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119248 No. 119248 ID: 395c02

The old thread was getting large, so have a new one! This image was drawn by AQR!

If you're new, my wiki page links to every quest I've made: https://tgchan.org/wiki/Slinko

I also have a patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Slinketza
405 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 129640 ID: 9c293c

I don't think it's being said enough, but that Slissa Quest intro's fantastic.
No. 129645 ID: 395c02

Minor delays ahead, due to getting a new PC. I should get SQ done tomorrow, but I might end up taking a 4-day weekend of sorts as I need to set it up and get all my programs and files and such on it.

DR started as a quest where I kept everything in my head, but got complex enough that I had to actually write things down...!

My living situation is fine and stable, fear not~

Siphon is a Duduk, a species created by Typo and is part of 'Fishverse'. Siphon herself is from Fishbowl, which was a campaign cirr ran that crammed Fishverse and...cirrverse? together into some kind of container that could perhaps hold fish or something. Wish I had a word for that.

Thanks~ We worked super hard on it!
No. 129692 ID: 631909

Ahah, now, I feel a bit sheepish asking this, but can I use Duduks as a race in one of my own quests?
No. 129693 ID: 526fb9

Go for it! If you want to be lore accurate or whatever feel free to ask me questions, but if you just want to do your own thing that's probably fine too.
No. 129694 ID: ea7e4c

Thanks my dude! I appreciate it.

I'm gonna think up some pertinent questions to ask, just to make sure I portray the species correctly.
No. 129747 ID: 834f3d

Apologies for my lateness, I got IRL stuff going on. But that's irrelevant. If you don't mind I'd love to take advantage of that lore offer now, just a couple basic questions so I don't clutter poor Slinko's thread as I tend to:
Are there any particularly glaring cultural or biological differences in Duduk opposed to humans?
Are Duduk's secondary arms fully posable/functional?
Is the diet comparable to humans? Any strange intolerances/nutritional needs?
Do the triple-pupil eyes grant any special visual acuity?
Are their senses comparable to humans?
How intelligent are they?
What's the median lifespan?

That wasn't short at all. Hopefully you like sharing lore as much as I like learning it. We'll say that this is on-topic because Siphon is a Duduk and therefore this has pertinence to DR.
No. 129767 ID: 395c02

Lemme try to knock these out.

1. The big thing is that duduk have an unusual gender setup going on, which also affects their social structure. Basically, there are two types of female duduk — the more common, passive, fertile kind, who are physically smaller than males, and the less common, aggressive, infertile kind, who are physically larger. In addition, males are dramatically less common than either of these. As one might expect, the basic social family-ish unit reflects the imbalanced gender ratio, with one male having more or less a harem of females (of both kinds).

2. Yes.

3. Probably? I have a vague notion they might prefer somewhat more meat in their diet than humans, but they're still omnivores, and (perhaps as a bit of a setting conceit) the various races from their setting are all roughly tuned to the same sort of environmental needs.

4. Nah they basically just look neat.

5. Probably close enough? They likely have a noticeably better sense of smell, I guess.

6. Human-level-ish, I'd assume?

7. Human-ish. However it's worth noting that the tech in their native setting routinely allows for significant improvement here (if not indefinite extension).

I don't think I've contradicted anything I've said previously about them in these answers, but if I did I'm sure someone will point that out.
No. 129768 ID: 395c02
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So AQR has made it his mission to keep SQ's art from falling to the mundane 'normal quest art' level employed by DR, and this has so far often lead to him redrawing images.

I tell you this not just to avoid taking the credit for someone's hard work, but to say this: Tyrsis wasn't originally intended to be staring at her butt.

"Does that mean it isn't canon?"

Don't worry about that part.
No. 129769 ID: 395c02
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An important moment like this is one I went ahead and did a 'full' picture of, but AQR redrew it anyway???

I was kinda happy with this one, but it clashed with the rest of the update so AQR's version went live and this one is bonus content.
No. 129774 ID: 54c656

Awesome. Well, more like perfect, actually.

