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135254 No. 135254 ID: 79f646

55 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 136461 ID: 15f6d6

Take the lead! Downstairs!
No. 136651 ID: 77e2a8
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"Negative. No need. Going downstairs."
"Allright, I take point."

Stairs. He really needs to get something for them, if he plans to continue this business; you don't use elevators when there's fire. While we're reaching the second floor, I update our status with the guys at Central.

"Dispatch, this is Alpha-fourteen; we're going to the second floor, over."
"No missing persons at the third floor?"
"... we haven't cleared it. The floor is very low-hazard, we believe second floor is priority, over."
"Alpha-fourteen, you know this isn't procedure, over."
"I think my partner has a hunch."
"You think."
"Andrews isn't very communicative, Dispatch... Got something for me?"
"... as a matter of fact, we do. There's a 911 call from a cellphone, couple in a broom closet at second floor, over."
"Roger that, Dispatch; over and out."


"I guess all your shouting was good for something, Andrews."
No. 136654 ID: 77e2a8
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The second floor is in much worse shape than the third one. The carpet is now nothing but burning hot cinder, and the smoke takes the entirety of the available space.

"Dispatch, where is that broom closet?"
"Eehh... take the corridor north, then right, its a small room, over."
"Roger that, over and out."
No. 136658 ID: 8ecfd4

Follow the instructions and keep calling out. If they know you're there and looking for them it might be easier to find them.
No. 136661 ID: 77e2a8
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Before I can wonder why he's not moving again, I listen a soft hum coming from him-- and suddenly feel a deep chill running trough my bones. I'll never get used to his 'deep scannings', its too unsettling.

He told me before he doesn' likes doing them either, he said the result is too inaccurate to be worth it.
No. 136665 ID: 8ecfd4

Ok so the broom closet should be the first door on the right in the corridor going north. So get moving and call out for any survivors to identify themselves.
No. 136667 ID: 77e2a8
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Andrews shrugs, and we follow up to the corridor. We really can't see anything here. They said right; but what did they mean by it?

"Dispatch, this is--"

Great. The radio's circuits got scrambled. Andrews gives an apologetic look-- yes, his scanners do that...


He stops the moment he notices, the other room's intense crackling sound is almost as deafening as him.
No. 136668 ID: 77e2a8
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Andrews goes to the first door he finds down the corridor. Right side; seems the right one. His hand's too large to use the handle, so he just gently pushes it off its hinges.


An office... WAS an office, much like the one upstairs, completely taken by the fire. It's been burning for quite some time already, the wooden furniture is charred, almost burnt into coal. Wrong room, I'd say.
No. 136669 ID: 8ecfd4

Could they have meant the right door before the corridor leading north? Backtrack and check out that one. And call out for survivors, if they know you're there they might shout back so it's easier to locate them.
No. 136674 ID: 8ecfd4

Check out the room behind you as well. If they aren't showing up on motion detectors and are not responding to the shouts then chances are they have fallen unconcious. In which case you need to do a room by room sweep to make sure you get everyone.
No. 136677 ID: 77e2a8
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Ugh. It's a trashroom. There's only junk here, waiting to be collected. And it smells pretty bad.


Ow.... I really can't see shouting to work. Of course, I'm not looking at the motion detector right now; maybe Andrews is catching something.
No. 136683 ID: 77e2a8
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A thought crosses my mind. Did they fall unconscious? That really wouldn't help.. the fire keeps spreading.

Locker room. Paperwork. Some kind of archive. No people.

"Clear. Where to now, Andrews?"
No. 136686 ID: 77e2a8
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Andrews gets walking, possibly headed to the next door in the list. Hff. Brute forcing just takes too much time. Are they really unconscious? They did call. I check my gear once more.

"Curses. I think you fried my detector too, Andrews. Do you got anything on yours? Should be a green dot or square."
No. 136688 ID: 135d9a

Well, we've got a red dot, down the hallway there a bit. Dunno what that means though.

oh god Farmer everyone is going to die D:
No. 136696 ID: 77e2a8
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One door less. One room less. What a waste of time.

"Negative. Red points."
"What? With red lines and squares?"
"Oh, the techs changed your interface -- no wonder you seemed so confused! Um, so... if it looks like a flowchart, that's your nodemap. You should've built one when you scanned the place."
"Affirmative. Orange heat, green Wingman."
"Yes, that's your motion finder tracking me, I guess. Anything else?"
"Green point."
"If its green, it should be the damned motion detector."
No. 136702 ID: 45be60

how about going north, around the corner, and right to the small room not consumed by fire. Following directions is fun.
No. 136706 ID: 135d9a

This sounds like a plan. We should do this.
No. 136717 ID: 77e2a8
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Andrew silently leads me again to another door... somehow, the directions Dispatch gave seem pretty obvious. I try the handle first.

