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File 173290049524.png - (571.39KB , 650x600 , secret_santa.png )
143048 No. 143048 ID: 92a30c

Hello, it’s me. That’s right, Thadeus Plymouth Saft speaking. And I will be your host for the evening! I had an epiphany the other month with a sexy apparition that I have squandered my wealth and I must amend to everyone I’ve double-crossed, conned, and back-stabbed throughout the galaxy and show I’ve turned a new leaf.

Thus I have invited you all to join my holiday mansion for a secret santa exchange party! So come on in and have a look at the rules of participating.

Here’s a Wiki Link to the previous years of gift-giving! With directions included:

What do you do? You can participate in several ways:

For Quest Authors/Signing-Up
For authors, all you need to do is declare which of your quest-characters will partake in this exchange. Include their name and a link to the quest or wiki page, or name drop the quest title. A picture is helpful as well. If posting multiple characters, you must state whether they’re a GROUP or INDIVIDUALS. Once we reach an appointed date, everyone will be randomly assigned their partner. After matches are made it is your job to write and illustrate what your character would gift their special someone! Perhaps something from their world. Or something personal! Maybe a secondhand participation trophy. Or a Goat RPG game! Maybe a genuine mint-condition “I Voted” sticker!

You’re not obligated to have the character respond to a gift received. But the process of your character finding/deciding their partner’s gift is expected. It can be done in one picture, five, ten, animated; doesn’t matter as long as you don’t tire yourselves out and lose momentum! Posting before or after Christmas is no problem either! You have until the 25th of July!

Pairings will be made on December 6th. Names will be posted with spoiler tags to keep pairings a secret! Have a look through past Secret Santas to get an idea how it works. I’ll do my best to avoid repeat pairings from the last few Secret Santas.

NSFW Content?
We sure love our holidays with tasteful humor, mmmyes. And we’ve all been on our best behavior in the past! But keep in mind that Secret Santa is one holiday that takes a breather from all the blatant clothing damage and body-part worshiping. That doesn’t mean there can’t be ‘crude humor’ or ‘suggestive themes’ as the ESRB may say! As expected, sexual congress is out of the question!

Any character unfortunate to not receive their gift will be compensated by Christmas in July! Sometimes artists need extra time after Christmas and New Years.

Well don’t just stand there, come inside and shake your boots off! Sign in the guest list, hand my maid your coat, and follow the signs to the entertainment room!
7 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 143066 ID: 71fafc
File 173345648578.gif - (293.93KB , 600x600 , SecretSantaDragons.gif )

The Fangndr twins; fiery Wilhelm, nervous Ajosha and cool-headed Isolde, join the festivities to give and, as befitting all good dragons, recieve great gifts.

They will be doing so as a group, obviously.
Going solo would be..tricky.
No. 143067 ID: 9d12b8
File 173347862224.png - (241.36KB , 714x714 , Illustration4.png )

Pascoe signs up.


He has lots of time and little else going on. At the very least, delivering is something he still knows how to do.
No. 143068 ID: 25961a
File 173350666827.gif - (252.44KB , 600x600 , Christmas Tanna.gif )

Tanna would like to sign up!


"Hopefully I'm not too late! Sorry about that, been pretty busy, but I'm looking forward to all the box shaped presents!"
No. 143069 ID: 92a30c

And thus the deadline has been reached, names are being drawn!
No. 143070 ID: 92a30c
File 173353026532.png - (535.77KB , 754x689 , kaktus.png )

Tozlan and Tizli has Flygon and Smeargle from Nostalgia Quest(https://questden.org/wiki/Nostalgia_Quest)
No. 143071 ID: 92a30c
File 173353030657.png - (504.62KB , 754x689 , giant_hat.png )

JNET has Lady Serah Kensington from Lazy Fairy(https://questden.org/wiki/Lazy_Fairy)
No. 143072 ID: 92a30c
File 173353033757.png - (539.24KB , 754x689 , tippler.png )

Flygon and Smeargle has Fangndr from Drgnr(https://questden.org/kusaba/graveyard/res/1064733.html#1066414)
No. 143073 ID: 92a30c
File 173353037762.png - (647.37KB , 754x689 , absurdity.png )

Prince/ss Hollow Heart has Tanna from Aldequest(https://tezakia.net/kusaba/quest/res/1083617.html)
No. 143074 ID: 92a30c
File 173353041674.png - (625.71KB , 754x689 , nalthar.png )

Lisel and Surrep has Prince/Princess Hollow Heart from Familiar Unfamiliarity(https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1098087.html)
No. 143075 ID: 92a30c
File 173353045543.png - (582.26KB , 754x689 , sarcoph.png )

Dama and Yamelle has Lisel and Surrep from House Cadvere(https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1080954.html#1080954)
No. 143076 ID: 92a30c
File 173353049852.png - (521.91KB , 754x689 , donut.png )