I think I've got enough to make an accurate representation, and moreover, this is exactly the kind of species I was looking for. I seriously want to thank you for not only letting me steal your creativity, but humoring my curiosity. So I'll say I'm grateful in faith that you understand what an understatement that is.
No. 129840 ID: 395c02

So things have been slow, figured I'd talk too much about it.

It's a combination of getting a new PC set up (with some fun* shenanigans therein), and part of it is ...I guess the kids call it 'self care'?

Normally when I have depression periods or bad sleep periods, I just power through and make an update even if it's bad. Doing this a lot caused me to really kind of hate making updates, and after a while I lost the will to force them out (which is why DR8 ended early)

So for the next while, I'm going to just do updates as I feel like doing them, not pushing myself nearly as hard. This means everything is slow, but I greatly reduce the overall stress and limit 'breaking points'.

Over time, I hope to get back into the flow and for things to pick up, but for now I'm going to take it a bit easy and focus on moving forward at all, rather than moving forward quickly.
No. 129844 ID: 2df440

Please take care, Slinko. I hope you feel better soon!
No. 130819 ID: 395c02

The good news is I got my medication in a better place to start approaching my old levels of productivity

the bad news is I have acute tooth pain and until I get to the dentist, it's pretty much stopping me from doing anything creative.

Please be patient, once I take care of this things might start moving a little more swiftly? hopefully?
No. 130850 ID: 395c02
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Hmm? Sekani's always had these.

...Hasn't he?


I'm in less pain and on anti-biotics so let's do one of these while I recover.

Today we'll talk about mutation, a theme that shows up in all slinkoquests except Slissa (spoilers?).

In Tezakia, the idea of slowly mutating into a monster was meant to add a bit of tension (and body-horror?) to the super spooky horror quest. Part of this theme was stealing taking inspiration from Ruby, and its use of the suggestor format as a source of fear.

In ruby, this was done by having her do the opposite of what was suggested. In tezakia, fake suggestions were inserted. The image right after this inserted >Kill Amiel, which obviously nobody was suggesting at the time.

Of course, some of the suggestors ran with this, causing the spooky moment to become a source of comedy. This... this happens kind of a lot in this quest.

As you may know, by the end of the quest it was less 'look out for monsters' and more 'let's be awesome monsters together!'. Amiel would also get a transformation, but I'll talk about that segment later.

Sekani would get more mutated as certain story events happened, and he'd start to feel slightly unhinged. Majicka messes with the mind, and while that aspect got downplayed later, it's a canonical piece of the majibeast/ki-jaara puzzle.


I'll spend a moment discussing this theme in other slinkoquests, since now's a good time.

Venji's had a couple, going from tozol/indahl hybrid* to tozol/indahl/birb to just... birb? I guess? In this case the choice was a little more meta-inspired, wanting to distance Venji from the quests she is a hybrid of so she can be more of her own thing.

Slissa Quest is the one exception, in this and other ways. It's the most grounded (teehee)-- Kliss never learns magic and never mutates into something else. She's powerless by design, acting as an antithesis to Ceri and Venji (and originally vs Sekani and Beyond Lunch). Because of this, her design is largely unchanged since her incarnation, outside of adjustments to how Slissas are drawn in general. But! You can squint and see the theme in Tyrsis! He was originally a slissa (because ketzas didn't exist yet), and now he's a fluffsa!

In Dragon Romance, Ceri's only really gone through one mutation (ignoring minor changes in design over time). But she's had plenty of 'designing monsters is fun' as seen in her AQUATIC FORM and various FAUX DRAGON FORMs. And of course she got a redesign in thread 5, and there's presumably a design waiting for when she deals with her inner dragon one way or another...

But yeah. You may know of people who have 'OCs' and like to completely redesign them from time to time. This is ssoorrrt of like that, making adjustments to keep designs fresh. But it's also just kinda fun to take a design and monster it up a bit. Sometimes it really is more fun to be awesome monsters together.
No. 130980 ID: 395c02

A heads up: due to illness (another ear infection???) and also moving to a new place, things are on pause for a couple weeks.