"Locked. Get ready, Andrews. HEY! IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, STAND AWAY FROM THE DOOR!"

Andrews looks at me, and I give him the nod.
No. 136718 ID: 77e2a8
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Andrews: supersoldier, glorified door-crusher.


No. 136719 ID: 8ecfd4

Well then have puny female bring them out safely while Andrew continues breaking down doors and looking for other people.
No. 136722 ID: 135d9a

Okay, let's get the people out of the burning building. However you think is gonna work better for doing that.

And I guess, uh.


Get that part out of the way, anyway, and maybe by then I'll stop being useless. :V
No. 136765 ID: 77e2a8
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We both know our roles. I leave Andrews to choose his own route, while I tranquilize the victims.


"Hello, we're Alpha-14; my name is Naomi, and we're here to get you out. What are your names?"
>"A-Aida... Aida Fal...kenzahn.."
>"Carl Manson. We were caught by surprise and ran into that closet. I've found some blankets, I knew about the faucet--"
"You did well, Mr. Mason. We'll be finding an escape route for you in a second. Now, could you please let me check you both?"
No. 136766 ID: 77e2a8
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"The blanket, miss Falken. Lose it."
"Miss Falkenzahn, I need to check for injuries and burns."
>"I'm not decent.."
>"Don't worry honey, it's nothing I never seen..."
>"Our clothes were in our modules, they were in that big room."
"Okaaay... I can accept that."

Actually, I just need to pass a little time while Andrews still is tearing the building a new one.

Also, this girl is too stressed -- she's been trough too much already. She's been crying for hours, if her makeup is any clue.
No. 136768 ID: 632862

Let's enter the big room and extinguish the fires there before the third floor catches on fire.
No. 136773 ID: a56bd0

Looks like we found the fire source.. heheh
No. 136798 ID: 77e2a8
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"Okay... Andrews, found an exit?"

He just points with a thumb. A rather awkward gesture to his wirstless hands.
"Window. Talk Command."
"Andrews, if this is another attempt--"
"Wingman out. Targets out. Unit here. Need water fire. Fire up."

Okay, I don't get what he means. But maybe I should show some trust.
".... okay. But I'll be back."
No. 136805 ID: 77e2a8
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I think he tried to tell me he'd try to hold back the fire. Why else he'd want to stay behind? Its not like i know he suspects something.
I probably would suspect something too. But I had more important things in my mind.

"Dispatch, this is Alpha-14. I have the cellphone couple. Going for a window at the north wall, second floor, over."
"Alpha fourteen, this is Dispatch Central, and roger that."
"I'll need some help with the lady, she's too shaken over."
"Roger, Alpha fourteen. Make yourself visible when you reach the window, over."
"Roger that, Dispatch. Out."
No. 136833 ID: 632862

Wait. Is that a gun? Halt the male.
No. 136849 ID: 15f6d6

Detain that cockfag.
No. 136869 ID: 77e2a8
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>"IS there a problem?"

I don't notice at first Carl isn' following us both.
No. 136873 ID: 632862

"Show me your hands."
No. 136900 ID: 77e2a8
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I'm too busy calling the other firemen to the right window to notice what goes in between them. Or to pay attention to Aida.

>"What about them?"

No. 136917 ID: e3f578

"I want what cluttered on the floor now. You have something. What is it?"
No. 136929 ID: b14128

"Negative." Andrews, tell him to step back from what he dropped on the floor, and to keep his hands where you can see them. Make sure to keep your cannon trained at the guy in case he tries anything. ...And wait, we don't know what Aida might be doing? Can we rectify that somehow?
No. 136948 ID: a56bd0

Step away from the 'object.'
No. 136963 ID: 632862

Better restrain the guy, and check on our wingman to make sure the woman isn't up to something as well.
No. 137065 ID: a74132

Wingman. Target armed. Threat detected.

Alternatively, do we have any sort of millimeter wave scanner or metal/magnetic detector to see if he has a weapon?
No. 137154 ID: 77e2a8
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"Step back."

I don't see the man flinch. Neither does Andrews.

>"Oh boy, where did that came from?~"
"Just a moment Andrews I need to fasten this!"
"Wingman, target is danger."