Lady Serah Kensington has JNET from A Small Quest(https://tgchan.org/wiki/A_Small_Quest)
No. 143077 ID: 92a30c
File 173353054448.png - (536.61KB , 754x689 , silly_zealot.png )

The Fangndr Triplets have Dama and Yamelle from Chupian Date Quest(https://questden.org/wiki/Chupian_Date_Quest)
No. 143078 ID: 92a30c
File 173353057362.png - (546.47KB , 754x689 , roaway.png )

Pascoe has Tozlan and Tizli from Starlight Afterglow(https://tezakia.net/wiki/Starlight_Afterglow)
No. 143079 ID: 92a30c
File 173353062864.png - (514.22KB , 754x689 , whisper.png )

Tanna has Pascoe from Return to Sender(https://questden.org/wiki/Return_to_Sender)
No. 143080 ID: 92a30c
File 173353070136.png - (538.87KB , 650x600 , ss24-1.png )

Even if it’s not related to gift-giving or whether you’re not participating in secret santa, anyone can post a festive image and have characters enjoy the party, mingle, and talk about the heavy blizzard coincidentally approaching to trap us all here! There’s a hedge maze, a bowling alley, a home theater... whatever is typical of a mansion! There are rooms I haven’t even been in yet; so who knows what else is here! You won’t even have to stick with characters who are participating in the santa exchange! Go ahead, have some friends over. I’m only clearing my conscious!

For Suggestors
Suggestors may also participate and gift a quest character! Post your idea for a present and who will receive it! Disclaimer: it will be up to the author to illustrate their characters accepting the gift. It’s a busy holiday, so they may not have time to respond.
No. 143081 ID: 92a30c
File 173353072582.png - (582.51KB , 650x600 , ss24-2.png )

Thadeus: And so kicks off our eighth Secret Santa. I would like to make a toast to all my frenemies to let bygones be bygones! Raise your glasses folks, and let’s make this night an unforgettable--
No. 143082 ID: 92a30c
File 173353075730.png - (8.13KB , 650x600 , ss24-3.png )


Noovin: Oops! You’ll have to excuse the outage, sir. The blizzard outside must be something fierce. Just wait a minute for the generator to kick in aaaaaand--
No. 143083 ID: 92a30c
File 173353081339.png - (486.46KB , 650x600 , ss24-4.png )

Noovin: EEEEEEK! It can’t be! I can’t believe Thadeus is FUCKING DEAD!

Yamelle: This is exciting, isn’t it Dama? TWO punch bowls!

Playing along the mystery is not a requirement; it’s an anything-goes-type situation for anyone with the time.

Now go find a gift!
No. 143084 ID: f1368b
File 173353761070.png - (102.80KB , 500x500 , a18a.png )

The delectable scent of fancy hor d'oeuvres and goat alien wafts out of the open doors of the mysterious mansion in an invisible stream of savory promise. Snow is beginning to stick to the hedges and shrubbery that line the paved paths that cover the grounds.
No. 143085 ID: f1368b
File 173353778290.png - (91.07KB , 500x500 , a18b.png )

Our beloved hero, fighter for Pokemon rights and nonviolent revolution, emerges from the rich soil under a shrub, having dug a tunnel from Hoenn to the sprawling estate.

:pokeflyface: It's been a while since I've had people food! This is going to be great.
No. 143086 ID: f1368b
File 173353802950.png - (100.88KB , 500x500 , a18c.png )

He lifts his partner, famed competitive battler and painter Smeargle, up out of the hole to join him on the surface world.

:pokesmerawk: Do you think they'll be mad about the shrub?

:pokeflypanik: We'll kick some of the dirt back and it'll be good as new, haha. Also the snow will cover it up.
No. 143088 ID: 6c233e
File 173355847049.jpg - (654.65KB , 800x600 , 2 from one murder house to another.jpg )

From beside the punch bowl a pair of rodents watch the proceedings with mixed amusement and confusion. "Lisel, you said this holiday would be a break from our troubles." Surrep crosses her arms, one finger tapping an annoyed tattoo. "And yet we find ourselves just as trapped in a murder house, caught in a frozen waste, as we were before."

"Yessssss, however" the shorter mouse rejoinders "This one has a feast that's not locked away. And only one corpse, even if it's a giant."

