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1092801 No. 1092801 ID: a7e32a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

An entry-level quest about finding food to eat.
4 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1092811 ID: 0e2cec

I'm torn between Threat and Skill. On the one hand, Threat sounds immediately useful and quite powerful. On the other hand, intelligence is pretty broken, and it sounds like Skill might be equivalent to smarts, so I'd probably lean that direction. If Skill is more like dexterity or something, I'd lean sliiiightly towards Threat, I think.
No. 1092813 ID: a7e32a

I would love to provide some clarification!

>I see the potential for these points to provide opportunities to enhance both our other stats in the future. If skill points are involved in crafting, even more so. Would hate to run short on them in a critical moment.

Armor can provide additional health, such as fashioning some hide into a cloak or grabbing a large skull as a shield. Once destroyed or abandoned, though, you will have to acquire more. Likewise, weapons are useful until broken, expended, thrown, etc. A spear is a good weapon. and good weapons will generally give you a flat +3 (think +2 as something improvised like a stick or a large rock, +1 as some debris like a small rock or shard of glass) but if you throw a spear, you have no spear and might have to retrieve it. Choosing Body will double your health in a way that can't ever be lost, and a flat +3 threat to every roll is effectively always being armed with at least one good weapon while keeping your hands free for other actions.

>I'm torn between Threat and Skill. On the one hand, Threat sounds immediately useful and quite powerful. On the other hand, intelligence is pretty broken, and it sounds like Skill might be equivalent to smarts, so I'd probably lean that direction. If Skill is more like dexterity or something, I'd lean sliiiightly towards Threat, I think.

Skill represents both. It's generally applied to all things that would be beyond your natural, animalistic thinking and capability. I'll offer a more detailed situation for clari
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No. 1092814 ID: 5ebd37

Skill, be a tricksy creature
No. 1092815 ID: 0e2cec

Yeah, thanks; let's go with Skill.
No. 1092816 ID: 4c750c

Yeah, definitely skill! Being crafty and generally having our wits about us sounds like it lets us do cool outside the box stuff that’s right up my alley~

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1073931 No. 1073931 ID: 706b74 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Adult content 18+

First thread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/860238.html
Wiki: https://tgchan.org/wiki/Moot_Point
Previous chapter: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1049539.html
697 posts and 121 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1092612 ID: 273c18

Tell her you're making the pilgrimage to become Guardians, and also to get enough mana to prevent a Barghast from failing and unwillingly releasing an army of undead upon Moot Point.
No. 1092808 ID: 8a1605
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“We’re on our pilgrimage to become Guardians, we have to go to the Sea of Mana. Its part of a test got Spirit Guides before they take on more responsibility. Also the city is counting on us to bring back mana to stop a horde of undead.” Casey shakes her head as the whiplash of seeing the ghost settles in. “Sorry, I’m just taken aback that you would wait here for me! What happened to entering the Sea?”

“ I was going to get around to it, eventually. A lot of people wait here to meet up with someone before going on.” Allayane waves a hand at some of the other robed figures and shouts, “Guys! I found her!” She laughs giddily and continues, “They’re all pretty nice. Also there’s all these lives to look through in the meantime!”

“Yeah, whats up with these? Why record everyone’s life if no one can bring that information back with them?” Casey asks.

The otter thinks and shrugs, “I’m not really sure. Looking through them has been nice… they really helped me better understand my life and all I’ve been through. But if you want to know more, you’d probably have to ask Her.
No. 1092809 ID: fa3034

Well, we are looking for something specific. How do we ask her?
No. 1092810 ID: d54f88

I wonder how is safe and unsafe to say now that I think about it, calling her "Moon" is technically indirect, but I feel will end the same way as naming the "guide"
hey, some people die with burning questions, and there may be ways for information here to escape, such as dreams. probably it is seperating memories from souls so the souls can reincarnate without them
No. 1092812 ID: 273c18

Is it really a good idea to talk to Her? Ask if there's anything you should avoid doing. You think you've figured out you shouldn't say their names...