I'm sorry things have been so slow lately. I can't promise I'll come back with rapid-fire updates, but I can promise that I'll keep at it until things finally click back into place.
No. 130981 ID: 0fb3be

Best of luck on all things happening.
No. 131301 ID: 8d23f0

Siphon smells like dragon therefor they probably met, therefor they fucked ok
No. 131359 ID: 30b39a
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For reasons, I'm going to go over a few more things real quick.

First off: The Jiniki Effect.
When Amiel first met Jiniki, they were roughly the same size! But as the quest went on, Jiniki would be drawn (or her sprite placed) such that she was smaller and smaller, until reaching her final size around chapter 11. I'm not sure why it played out like that, but it might have to do with learning to draw Jiniki over time.

Second: Amiel in danger!
Amiel is the only slinkoquest character that had a real, legitimate chance to die. There was a second PATH (as it were) planned out where Sekani would start losing his fight with majicka and sanity. Saving Amiel required specific steps taking in a specific way (it was more strict than I might be nowadays!), but the suggestors knocked it out of the park, ensuring she'd live to see the rest of the story.

Jiniki almost died a couple times, but unlike with Amiel I had not prepared myself for Jiniki dying and when it came up, found I didn't have it in me to actually go through with it.

So if anyone dies in a slinko quest, their death was likely considered an option since very early on.

Tayza Saves The Day
Speaking of when Amiel almost died, Tayza showed up, bringing a breath of fresh air to the quest and marking the moment Tezakia found its voice. After chapters of DRAMA and EMOTIONS, Tayza's no-nonsense fuck-you attitude was exactly what the story needed, exactly when it needed it. It's no wonder she became a fan-favorite!

Chapter 11 is really really long
Up until chapter 11, I was cutting a lot of ideas to keep Tezakia on pace to end with chapter 10. When Tezakia failed to end there, I decided to see what'd happen if I cut a much, much smaller percent of my ideas. The end result is a 340 image monster that no slinko thread would ever approach again (DR caps at about 240)!

But it was also one of the strongest chapters, since all of a sudden all my character moments and slower calmer moments weren't being cut for 'time'.

DR dials this idea to 11 (teehee), but it's this thinking that lead many of my quests to be heavily character focused, and a bit on the slow side.

Iiji the bug with a big butt
Iiji's design in tezakia was a little doofy, but her original design was extremely doofy! It was shown at the end of chapter 11, getting changed when folks laughed at the final boss.

That's about it for now. Stay tuned for the final part!
No. 131368 ID: 30b39a
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Ten years ago today, I began this 'little test quest', full of excitement and optimism about this brand new medium of shared storytelling.

But there was one thing I regretted. In chapter 12, I made a song intended for a climactic cutscene showing Sekani vs Iiji. Because I wanted to let the audience participate in this moment, I scrapped the cutscene and instead made one for Amiel vs Iiji a bit before it.

For many years I was sad that I hadn't gotten to make that cutscene...

...until now.

From November 5th, 2009 to November 5th, 2019, Tezakia has had a place in my heart, part of The First Great Revival.

To celebrate it, I worked for 3 weeks with 4 people (2 of which turned the limited DR cutscene engine into a real monster that can handle just about anything) to create something worthy of Tezakia, worthy of those 10 years I spent here.

So to end this series of posts, I proudly present Firepunch: End and Begin.

(modern desktop recommended)


Also to celebrate today, I replaced all the FLASH LINKS with YOUTUBE LINKS in the WEBPAGE VERSION, meaning the death of flash won't stop you from looking back on it. https://tezakia.net/archive/tezakia/
No. 131370 ID: ad51b8

well I got to say, if you were to have told me that I would get to see a deleted scene from Tezakia quest 10 years from when it started I probably wouldn't have believed you. Gotta say it was nostalgic as hell. Also your little time line thing at the end made me feel old and the banner on the front page confused the heck our of me as I was not expecting to see that.