>"Me, a danger? Oh'don't be silly Andrews. Want me to pick that up?"
No. 137155 ID: 632862

"Negative. Kick it away. Lie on the ground with your hands where I can see them. You too, miss."
No. 137156 ID: 8ecfd4

Sounds reasonable unless the fire is an immediate danger.
No. 137167 ID: 77e2a8
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"Gun. Kick it out."


No. 137168 ID: 77e2a8
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Language is very important when making first impressions. Most people get surprised when, even with a limited vocabulary, Andrews can be fairly articulate when he has to. He'll just never discuss philosophy with you.

"Down on the floor. Hands where I see. And--"

Unfortunately, this wasn't over yet.
No. 137170 ID: 632862

Argh. Stop Aida! Protect the wingman!

No. 137175 ID: 77e2a8
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"You. On. The. FLOOR."
>"Allright, It's ok.."
"Andrews, what is going holy crap on a stick!"

That, is karma teaching me to never get distracted ever again.
No. 137176 ID: 632862

Get in front of the gun. Don't let her shoot anyone. Do we have some nonlethal weapon? A taser, perhaps?

"Drop the weapon!"
No. 137177 ID: b14128

At this point, I think it's time we threatened to kill him or blow his legs off (The latter is likely more morally right) if he doesn't comply. If he keeps being a jerk... Shoot him. Also possible is, if you can do so without cracking his skull or something, whacking him in the head to knock him out. But whatever the case, do -something-. We don't have time for this, particularly now that we've got guns pointed places.
No. 137179 ID: 8ecfd4

This should work. That gun really shouldn't be able to hurt us. But this is pissing me off. There are still two other people in there somewhere that needs to be rescued and this is a god damn waste of time.
No. 137184 ID: 77e2a8
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With a heavy step, Andrews is soon blocking the entire door.

"Drop the gun, now!"
>"Noo! Get out, let me shoot him!"

I see him shifting, trying to reach for his canister's hose. Makes sense; the foam could-- no, CAN knock down a person. Maybe it's time to buy a little time.

"What in the NAME is going on here?" No, that's not me in one of my most eloquent moments.
>"She's maniac, nurse. She got her gun back, and is trying to kill me again."
>"What? Nooo! H-he's lying! H-e--in--t-the-- LET ME SHOOT HIM!"
>"It's true! Just look at her! She already killed a coworker upstairs!"
"Miss Falkenzahnn, if you let me--"
>"SHUT UP! Shoot up or I'll shoot you too!"

Why me?!
No. 137187 ID: c0f3bf

Chokehold him while shielding him with your body. Say she can put the gun down now so you can figure this out.
No. 137188 ID: 8ecfd4

Calmly tell her to please put the gun down. Carl will be taken in by the police, they will get to the bottom of it and he will be sent to assrape prison.
No. 137191 ID: 632862

Hose her down!
No. 137199 ID: 77e2a8
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I see Andrews just grabs Carl's head and pull him off the door. Aida approaches slowly, still crying her eyes out.

>"L-Let me.."
"Drop the gun, please. We take target to the authorities."
"You heard the big guy, miss Aida. Please, don't make this worse."

Millions of things go trough my head, but its really hard to find the right thing to say right now. Dammit.
No. 137200 ID: 8ecfd4

"You don't have to do this. He will answear for his crimes. Just put the gun down and let us handle this."

So now we have these two, we know that one other is dead. That leaves one person unaccounted for.
No. 137203 ID: 77e2a8
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"You do not have to do this. ...Target will answer for target's crimes. Let we take care of this."
"Yeah girl. he'll rot in jail for what he did... Just let me..
>"I.. I..."
No. 137205 ID: 77e2a8
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"Good girl."
>"... William..."
"Yeah, where's he?"
>"... upstairs... his cubicle... God, poor boy..."
No. 137210 ID: 8ecfd4

Ask about the last person that's supposed to still be in there.
No. 137217 ID: d8aa80

Get Wingman to inform superiors concerning current situation.
No. 137320 ID: 77e2a8
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"Dispatch Central, this is Alpha-14."
"Alpha fourteen, this is Dispatch Central. What's on your mind?"
"Just sending miss Falkenzahn down, over."
"... don't worry, Fourteen. The blues already have mr. Manson. You still have your job to do."
"True. Out."

The problem is how to do it fast enough.
No. 137346 ID: 8d7dd2


Check upstairs if possible. Sure, there's not likely to be many survivors, given both a fire and apparently a multiple homicide, but still!