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1092522 No. 1092522 ID: 0b7e05 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A Sci-Fi Mystery Quest about Ethics, Loss and Finding Oneself

Thread 1: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1079873.html
Previous Thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1082438.html
Discussion Thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/141592.html
Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/History_Unmade

You find yourself in a dark corridor, lunging for a floating weapon. Too late.
Too late for what?
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No. 1092798 ID: d8bf36

Now would be an excellent time to remember what's in the armory
No. 1092799 ID: a7a180

We don't know that for certain. Maybe the cybersecurity around here is atrocious and someone wrote down their password, which was literally 'Pa55word.'
No. 1092800 ID: dd3fe0

That's either Pa55word or Pa55w0rd. Explain the word 'Password', and the horrific practice of extremely poor cybersecurity of just replacing the letters with numbers to comply with computer requirements that passwords involve both letters and numbers. Most security systems should have more complex requirements, and have a list of 'very poor passwords' that are automatically invalid. Someone was breaking security regulations by having such an easy to guess password for their login AND also writing it down like that.
No. 1092805 ID: 273c18

The more likely explanation is that they are writing symbols in ways that resemble their own writing. Note the line at the top, not just on the S but also E R P and G.
No. 1092806 ID: 273c18

I don't think we should tell them that PA55W0RD is the password for whatever they're trying to get into, not until we go see what it is.

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1091337 No. 1091337 ID: 9ea24b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Discussion: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/135483.html

This quest is to help me practice a new chibi-esque style and to be something fun.

1. When a new character appears in the story, there will be a call for who they should be. You, the readers, get to suggest who you want to play the role! The character has to be from a quest and will be made the legal age and size needed to access a generic american club.

2. There can be a maximum of one character per quest author in the story, but multiple from an author can be initially recommended.

3. Actions can be suggested for characters once they’re in the story. Characters do not have to be totally in character.
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No. 1092780 ID: 2f41db

Smooches and snuggles.
Talk about nothings and enjoy to presence of each other.
If you get a second wind, then see where it goes, but dont push yourselves.
A night of solace in each other can be rest for the soul.
No. 1092785 ID: c5529d

Stick to the cuddles
No. 1092786 ID: 45108a

As always, the big rabbit crushes the little guy in contests…
Get it on, stick to one body on the first date.
No. 1092790 ID: 0db8d3

Surely there's a rested body around here!

Start with kisses and cuddles only to eventually go further, all slow like.

When it's about to go down, ask Argine which sex and # of bodies she'd like to get in on with.
No. 1092795 ID: 9bbb0e

INITIATE. Ask seductively if the winner would like a prize. Let Argine pick what she wants to do with you.

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1091157 No. 1091157 ID: 08229c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Support the author: https://ko-fi.com/calalen


"Dost thou seek any further companions for thy company?"
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No. 1092753 ID: f439a0

Fio Margatroid?
Go smooch a cute girl.
No. 1092764 ID: 2f41db

Admire hoers.
Recieve tranquility.

Its a solid plan.
Lose yourself in the thought of riding out across a rolling plane, just you, your steed and a trusty six iron.
No noise but the drumming of hooves and the voice of the wind singing a song only for you.

Someday, jane...
No. 1092765 ID: eb0a9c

Wanna buy horse parts?
No. 1092767 ID: 1618e6

[32 gigabytes of centaur pornography uploaded here in spirit, as to not inflict that upon the author]

haha I love being a malicious intrusive thot
No. 1092784 ID: 5b2941

Remember, she can't see any pictures we send, we're strictly voice-only. We can only share words with her. Speaking of which...

How are we doing on time? We could read you another part of The Gunslinger if we can afford it.

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1086223 No. 1086223 ID: 462d8c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Once again a new quest.
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No. 1092347 ID: 223371

Honestly, given their recent history, a palisade is more than reasonable, especially since they lack recognition by the empire, unlike us.

Diplomacy/Begin Construction
Let's try and build a road between our settlement and the Chasonite's fort.
No. 1092350 ID: 462d8c

Currently, only constructions and projects are limited to once a turn per those actions, but there are no limits on how many actions you can take in a turn overall.
So in a suggestion you can make as many rulings actions as needed, as many diplomacy actions as needed, as much as anything more nuanced as needed, but only one construction suggestion and only one project suggestion.
No. 1092359 ID: 273c18


Then we should:
1, build some trade-related infrastructure either in the forest or the lake
2, scout out the volcano area for resources
No. 1092382 ID: 7c0da2

Diplomacy :
We need some kind of event where our settlement and the chasonites get together peacefully, maybe to do some kind of mutually useful task. Maybe a celebration of some sort? And we absolutely need to have regular diplomatic meetings with a representative, if only to make sure they're doing fine. We can't act like strangers when we are less than a day walk apart, especially if they're building defensive infrastructure in a place where the only people they could be at war with is us. If they're doing it out of fear we are going to attack them it's very worrying, because the next step is attacking us first.

