feel vulnerable, in this situation, as I attempt to hold back my tears, too not give what I had already, it speaks to the hypocrisy that everytime we try to talk, I have to say something about myself that I’d rather be kept private. Alex then walks over to me and puts a reassuring, if not condescending hand on my shoulder, his hand soft.
:alex_normal_anims: “Sssh shhh… I understand, I do.. And what previous me did, was wrong, and I hope that through our talks, you realize that, I deeply regret what I did. Besides your not fat, you have an rockin body, and you could honestly be an model for an playbunny magazine, your so incredibly hot, I know your religion dictates what you did at the pool was an sinful act, but like- when you were strip teasing me, and you did all those poses, and reactions- man! I’ve never felt so aroused in my life.”
I want to glare at him, to know that what he’s saying isn’t necessarily appropriate in the slightest, but I just roll my eyes and let him give the underhanded compliments of my sins, while ignoring the saint below.

:alex_happy_noanims: “Thanks Hop, for being honest with me”
No. 1101128 ID: 3f89df
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He softly whispers, before giving us an lot more space, an silence fills the air, as we both recognize the severity, and weakness of our relationship, I wish to talk more about our relationship, but I feel too tired to do so, maybe we could go somewhere or do something to get our mind off of this, and change the subject.

Beans, I… I know you were listening, I just have a couple questions to ask, who has been in the right? Me or Alex? What should we talk about next, I… I really don’t know where to go from here.. And where should we go and do?

[A] Go to the Lunchroom, for a quick snack to refresh our minds. I'm probably not going to eat much there for obvious reasons, but it'd be a good way to change the conversation into something more casual.
[B] Go to the HotTub/Elemental HotSprings Together: With just me and him, I’d be a good way to get rid of the sweat from our exercises, as we’ve missed showering, and be an way to cool off after our conversation.
[C] Dream Room: I Don’t want too, as I feel like I’d only bring up bad memories, and be awkward if both of us go in, but maybe it would go fine, and being in an alternate reality, even for an bit beats the scary, endless fluorescent lights of the school, and I’d be an bit more of an safe space then through the hall.
[D] Magical Cewties Adoption Centre: This place has always intrigued me, we could possibly look for treasure, or sabotage it so Magicli doesn't use it in the future for whatever torture he wishes to cook up.
[E] The Stands: We could investigate and think of its future use, maybe get a heads up for what magicli is planning to use with those before we arrive.
[F] The Library: What Magicli is talking about with the “Truth of history”, is outlandish but could be true, we should also consult learning about magic, different magic types, spells, mp, or skills that could help us survive.
[G] Any of the Magical Classrooms: Despite how much their emptiness freaks me out, an use for them since magicli seems to prefer to use the field in order to train magic, and the reason that there’s so many could be willing to participate.
[H] Just keep walking until we reach somewhere: It’ll take a load off of where we are going, but
[I] The (False) Outdoors: While I went through it for a simple jog earlier this morning, it could be a way, too forget about how hopeless we are, and to just explore and be ourselves even for a little bit.
[J] The hall of forbidden knowledge: Should we both try to find the truth? Even if it’s something that we may both regret? Magicli teases this room with almost all the answers we seek, but is it enough for our minds? Is it enough for us to do it together?
[K] Our room: It’s nothing special, but it’s a place that, even if it’s a mask of safety, makes us feel safer than anywhere inside this school.
[L] Explore the unexplored areas of the school: hopefully finding something new before the others to take advantage of, I’d also be a good place to chat, while also having a goal to switch away with if the conversation turns uncomfortable.
[M] Go to the Pool: Even if we have already exercised, there’s no point in not doing another row, and increasing my swimming skill may be helpful if my relationship with Iceli begins to deteriorate faster then I’d expect.
[O] Other *[Suggestion for where to go and what to do inside it.]
No. 1101130 ID: d02433

I think you're both wrong in certain ways. It is true that you are acting...very volatile, to say the least. Oh sure; its perfectly reasonable to be paranoid during such a scenario, but running around like a headless chicken and screaming at people is literally only going to get you more enemies.

On the other hand, Alex *has* been pretty damn inconsiderate of your own feelings. Even besides the chance of them murdering him or you, it's an asshole move to perv over other women when you're already in a comitted relationship.

My final conclusion is that you both need to make up, realize that having someone you can absolutely 100% trust is pretty much necessary to survive in this manner of game, and that you should try talking your issues more instead of playing this cold shoulder game.

In a more pragmatic mode of thought, if he truly is a bonehead who can't stop thinking with his second brain,it might just be a better option to deal with all his urges yourself, so to say. Think of it as less of a reward for bad behavior and more of an encouragement to stay good.

So, I'm gonna say...[B]
No. 1101131 ID: eb0a9c

You and Alex both made scathing mistakes, but that's not the point. You're both in the wrong environment. You are currently trapped in a prison whose faculty literally want to see some of you die. Your volatility has to be kept at maximum to, as you put it, stay alive. The problem is, that's what the faculty is gunning for: they want you to mess yourselves and each other up, so that the graduating survivors can be molded according to their will. I'd say that's the true purpose of this murderfest; I don't know much about magic but in most universes it tends to gravitate towards emotions and willpower. To create someone who is simultaneously hyper-emotional yet submissive to a specific authority, you'd have to truly screw them up - which is kind of what's happening here.

Your usual social circle, your close friends, social services, and the few rational politicians in government, all of that, is not here by design. There is nobody here you can fully trust, even us, and the only authority figures overtly approve of murder, meaning you're constantly in a state of mild to extreme paranoia because you have to be. These outbursts are going to become more common as the game continues. Just remember this: you and Alex are going to be at your worst in this school. What matters is what you'll become when you're out of it.

Seriously, Alex made a scary face but I think that's the stress.

Important note: we may be magical, but we suck at magic. Logic, technology, and psychology are our stronger suits. So if it looks like we're making crucial mistakes? Just remember we're people, not perfect.

More library! Keep studying to keep your mind off this trauma.
No. 1101134 ID: d02433

Are you sure she'll even be able to remember anything in the state she is? Sweaty, dirty, emotionally stressed...not exactly the best state to be learning in, no? Usually that just leads to you not learning anything because you keep panicking in your thoughts.

I think the girl here needs some rest and relaxation. Especially since she has free time from those two she's so paranoid about.
No. 1101136 ID: f46d8c

...Wow you guys are so not done talking. Sure you may have overreacted but it's still more appropriate than how he's reacting. Sounds like he's already given up on life longer than a few days and that is bad. For him and you both. So still on your side for now Hop. Still he decided to talk this out so perhaps throw him a bone for that one.
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