So in short, thanks for the 10 years of quest you've given us and I look forward to your current and future projects.
No. 131372 ID: eeb7d9


Wow! What a rollercoaster!
No. 131375 ID: 663f0f

Congrats on the 10 year anniversary but i gotta ask, why is tgchan.org now tezakia.net. It’s confusing the hell out of me.
No. 131377 ID: b1b4f3

It's a celebratory temporary name change and probably a test run of the name swapping code.
No. 131381 ID: 91ee5f

Sweet! I can relive all the nostalgia!

Quick question though: Is anyone else having trouble viewing anything listed under “Bonus Stuff”? I’ve looked at all of them, but I seem to only be able to view the text and none of the images.
No. 131382 ID: 094652

No. 131383 ID: 8c11d6

Man, the banner is cool. It like, elevates the decorum of the whole board. Apparently, all it takes is one legendary birb, and boom, you’ve gone from scary chan-board to high-class storytelling format.
No. 131384 ID: 30b39a
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Sadly, the Bonus Stuff was not ported over in 2012, and as such all that content is lost to all of space and time.

Sort of.

I still have most (all?) of those images so it'd be a lot of work, but it's technically possible to rebuild those pages. I might make that a goal of the 11th anniversary or something???
No. 131392 ID: b1b4f3

Just an FYI:
The questden.org change went through, but tezakia.net doesn't redirect to it(yet?), so you'll have to go there manually.
No. 131393 ID: eb1fcc

yo, grats dude, that was neat
No. 131396 ID: 9e04c9

There's a bug in redirections where any sub-route on tezakia, such as https://tezakia.net/kusaba/ fails to redirect.
The index route, ie. https://tezakia.net does redirect ok. Any sub-route on tgchan.org redirects fine as well.

This is a problem because the existing users don't visit the index route often and thus won't actually be redirected from tezakia to questden.
No. 131404 ID: 948104

this is wonderful to see, especially after all these years!
No. 131416 ID: ce39da

You just recapped the quest that put you on the map, good sir! What are you going to do next?
"I'm going to Disney Land!"

For real, what's the plan after Dragon Romance?
No. 131435 ID: 30b39a

Thanks for all the kind words! I'm glad all the work and stress resulted in something we can be super proud of.

The vague quest plans are as thus:

DR-G running alongside SQ

Koror running alongside DR proper

Once either DR or SQ is finished, I'll begin work on Final Venji

Once every single quest is complete, I'll begin on Tezakia 2 and run it by itself

Tezakia 2 is in my mind as my 'final quest', and it's set up to sort of put a closing mark on the ~15 or so years of questing it'll be at that point.

But, I'm not going to say that for certain because I might get there and realize I'm not done yet.

But for now, that's the plan.
No. 131683 ID: 7ad6c9

Hey, I just finished reading Tezakia Quest. I liked it, and i can share my thoughts in more depth if you want hear them, but i just want ask a minor thing. I noticed a few Homestuck and MSPA references while reading, what (if any) influence did those webcomics have on your writing, and your quests in general?
No. 131705 ID: 30b39a

Gonna break for the year and hope my burnout lessens somewhat in time for the next.

SQ and DR-G will return in the first week of January 2020!

Glad you liked it! Feel free to share your thoughts!`

It's been ten years so I don't remember the exact timeline, but I feel like Homestuck either hadn't started yet or was still really early. I do know that I'd read Problem Sleuth, as did most of the people who were suggesting at the time.

