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145571 No. 145571 ID: 34470e

I wake up. My back hurts. I don't get how I was able to sleep in this lump. Morning, guidance spirits.
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No. 148992 ID: c0f3bf

Best way to do that is experiment. Have you tried killing blades of grass with your mind and stuff?
No. 148998 ID: 34470e

I don't see how useful that can be. I try anyway. It doesn't seem to work.
No. 149005 ID: a85626

Hello "Nirblim." Good to see you're doing well.
No. 149013 ID: 34470e

Um, Hi guidance spirits. Why are you telling me it's good to see you?
No. 149016 ID: c0f3bf

Because we were worried an ogre wrecked stuff. And stuff happened while you were here. Lich only has 3 minions now.

Oh, Nir? Your sister is asleep. Would you go up to her? There's something you should try.
No. 149019 ID: 34470e

Okay. I go into Armi's hut. Both she and Rojo are asleep.
No. 149021 ID: c0f3bf

...Next to eachother?
No. 149028 ID: 8ecfd4

Well she rode through the night to get here fast. I bet she is sleepy.

And Nir, in that dream where Rojo was letting you ride piggyback on her, you didn't by any chance scream with joy? Also weren't you worried about the Lich before?
No. 149031 ID: 34470e

No. Armi is sleeping in her bed and Rojo is sleeping sitting up on the floor.
No, I didn't scream. I was just very comfortable. I was laying my head on hers and smiling.
No. 149032 ID: c0f3bf

Okay. Try to enter your sister's dream. Maybe spooning with her would make it easier.

Or Rojo, I don't think either one would mind.
No. 149045 ID: 34470e

I'll try to enter Rojo's dream. The world swirls in a variety of colors for a moment. The colors stabilize into a... a room of some sort.
No. 149049 ID: c0f3bf

Your goal is to find and hug Rojo, or possibly noserub her. What's in the room?
No. 149052 ID: 8ecfd4

Can you recognize the room?
No. 149055 ID: 34470e

No, I don't recognize it at all.
The room has a table surrounded by some chairs. There's a couple of openings where it looks like doors should be. There's also a metal pot in a fireplace. There are wooden things sticking out of a somewhat large box thing. The wooden things are going down horizontally. There's also a couple windows and books in here.
No. 149056 ID: c0f3bf

Read off the titles of the books, and quickly check what's in the box.
No. 149060 ID: 34470e

Most of the books say 'cookbook'. I have no idea what that means. Why are they all different shapes if it's the same story? I open the box. There are plates inside.
No. 149061 ID: 8ecfd4

Nir this is your sisters dream correct? Has she ever seen the things that are present in this house? Have she ever heard of books?

Proceed with caution and try to find her.
No. 149063 ID: c0f3bf

...This is Rojo's dream. Nir, you may see some horrible things. But don't forget this is just a dream.

Open the pot.
No. 149067 ID: 34470e

I went into Rojo's dream.
Yes. It's just a dream. I open the pot. There's some soup in there. It smells good.
No. 149068 ID: c0f3bf

Don't have any. Can you see a kitchen? Go there.
No. 149071 ID: 1ac39d

a cookbook is a book on how to cook things, different books have different foods. like one may tell you nothing but how to make cakes, while another would have pies.

look at the different doorways.
No. 149072 ID: 8ecfd4

Oh right. My bad. Still go look for her.
No. 149078 ID: 34470e

I don't know what a kitchen is. Sorry.
One doorway leads to some room with a lot of boxes. The other leads to a somewhat larger room with lots of different things in it. There's a chess set, and a big ball, and some small things that look like tiny people. There's also a small bow and a weird-looking arrow.
I look around some more. There's a room with a toilet and a large white container in it. There's a room with a large bed and a dresser and a mirror. As I approach another room, I think I hear crying.
No. 149079 ID: c0f3bf

Go into that room.
No. 149084 ID: 34470e

I enter the room. Inside, there's a person crying on the bed. I don't know who it is. It looks like Rojo, only smaller.
No. 149085 ID: 1ac39d

it's little Rojo. she is dreaming about when she was younger. ask very kindly, 'rojo, are you okay?'
No. 149086 ID: c0f3bf

Awwh... Cuddle with her a bit, turn her nightmare into a nice wetdream.
No. 149087 ID: 34470e