I'm against making demands of them. They have no reason to obey or trust us, and we don't have any way to enforce those demands. Even if they agree they may resent it later.
I think an offer to build a road between our settlements is a better idea. It's a sign of trust, it's an opportunity to work alongside them and it will help us reach the fields and help them reach the forest. It's a good diplomatic first step.

Oh, and next time the captain comes, we should ask him to spy on the cultists from the sky with a spyglass or something. Just in case.

Project :
The forest and the volcano still need to be explored. Let's start with the forest, it's closer.

Building :
I think it's time we made some kind of infirmary or small hospital. When we need it it will be too late to build it. Putting it at the northernmost part of the lake would allow us to build it out of wood while still keeping it close to the village.
No. 1092782 ID: 273c18

Oh, and there is one definite use for glass that scratches you- it would make for a cool nail file. The sand would be good for exfoliation in general.

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1081683 No. 1081683 ID: 127310 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

quest about making a house. will likely contain violence, blood, gore, death, and horror themes, though will try to keep a lighthearted tone. other nsfw content may arise given your suggestions.
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No. 1092769 ID: 127310
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>I suppose if these lizards are "Hellbenders" then this would explain why the sign has been crossed out.

That would indeed explain it.

>I wonder if those emerged from the lizards...or simply made the wounds. Or neither, I suppose.

You hope they didn’t make the wounds. If they took down those lizards they could probably take down you.

>Greet it, but please don't touch the creature that just grew out of someone who is now dead. It might have cooties.

Aw, come on. You’ll wash your tentacles when you get back.

>Say hello! ...hmm, you can't truly die here, right? Might as well pick it up then.
>something so cute can't be bad! But, maybe try sending a finger over while you keep your distance.

What a cute little fella! You hold it for a while with just one tentacle to make sure it won’t beat you to death or lacerate you or anything and then grab onto it properly.

Whenever you turn it away from you, you can feel that something inside it is wiggling to try to turn around to face you again.
No. 1092770 ID: 127310
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At one point while holding the fellow you nonchalantly look directly into the small indent on its upper portion. You are immediately filled with intense fear and hatred. You struggle for breath as steel introduces itself to your lungs and hearts. Your head is split to make way for the hands of an unknown interloper.

You cast the little fellow across the room and make yourself as small as possible in the corner. You make sure that you are still actually fully intact. You still are. What an odd thought.
No. 1092771 ID: 8f9bc4

Don't make eye contact. Got it.
No. 1092778 ID: 498a9b

Well at least a little guy didn't burst out of your head, or whatever happened here. Better get it a blindfold if you want to keep it.
No. 1092781 ID: 273c18

Lungs and hearts? Do you have more than one of those? I think you just relived the last memory of the Hellbender that this guy came out of! Observe that it was stabbed, and its head split.

I guess loot the swords and go back home. This is probably enough adventuring for the night.

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1071850 No. 1071850 ID: ed041d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Clark IV, a world under fire.

The Interstellar Transit Authority currently holds the planet under martial law. The planet has seen a turbulent past century, guerilla fighters have been holding it hard and there has been no progress in taking hold.

Mercenary companies have been brought in to step in as a force multiplier, but they are beholden to no one but whoever pays the most.

Corporate entities have also begun to set their eyes on the planet below.

It is hell.
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No. 1092515 ID: b3eab7

Oh while we're at it, ask Hannibal if anyone else picked and completed the Red Mask assassination mission.
If not, ask for whatever tactical data we may have on Red Mask, just in case.
No. 1092773 ID: ed041d
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You call up Hannibal and inquire about the Red Mask job.

:HandlerIcon: One person took it, there will be one less Mech Pilot at the bar tonight, the Red Mask got away and thoroughly smashed the mech unit.

:HandlerIcon: The Red Mask is seemingly a collective identity, passed down over 200 years. Works only for the highest bidder, and that is judged based on what is the most valuable resource at the time. Seeing as the Monarchy has alien technology...
No. 1092774 ID: ed041d
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With Hannibal out of the way, you move onto professional work and getting the APC moving, going over some basic handsigns and so forth.