But outside the 'retrieve arms' joke I wouldn't say either MSPA influenced me a huge amount! Tezakia was heavily influenced by the early TG quest 'Rubyquest', as well as a couple early TGchan/questden quests. Problem Sleuth felt more like a fun comic I read, where the early quests felt more like an actual interactive storytelling extravaganza that I wanted to be a part of.
No. 131994 ID: 20144f

Ok finally replying to this.
So, to be completely honest, Tezakia Quest wasn't great. Though, it actually completed in a satisfying way, which is nice, and it was also very long, which I regard as a plus as long as the story is at least somewhat good and easy to follow, so compared to other quests it's up there.
But like, that context accounted for, it was mostly just okay. I didn't find the romance that relatable or interesting, so that took a lot out of the character interactions for me.
I think you did throw in too many ideas at the end there, with the big fleshy growths (I think there was a vague indication that they were connected to Iiji in some way, but nothing specific was said about them. they were just kinda there, as obstacles to get around) and portal technology (was it explained why/when the facility transported from the desert where Sekani fell into it to the weird void? i dont remember). Magic Johnson in particular felt a lot more like a plot device than a character, he didn't really do anything different from what the regular non-sentient magicka was doing to the characters (I hope you say what happened to him in the sequel, I want to know, even if it's just that he died without any creatures nearby to feed on).
By the end I was a little confused with what Iiji's plan actually was. She wanted to spread magicka throughout the world, I got that, but I thought the reason she wanted Sekani was because all the ki-jaara there were female, and she needed a suitable mate. Except, by the end of the quest it seemed there had actually been several males in the facility? There was Dilia's boyfriend, some of the Klis-khar scientists were male, and I think at least one of the ki-jaara encountered later on was male? I don't think the mating motivation was mentioned during the final fight, instead Iiji wanted to steal the power of the gods from Sekani, so I'm not sure what happened there. This didn't actually affect my reading much though, it's just a seeming-plot hole i noticed in hindsight.
There were also some problems which only appear due to the difference between being up to date on a quest and suggesting for it and reading it as an archive, so they hardly count as criticism since it's very hard to write for both potential audiences at the same time. But, there were some points later on, when the characters are trying to find Iiji, where it just became too game-like for me, with all these details that would've been relevant to the suggesters but which were boring for me to read. Like for example, I did not remember while reading through where all the portals were or the layout of the rooms and where everyone was in them. I stopped being able to follow as closely, and I just kinda skimmed those parts.
I was also annoyed when the suggesters interrupted Jiniki making that transmission and then just moved on without asking any questions or trying to use it for anything and it wasn't explained for like a whole chapter or something but that wasn't your fault.
That's all that occurs to me for its flaws though. I like the non-romantic interactions between characters a lot, all the restrained hostility, struggling against mental influences, uncertainty as to identifying friends and foes was great, really liked that complexity. Like, a lot of the main plot revolved around how to respond to certain characters at times, which meant that characters got developed at the same time as the story moved forward.
I liked the whole backstory that was slowly revealed, a queen trying a radical cure for her daughter, losing her mind and the facility slowly descending into chaos, with all this lore about magicka, it was cool.
Also it was funny. Really, really funny. Maybe I'm just easily entertained but I did really enjoy all the jokes.
I don't have any comments about the art because I know nothing about drawing. Tbh I'm not sure I know anything about writing either so you probably shouldn't take the above criticism too seriously, those are just my opinions.
No. 132057 ID: 30b39a

Going from 'I liked it' to 'it's not great' describes the quest perfectly: Very flawed, but made with a ton of love.

Since it's silly to critique something made 10 years ago, I'll focus a bit more on what I'd do to fix some of the issues now, with a decade of experience behind me.


The Sekani/Amiel romance is something I'd completely rework if I could go back. Either to slow it down and make it more natural, or to cut it and have them become BFFs instead. Amiel and Dilia (and to an extent Sekani and Kinasa) had way more chemistry than the two main characters together.

Their romance suffered from 'it's 4 chapters oops I mean 12 chapters' pacing on top of their lack of chemistry.

Amiel is a character I'd rework in general (the 10 year anniversary animation shows a bit of what Amiel would be like if I wrote her now), though Sekani at least had enough personality to be a protagonist (the protag is never the most interesting character, after all).

>I think you did throw in too many ideas at the end there, with the big fleshy growths
At the end? The entire quest was me throwing things at the wall to see what stuck! I basically winged it, doing things that sounded good assuming future-me would figure out the details.