Of course, getting up those stairs will be a problem...
No. 137375 ID: 632862

Climbing stairs is too slow. BUST THROUGH THE FLOOR! In the corridor outside of the cubicle area.
No. 137427 ID: 77e2a8
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Hrmn... worse is knowing I need him up there; there's a limit to how much my clothes can go through... getting a crane could take too long, and I'm not sure if Andrews can actually climb stairs.

Well, he probably can, but it would take--
No. 137429 ID: 77e2a8
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No. 137437 ID: 77e2a8
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"ANDREWS! What the HELL are you doing??"
"Alpha-fourteen, what the hell are you doing?? You're NOT cleared to takeoff indoors!"
"Shut up, Dispatch! Andrews, do NOT land near the border!"
"Shut u-- fourteen, have you gone insane?"
"Calm down, Dispatch! I'll catch up with him, okay??"
No. 137467 ID: 15f6d6

Why don't we actually, you know, put the fires out in there.
No. 137474 ID: 632862

It's a bit late for that. We should land in the central corridor just south of the small heat signatures on the floor.
No. 137738 ID: 77e2a8
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I can hear from the floor right below the ruckus he makes - the structure rumbling, glass shattering, doors falling from merely hovering past the cubicles' room.

I can only hope he doesn't ignite something important.
No. 137740 ID: 632862

Make sure we didn't set the extremely flammable carpet on fire, then get in that cubicle area.
No. 137746 ID: 77e2a8
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I hear a significant crash and a thud, as I still climb the stairs. I hear the floor, weakened from the fire, creaks under his heavy 'feet'; iron squeaks, cracked concrete slowly fragments into dust.
No. 137750 ID: 15f6d6

I guess check the cubes for the corpse.
No. 137762 ID: 77e2a8
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I can hear it from right the other side of the wall. I only hope he doesn't makes anything worse
No. 137790 ID: 77e2a8
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"ANDREWS! What were you thinking?"
"Target acquired."
"... you're not dodging the subject so easily."
No. 137791 ID: 77e2a8
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Hmn. The head wound isn't much, but he isn't breathing; suffocated with smoke, certainly. Carl certainly was expecting him to die in the fire.

Applying CPR here would be very counterproductive; he needs an oxygen tank.

"Andrews, get us an exit, quickly!"
No. 137792 ID: d8aa80

"quickly" means smash a hole in the wall and fly everyone to safety!
No. 137856 ID: 632862

A hole in the wall would make sense, but we're not cleared for takeoff. Let's ask for clearance first.
No. 137894 ID: 701a19

Takeoff? No. Instead bash out a structurally insignificant wall and jump to a safe location.
Use your jets to slow your descent, and remind command that procedures allow deviation to insure target survival.

We have one target left, location unknown.
Use jets to return to the roof, then finish clearing the building properly - we have no information about the remaining target's location or condition, so procedure takes priority.
No. 138161 ID: 15f6d6

I thought this collapsed guy was the last guy? Plus we need to get him to the ground or he will die all the way. Yeah, using jets to slow descent clearly isn't flying.
No. 138164 ID: 3b6c92

We were informed of four to begin with. Only three accounted for at the moment.
No. 138287 ID: ae03d5
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"Well, that works."
No. 138288 ID: ae03d5
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"Dispatch Central, this is Alpha-14. We've got a victim, smoke inhalation, minor head trauma, over."
"Roger that, Alpha fourteen. There's an ambulance ready at the south side of the building."
"Requesting clearance to takeoff? We need to find the fourth person."
"Accepted and denied, Alpha."
No. 138289 ID: ae03d5
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"Alpha twelve found the fourth person at the first floor, under a crushed desk. He's already getting medical attention."
"You are cleared to takeoff, and go back to headquarters for debrief. The military is very interested in your performance inside the building."
"Roger that, anything else?"
"Ok. Alpha-14 out."

I take a deep breath. The air's tainted, but its still refreshing.

"Looks like it's over, Andrews."
No. 138309 ID: f6d917



Initiate morale-boosting celebration protocol level 2.
No. 138311 ID: 8ecfd4

Only if that is what a non wrist shattering fistbump is called.
No. 138314 ID: dcd0b2

Yes, we must bro-fist Naomi (without broken-fisting her).