The Diplomat would rather you kept close and in pace with the APC, so you have to limit your speed and keep close to it. There are advantages to this, but it will limit your ability to respond to threats, for now, you just have to keep moving.
No. 1092775 ID: b3eab7

Is that drone copter the small, recon kind? If so, you should deploy it for scouting ahead, it should help get an early warning on incoming threats (except underground ones - be wary of possible mines).
No. 1092776 ID: 498a9b

It's best to stick close anyway, to shield against surprise missile attacks.

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1057778 No. 1057778 ID: 08229c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Previous Threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Audit_Quest
Support the author: https://ko-fi.com/calalen

My name is Mary.

I own a dungeon.

Not by choice, mind you. I was forced into this when the previous owner placed a curse on me after I tried to audit him. Now I'm the ruler of this place.

And by my hand, this shall be a grand dungeon.
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No. 1092672 ID: 1effd3

go ghost slime, go!
for the crypt: skelemans, and a single lagmite to drop on Arcanes head/shoulder
No. 1092759 ID: 4ad9bc

Lag is hell for streamers and their audience, might want to drop a pair of lagmites
No. 1092760 ID: 5b2941

we're trying to make this a good show, that'd be counter-productive. we want all those people watching to wanna come in too, this is free publicity
No. 1092761 ID: 1effd3

Thats why i suggested "1" lagmite, as it should hopefully only make Arcane scream in slowmo, and the audience doesnt get lagged
No. 1092768 ID: dac29c


Wait for them to go in the crypt and have the skeleton slam it shut behind them. They probably have a light source. So, let them look around with ghost slime peaking in and out until they and find the mimic. Mimic attacks and if possible, get their light source to start flickering (finally letting tech slime do something).

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1090792 No. 1090792 ID: 435f13 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A warmup quest in 10 updates or less.
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No. 1092751 ID: 435f13
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>Defeating the knight makes the kidnapping complete, doesn't it? You won her, fair and square! Check one off the to-do list.

Princess Get! +1 point

>Sword Hoard

One sword isn't exactly a hoard. But it's a start.

Hoard Started! +0.5 points

>Kidnap a princess and get a knight? Sounds like a good deal to me.

You can try mating with the knight and see how it works out. If he survives, then you can check that one off the list.

Mate Acquired? +0.5 points for effort.

All in all a good day's work in the life of a dragon!

Good Job!

Quest Ended!
No. 1092752 ID: 5ebd37

No. 1092755 ID: 19ea25

Double Huzzah!
No. 1092757 ID: 8f9bc4

Back to xbawkslive!
No. 1092762 ID: 2f41db

Congratulations booty!
You done did the thing!

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1084137 No. 1084137 ID: 1effd3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

From nothing, a new beginning.
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No. 1092700 ID: 9bbb0e

If the runes are stuck inside of it, maybe you could knock them loose somehow.
The blast rune >>1092667 suggested as a grenade could work, either for that or for damage. We could try throwing it and detonating it with a Fire spell.
Otherwise, getting the runes inside loose would require getting pretty close, so we'd need to weaken it first. Fire spell on its own isn't very potent or far reaching, but maybe you could give some braver florafolk flaming javelins.
No. 1092702 ID: 861ceb

wander if throwing fire in it's mouth will light up the nature runes inside it?
No. 1092705 ID: eb0a9c

You're dealing with a wild animal. You need to attempt to defuse the aggression but simultaneously prepare your counterattack. If it lunges, combine a gale and fire rune. Try every rune in your inventory, see how it reacts and you can work out a strategy to kite it.
No. 1092726 ID: 7c0da2

No need to rush. You should try to find out its secondary runic affinity. I'm assuming you can't Identify what it is because you don't know that rune yet, but maybe we can deduce the combination that created it. Do you sense something familiar about it, something that feels a bit like a rune you know ? Given all the Nature runes lying around that second affinity could be the result of Nature + Something.
The florafolk tried fire already, but it doesn't mean you can't try lobbing some fireballs at it too, from a safe distance. Try to determine its reach and mobility before going in, it's important that you stay safe.
No. 1092758 ID: 7c1f1c

The thing has seen you, but you do not know that it has decided you are threatening to it. The Florafolk may have worked against our end by antagonizing it previously, but fight only if you must. We know you have precious little mana with which to win the day, and any blow avoided is ammunition for later.

You know the runes the Florafolk are ignorant of; is it possible to summon the runes inside of the creature to yourself, and thus dislodge them, ending their influence? An endeavor to reverse the mutation may prove the quickest way to victory. Plying the creature with the inverse rune of its mutation is a tactic well worth an attempt.