"Mmm, true true." Surrep concedes "Well lets get to work."
No. 143089 ID: 6c233e
File 173355848909.jpg - (656.25KB , 800x600 , 3 get that cookie.jpg )

The pair pick up a cookie (one of those ones with the jam filling) and start nibbling away from opposite ends.
No. 143090 ID: 681cb5
File 173358418722.png - (225.73KB , 700x550 , 2.png )

Tozlan: “…wait, why did he just lie down?” the male alien asks confused, “Is he alright? His heartbeat is still normal.”
Tizli: “I think he’s pretending to be dead, brother.” his sister says while chewing on something she grabbed earlier, “I think they are putting on a show?”
Tozlan: “Hmm… you’d think they actually make it sound like he actually died…” Tozlan sits down on the floor next to one of the tables, “And not just have him lie down like that.”
Tizli: “Didn’t you hear that the soft buzzing stopped?” the female Raolme points upwards towards one of the lamps above them, “I think that was the lights going out.”
Tozlan: “Ah… of course…” with his hind leg, he scratches himself behind the ear before continuing, “Still, a real pearl in the foam would have made it more believable, even for us that can’t see him.”
Tizli: “At least the food smells good.” Tizli grabs a rat from the table and holds it up, much to its protest, “Hear this, this one is still wriggling even! Not often you find live food outside a Raolme restaurant.”
Tozlan: “I think that’s another guest, sis.” Tozlan says dismissingly, “So don’t be a scumsucker and eat them.”
Tizli: “Of course I’m not going to eat them! They aren’t a bug, are they?” the female alien holds the rat close to her snout and sniff them, even as they desperately trying to get free, “…right?”
No. 143091 ID: 3ea4ff
File 173361816066.jpg - (316.88KB , 456x834 , Core 347.jpg )

Prince Hollow Heart: "Lady Poodle please stop staring at the green creatures while they are getting ready to eat, and it is rude to stare when a primitive animal is feasting. It makes them feel threatened."
No. 143092 ID: 3ea4ff
File 173361819175.jpg - (606.07KB , 1030x842 , Core 348.jpg )

Princess Hollow Heart: "But we also need to be careful to not be rude to any residents of this world, we are here to give the present to our assigned target. Also, thank you for drawing the picture of the recipient this will make it easy to find who we are looking for."
No. 143093 ID: 3ea4ff
File 173361824591.jpg - (400.01KB , 626x622 , Core 349.jpg )

Lady Poodle: "It's my pleasure to serve you, the face of the target appeared in my dream. As for the table that captivated my sight, it wasn't the green animals but the two mice who were eating a cookie."
No. 143094 ID: 3ea4ff
File 173361828932.jpg - (1.22MB , 1148x1091 , Core 350.jpg )

Lady Poodle: "While I was looking at them it made me wonder, how do they see the world through their eyes. Where everything is taller than they are, where everything is out to eat them. I don't know if they noticed me. while they were eating but unfortunately it seems that they are the ones being eaten now."
No. 143095 ID: 3ea4ff
File 173361832864.jpg - (442.23KB , 785x620 , Core 351.jpg )

Lady Poodle: "Also why did you bring me here to carry a gift one which you could have carried on your own."

Prince Hollow Heart: "Well it is undignified for me to give a present myself, that is why you are my servant."
No. 143096 ID: 6c233e
File 173363189307.jpg - (729.46KB , 800x600 , 4 ritual launch.jpg )

"Aggh, Surrep! Use the thing! The ritual thing we prepared earlier!"

Surrep grabs the modified party popper and aims it towards the beast's head. Pow!
No. 143097 ID: 6c233e
File 173363190323.jpg - (714.49KB , 800x600 , 5 misletoe deployed.jpg )

No. 143098 ID: 6c233e
File 173363193245.jpg - (689.25KB , 800x600 , 6 ceremony initialized.jpg )

"Ha ha! Advantage ours!" Lisel swings forward to plant one on the alien's snout. Chu(omp)!
No. 143133 ID: 828932
File 173431318817.png - (100.89KB , 500x500 , C2024 Page 1.png )

Ahh! It’s been a bit of a journey, but I’ve finally made it! Sir Thadeus Plymouth Saft’s manse! I’ll admit, it was kind of a last minute decision to join, especially considering the distance. I don’t even think I’m on Aldebaran anymore, but honestly? That’s kind of a good thing at the moment…

I could use a little break! Wind down, get my drink on, meet some new folks, not have people dying all around me. Was never really that good at those last two things. I even put pants on, or something like them. No one’s gonna call me out on being pantless at this party!

Got my gift all prepared and everything too! Just gotta deliver it to the right person… though I have no idea what kind of species they were. They looked really pretty funny, but just in case anyone’s listening, not gonna give away any details! I’ll figure out where they are when I’m there, time to say hi! Gosh, I can’t wait to just have a chill party!
No. 143134 ID: 61581a
File 173431322504.png - (886.79KB , 1400x800 , C2024 Page 2.png )

No. 143135 ID: d2b599
File 173431325729.png - (110.23KB , 500x500 , C2024 Page 3.png )

Are those two… three dinosaurs? What the FUCK are those tentacle looking things in the fancy clothes?! W-why is someone already dead?! What did I sign up for?!

