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1084176 No. 1084176 ID: 0d1c28

This is a NSFW clothing damage adventure!
the quest will contain nudity and violence and possibly some sexual content
Lewd suggestions are encouraged but not required.

celebrate your future, celebrate your doom and prolong your final moments

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No. 1093046 ID: a7a180

Are all these guards normally assigned to this post? Why aren't they patrolling?
It's not befitting your station to share goss with the guards, but if her grace has forbidden consumption while on station, then they should spend it soberly guarding rather than kvetching!
(Ironic given the titlecard?)
No. 1093052 ID: 322af8

I'd assume the lack of drink is due to everyone having been drugged to allow the prison break awhile back. Keep using the spell to find what you need but it probably leads to just normal items we own as this is a gallery place.
No. 1093069 ID: 9f8647

Yeah this is pretty suspicious
No. 1093735 ID: 0d1c28
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N'Thar considers his magic as he waits for the clearly blind underlings to notice him

N'thar's Magic(listed are his lower and moderate powered spells, each spell can be cast once per day)

Spell power 1:
-Golden Mirage (create an illusion of treasure)
-Dust cloud (stir up blinding cover)
-Preserve (keeps an object fresh and clean)
-Stash (hide an item in a safe place)
-Soothing Sleep (sooth an individual to rest) SPENT
-Sap health (steals life force and gives it to you)
-Alarm ( a magical sensor that sounds loudly if disturbed)

Spell power 2:
-Mirror form (blind foes and repel magic)
-Slave (forces the weak willed to obey orders)
-Golden key (unlocking spell)
-Trap maker (Casts with another spell to create a delayed reaction)
-Guardian Weapon (enchants a weapon to protect and attack)

Spell power 3:
-Magical circle (allows casting of more powerful ritual magic)
-Seek Relic (guides you in the direction of an object) SPENT
-Crystal barrage ( batter foes with thousand of razor sharp crystals)
-Spell Steal (take a target's spell)

Spell power 4: Ritual magic power 1
-Curse Treasure (Cause treasure to mark those not permitted for punishment)
-Remove curse (cleanse weaker curses)
-Searing sand (a powerful burning spray able to repel numerous foes)

'Oh! Lord Vizier! how long havve you been sstanding there?'Lylene finally takes note'Isss there ssomething we can help you with?'
No. 1093741 ID: 8f9bc4

Too bad you don't have Golden Beer Mirage, or you could see what happens when violation of this so-called edict occurs.

I'd suggest setting up a magical circle, but your most powerful arsenal might not work as well as a subtle approach. If this is a curse, it certainly is not a weaker curse, and you have no particular treasure location you need to defend with curses or searing sand.

Probably just best to continue on in search of the parchments. You can't be letting that seek relic spell go to waste.
No. 1093763 ID: 081245

Ask Lylene how she got her special underwear from mommy.

Wait, wrong thread. Ask her about the edict. Not just what it is, but who gave it, how it came about. If it's a result of this mind-altering song rather than any actual law, grilling her about specifics might raise her suspicion and get her working with us against the songmaster.

We should tease her about her underwear if we can justify it though. It'll be funny
No. 1093767 ID: ede0b6

I'd say finding the parchment first and then asking about the edict makes sense (I don't know how long the Seek Relic spell will last so making the most of that seems logical).
No. 1093769 ID: 4c750c

Agree with >>1093763
Especially on the undies teasing. Not sure how it’d be justifiable but I DEFINITELY wanna see it.
No. 1094863 ID: 0d1c28
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the Seek Relic charm points towards Midas' chamber within the gallery, it seems likely the first acolyte that the parchments are in the Arch-Duke's possession.

however before N'Thar moves foreward he is curious about this strange edict. he addresses Niole, What is this edict you speak of? last I checked I was responsible for new laws in the duchess absence.

Niole begins'Well you ssee his grace-' Lylene interrupts 'Sssorry sssir but I'm in charge actually and that edict isss on a need to know bassssisss' she hisses

N'Thar is not impressed 'I'll acknowledge your authority "Champ " when your appointments are relevant and not merely presents from your mother to make you feel valuable in the same way as the trophies you wear under your clothes.'

Lylene huffs 'H-hey! are you making light of me?'

Niole 'Lord Vizier with all due ressspect this came from the Arch-Duke himself, hisss grace told usss sstrictly to not drink any alcohol, sssaid it would be dangerousss with the magic in the air'
No. 1094864 ID: c5529d

Did you have any alcohol recently sometime before the singing happened?
No. 1094867 ID: 9f8647

Wait, how did N’Thar know about the trophies under her clothes? Scandalous!
No. 1094868 ID: 322af8

Well that makes sense after the last drinking time. Really drive home that you're making fun of Lylene by using Slave on her. Then make her do a little snakey dance out of her armor to show the undergarments you speak of to the others.
No. 1094869 ID: a7a180

Since when is the archduke in a condition to give orders?
No. 1094907 ID: 081245

Hey now, we shouldn't waste that too early. What if there's someone else who deserves greater teasing. We can probably find some excuse to make her strip without magic anyways. It's Lylene, she's a pushover.