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1080954 No. 1080954 ID: 5ebd37 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

(Will contain gore violence and death)

This winter has been harsh.
The snows started in September, by mid October the woods were buried.
Now the new year has brought the worst storm yet, and the dim sun overhead reflects the waning hope of those huddled around fading hearths clutching empty bowls.
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No. 1092539 ID: 184595

The table is exposed, and there's no easy path of retreat from it. Stay low, and investigate the toppled end table while Lisle puts this letter back together.
No. 1092689 ID: 5ebd37
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Nosing through the sewing basket you find it has already been looted. Nothing but ratty spools and an empty needlebook. But at the bottom of the basket you find a tear in the lining that has been overlooked, where a small scissors has slipped inside. Tucking the bulky tool into a handy loop inside your cloak you make your way across the room to the fallen table.

The table has dumped its contents into the corner by the far door. You find a some kind of U-shaped curve of wooden tube that tapers into point, a bag of pungent herb you can't aren't familiar with, and something you've only heard of from travelers; a box of matches.

while you inspect your findings you hear a sound from behind the door. A muffled voice you can't quite make out, something about a book. Lights turn on in the hallway, creeping in through the slightly open doorway.
No. 1092696 ID: 273c18

No. 1092704 ID: f7b5e9

Try to hide behind the open door. As for the matches they can be used to burn this house. But do not use it yet, that would be the last case scenario.
No. 1092756 ID: 7c1f1c

This basket is so long disused that it may constitute a good hiding spot. If additional stealth is desired, you may be able to worm your way into the slit in the basket lining in which you found the scissors.

Don't lose track of Lisel. Best not to hide together, lest you both be discovered at once; but see where she is before seeking refuge yourself. When the coast is clear, try to reunite. Pilfer the matches, if you can hold them.

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1082765 No. 1082765 ID: dc13c4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Previous chapter


Discussion Thread

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No. 1092639 ID: ee21ec

How else are we supposed to trade? Plus we've got to get used to each other - we'd welcome human business in exchange. Well unless you have an improved idea of how to go about this? (Put simply it's a combo of 'well what did you expect' plus 'got better ideas of how to do this?' Should he object strongly enough we should concede it's optional.)
No. 1092644 ID: c5529d


We should also make it clear that it is entirely up to him on this decision, and really, he should take some time to give it some thought and when he comes to a decision, he should give his answer to Vance when he see's him. He doesn't have to decide right away.
No. 1092719 ID: ddc903

I agree with this idea.
No. 1092729 ID: f7b5e9
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) No it is not.

B) Yes it is.

C) It doesn't matter.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1092746 ID: 5ebd37

A) we should be ready enough, right?

Before we go, ask them if there's any details to the thefts that might give clues to how the cat operates. Like what sorts of things were stolen and from where.

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1038059 No. 1038059 ID: 629f2e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A mystery/horror quest about children uncovering the horrifying mysteries surrounding their small town.

THREAD 1: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1010078.html
THREAD 2: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1019132.html
THREAD 3B: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1038066.html
WIKI: https://questden.org/wiki/Perpetuity


And again, you see it all play out, reliving the mistakes exactly as you’d made them on that day. The performance of a tragedy...
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No. 1092368 ID: 471d74

It's almost definitely too late to ask questions, but... this is probably the last safe moment before it gets thrown out the window entirely.

"...What year is it?"

I don't think this exact line of thought will work, since he's already claimed there is no future. Maybe a bit literal of a way to put it, but with what little we have to work with, I think it would be wiser to throw it back at him in the context of Enid. The way I see it, "You threw away her future like they threw away yours. They don't have a chance to pay you back, but you do. What's it going to be, Giovanni?"

...I can feel that we're getting closer to finally understanding the meaning behind the word Perpetuity, and what it has to do with Cattenom.
It almost certainly has something to do with the Recycling Center and its "Waste-Free-Energy".
Where does that energy come from?
...Or so I say, but Temmie's noncommittal response about the recycling center makes it seem... not so important. At least, in the "grand scheme of things" she has planned out, us checking in the High School is a necessary act in comparison, which apparently requires as many of the kids as possible available, with a minimum of 6.
No. 1092731 ID: c6ae21

rolled 1 = 1

Okay, so here's the situation: Y'all did NOT get your stories straight. Everyone presented a different argument, with no crossover or support between them. The only unanimous point was that nobody suggested to let Enid or Roger handle convincing Sheppard, everyone wanted Clive to do so.