A big change I'd do now is use my 'plot blob' system to have a better idea of what hints to drop, and how they'll pay off. Obviously I'd also have the advantage of knowing how the original quest went, but if we assume I forgot somehow, plot blobs would be my go-to solution.

>was it explained why/when the facility transported from the desert where Sekani fell into it to the weird void?
It was probably briefly explained by the scientist Klis-khar they found in chapter 12, but it's another example of me doing something without a plan. I had no idea how 'oops the world is gone' would pay off until chapter 12 made me deal with it. If I remember right (it's been 10 years), the portal technology made while studying TRANSDIMENSIONAL MAJICKA lead to a device that put the facility in a 'pocket dimension', a safe-guard in case anyone found out what they were up to.

2009 me didn't think about how any of it worked, but 2019 me supposes the device uses raw TRANSDIMENSIONAL MAJICKA. Maybe I could have merged this and the flesh blobs together into a story about them trying to find uses for majicka beyond turning people into awesome monsters.

Tezakia 2 will likely use a similar angle to make it all mesh better.

>Magic Johnson in particular felt a lot more like a plot device than a character
Maybe? Chapter 11 was bloated enough without spending time fleshing him out, so I'm not sure how I'd handle it now. I'd probably make 'oops amiel's a majibeast' a longer segment so we get a better feel for what MJ is about and Amiel having to deal with barely-controlled power.

In general I'd want to play more with the theme of Amiel wanting power, then realizing what happens to people who only want power. The quest only really dealt with it in chapter 11, and awkwardly at that. The 10 year animation shows a glimpse into what it'd be like if I did it now.

>I hope you say what happened to him in the sequel...
Iiji tore him from Amiel and threw him into a portal. But where did that portal lead...?

>By the end I was a little confused with what Iiji's plan actually was.
So was I.

Chapter 12 wasn't the best place to be deciding that. Definitely something to decide before the final battle.

>[all ki-jaara are female, except not????]
Let's do these one at a time I guess??

>Dilia's boyfriend
He was never made a majibeast. We can assume Iiji might have had plans for him... but then Dilia's friend murdered him out of jealousy.

...I think. Seriously, the order of who killed who is a bit messy.

Modern me puts it like this: Dilia's friend killed Dilia's boyfriend, then dilia killed her friend in revenge and we see dilia's friend's body in the water tank. We never learn what happened to her boyfriend's body.

There's a male Diuban in chapter 12, but that isn't her boyfriend, and...

Okay, modern me actually has a little bit of a retcon/explanation for the male majibeasts we see later: All the male majibeasts are 'imperfect majibeasts'.

This concept isn't in the original quest but very shortly after the quest I had the idea of 'perfect' and 'imperfect' majibeasts. Basically, the 'imperfect' ones are weaker, and aren't quite as mutated.

'perfect' majibeasts have a better harmony of person vs majicka. Sekani's a 'perfect' majibeast, the first to be male.

So the retcon is: All perfect majibeasts are female.

This will likely be how tezakia 2 handles it, too.

>Iiji wanted to steal the power of the gods from Sekani...
I mean, by chapter 12 it was pretty obvious Sekani wasn't interested in being her mate. It was time for plan B.

>...all these details that would've been relevant to the suggesters but which were boring for me to read.
Maybe reading finished quests isn't for you.

>I was also annoyed when the suggesters interrupted Jiniki making that transmission and then just moved on...

>...but that wasn't your fault.
I just wanted an excuse to use that icon.

>That's all that occurs to me for its flaws though
The list of things I'd change actually goes on for a little while longer, but I probably already talked about most of that in the 'remembering tezakia' segment.

I'd also change that segment to have more entries before I rushed out the final post because I ran out of time before the anniversary


Tezakia can be said to have two halves: 'bad rubyquest clone' and 'actual slinko-quest'. People voted on horror, a genre I didn't like and had no experience in. All I could do was try to mimic what Rubyquest did.