Something is definitely up. We need to see the archduke, or whoever is giving orders in his name.
No. 1094950 ID: ee21ec

>>1094907 Legit question here. Who said this was the archduke's orders? Figuring that out gives us a lead. What's wrong with investigating? Either it's legit and we get lauded for Opsec or it's fake and we uncover enemies.
No. 1094953 ID: 25c0fe

I agree that trying to see the Arch-Duke ASAP is a good idea to check that he actually gave that edict.
No. 1096705 ID: 0d1c28
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N'Thar is pretty sure both himself and Laret have partaken of wine.
could this decree have some connection to the song?
he needs to know more'Who said this was the archduke's orders? did he tell you in person? did you see him?'

Niole flushes 'welll no, Niffle told us '

Of course! N'Thar remembers, he had tasked Niffle with delivering the paper to the Duke.
did Midas really relay this order through Niffle?
'didn't that strike you as odd? since when is the archduke in a condition to give orders?'

I ssupposse ssince now?Niole guesses

Niole apparently knows nothing.
Does N'thar go in to see Archduke Midas? or is something else that needs to be done first?
No. 1096718 ID: 081245

Looks like Niffle's fiddling with people's brains.

I wonder if it's connected to Niffle specifically or if the rat's weakened everybody's will. We could try giving a few orders to the snakes ourselves, see if they budge.

~~And I'm always up for a chance to strip Lylene~~
No. 1096872 ID: 0c8214

I think he should go and see Midas while asking someone else to find Niffle so they can be questioned about what's going on.
No. 1097781 ID: 0d1c28
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N'Thar decides to test if the serpents will has been compromised'Lylene, remove your clothes'

Lylene flushes 'W-whaat?'

N'Thar nods satisfied 'Testing to see if you accept every command without thought'

'Hey! I'm not that dumb!'Lylene objects

Nothing to learn here, first acolyte continues inward to the gallery proper.

* * *

N'Thar enters the old planning room, like everything in the "Gallery" all surfaces are covered with a thin layer of gold, these days it's only used for testing the [POLISH] spell.

To the left is Midas' resting chamber.
To the right is the art vault.
Ahead is the Exhibition Hall, N'Thar can hear voices within
No. 1097786 ID: 081245

Going to resist the urge to go see the exhibitionism in the exhibition hall and check on Midas's resting chamber first. Unless we can glean some information about what's happening in the hall by listening more closely
No. 1097788 ID: 322af8

Head to the resting chamber. We should see if Midas is in fact awake enough to give orders. That would be a problem.
No. 1097793 ID: c5529d

before you leave, inspect the pictures on the walls, they're nice, but I think each pic tells a story of some sort, especially the one in front of us. Give us the lore!
No. 1097798 ID: ede0b6

Try listening in to se what the conversation is about first in case they're somehow connected to the odd things which are happening.
No. 1098303 ID: 0d1c28
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The Vizier looks up at the engraving.
it focuses on the founding of Terrotha, Multero Prisma second prince to the emperor, second to found a new kingdom. Multero offered coin, magic and power to the kobolds who once held this land, of course it wasn't long before the kobolds to squandered their gifts and the coin, magic and power belonged to Multero again. Kalez claims there's a lesson to this, but she never specified.
N'Thar can imagine a few.

N'Thar listens to the voices
a squeaky voice seems to be pleading '...I can't! it would be treason!'
No. 1098304 ID: 52f3c5

No. 1098305 ID: c5529d

yes, Eavesdrop. We might catch some information
No. 1098313 ID: 4c750c

Eavesdrop the hell out of that conversation
No. 1098366 ID: 91b484

Eavesdrop and try to figure out who made the treason claim if the voice is recognisable.
No. 1098831 ID: 0d1c28
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N'Thar listens in

A deep voice responds to the first 'Treason? that isn't what you fear, else you wouldn't disobey me.'
The calm patriarch can only be Arch-Duke Midas Multero, favored champion and god's chosen.

His grace isn't ill, well not as the common people would understand it. though he is meant to sleep...

'Your Grace these words have the stink of the heretic!' the simpering voice can only be one of the castles kobolds, perhaps Niffle

'Ah the heretic, Diavola Channler back from the dead it seems.' Midas muses

'the pages are magic your grace! perhaps the same dark magic that brought her back, they're dangerous!' the kobold pleads.

Midas speaks with a steady gentle voice as one would use to calm a child 'Indeed they are, but one must confront danger to destroy it'

b-but... the kobold stutters

'Niffle, sing it again.'Midas says with finality

wimpering and the shuffling of pages can be heard

Does N'Thar interrupt or continue listening?
No. 1098832 ID: a7a180

Interrupt. Oh, THERE are those papers! Thank you for finding them, Niffle!
No. 1098833 ID: ea5ee4

No. 1098835 ID: c5529d

Caught them red-handed. Yes, let's interupt them. But how should we go about this, go in playing dumb, and put pressure on them, or go in confronting right away
No. 1098836 ID: 2600e7

Playing dumb may be safer but I doubt the Duke would fall for it (at least unless you wait a couple of moments so it's less obvious that you heard the conversation).
No. 1098837 ID: 52f3c5

Interrupt, but try not to come off as too hostile. You were simply investigating an issue of song where there was not meant to be, and that investigation led you here. You would like an explanation for the kobold's actions.
No. 1098844 ID: 081245

Yes, play the dumb functionary.
No. 1099286 ID: 0d1c28
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N'Thar enters the exhibition hall, the floor is polished to a mirror shine yet no one ever seems to slip.
the hall is filled with monuments to the Duke's many triumphs, or at least that's what the mighty lord calls theme. this is the Arch-Duke's favored room.