I am going to be generous, and factor in every argument given. With that in mind, I'm going to roll a d8. I'm breaking each of the 4 arguments provided down into 2 points. Ineffective arguments are two failures, partially effective are 1 success and 1 failure, wholly effective ones are 2 points of success.

Your overall score was 2 success points, 5 failure points, and 1 CRITICAL failure point.

On an 8 or 7, Clive will say something persuasive. On a 2-6, Clive will make as many points as he can, and they will be utterly ineffective. On a 1, Clive will stumble into the wrongest possible thing to say, and I will have to roll another die to determine if you'll be losing a Safety Net or not.

Let's see what the dice have to say...
No. 1092733 ID: c6ae21

rolled 1, 2 = 3

Yikes. That could have gone a lot better...

Alright, we are now going to roll to determine if you're going to need a Safety Net here or not. The determining factor is if one of two characters, Clive or somebody else, decide to intervene.

If the other person intervenes naturally, this situation will resolve with no major consequences beyond making more noise. If the first die rolled is a 3, this person will act.

There is a decent chance that Clive can silence his anxieties, and respond to the developing situation quickly. This would not be good for Clive's Fear AT ALL, but it would save Enid. If the second die lands on a 2 or 3, Clive will silence his emotions. This will not happen if the first die lands on a 3.

If neither of these happen, your Safety Net will be used to retcon the first die as landing on a 3.

Good luck...
No. 1092734 ID: c6ae21

Clive will resolve the situation himself, at the cost of a significant Fear penalty.

Your Safety Net remains.
No. 1092735 ID: 2ae7a5

You can do it, Clive

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1034777 No. 1034777 ID: 8483cf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Attention, duelists! It’s time for a massively multiversal Questden card tournament!

The quest will follow the duelists of Group A in their quest to win the grand prize: their heart’s deepest desire, to be granted by the host of the tournament.

Group A’s Duelists
Name, Author, Quest Title, Wiki Link)
- Lady Serah Kensington, Donut, Lazy Fairy, https://questden.org/wiki/Lazy_Fairy
- Enid Anderson and Franklin, Himitsu, Perpetuity, https://questden.org/wiki/Perpetuity
- The Mystery Duelist, Clockwork Seal, ???, https://questden.org/wiki/ClockworkSeal
- Carl Marks, tippler, Good Impression/Girl Talk/STAY INSIDE https://questden.org/wiki/Good_Impression

- Companionship (and Attendants), Donut, Mosaic, https://questden.org/wiki/Mosaic

Many thanks in advance to all the guest artists providing card art and depictions of duelists!
411 posts and 171 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1092713 ID: b3eab7

No. 1092715 ID: 62b4e3

No. 1092717 ID: 9f8647

No. 1092722 ID: 4c750c

B, most of the twins cards seem to be built around getting more cards on the field, and they don’t have any character stronger than the kraken, so the odds a character would have an effect that would save them seems low. A trap wouldn’t be able to be used this turn, so spell seems like the best choice here.
No. 1092723 ID: c5529d

agreed on this

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1078544 No. 1078544 ID: 7ae8e6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This is an NSFW Quest about sex, robots, and identity.

Welcome to the world.
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No. 1092701 ID: 9bbb0e

I am curious, too. I'm also curious enough to look up Bea, I mean these are public records. Just maybe not in front of her.
We could look up that inventor she likes and see what his deal is. That could give us some insights into the things she sees as important.

No. 1092711 ID: c61935

...could look her up once she goes off somewhere
No. 1092712 ID: 64faaa

yeah, this
No. 1092714 ID: c8380b

My guess is she knew another Jack model. Even if she didn't know us specifically, she's clearly attached to our line somehow. She needs to understand that we're an entirely different person and likely won't meet any expectations she has. If she insists, we wouldn't be opposed to getting to know her.
No. 1092721 ID: 8f9bc4

Yeah, she seems nice! Probably the sweetest person you've met so far. And she's not proposing marriage or anything; it's just lunch. You can get her trust by showing up, then you can say it seems like something is troubling her, and you won't hold it against her if it's about something you've forgotten. Or something like that.

