Spirit Cloud
Wilabo adds: "Welp, I was orignally planing to study for the really important question that's been on my mind, but then the whole, y'know- forced teleportation thing happened. Not saying that I'm against the whole most of my day be spent doing something else, but it kind of has to be important, or something I'd like to do; Not saying I didn't enjoy the exercise break Hop, Don't get me wrong, but I've been spending an large ammount of time goofing off." She looks at both of us with a weird glare.
Alex looks at her back defensively. "Hey don't get the wrong idea, me and Hop were just thinking of doing our regular exercise routines; and decided to add you guys and put a sprinkle of Magical training alongside it, There's no obligation to continue our group like we did last time. No need to put all the Obligation on Hop, specifically, If any of you guys wished to continune, We could vote again, or just do something I personally wish to do, or be the leader."