Midas Multero lazily looks to the advisor following him as he approaches 'Hello N'Thar.'

N'thar give a deep bow 'Your grace, please forgive the intrusion.'

'You are forgiven', is the duke's curt response.

The first acolyte feels his confidence fading 'I was investigating a song you see'

'the song you sent me, curious that it's right where you had it delivered' Multero smiles as if amused but N'Thar sees only a predator barring it's fangs.

The Arch-Duke radiates danger, N'thar knows the Duke has no love for him. and could crush him should his mood take that turn.
No. 1099287 ID: 322af8

Explain that you actually hadn't sent the song. That is why you were investigating.
No. 1099293 ID: 081245

So, we should probably get those pages away from him.
No. 1099323 ID: 856057

You did have those pages delivered to Multero, as well as Kalez. You tasked Eeyful with informing them of the situation.

Explain that you are surprised, not that he has the pages, but that he's chosen to sing the songs from them despite knowing their source. Clarify further that you're concerned of potential charms hidden within them, either to affect the reader of the page or those listening to the melody.
No. 1099324 ID: c5529d

No. 1099414 ID: 8f170d

I agree that you should say you didn't send him the song.
No. 1100230 ID: 0d1c28
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N'Thar can't claim he didn't send the parchment to Midas.
He did send them and Niffle will verify that.
'Well I didn't expect you to read them'

The Vizier approaches his lord, and the lord raises a mask to conceal his twisted face 'Are songs not meant to be sung? how else would you know it's tune.' the smile he gives and the words her speaks are meant to be warm, but Midas is no longer capable to inflect his old charms.

N'Thar's clears his throat 'Ah well you see this song is charmed and-'

'I know' Midas widens his smile but the bones under his flesh don't move the way they should, he is tainted, heavily so and by all right should be locked in the dungeon with Via Vardek and her ilk.

'Y-You know?'N'Thar stammers

Midas shifts his position, armor bulges and strains across his right arm'I'm doing research of my own, finding out how this magic works' Midas's armour is not for his protection, it's to protect others from him.'how it is corrupting my people'

N'Thar tries to calm Midas 'You're grace, you should be resting, It is my task to find-'

'You are taking too long, you must Work quickly Aebin, every day that passes her plans threaten ours.' Midas places a large hand on Niffle, a hand that could effortlessly destroy the small kobold

N'Thar Pleads'Forgive my your grace I-

'You are forgiven, now find Diavola Channler, destroy her again, don't force me to handle this myself' Midas takes the Parchments from Niffle and offers them to N'Thar.
No. 1100234 ID: 322af8

Bow, tell him you'll take care of it and quickly get out of there.
No. 1100492 ID: c464c8

Take the papers and leave quickly.
No. 1101479 ID: 0d1c28
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N'Thar bows'I will not fail you' then approaches to gather the parchments.

Midas raises his hand 'Niffle carry these to N'Thar's chambers'

Niffle doesn't waste any time and follows the First Acolyte.

N'Thar plans for the confrontation to come.
No. 1101480 ID: 0d1c28
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Far to the north on the upper foothills of the Ivera province
Kalez' third acolyte Oragatt Ruingarth stalked her pray.
Oragatt has been doing so for weeks hiding inside rocks, but she had learned all she coul so now was the time to take action.

her prey was the Harbinger group led by inquisitor Sabria, they'de been tailing Kalez' giant Herocea
there was nine of them now, the Harbinger sisters had supplemented their number in the village of Itan with hardened miners and workmen

Oragatt couldn't let Herocea fall into the hands of the Harbingers
she had some ideas
A) Throw them off course (Oragatt has been doing that, and though it buys time Oragatt would like a more definitive end to her mission)
B) Bury the Harbingers in a rock slide, (Sabria is a powerful warrior, would this work?)
C) Set up and Ambush with Herocea
D) Help Herocea cross the nearby border into the kingdom of Globala
E) something else? Oragatt wants to impress Kalez and show that she's so much more than a forge slave

No. 1101489 ID: 322af8

E. Get the new hardened men to drop their agreement with the sisters and instead get them to try and take the ladies for their own playthings. They will lose probably, but the distraction will break moral and also make the sisters have misgivings about their work and who to trust.
No. 1101503 ID: 38b2e1

C. What if you hid in a rock that she tossed into the camp, and attacked them from the rear?
No. 1101514 ID: 9246cb

Go for a good old reliable ambush.
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