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978305 No. 978305 ID: 2bd15b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

chapter 1 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/757996.html
chapter 2 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/777113.html
Discussion thread https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/107070.htm
Chapter 4 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/929115.html
Draw thread, where you can ask me to draw certain things

wiki https://tgchan.org/wiki/Root_and_Branches
1280 posts and 351 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1092090 ID: 4c474c
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No. 1092091 ID: d39f70

I am not against it, but I would want to see the qualifications of our new compatriot. And I would also want them to know what will be happening. There is a likelihood we are going into the proverbial lion’s den and to even get there, we must navigate what is quite literally and metaphorically a nest of vipers.

As for Threshold, I am disappointed at his departure. I knew he was green at this, but I understand his reasoning for leaving. Still, he showed great promise. If we succeed at this, I would give him a permanent contract and spot in my employment should he wish it.
No. 1092305 ID: de0eac
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No. 1092311 ID: e8116c

Interesting. Mr. Hopkins’ work ethic is admirable if perhaps self aggrandizing. Based on his experience I take it that handling and examining written documents and evidence is a specialty of his. Bring him in.

And yes Maya Din would be helpful but only if she is willing to accept.

A hypothesis for you all as well, is it possible that our Empathy Bird could help determine who is under protection or help find our possible compromised agents by examining their emotions? If they are acting out of character or having high emotions she might also be able to tell.
No. 1092703 ID: f7b5e9
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1083617 No. 1083617 ID: 6be2b4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

First time doing a quest, bear with me if I mess up. :)
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No. 1092691 ID: 273c18

((dear god Vax rolled so many 10s))

We don't see the yellow in your eyes anymore... I don't think we'll be able to do that again for a while, something tells me the yellow was an indicator of our power. Good thing we found out what the side effects are in a situation where you wouldn't die from passing out for a bit!

That was "primordial" magic, by the way. Hmm. Tell them you used a very powerful curse, but one you can end whenever you like, so no need to worry.

>seduce Evel’yee?
Uhm, that seems like kindof an awful thing to do while she's under your influence. I know the charm is a weak influence but still.
Once everyone's ready to go, we need to come up with a plan of taking out the final target(s), nonlethally. Look through Vax's stuff to see if he's got anything that will help. If Evel'yee wants some revenge tell her she can strip him down and put him in an embarrassing pose, but otherwise you want him alive and intact. Say you might need a sacrifice or something for whatever's in the box.
Is the scroll of paralyze expended?
No. 1092693 ID: eb0a9c

Divine favor. You only get that once a day, so don't depend on it.
No. 1092694 ID: 8f9bc4


OK so... you're out of spells, you're at death's door, whatever power was vested in us is gone, one of your two allies is going to kill you once the charm wears off, and Roderick has the box.

Your eyes are... very pretty!
No. 1092697 ID: a671e8

Keep the explanation vague. You still don't know the details, speculations could include incorrect assumptions and it may not be desirable for one of your two allies to understand your limitations. Tell her that it's still a form of magic, even if it's not in the same category, and it's durable but not permanent.

Now that you are less colorful and we got a moment of respire let's assess the situation. Inspect yourself, your allies and the prisoners with the magical detection specifically so we can look for anything that you can't see yourself. We shall compare observations.
Once that's done we can consider testing Mina's Protection from Evil. There are a few considerations to be discussed, so don't do it before talking with your allies. One of those considerations is the best candidate: there are pros and cons for each.

While I recommend not letting them know any of yours specific weakness, sharing your emotional vulnerability could help making them less worried about you being dangerous to them. You were scared, with good reason since you almost died, and you should let them know that the experience shook you and that you are grateful for their help.
Emphasis on their appreciation, that's important for moral. Explain how you thought you were alone is happy to have the support of others.

Next is Evel’yee. We need to know what we are dealing with and maybe work on some kind of emotional connection that isn't a temporary compulsion. What we want to understand is her motivations and the way she deal with problems. Those questions should be presented sparsely in the middle of a pleasant conversation, not an interview.
Wanting to know her better should be a sufficient explanation for the the conversation. You know how to butter someone up, don't you? Pay attention to what she say, show interest in the things she seem to enjoy and make follow up questions
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No. 1092699 ID: 2f41db

Thank goodness your ok.
Had me worried for a moment there slinky.

Theyre right uou know.
Your eyes are grey to us now.

A quick question.
Help with something ive been pondering...
Do you still feel the need to retrive yhe box as strongly as before?
Think on it a moment as you recover.