The moment tezakia finds its voice is when Tayza shows up in chapter 9. Her strong character is a major contrast to the others, and her 'take no shit' attitude was a breath of fresh air for people likely worn down by all the DRAMA. Her showing up is when 'Tezakia the bad Rubyquest clone' ended and Tezakia the slinkoquest' began.

From that moment until now, I'd remain focused on the characters and their journeys. They are who we learn to care about. They stay with us long after a story is complete. They can make a bad story good, and a good story great.

They can even make Tezakia Quest "okay".
No. 132058 ID: 30b39a

In case you're randomly curious.

Perfect majibeasts: Sekani, Tayza, Jiniki, Dilia until chapter 9, Iiji until chapter 12, the tezakian majibeast in chapter 3, the Klis-khar who escaped the base before the events of Tezakia Quest.

These majibeasts look more feral, and are more powerful. The symbiosis of majicka and flesh is more complete.

Imperfect majibeasts: Kinasa, Delkin (maybe you'd be perfect if anyone liked you!), The Diuban majibeast, the two majibeasts who joined Iiji in the final battle, that one klis-khar scientist in chapter 12, the Lian majibeast seen with Delkin.

The symbiosis of majicka and flesh didn't take quite so well, leading to weaker majibeasts who retain more of their original look.

You didn't even try majibeasts: The flesh blobs????


Jaysiph, the result of an experiment to create a majibeast that can use all forms of majicka. Considered 'perfect' but there's a bunch of asterisks.

Magic Johnson, a being of almost pure majicka whose exact nature isn't fully understood. Current status unknown.

Cured majibeasts: Amiel, Dilia, Iiji (now known as Shela).

They retain a hint of majicka, and can hear 'majicka-speak', but have no powers or transformation effects.

Except sometimes their boobs get bigger no powers or transformation effects.
No. 132059 ID: 30b39a

...Except Amiel became a majibeast again in Tezakian Slumber Party but the joke doesn't work if I tell you that part.

(She's considered imperfect)
No. 132370 ID: 30b39a

I must sadly report that due to the loss of an animal companion and dear friend, all questing activity is paused for a little while. I will keep you posted on when things will resume.

No. 133909 ID: 094652

How many types of dragons are we going to see on Dragon Day?
No. 134211 ID: 864e49

So how bout dem slinkos ey
No. 135312 ID: 2451c3
File 161781766803.png - (90.31KB , 800x600 , 1648.png )

exploitable Ceri???
No. 136795 ID: c67566

Do people still check here? Wondering if I should make an announcements twitter or something.

Anyway. You probably noticed DR halted. That's cause I've been dealing with a pretty disruptive health issue that still isn't all the way better.

But it's a lot of the way better, so I'll be restarting the quest probably in early JANUARY... assuming I don't get worse like I did the last time I said I'd try to start back up.

I lost most of 2020 because... 2020, and I lost like 4 months of 2021 due to health

maybe 2022 will go better???
No. 136796 ID: d47474

Sorry you haven't been feeling well. Glad you're feeling better and hope this upcoming year is better.
No. 136846 ID: a9af05

Your health is more important than the quest! Focus on getting better and come back whenever you feel like it!

Hope you start feeling better!
No. 136879 ID: 9c97c7

Please take as long as you need
No. 143321 ID: 5c2adc

Hope you are doing well... Or at least much better. It's been a very long time and I decided to come back to read all my favorite stories again. Tezakia Quest, Asteroid Quest, Story Seeker...
No. 143322 ID: 5c2adc

I mostly liked what was here, and, of course, there are criticisms and you could definitely do it better now. But I really liked the idea of Sekani turning into a "monster" and still being loved by Amiel... and eventually learning to love his new self. Also, there is something really satisfying about "monsters" doing good with their power. Sekani's struggle with his transformation and Amiel's relationship were the reasons I was here for it. The heart/core of the story was still very nice.
No. 143323 ID: 5c2adc

Also Jiniki... she was Adorable2.0.exe
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