Wonder what that means, that the military is 'interested in your performance'...
No. 138389 ID: ae03d5
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The trip back is uneventful.
No. 138390 ID: ae03d5
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Andrews and me spend the next few hours in separate rooms, each with a guy in a suit, having every ounce of info being sucked out over and over and over. I have no idea what Andrews went through; with me, they just kept asking about him. I tried to do my best to convince them that yes, he can be many things, a hazard, a danger... but he's not a threat.

He was deemed fit to continue service.
No. 138391 ID: ae03d5
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Carl goes to trial. The whole scene with the gun was a feast for his defense. The gun was hers, she had a rather troubled past, skilled in judo and self-defense... they painted her as insane. They tried to argue that he somehow reminded her of an old trauma, and tried to kill him. I think they were aiming for reasonable doubt.

My version of the facts didn't help; Andrews said nothing. The persecution didn' want him to come out as stupid.
No. 138392 ID: ae03d5
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Williams lived. He was good enough to deliver a dramatic testimony at the trial, but not much else. He might need to live with an oxygen tank for the rest of his life... which is ironic, since he doesn't have the stamina to carry weight anymore.

Carl was convicted of arson, attempted murder, assault, sexual assault, and who knows how many other things. They tried to convict him in two other cases as if he were some serial criminal, but without success.
No. 138395 ID: ae03d5
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So says Court TV.
Yeah, I know. But newstertainment has its uses.

"... nothing's like sweet closure, eh?"
No. 138397 ID: ae03d5
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"Alright, are ya nannies finished changing yer diapers?!"
"Crap. Lunchtime's over."
"Your performance last week was downright shameful! Yer' lucky that fat boy you ruined isn' stuffing your ass with half the ambulance chasers of the Metro right now!!! Now put on yer god-damned coat and come back to the basic drill, double-time!!"
"Double crap. I'm never gonna live this do--"
No. 138399 ID: ae03d5
File 126706535498.png - (221.22KB , 1024x576 , HWC01-071.png )

"Acknowledged, sir."
"ACK! What-- let go of me, Andrews! I mean it-- gaaah!"
No. 138400 ID: ae03d5
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No. 138404 ID: 701a19

Can we get more missions? :3
No. 138405 ID: dcd0b2

How can a single image elicit thoughts of 'D'awwwwww' and 'IT'S RAPING TIME' at the same time?!

Also, awesome quest is awesome. Way to show that scribbles can be kick ass.
No. 138465 ID: 15f6d6

I thought this whole thing was awesome, btw.
No. 138466 ID: 817cd3

Odd to directly control a character while narrated by another, but all in all... I quite liked it.
No. 138612 ID: fb1d95

Decidedly odd, yet decidedly awesome.
No. 138615 ID: 8ecfd4

Yeah it did get pretty sweet in the end. I think we would have managed better if we either had to seduce something or kill something.

Rescuing people from fires doesn't seem like something suited for us.
No. 138740 ID: 7bd0af
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Heh, I'm glad everyone enjoyed x3 Yes, I experimented alotta things at the same time here. I had fun doing it, relaxed, setting up crazy cameras on every shot is kinda fun. The format I chose wasn' very conductive to reusing them though, but eh.

Now seriously, on the concerns. Yes, you guys SUCK at being firemen :p I know you guys can romance and talk; but what else can you do?

In case you were wondering yes, I was expecting more specific commands. Not 'check all rooms' but 'check this room'. Its part of the puzzle.
On the original plan, the suggestions would control both characters at the same time, something more like a cooperative story, or a yarn. What it actually happened turned to be much more interesting, I say :3

I don't have any plans to make new episodes. I'd like to, but I'd need to have a new mission ready, and I don't; facts of life. So relax. Que serĂ¡, serĂ¡.

Now, back to the original programming. Today's pic is the original sketch that spawned this. Special thanks to the IRC peoples for the occasional the proofreading, and for showing me how many mistakes >>137184 has. Too bad I can't edit imageboard text...

Now, time to go back to our regular programming.
No. 138756 ID: 701a19

We're not THAT bad at puzzles, but it's kinda hard to follow procedures we don't know.

For example, the top floor had little smoke and no fire, so anybody there was at less risk than people on lower levels. If we spent the time to search there then people who are at more risk could die in the meantime.
We were working with a distinct lack of information; even seemingly hopeless fights can be won, but not if we can't tell if we're wielding a gun or a squid.
No. 139040 ID: b3256b

Yeah, I know -- that WAS one of the things that made things feel rather dragged. Maybe I should try a less procedural episode next time, or call a fireman to join us >.>;
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