As to their question of what you did.
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1009279 No. 1009279 ID: 5fc3a0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

6 Months Later

33-67. The first of the preliminary polls came in, and people who want to stay in town outnumber us nearly an exact two to one.
623 posts and 208 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1092549 ID: 273c18

If you hug you're gonna get a tracking device attached to you. Buuut I guess that's fine, your extraction team should be able to handle it.
No. 1092557 ID: 8f9bc4

Why is she hugging you? Is that normal? Or is she trying to hi four you? Or perhaps it's a friendly invitation for a crotch grope? They're getting awfully touchy for people you just met...
No. 1092565 ID: 5ebd37

What's a tracking device between friends? Its not like they could have the tech to do so in a way the phenocosm won't immediately find.
No. 1092568 ID: fa3034

Give her a nod and a smile. Until next time.
No. 1092677 ID: 15a025

Return the hug, assume they're putting a tracker on you. Pretend for the memory they're not.

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1089578 No. 1089578 ID: 521475 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Despite some of you being complete strangers, you've all been seated together at a restaurant in Nexus, due to the law against dining alone after sundown. Some guy tried to sell you a memory crystal containing a treasure map.
A pretty lady at another table (who turned out to be dragon-blooded) bought him a drink (which turned out to contain yozi venom) and then, while he was dying, grabbed the crystal and ran off. Might want to be out of town before her employer realizes that one of you actually managed to boot it up first, and got a pretty good look at the map.
Site's over a thousand miles away, but most of that would be river travel, and there's an underground manse, so it should be easy enough to zero in on with geomantic surveying tools even if the map, or your memory or navigational skills, end up a few miles off-target.
If somebody's willing to pay for yozi venom (which is not cheap!) to cover it up, gotta be something seriously valuable out there.

Destination is ~800 mi southeast of Nexus as the crow flies, and half that far north-northeast of the ruins of Denandsor, right in the middle of rocky uplands between the headwaters of the Rolling River and a minor tributary of the Grey River.
So, you could take a more direct route up the Grey, but then face a longer trek overland,
or start by going up the Yellow past Great Forks and then turn south along the Rolling.
Or try something more complicated, to take advantage of esoteric travel options and/or throw off potential pursuit.

Houserule hub: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10VAUEYEqWYWcQ9gz4bk9uok8OkAIYl1cy50KEw2y75o
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No. 1092588 ID: 7ce054

rolled 6, 3, 7, 4, 1, 10, 2, 2, 8, 8, 10, 7, 4, 9, 4 = 85


OOC: Cha 3 + Performance 3 + Stone of Humble Glory 5 | appearance 9

Caitlyn pulls a frosty cold beer from beneath her cloak and sharply opens it with a slight hiss before taking a long sensuous sip from it, letting the light of the sun glimmer off her gleaming figure while making a show of being deeply refreshed.
"It sure is hot out here. Would anyone else like a cold beer?" She asked, inviting all those nearby to gather around her, particularly one Lyle La'rue.
No. 1092593 ID: 37a599

Woe will take a beer, and watch events unfold between the others.
No. 1092594 ID: 094811

Kisara also takes one, smiling.
“Thanks Caitlyn!”
She suddenly just hugs her, still smiling.
No. 1092603 ID: aa29a7

Cold signals for two of the large Wolfmen to assist as he grabs a cold drink from Caitlyn. With a deep draught he swallows it all before grabbing one of his trunks & hoist it over his shoulder

"Thanks for the drink Caitlyn, I am going topside to meet our celebrity crafter"

Cold then nods to the two large Wolfmen & lightly steps upon their open hands or them to give him a great heave upwards. Harnessing the power of his Exaltation, Cold feels the power surge to his limbs as he makes a mighty leap upward, clearing the pit & landing at the edge of the sinkhole. He puts his crate down & looks at Lyle la'Rue

"Well met! How fortunate you were wandering through this maze of thorns! How can we help each other?"

[OoC Cold activates leaps Strength + Athletics + Leaping specialty + 2 from assist x2 from Monkey Leap = 20]
No. 1092645 ID: 0e6df4

rolled 5, 7, 3, 3, 5, 4, 1, 5, 4, 10, 2, 1, 1, 6, 4, 8, 4, 6, 7, 10, 7, 10, 5, 3, 2, 9, 5, 7, 9, 6 = 159

Spinel blinks. "No need to apologize for my own ignorance; you can hardly be expected to have every spell at your disposal."

>if you can give me your word you are not, yourselves, agents of the Walker in Darkness
"I give my word that we do not serve any Deathlord."

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