Alright… c-calm down, haha. Maybe things aren’t that bad? That goat guy might be pretending to be dead? J-Just introduce yourself, you’re going to do this! Confidence!

Hi…Fucking nailed it.
No. 143136 ID: 6e2193
File 173431328559.png - (654.90KB , 1400x800 , C2024 Background.png )

If anyone wants the background to use for whatever, feel free!
No. 143158 ID: 9246cb
File 173447754946.jpg - (240.52KB , 622x516 , Core 354.jpg )

Lady Poodle: "My lords, it appears that Lady Tanna has arrived. The person who you have to give the gift."

Prince Hollow Heart: "Let me just check your drawing, just to be sure."
No. 143159 ID: 9246cb
File 173447760085.jpg - (182.31KB , 608x482 , Core 355.jpg )

Princess Hollow Heart: "Yeah that is her, but why does she look like she has rabies."

Lady Poodle: "I just like things that are slowly dying in a painful way, to me that is beautiful in a morbid way."
No. 143160 ID: 9246cb
File 173447764705.jpg - (374.79KB , 776x551 , Core 356.jpg )

Prince Hollow Heart: "Fine, just don't go around and say that to others, it will freak them out. Also, why are you as tall as me?"

Lady Poodle: "That is how I want to be perceived."

Prince Hollow Heart: "Whatever, I will go and talk to her."
No. 143161 ID: 9246cb
File 173447769760.jpg - (331.01KB , 716x588 , Core 357.jpg )

Princess Hollow Heart: "Hello little one, just look how adorable you are! Your little eyes, the hat, the paws, and your tail. I could just hug you forever and ever and ever and ever! How can something as cute as you exist? You truly have been blessed by the love of gods."
No. 143162 ID: 9246cb
File 173447777307.jpg - (194.58KB , 377x488 , Core 358.jpg )

Lady Poodle: "I have to tell you Hollow Heart that we are not allowed to feed our worms here. So just give the gift, no need to compliment her."
No. 143163 ID: 9246cb
File 173447791562.jpg - (336.75KB , 810x610 , Core 359.jpg )

Prince Hollow Heart: "I must apologize how my other half acted. You are my target for this festive ritual, so do you accept the gift that was your name on it?"
No. 143168 ID: f1368b
File 173456670995.png - (95.78KB , 500x500 , a33a.png )

Flygon chows down on the most delicious scrap he's ever encountered, some chewy savory fried little wedge with a crispy crunchy tail. Is it some kind of specially made tofu? Whatever it is, the taste is remarkable.

Smeargle is sitting on the tall couch next to him as they watch the unfolding party.

:pokesmershock: Flygon, I think that's meat.

:pokeflyshock: Whoa, they eat people here? Hardcore.

:pokesmerawk: Yeah, it's not your fault since you didn't know but maybe don't have any more.
No. 143169 ID: f1368b
File 173456693961.png - (92.83KB , 500x500 , a33b.png )

Flygon sticks to the finest confirmed vegetarian food and drink until he's satisfied. With a sigh he leans back on the couch.

:pokeflyface: You got the gift, right? We can hand it off as soon as we see 'em.

:pokesmerhap: Got it right here. TM02, Dragon Claw!

:pokeflylove: The perfect move for any dragon!
No. 143174 ID: 9ed8c4
File 173472478575.png - (118.78KB , 500x500 , C2024 Page 4.png )


Haha, I’m in danger.
No. 143176 ID: bf1721
File 173472489244.png - (118.22KB , 500x500 , C2024 Page 5.png )

Eh… erm… s-sure…
No. 143184 ID: 9246cb
File 173481708211.jpg - (260.17KB , 609x623 , Core 360.jpg )

Princess Hollow Heart: "Splendid, you will not regret it. Lady Poodle, give me the gift."

Lady Poodle: "Wasn't I supposed to be the one to give the gift."

Princess Hollow Heart: "Do not listen to what my other half told you! Now give it!"
No. 143185 ID: 9246cb
File 173481712995.jpg - (216.07KB , 640x607 , Core 361.jpg )

Princess Hollow Heart: "Here is your present the eagle of deliverance told me that you have a passion for playing music so my gift will be the harmonica holder. Now you can play that instrument without the need to use your hands."
No. 143186 ID: 9246cb
File 173481721207.jpg - (154.81KB , 644x486 , Core 362.jpg )

Prince Hollow Heart: "But that music tool has another function. You can fold it in and then it becomes a blade."
No. 143187 ID: 9246cb
File 173481743241.jpg - (618.13KB , 1418x746 , Core 363.jpg )

Prince Hollow Heart: "The duality of this gift also related to you Tanna, your unknown past and uncertain future. So my question is this which gift do you want to receive, the music tool or the knife?"
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