Nir:"Rojo, are you okay?"
She turns to me. One of her eyes is closed shut, blood is coming out of her nose and mouth, and I think some of her fur is cut off.
Rojo:"Wh- who are y- you?"
No. 149088 ID: c0f3bf

Tell her you're someone who won't be mean to her. Then give her a hug.
No. 149092 ID: 34470e

Nir:"I'm someone who won't be mean to you."
I take a step forward and she backs away. She continues to cry.
Rojo:"Y- you'll o- only h- hurt me... S- stay away..."
No. 149094 ID: c0f3bf

Make a mana ball in your hand. Tell her you're a black mage, you wouldn't hurt her for wanting to be just like you.
No. 149096 ID: 1ac39d

no no no!!! bad idea, that may just scare her. besides i don't think magic works in dreams.

ask why she thinks you will hurt her. and ask what you can do to prove you are telling the truth.
No. 149103 ID: c0f3bf

The reason she's crying is she wanted to be a black mage and her village hated her for it and beat her up. A black mage wouldn't attack her for that, so some proof could help. Nir, TRY to make a mana ball, but if it doesn't work, ask her why she's crying.
No. 149105 ID: 34470e

I try to make a mana ball. It works. Rojo looks at it.
Nir:"I'm a black mage. I wouldn't hurt you for wanting to become one."
She's silent and just staring at the mana ball.
No. 149106 ID: c0f3bf

Make it go poof.
No. 149108 ID: 34470e

The mana ball disappears. She looks at me and stares at me for a moment.
Rojo:"Why a- are you tr- trying to m- make fun of m- me?"
No. 149110 ID: c0f3bf

Tell her you're trying to cheer her up. Do a pratfall, try to get her to laugh at you.
No. 149111 ID: c0f3bf

A pratfall by the way, is when you fake falling to try to be funny.
No. 149113 ID: 34470e

I try to fall down and make her laugh. I don't hear her laugh.
Rojo:"Y- you think i- it's f- funny? Wh- what do y- you think i- it's doing t- to me?"
I guess it didn't work.
No. 149114 ID: c0f3bf

Ask her what she means. Tell her you're sorry.
No. 149115 ID: 34470e

Nir:"I'm sorry. What do you mean?"
Rojo:"You're t- taking your turn l- lashing out at m- me. I- I want t- to see you cry- crying with your d- dirty butt in front o- of me, m- meanie!"
She starts to cry again.
Rojo:"I- ill b- burn you... I'll burn i- it all..."
No. 149118 ID: c0f3bf

Sit next to her on the bed. Make a mana ball again and let her play with it if she wants, ask her why she thinks you would want to hurt her.
No. 149122 ID: 34470e

I sit next to her and make another mana ball.
Nir:"You can play with this if you want to."
She looks like she reaches out for it, but then she pulls back.
Nir:"Why do you think I want to hurt you?"
Rojo:"Ev- everyone always makes f- fun of me, just b- because I want to b- be a black m- mage. I... I can't t- take it anymore..."
She's crying. I hug her.
No. 149124 ID: 1ac39d

tell her you will teach her to be a black mage if she wants to learn.
No. 149125 ID: c0f3bf

Tell her you're a kobold, everyone made fun of you when you wanted to be a black mage, you know exactly how she feels.
No. 149127 ID: 34470e

Nir:"I'm a kobold. Everyone made fun of me when I wanted to be a black mage. I know how you feel. I can teach you how to be a black mage if you want to."
Rojo:"R- really? You... you're not t- trying to make f- fun of me?"
No. 149128 ID: c0f3bf

Tell her she's had enough of that, you just want to see her happy again.
No. 149129 ID: 1ac39d

no, i'm not, but be warned it will be hard. took me 7 months to become an official black mage. once we start you can't change your mind.
No. 149130 ID: 34470e

Nir:"You've had enough of that. I just want you to be happy again. It'll be hard. It took me 7 months to become a black mage. Once you start, you can't change your mind."
Rojo:"Oh, th- thank you, who- whoever you are. You- you're l- like a true fr- friend to me... I... I won't burn d- down everyth- thing... Thank you..."
No. 149131 ID: 34470e
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Rojo:"I h- hope we stay fr- friends forever..."
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